Sample Question Paper


Sample Question Paper


Question 1

............... is software that may not be freely used, modified, distributed, and is restricted by conditions predefined by its publisher, vendor, or developer.

  1. Propriety Software
  2. Closed Source Software
  3. Open Source Software
  4. Licenced Software


Proprietary software

Reason — Proprietary software is a copyrighted software. This software may not be freely used, modified, distributed, and is restricted by conditions predefined by its publisher, vendor, or developer.

Question 2

Which of these is an example of an e-reservation website?



Reason — IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation) is a popular website that allows users to make electronic reservations for train tickets and related services.

Question 3

Which one of the following is a well-known free e-mail service?



Reason — Gmail is a widely used email service provided by Google and is known for its free email accounts. Flipkart, Amazon and Myntra are online shopping platforms.

Question 4

Which of these is a standard Internet Protocol for exchanging files between two or more computers on the internet over TCP/IP protocols?

  1. SMTP
  2. MMS
  3. FTP
  4. HTTP



Reason — FTP (File Transfer Protocol) uses TCP/IP protocols to upload or download files to our computers from other sources.

Question 5

Choose the most appropriate statement which best represents the use of e-governance.

  1. Online service where government offers services to citizens
  2. Used for reservation of tickets
  3. Selling of products online by government
  4. Sending messages to citizens


Online service where government offers services to citizens

Reason — E-governance offers citizens easy online access to government services and information.

Question 6

Choose the service that allows you to include multimedia content along with messages.

  1. SMS
  2. MMS
  3. FTP
  4. HTTP



Reason — Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) enables users to send text messages along with multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio to other mobile devices.

Question 7

Which of the following protocols allows you to retrieve e-mails from a remote server using a local account?

  1. FTP
  2. HTTP
  3. POP3
  4. STTP



Reason — Post Office Protocol version 3 is a standard email protocol which allows users to download emails from the server to their devices for offline reading.

Question 8

............... is the correct HTML element for playing an audio file.

  1. mp3
  2. sound
  3. audio
  4. voice



Reason<audio> is the correct HTML element for playing an audio file.

Question 9

Which tag can Misha use to draw a line in her HTML page?

  1. <br>
  2. <HR>
  3. <line>
  4. <ruler>



Reason — Misha can use <HR> tag to draw a line in her HTML page.

Question 10

Help Anju choose the correct HTML code to generate a numbered list, with numbering starting from capital letter C.

  1. <OL TYPE="a" START="A">
  2. <OL TYPE="A" START="3">
  3. <OL TYPE="a" BEGIN="A">
  4. <UL TYPE="A" START ="l">



Reason — To generate a numbered list starting from "C", we can use the following HTML code:


Here, Type attribute specifies the type of numbering i.e. "A" and Start attribute specifies the starting value i.e. "3".

Question 11

Assertion (A): The head section of HTML defines the overall basic layout of an HTML document.

Reason (R): The title section contains the text and other content included in a web page that is displayed in its browser view.

  1. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true,and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  2. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  3. Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
  4. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.


Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.

Reason — The head section of HTML contains character set, styles and links to external resources that defines the overall basic layout of an HTML document.
The body section and not the title section contains the text and other content included in a web page that is displayed in its browser view.

Question 12

Assertion (A): A web browser acts as an interface between a user and the World Wide Web.

Reason (R): A user can navigate files, folders, and websites using links on the web pages created with HTML.

  1. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  2. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  3. Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
  4. Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.


Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).

Reason — Assertion (A) is true because a web browser serves as the user's interface to access and interact with the World Wide Web.

Reason (R) is also true and provides a correct explanation of Assertion (A). A user can indeed navigate files, folders, and websites using links on web pages created with HTML.

Section B (2 marks each)

Question 13

What is e-learning? State an advantage of e-learning.


Electronic Learning refers to a wide range of applications and processes, designed to provide guidance and/or deliver information to students, faculties, or employees of the companies through electronic means.

One significant advantage of e-learning is Flexibility. Learners can access educational content and participate in courses at their own pace and convenience.

Question 14(i)

Write any two disadvantages of mobile banking.


