Solved 2023 Question Paper CBSE Class 10 Computer Applications (165)


Solved 2023 Question Paper CBSE Class 10 Computer Applications (165)

Section A (1 mark each)

Question 1

Suhani asks her colleague for her project work and then copies the entire work and submits it to her team leader claiming it to be her own work. The act performed by Suhani is known as ............... .

  1. Phishing
  2. Plagiarism
  3. Spamming
  4. Virus



Reason — Plagiarism means using or imitating the language and thoughts of some other person and projecting that representation as to our original work.

Question 2

Which of the following is the correct expansion of SMS ?

  1. Small Message Service
  2. Small Multimedia Service
  3. Short Multimedia Service
  4. Short Message Service


Short Message Service

Reason — SMS stands for Short Message Service.

Question 3

Which of the following is an e-Shopping portal ?

  1. Diksha
  2. Swayam
  3. Flipkart
  4. NPTEL



Reason — Flipkart is an e-Shopping portal.

Question 4

Which of the following is not an e-Governance portal ?

  1. e-Aadhaar
  2. DigiLocker
  3. Sarathi
  4. Zomato



Reason — Zomato is an online food delivery application.

Question 5

The protocol that is used to send e-mails is ............... .

  1. HTTP
  2. POP
  3. SMTP
  4. FTP



Reason — SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for sending emails across the Internet.

Question 6

SFTP is used for :

  1. Sending Files over the Internet in a secure manner
  2. Sending Mail over the Internet in a secure manner
  3. Video Conferencing
  4. Secure Chat Services


Sending Files over the Internet in a secure manner

Reason — SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) uses SSH to transfer files and requires that the client be authenticated by the server.

Question 7

Which of the following is not an attribute of <img> tag in HTML ?

  1. source
  2. width
  3. alt
  4. color



Reason — color is not an attribute of <img> tag in HTML.

Question 8

HTML provides us with ............... levels of headings that can be inserted in a web page.

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8



Reason — HTML provides us with six levels of headings that can be inserted in a web page using h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 tags.

Question 9

Which of the following options is an INVALID attribute of <font> tag in HTML ?

  1. face
  2. width
  3. size
  4. color



Reason — width is an INVALID attribute of <font> tag in HTML.

Question 10

The default starting value for an ordered list in HTML is ............... .

  1. i
  2. 1
  3. a
  4. .



Reason — The default starting value for an ordered list in HTML is 1.

Question 11

Assertion (A) : MOOC helps geographically dispersed students to pursue any online course.
Reason (R) : MOOC is a free web-based distance learning program.

  1. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  2. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  3. Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
  4. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.


Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

Reason — Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) offer free online courses that anybody can take. It is a free web-based distance learning program.

Question 12

Assertion (A) : <br> is a container tag.
Reason (R) : HTML elements that have both opening and closing tags are considered container tags.

  1. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  2. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  3. Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
  4. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.


Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.

Reason — Assertion (A) is false as <BR> is an empty tag and it doesn't require a closing tag. Reason (R) is true as container tags in HTML have both opening and closing tags.

Section B (2 marks each)

Question 13

Write one difference between Chat and e-Mail service.


Using Chat, participants can exchange messages in real-time or near-real-time.In e-Mail, there can be a delay between sending a message and receiving a response.

Question 14(a)

What is e-Governance ? Write the names of any two services that can be provided using e-Governance.


e-Governance refers to the application of electronic means in governance with an aim of fulfilling the requirements of common man at affordable costs and in fastest possible time.

The names of any two services that can be provided using e-Governance are:

  1. Aadhaar.
  2. Passport.

Question 14(b)

What is Internet ? How can we retrieve information from the Internet ?


The Internet is a computer based world wide communications network, which is composed of large number of smaller interconnected networks.

The World Wide Web is a set of programs, standards and protocols that allow multimedia and hypertext files to be created, displayed and linked on the Internet. A web browser uses a search engine to access and retrieve the content available on World Wide Web.

Question 15

How can we embed audio in an HTML document ? Give an example to support your answer.


We can embed an audio in an HTML document by using the audio tag. To add an audio file named "ringtone.wav" we can use the following HTML code:

<SOURCE SRC = "ringtone.wav">
Your browser doesn't support AUDIO element.

Question 16(a)

Define Licensed Software. Write names of any two licensed software.


Licensed software refers to computer programs or applications that are sold to customers under a specific set of terms and conditions that dictate how the software can be used.

Two licensed software are Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite.

Question 16(b)

How can we reduce digital divide ? Give any two points.


We can reduce digital divide in the following ways:

  1. Steps should be taken to make digital devices and digital technologies more affordable.
  2. Internet infrastructure should be expanded with the aim to provide Internet access to the remotest parts of the country.

