Internet Basics


Internet Basics

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

A ............... is a document commonly written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) that is hosted on the Internet.

  1. Domain
  2. Web page
  3. URL
  4. None of these


Web page

Reason — A web page is a document commonly written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) that is hosted on the Internet.

Question 2

Name the component that denotes the global address of the documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.

  1. Web Page
  2. Blog
  3. URL
  4. None of these



Reason — The Uniform Resource Locator denotes the global address of web documents and web resources.

Question 3

Name the online platform that is an easy-to-create website, consisting of a signed and dated log of individual posting.

  1. Blog
  2. Website
  3. Domain
  4. None of these



Reason — Blog is an online platform that is an easy-to-create website, consisting of a signed and dated log of individual posting.

Question 4

Name the system that allows one to send and receive letters and attachments.

  1. Chat
  2. E-mail
  3. Web Portal
  4. None of these



Reason — E-mail is an electronic messaging system that allows one to send and receive letters and attachments in real time.

Question 5

What is the name of character-based addressing system?

  1. DNS
  2. URL
  3. DSN
  4. None of these



Reason — Domain Name System is a character-based addressing system.

Question 6

Name the system that aids in managing the content of a website.

  1. CMS
  2. http
  3. https
  4. None of these



Reason — A Content Management System aids in managing the content of a website. It helps the author in creating, designing, and modifying the content of a website.

Question 7

The content of a web page is made up of ............... .

  1. Graphics
  2. Text
  3. Hypertext and Hyperlinks
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — The content of a web page is made up of hypertext, hyperlinks, text and graphics.

Question 8

Which server is commonly used for hosting our websites or can be used for hosting files, images, games, and similar contents?

  1. Application Server
  2. Web Server
  3. Internet Server
  4. None of these


Web Server

Reason — A web server is commonly used for hosting our websites or can be used for hosting files, images, games, and similar contents.

Question 9

Which one of these is an extension of International organisations?

  1. .net
  2. .ins
  3. .int
  4. None of these



Reason — .int is an extension of International organisations.

Question 10

The ............... is responsible for the right delivery of the data over the Internet.

  1. IP
  2. TCP
  3. FTP
  4. None of these



Reason — The Internet Protocol (IP) is responsible for the right delivery of the data over the Internet.

Question 11

What is the last part of a URL called?

  1. Path
  2. Scheme
  3. Domain
  4. None of these



Reason — Path is the last part of a URL which denotes the actual location of a web resource.

Question 12

HTTPS protocol encrypts the information or data using the ............... .

  1. Transport Layer Security
  2. Layer Security Transport
  3. Layer Transport Security
  4. None of these


Transport Layer Security

Reason — HTTPS protocol encrypts the information or data using the Transport Layer Security.

Question 13

Which one of these is an extension of information domain ............... .

  1. .net
  2. .info
  3. .ins
  4. .int



Reason — .info is an extension of information domain.

Question 14

Full form of FTP is ............... .

  1. Fast Transfer Protocol
  2. File Transfer Protocol
  3. Full Transfer Protocol
  4. File Transit Protocol


File Transfer Protocol

Reason — Full form of FTP is File Transfer Protocol.

Question 15

HTML uses ............... tags.

  1. Pre defined
  2. User defined
  3. Both a and b
  4. All of these


Pre defined

Reason — HTML uses pre-defined tags.

Question 16

A software used to open web pages on the Internet is called a ............... .

  1. Surfer
  2. Portal
  3. Browser
  4. Provider



Reason — A software used to open web pages on the Internet is called a browser.

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1

A ............... of computers can consist of two or more computers that can connect and share information.


A network of computers can consist of two or more computers that can connect and share information.

Question 2

WWW is an acronym for ............... .


WWW is an acronym for World Wide Web.

Question 3

The web uses the ............... protocol for the transfer of the web pages over the Internet.


The web uses the Hypertext Transfer protocol for the transfer of the web pages over the Internet.