Two disadvantages of mobile banking are:

  1. Mobile banking is susceptible to various security threats, including hacking, phishing, and malware attacks.
  2. Technical glitches and system outages can disrupt access to the accounts, make transactions impossible, or cause delays in payments.

Question 14(ii)

Write any two advantages of social networking.


Two advantages of social networking are:

  1. It is easier to connect with friends, families, classmates, customers, and clients in today's fast-paced life.
  2. Companies and artists get a platform to promote and market themselves and their products on a large platform.

Question 15

What is the Digital India movement? Give an example of a service provided under this initiative.


Digital India movement, launched on July 1, 2015 by the honourable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, aims to elevate India's technological status and offer online services to its citizens.
E.g. Aadhaar

Question 16(i)

"Intellectual property rights are the legal property rights of people over their creation". Mention any two types of Intellectual property rights.


Two types of Intellectual property rights are:

  1. Industrial Property.
  2. Copyright.

Question 16(ii)

"Privacy is defined as the right to control what happens with your personal information". Mention two ways to limit your data exposure online.


Two ways to limit our data exposure online are:

  1. Check if the website URL has "https:" and a padlock icon next to it, indicating that it is a secure website, before entering payment details into any site.
  2. Select the privacy clauses that restrict online retailers to share our personal information with other businesses.

Question 17

"Radio buttons let a user select one of a limited number of choices". Give an example showing the use of a radio button in HTML forms.


An example showing the use of a radio button in HTML form is as follows:

Gender :
<LABEL FOR = "R1"> Male </LABEL> 
<LABEL FOR = "R2"> Female </LABEL> 
<INPUT TYPE = "SUBMIT" NAME = "Process Order" VALUE = "Submit" /> 
<INPUT TYPE = "RESET" NAME = "Clear" VALUE = "Reset" /> 

Question 18(i)

Write the difference between the colspan and rowspan attributes of an HTML table and give one example of each.


Differences between Colspan and Rowspan attributes of a table are:

1.COLSPAN is used to combine the cells horizontally. It specifies the number of columns that the cells span across and shows them as a single cell.ROWSPAN is used to combine the cells vertically. It merges the number of cells vertically and displays them as a single cell.
2.E.g. <TD Colspan = "4"> where 4 is the number of columns that the cells span across.E.g. <TD Rowspan = "3"> where 3 is the number of rows that the cells span across.

Question 18(ii)

Giving examples, write the difference between a text box and a drop-down list.


TextboxDrop-down list
1.A Textbox allows a user to enter alphanumeric data that is a combination of characters and numbers.A drop-down list displays a list of options from which the user can select an item.
2.For eg,
For eg,
Gender: <FORM>

Question 19

"CSS comprises of style rules that are interpreted by the browser and then applied to the corresponding elements in your document." Illustrate the use of Property and Value style rules in CSS.


Property defines how the elements with distinctive styles should look on the web page. For example, Font-family, color, background, border, etc.

Values are assigned to properties. For example, the value of font-family property can have font names like Monotype Corsiva, Times New Roman, Arial,etc.

Consider the following example in which the paragraph is to be displayed in blue color and the font is Arial:

Font-family: Arial; Color: Blue;

Section C (3 marks each)

Question 20

"Open Source refers to something that is publicly accessible, and therefore, can be modified and shared by anyone." What is open source software? Write the difference between open source and free software.


Open source software is the software, whose source code is freely available and which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well. For example, Linux.

Difference between open source and free software:

Open Source SoftwareFree Software
1.Open source software refers to software whose source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute the code.Free software refers to software that respects users' freedoms.
2.Open source emphasizes the practical benefits of transparency, collaboration, and the ability to modify and distribute software freely.Free software emphasizes the philosophical and ethical aspects of software freedom focusing on users' rights to control and modify the software they use.
3.Open source software can be released under various licenses, some of which are more permissive like BSD, MIT, Apache 2.Free software adheres to specific licenses like the GNU General Public License (GPL) that ensures users' freedoms.