Question 17

How is CSS beneficial for web page development ? Give any two points.


CSS is beneficial for web page development in the following ways:

  1. CSS saves time as once a CSS is written, it can be attached to multiple HTML pages reducing website development time.
  2. CSS makes it easier to maintain and update a website.

Question 18(a)

Illustrate the use of the radio button input type on an HTML form with an appropriate code and the corresponding output.


HTML code for radio button is as follows:

Gender :
<LABEL FOR = "R1"> Male </LABEL> 
<LABEL FOR = "R2"> Female </LABEL> 
Gender :

Question 18(b)

Write the difference between <ol> and <ul> tags in HTML. Also write suitable examples of each to illustrate the difference.


Unordered listOrdered list
In an unordered list, each item is displayed with a bullet.In an ordered list, each item is displayed along with the numbers or letters instead of bullets.
<ul> and </ul> tags are used.<ol> and </ol> tags are used.
For example
<LI> Apples </LI>
<LI> Oranges </LI>
<LI> Grapes </LI>
For example
<LI> Apples </LI>
<LI> Oranges </LI>
<LI> Grapes </LI>
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Grapes
  1. Apples
  2. Oranges
  3. Grapes

Question 19

What is the difference between <br> tag and <p> tag in context of HTML ? Illustrate using suitable examples.


<P> tag<BR> tag
The paragraph tag helps to identify and separate paragraphs in an HTML document.The line break tag avoids blank spaces between the lines.
It is a container tag.It is an empty tag.
For example,
<P> This is paragraph 1. </P>
<P> This is paragraph 2. </P>
For example,
This is paragraph 1. <BR> This is paragraph 2. <BR>

This is paragraph 1.

This is paragraph 2.

This is paragraph 1.
This is paragraph 2.

Section C (3 marks each)

Question 20

How do Intellectual Property Rights provide protection to digital work? Write any two ways to avoid plagiarism.


Intellectual Property Rights lie with the owner and legally grant them the right to decide who all and in what form can use their digital work. These legal rights are granted through patents, copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications, etc. and they prevent others from using, copying, or distributing the work without permission.

Two ways to avoid plagiarism are:

  1. One must specify the source, which informs the reader about the basis of one's ideas and the extent of one's research.
  2. One should refer to several sources, understand the concept, and then pen down one's understanding of the topic.

Question 21

Consider the following URLs : — URL1 — URL2

(a) What is the difference between URL1 and URL2 ?

(b) Which of the two URLs will you prefer to use and why ?

(c) Expand www.


(a) URL1 uses the "https" protocol which makes the communication between the browser and the web server secure whereas URL2 uses the "http" protocol due to which this communication is not secure.

(b) I would prefer to use URL1 because it uses the "https" protocol that establishes a secure connection for encrypted data transmission between the server and the browser.

(c) World Wide Web.

Question 22(a)

Write the equivalent CSS code to set the following styles for a web page :

(i) Entire page background color should be yellow

(ii) Second level Heading properties should be as follows :

  • Text color should be Red
  • Left margin should be 25 px



body {
   background-color: yellow; 


h2 {
    color: red; 
    margin-left: 25px; 

Question 22(b)

(i) Write a CSS code to display the first level heading text as My School in Green color and center-aligned.

(ii) Write the CSS code to display the following paragraph below the above mentioned heading :

This is my School 
I study in class 12

The properties of the paragraph content should be as follows :

(I) Text color should be yellow

(II) Font size should be 25 px

(III) Font style should be bold


<H1 STYLE = "color: green; text-align: center; ">
My School
<P STYLE = "color: yellow; font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold; ">
This is my School  <BR>
I study in class 12

Question 23

Write the full form of the following protocols :


(b) TCP

(c) SSH


(a) HTTPS — HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

(b) TCP — Transmission Control Protocol

(c) SSH — Secure SHell

Section D (4 marks each)

Question 24(a)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for any four specifications out of the given six specifications.

Write HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. CBSE 2023 Computer Applications Code 165 Class 10 Question Paper Solved.

Specifications :

  • The background color of the page should be yellow and the text for the page should be in blue color.
  • Heading 'Home Services' should be the first level of heading.
  • The image named service.png should be placed on the web page.
  • Font size for the paragraph and the list of services should be 4 and Font face should be Verdana. Superscript tags should be used wherever required.
  • The services (as shown in the above web page) should be written with the help of the unordered list.
  • The bottom-most line of 'Queries :' should be a link to open the user's default mail client to send queries to the mentioned email id.