Question 4

A person who uses the Internet uses a software known as a ............... to request for a document or a web page located on the web.


A person who uses the Internet uses a software known as a web browser to request for a document or a web page located on the web.

Question 5

A ............... is a program that runs on a machine and is meant to provide services to the machines (clients) connected to it.


A server is a program that runs on a machine and is meant to provide services to the machines (clients) connected to it.

Question 6

A ............... is a computer system which uses a network to access a remote service from the server.


A client is a computer system which uses a network to access a remote service from the server.

Question 7

A ............... is a type of server which is responsible for providing web content.


A web server is a type of server which is responsible for providing web content.

Question 8

The ............... has designed a system to provide a unique address to each computer in the form of numbers or characters.


The ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has designed a system to provide a unique address to each computer in the form of numbers or characters.

Question 9

............... have all the elements of your website which may include images, documents, templates, and HTML files.


Site files have all the elements of your website which may include images, documents, templates, and HTML files.

Question 10

The rules, which determine how the data should be transferred over the networks, compressed, and presented on the screen, etc., are called ............... .


The rules, which determine how the data should be transferred over the networks, compressed, and presented on the screen, etc., are called protocol.

Question 11

............... protocol is widely used for secure communication on the Internet.


HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) protocol is widely used for secure communication on the Internet.

Question 12

............... protocol determines how different programs exchange data over the Internet.


Hypertext Transfer protocol determines how different programs exchange data over the Internet.

Question 13

Usenet stands for ............... .


Usenet stands for User's Network.

Question 14

A ............... is an online discussion forum where remotely connected users share and discuss a particular topic.


A newsgroup is an online discussion forum where remotely connected users share and discuss a particular topic.

State True or False

Question 1

The Internet works independently of the World Wide Web.



Reason — The Internet is the overarching network infrastructure, while the World Wide Web is one of the many services that utilize the Internet for information and content delivery. They are related but distinct concepts, with the Internet serving as the foundation for various online services, including the World Wide Web (WWW).

Question 2

The Internet is administered by the HTTP.



Reason — The Internet is not administered by HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is just one of the protocols used on the Internet, specifically for transmitting hypertext and multimedia content on the World Wide Web (WWW).

Question 3

A web page is a document commonly written in HTML.



Reason — HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages and is used to structure the content of a web page, define its layout, and incorporate elements like text, images, links, and multimedia.

Question 4

A website is a collection of publicly accessible interlinked web pages.



Reason — A website is a collection of publicly accessible interlinked web pages, containing related information, hosted on a web server under a single domain name.

Question 5

The www denotes the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.



Reason — The Uniform Resource Locator denotes the global address of the documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.

Question 6

A web portal is an easy-to-create website, which consists of a signed and dated log of individual posting.



Reason — A blog is an easy-to-create website, which consists of a signed and dated log of individual posting.

Question 7

Dynamic content refers to web content that is generated based on the viewer's request and preferences.



Reason — Dynamic content refers to web content that is generated based on the viewer's request and preferences. The content will change if another user views it at the same time, or the same user views the web page at a different time.

Question 8

HTTP allows access to user files.



Reason — HTTP itself is not designed for direct access to user files. It is primarily used for transferring and displaying web pages.

Question 9

In HTTP, the information or data flows from server to browser in an encrypted form.



Reason — In HTTPS, the information or data flows from server to browser in an encrypted form.

Question 10

A blogger is someone who blogs or writes content for a blog.



Reason — Bloggers create and maintain blogs to share their thoughts, expertise, or interests with an online audience.

Question 11

Readers cannot add comments to a blogger's postings.



Reason — The ability for readers to add comments is a common feature on many blogs, and it promotes interaction and engagement between the blogger and their audience.

Question 12

Micro-blogging is another category of blogs that comprises of short entries or updates about the routine tasks of an individual or a company.



Reason — In micro-blogging, the focus is on short and frequent updates about the routine tasks, thoughts, or activities of an individual or a company.