Question 21

Hyperlinks are the highlighted text segments or images that connect to other pages on the web. Based on this, answer the following questions:

a. Which tag is used to create a hyperlink and the attribute used to specify the path of the document to be linked?

b. Give an example of how an image "hello.jpg" can be used as a hyperlink.

c. What are internal links and external links in HTML?


a. The anchor tag <A> is used to create a hyperlink. The Href attribute is used to specify the path of the document to be linked.

b. Example of using image as a hyperlink:

<A href="">
  <IMG src="hello.jpg" alt="Hello Image">

In this example, when a user clicks on the "hello.jpg" image, it will act as a hyperlink and take them to the "" web page.


  1. Internal Links — When one part of a web page is linked to another section of the same page, it is called an internal link. For example,
    <A HREF = "#section2"> Jump to Section 2 </A>
    Here, the "#" symbol followed by "section2" refers to an internal link within the same page to a section with the name "section2."

  2. External Links — When one page is linked to another web page or website, it is called external linking. For example,
    <A HREF = ""> Visit Example Website </A>
    Here, the hyperlink points to an external website, "," which is outside the current website's domain.

Question 22(i)

Write the equivalent inline CSS for the following:

a. <body bgcolor="blue">

b. <p style="color:blue;">Example</p>


a. <body style="background-color: blue;">

b. <p style="color: blue;">Example</p>

Question 22(ii)

a. Write an external CSS code snippet to set the colour of the web page as pink.

b. Write an inline CSS code to set the Font size for a paragraph as 15.


a. An external CSS code snippet to set the colour of the web page as pink is as follows:

background-color: pink;

b. An inline CSS code to set the Font size for a paragraph as 15 is as follows:

<P style="font-size: 15px;"> ...content... </P>

Question 23

Karan has recently started working as a content writer. Suggest the steps he can take to avoid plagiarism.


The steps Karan can take to avoid plagiarism are:

  1. Karan must specify the sources which he referred to while writing the content that will inform the readers about the basis of his ideas and the extent of his research.
  2. Karan should refer to several sources, understand the concept, and then pen down his understanding of the topic.
  3. Karan must use quotation marks around all the quoted words to avoid plagiarism.

Section D (4 marks each)

Question 24(i)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for any four specifications out of the given five.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown, considering the specifications that follow. Sample Paper, Computer Applications Code 165 Kips Cyber Beans Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Specification 1: Heading of the web page should be "Project Tiger". The links in the page should be green, active links should be pink, and visited links should be orange.

Specification 2: The image "tiger.jpg" is to be inserted below the heading.

Specification 3: The table consists of 6 rows and 2 columns and has border size as 2.

Specification 4: The column heading "Success of the Project Tiger Mission" occupies two columns.

Specification 5: In the last line, "Join the mission!" should be a link to the website "".


Project Tiger
<H3 ALIGN = "CENTER"> Project Tiger </H3>
<TH COLSPAN = "2"> Success of the Project Tiger Mission</TH>
<TH> Year </TH>
<TH> Number of Tigers</TH>
<TD> 2006 </TD>
<TD> 1411</TD>
<TD> 2010</TD>
<TD> 1706</TD>
<TD> 2014</TD>
<TD>2226 </TD>
<TD>2018 </TD>
<TD>2967 </TD>
<A HREF = "https://PROJECTTIGER.COM"><B>Join the Mission!</B></A>

Question 24(ii)

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. You can write the code for any four specifications out of the given five.

Write the HTML code to design the web page as shown below, considering the specifications that follow. Sample Paper, Computer Applications Code 165 Kips Cyber Beans Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Specification 1: The heading "Types of Artificial Intelligence" should be a third level heading and the background colour of the page should be aqua.

Specification 2: The page should consist of a list and data as shown in the image.

Specification 3: A video "AItypes.mp4" should be embedded below the list.

Specification 4: The video should have controls to enable the user to play it, manage the volume, etc.

Specification 5: The last line "Click the play button to view more information about Artificial Intelligence" should be inserted as a paragraph.