<H1> Home Services </H1>
<IMG SRC = "service.png" ALT = "image">
We are happy to provide you all help at your residence. 
Special discount offers from (1<SUP>st</SUP> May, 2022 to 30<SUP>th</SUP> June, 2022). 
Please contact us for the following services :
<LI> Maid/Servant (Cleaning) </LI>
<LI> Maid/Servant (Cooking) </LI>
<LI> Driver </LI>
<A HREF = ""> 

Question 24(b)

Write the HTML code to design the below shown web page titled 'Events' considering the specifications as given below. You can write the code for any four specifications out of the given six specifications.

Write HTML code to design the shown web page titled Events considering the specifications as given below. CBSE 2023 Computer Applications Code 165 Class 10 Question Paper Solved.

Specifications :

  • The background color of the page should be cyan, the font face for the page should be Arial.
  • Heading 'Events' should be the first level of heading.
  • Font size for the paragraph and the list of products should be 5.
  • The schedule (as shown in the above web page) should be written with the help of the numbered list. Superscript tags should be used wherever required.
  • The bottom-most lines of 'For any queries .....' and 'Phone : .....' should be in bold.
  • The contact email should be a link to open the user's default mail client to send queries to the mentioned email id.


<FONT SIZE = "5">
The following events are scheduled to be held on 1<SUP>st</SUP> April, 2023.
The timings are as follows : 
<LI> 9.00 AM — 10.00 AM Flag Hoisting </LI>
<LI> 10.00 AM — 11.00 AM Painting Competition </LI>
<LI> 11.00 AM — 12.30 PM Dance Competition </LI>
<LI> 12.30 PM — 1.30 PM Song competition </LI>
<LI> 1.30 PM — 2.00 PM Closing Ceremony </LI>
For any queries contact <A HREF = ""> </A> 
Phone : 9999999999 

Section E (4 mark each)

Question 25

Arif works in a school as a web designer. He has been assigned the task of uploading the calendar of holidays for the month of March. He was supposed to design an HTML table for the same.

Help him to complete the table with the right statements in the blanks. Observe the table and attempt any four questions (out of five) given after the table.

MARCH 2023
<title> </title>
<td colspan = ................ ><!- STATEMENT-1> MARCH 2023 </td>
................ <!- STATEMENT-2>
................ <!- STATEMENT-3>
<td	.................. = 2><!- STATEMENT-4> DATES </td>
<td> </td>
<td> .................. </td><!- STATEMENT-5>

(a) Write the attribute value to complete Statement-1 to achieve the output as given in the above table.

(b) Write the tag to complete Statement-2 to achieve the output as given in the above table.

(c) Write the attribute value to complete Statement-3 to achieve the output as given in the above table.

(d) Write the attribute name to complete Statement-4 to achieve the output as given in the above table.

(e) Write the appropriate answer for the blank given in Statement-5 to achieve the output as given in the above table.


(a) <td colspan = "8" > MARCH 2023 </td>

(b) <tr>

(c) </tr>

(d) <td rowspan = 2> DATES </td>

(e) <td> 14 </td>

Question 26

Rashmi is a student of ABC School. She has been provided with an email id from the school to use for all academic correspondences. She generally receives all her school's correspondences on this email.

One day she was working in the computer lab, and after her work was over, she forgot to logout of her email account. When she left the computer lab, her classmate, Prabhnoor sends objectionable emails from the same email id, to her teachers, so as to malign Rashmi.

Based on the given situation, attempt any four (out of five) fill-ups/questions given below :

(a) Prabhnoor has invaded ............... of Rashmi.

(b) Rashmi informs her class teacher about the incident. The teacher calls Prabhnoor and makes him aware of ............... , which is following ethical principles while working online.

(c) The teacher also advises all students never to share their ............... with anyone.

(d) Rashmi has learnt that she should always ............... of her email account once her work is complete.

(e) Prabhnoor is now aware of ethical practices to be followed while working over the Internet and decides to guide his friends and relatives about the same. Write any two points that Prabhnoor should advise them to do while working online.


(a) Prabhnoor has invaded the privacy of Rashmi.

(b) Rashmi informs her class teacher about the incident. The teacher calls Prabhnoor and makes him aware of cyber ethics, which is following ethical principles while working online.

(c) The teacher also advises all students never to share their login details with anyone.

(d) Rashmi has learned that she should always logout of her email account once her work is complete.

(e) Two points Prabhnoor should advise his friends and relatives to do while working online are:

  1. Use strong, unique passwords for different online accounts to enhance security.
  2. Never share sensitive information such as password, ATM Pin, Credit Card Number, locker number, etc. with anyone through e-mails, messages or any other means over the Internet.