Answer in One Word or a Sentence

Question 1

Name the gateway to a wide range of Internet services.


Web Portal

Question 2

Which component of the URL tells the browser where the resource, i.e., the site is located on the Internet?



Question 3

Which code contains instructions about the layout and structure of the web page?


Source Code

Question 4

Name any one language that is used for creating dynamic content.



Question 5

Name the basic unit of a website written in HTML and hosted on the Internet.


Web Page

Question 6

Name the type of the browser that is designed to render content in the form of pictures, audios, videos, animations, and texts.


GUI Browser

Question 7

Which type of browser demands low bandwidth for displaying content?


Text based Browser

Question 8

Name the protocol used by Usenet.


Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

Question 9

What are markup indicators often called?



Question 10

Which category of blogs is used by the professionals or companies to let their customers or clients know about their upcoming products and the progress being made on some projects?


Company blog

Question 11

Write full forms for the following:

a. ISP



a. ISP — Internet Service Provider

b. HTML — Hypertext Markup Language

Question 12

Name any two Internet protocols.


  1. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  2. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

Discuss the components of a URL with an example.


The components of the URL are as follows:

  1. The Scheme — This is the first part of a web address, also known as the protocol identifier. It tells the Internet browser which protocol needs to be followed to access the address.
  2. The Host — The second part of the web address identifies the host. The host starts typically with "www", which indicates the World Wide Web. This tells the browser where the resource, i.e., the site is located on the Internet.
  3. The Domain — A domain name follows the host. It is the unique name given to each website. The domain name consists of two parts — one is the name of the domain, and the other is the web (or domain) extension. A web extension tells the kind of organisation and the country it belongs to.
  4. The Path — This is the last part of the URL. The path tells the browser regarding the file to be used from the domain directory.

Let us consider an example URL —

In the given example, the different components of a URL are as follows:

Scheme — https://
Host — www
Domain —
Path — india-glance/states-india

Question 2

What is Dynamic content?


Dynamic content refers to web content that is generated based on the viewer's request and preferences. The content will change if another user views it at the same time, or the same user views the web page at a different time. It is appropriate for displaying user-specific information, e.g., shopping cart, or live information like news and weather updates.

Question 3

What is the difference between web portal and website?


The difference between web portal and website are as follows:

FeaturesWeb PortalWebsite
DefinitionA web portal is a gateway to a wide range of Internet services.A website is a collection of related web pages containing images, videos, or other digital media set under the same domain name.
AuthenticationIt requires authentication measures like login and provides information accordingly. For example, and rediffmail.comNo authentication is required. Anyone can see the content. For example, and
PersonalisationIt provides focussed and personalised information.A website provides extensive content to fulfil the needs of a wide range of users. A user can access and use the provided information as per his desire.
CustomisationA user can select and organise the content he wants to access.The content is searchable, but not customisable.
LinkageIt is generally linked to various websites that provide the relevant web services.It is generally linked to its own webpages.
ExamplesUniversity or Company website, search engines.,,

Question 4

What is a Newsgroup? What role does a Newsreader program play in using a Newsgroup?


A Newsgroup is an online discussion forum where remotely connected users share and discuss a particular topic. The users/subscribers can exchange text messages, images, videos, and other digital media.

The newsreader program runs on the user's computer and is utilized to both read and post these messages by connecting to a news server on the Internet.

Question 5

Define markup languages. Give an example of a markup language.


Markup languages are designed to create an appropriate markup scheme for an electronic document or web page. The language specifies the code for formatting, both the layout and style, within a text file.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is an example of markup language.

Question 6

What are the different structural components of a web page? Answer briefly.


The different structural components of a web page are as follows:

  1. Title bar — It displays the title of the current web page.
  2. Menu or Navigational links — These are the hyperlinks used to move between linked pages of the website.
  3. Header Area — It contains the company and logo, relevant text and search box.
  4. Content Area — It contains the main content of the web page.
  5. Footer Area — It contains copyright notices, website contact information, and privacy statements.