Types of Artificial Intelligence
<H3> Types of Artificial Intelligence </H3>
<DT> Artificial Narrow Intelligence </DT>
<DD> Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is an AI system that can perform narrowly defined specific tasks and thus has narrow capabilities. </DD>
<DT> Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)</DT>
<DD> AGI, also known as strong AI, can learn any intellectual task that a human can. </DD>
<DT> Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)</DT>
<DD> Artificial Super Intelligence will surpass human intelligence and will be able to perform any task better than a human.</DD>
<VIDEO Controls SRC = "AITypes.mp4"> </VIDEO>
<P> Click the play button to view more information about Artificial Intelligence </P>

Section E (4 marks each)

Question 25

Case Study 1

Consider the code created by Snehal for the web page. Write the tag to complete Statement 1. Write the suitable option for the blank given in Statement 2. Sample Paper, Computer Applications Code 165 Kips Cyber Beans Solutions CBSE Class 10.

Consider the following code created by Snehal for the given web page:

<Head><Title> Form Elements<...............></Head> --- Statement 1
<............... bgcolor=" lightCyan ">  --- Statement 2
<INPUT Type= "Text" Name= "Name" Size= 30 Value=""> 
<INPUT Type= "..............." Name= "code" Size=30 Value="">  --- Statement 3
<P>Course interested in:</P>
<INPUT Type="..............." Name= "HTML" Value= "HTML"/> HTML   --- Statement 4a
<INPUT Type="..............." Name= "PYTHON" Value= "PYTHON" >PYTHON   --- Statement 4b
<INPUT Type="..............." Name= "C++" Value= "C++" >    --- Statement 4c
<p> To upload your identity proof click <................>=""></a></p>
-	Statement 5

Based on the given information, answer the questions:

a. Write the tag to complete Statement 1.

b. Write the suitable option for the blank given in Statement 2.

c. Write the appropriate answer for the blank given in Statement 3, such that the input is masked while the user enters the form.

d. Write the appropriate answer for the blank given in Statement 4a, 4b, and 4c to display the input elements as shown in the web page.

e. Write the appropriate answer for the blank given in Statement 5 to show the link of the web page.


a. </title>

b. <BODY>

c. <INPUT Type= "PASSWORD" Name= "code" Size=30 Value="">

<INPUT Type="CHECKBOX" Name= "HTML" Value= "HTML"/> HTML
<INPUT Type="CHECKBOX" Name= "C++" Value= "C++" >

e. <p> To upload your identity proof click <a href=""></a></p>

Question 26

Case Study 2

Poonam placed an order for some branded shoes from a freshly launched online shopping site during a festival sale. After she received the product, she realised it was just a fake copy of the original brand. Poonam called up the helpline number of the online shopping site but was told that there is a no-returns policy for shoes. Poonam realises that she should have taken precautions before placing an order for a product online.

Based on the given information, answer the questions given below. Attempt any four questions.

a. Which type of cybercrime is Poonam a victim of?

b. Why is there an increase in online frauds?

c. State at least two precautions that Poonam should have taken to prevent the fraud.

d. Name any two types of frauds that take place while shopping online.

e. Mention any two ways to prevent frauds while shopping online.


a. Poonam is a victim of Counterfeit Product Fraud, which involves receiving fake or imitation goods instead of genuine products as advertised.

b. There is an increase in online frauds because of the following reasons:

  1. Ambiguity — Since the transaction does not happen face-to-face, the identity of the parties is easily concealed and is hard to verify.
  2. Hacking — It is relatively easy for hackers to steal information and fraudsters to buy that information in the online black market.
  3. Legal Loophole — The law has been unable to keep up with online crimes. It is relatively difficult to track, identify, and prove the crime and the identity of the criminal.

c. Two precautions that Poonam should have taken to prevent the fraud are as follows:

  1. Poonam should have thoroughly researched the online shopping site and the seller's reputation by checking for customer reviews, ratings, and any negative feedback.
  2. She should have reviewed the return and refund policy of the website before making a purchase to ensure she could return or exchange the product if it didn't meet her expectations.

d. Two types of frauds that take place while shopping online are:

  1. Misleading Product Listing.
  2. Unfriendly Return Policy.

e. Two ways to prevent frauds while shopping online are:

  1. Shop from Reputable Websites — Stick to well-known and trusted online retailers to reduce the risk of receiving counterfeit or fake products.
  2. Use Secure Payment Methods — Opt for secure payment options like credit cards, PayPal, or digital wallets, which often provide fraud protection.