Question 7

What is a protocol?


There are specific rules, which determine how the data should be transferred over the networks, compressed, presented on the screen, and so on. These sets of rules are called Protocols.

Question 8

What is TCP/IP?


TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It is the basic communication protocol of the Internet.

TCP/IP is a two-layer program. The higher layer, TCP, manages the breaking down and assembling of the data, whereas the lower layer, IP, is responsible for the accurate delivery of the data over the Internet.

Question 9

Write a brief note on any three different types of blogs.


Three different types of blogs are:

  1. Personal blog — This is the most common and popular type of blog. It is a journal or diary that is on the Internet. Personal blog encompasses personal views on any chosen subject like health, politics, travel, etc.
  2. News and Views blog — This type of blog is normally used by the journalists to post factual stories and views about the latest events.
  3. Non-profit blog — This category incorporates the non-profit organisations which use blogging to create awareness and raise money for their cause.

Question 10

Name any two popular web browsers.


Two popular web browsers are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Question 11

What is WWW?


The WWW (World Wide Web) commonly known as the Web, is a way of accessing information over the Internet. It contains millions of documents called Web Pages. Each page contains text, graphics, video, audio and links to other webpages via hyperlinks. The web uses the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) protocol for the transfer of these documents over the Internet.

Question 12

Write web extensions given to the sites of the following types of organisations:

a. Network organisations

b. Government agencies


The web extensions given to the sites of the following types of organisations are :

a. Network organisations — .net

b. Government agencies — .gov

Question 13

Why is Internet called "Network of networks"?


The Internet is called the "Network of networks" because it is a global infrastructure that connects numerous smaller networks, allowing them to communicate and share information with one another, creating a vast interconnected web of networks worldwide.

Question 14

Expand the following acronyms:

a. ISP

b. URL


a. ISP — Internet Service Provider

b. URL — Uniform Resource Locator

Question 15

How are hypertext and http related?


Hypertext refers to a digital text that has a unique feature of linking to other documents or web pages. It is a system in which different types of documents/files, such as images, sound effects, and text are linked to each other. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the standard protocol used by the World Wide Web which is responsible for accessing hypertext documents on the world wide web.

Question 16

How are an email address and URL different from each other? Explain with a suitable example.


An email address and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) differ from each other in the following ways:

Email AddressURL
It is a unique electronic address from where e-mails can be sent or received.The Uniform Resource Locator denotes the global address of web documents and web resources.
An e-mail address consists of two parts - a Username and a Domain Name, separated by the @ ('at') symbol.A URL consists of four parts — scheme, host, domain and path.
We always use an '@' symbol in an e-mail address.We don't use an '@' symbol in a URL.
For example,, example,,

Application Based Questions

Question 1

Ishaan is confused between the terms web page and website. Help him in understanding the difference between both.


The differences between a web page and website are as follows:

Web PageWebsite
A web page is a basic unit of every website.A website is a collection of web pages, connected by links.
A web page contains information on a specific topic.A website contains information on a subject.
A web page can be compared with a single page of a book.We can compare a website with a book.
The several web pages of a website can be About Us, Contact Us, Testimonials, Products, Services, FAQs, etc.A website may just have a homepage or it may have other internal web pages in addition to the home page.
Each web page is identified by a unique web address called Uniform Resource Locator (URL) within a domain.A website has all its web pages accessible via the same domain name.

Question 2

In the URL,

what is the:

i. http component?

ii. www.discoveryadventures component?

iii. .com component?


i. http is the scheme component of the URL.

ii. In 'www.discoveryadventures', 'www' is the host component and 'discoveryadventures' is the domain name component.

iii. .com is the domain extension component.

Question 3

Use the keywords given below to complete the paragraph:

(Browser, Website, Web pages, Web address)

Meghna wants to access Internet. She opens the ............... and then types the ............... of the ............... which consists of multiple ............... .


Meghna wants to access Internet. She opens the browser and then types the web address of the website which consists of multiple web pages.