Unit 1 — Unsolved Examination Questions


Unit 1 — Unsolved Examination Questions

Solutions of Unsolved Examination Questions

Question 1(a)

Explain the term "Downloading from Internet."


The term "Downloading from Internet" means the process of transferring files from a net server onto one's local machine.

Question 1(b)

Give the full form of the following terms :

(i) WWW

(ii) FTP.


(i) WWW — World Wide Web

(ii) FTP — File Transfer Protocol

Question 1(c)

Explain briefly Chat in computer terms.


Chat is online textual conversation wherein the message typed by the sender is instantly made available to the recipient and vice versa.

Question 2(a)

What is a Web Site ?


A website is a group of related web pages hosted on a web server and are linked together and share a common interface and design.

Question 2(b)

What do you understand by TELNET ?


Telnet is an Internet utility that lets us log onto remote computer systems. It has been used by people who have logins on remote systems and want to do serious work there.

Question 2(c)

Give any two websites used as SEARCH ENGINES.


Two websites used as SEARCH ENGINES are:

  1. www.google.com
  2. www.bing.com

Question 2(d)

What do you understand by Video conference ?


A two-way videophone conversation among multiple participants by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data, is called Video Conferencing.

Question 2(e)

Identify web addresses and e-mail addresses from the following :

(i) www.kool.com

(ii) Raga100@rediffmail.com

(iii) www.hotspider.co.in

(iv) 123hotshot@elixir.co.in


Web addresses are :

  1. www.kool.com
  2. www.hotspider.co.in

Reason — Web addresses represent the addresses of websites.

E-mail addresses are :

  1. Raga100@rediffmail.com
  2. 123hotshot@elixir.co.in

Reason — e-mail address has a username (Raga100 and 123hotshot), @ symbol followed by the domain name of the host server (rediffmail.com and elixir.co.in).

Question 3(a)

What is a Web server ?


A web server is a World Wide Web server that stores web documents and responds to the http requests made by web browsers.

Question 3(b)

Mention any two uses of Internet.


Two uses of Internet are:

  1. It can be used to send and receive e-mails.
  2. It can be used to search information on any topic.

Question 3(c)

What do you understand by REMOTE LOGIN ?


Remote Login is a process in which a user can login on to a remote computer and use services that are available on the remote computer.

Question 3(d)

Give any two websites used to send e-mail.


Two websites used to send e-mail are:

  1. www.gmail.com
  2. www.rediffmail.com

Question 3(e)

What do you understand by UPLOADING a file on Internet ?


Uploading a file on internet means to copy a file from the local computer to a server location.

Question 3(f)

What do you understand by CHAT ROOMS ?


Chat rooms are websites or a part of some online services that provide an online venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time.

Question 3(g)

Identify web addresses and e-mail addresses from the following :

(i) www.scrapbook.com

(ii) aba@scrapbook.com

(iii) www.countrywide.co.in

(iv) 123@hotshot.co.in


Web addresses are as follows:

  1. www.scrapbook.com
  2. www.countrywide.co.in

Reason — Web addresses represent the addresses of websites.

E-mail addresses are as follows:

  1. aba@scrapbook.com
  2. 123@hotshot.co.in

Reason — e-mail address has a username (aba and 123), @ symbol followed by the domain name of the host server (scrapbook.com and hotshot.co.in).

Question 4(a)

Name two INTERNET service providers in India.


Two INTERNET service providers in India are:

  1. BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.)
  2. Bharti Airtel

Question 4(b)

What happens when you click on the Back command on the Web Browser ?


Back command causes the web browser to move back one page in the session history.

Question 4(c)

What is MODEM ?


A modulator-demodulator or modem is a computer hardware device that converts data from a digital format into a format suitable for an analog transmission medium such as telephone or radio and vice versa.

Question 4(d)

Give an example of email address and explain each part of it.


An example of e-mail address is aman123@gmail.com.

An e-mail address has two parts separated by '@' symbol :

  1. Username — On the left side of @ operator is the username. Here the username is 'aman123'.
  2. Domain name for the host server — The portion to the right of @ identifies the server or host or network that services our e-mail. The domain name of the host server is 'gmail.com'.

Question 4(e)

What do you understand by the term Protocol ?


A protocol is a set of rules governing an operation or application. It is usually an agreed upon or standardized method for transmitting data and/or establishing communications between different devices.

Question 4(f)

Expand the terms :

(i) HTTP

(ii) FTP


(i) HTTP — Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

(ii) FTP — File Transfer Protocol

Question 5(a)

How one can move from one web page to another on a web site ?


One can move from one web page to another on a web site by clicking on hypertext or hyperlinks provided within the webpage for navigation purposes.

Question 5(b)

Define Home Page. Give two advantages of Home Page.


The first page that appears when viewers go to a website is called the Homepage.

Two advantages of Homepage are:

  1. It sets the look and feel of the website.
  2. It directs viewers to the rest of the pages in the website.

Question 5(c)

What is HTTP ? Why it is required ?


HyperText Transfer Protocol is a set of rules for transferring hypertext — text, graphic, image, sound, video etc., on World Wide Web.

It is the primary access method used for interacting with Internet. The http is responsible for accessing hypertext documents on world wide web.

Question 5(d)

Write the purpose of Search engines.


A search engine is a program that searches through a database of web pages for a particular information. We provide keywords to a search engine. The search engine searches the given keywords on the web and provides details.

Question 5(e)

What is the purpose of "Back" button on the web browser ?


The "Back" button causes the web browser to move back one page in the session history.

Question 5(f)

Distinguish between FTP and Remote Login.


FTPRemote Login
File Transfer Protocol is a commonly used protocol for exchanging files over any network that supports the TCP/IP protocol.Remote Login is a process in which a user can login on to a remote computer and use services that are available on the remote computer.

Question 5(g)

Why uploading and downloading a file is required ? Explain with example.


When we need a file which is located on the server, we have to download the file that means a transmission of the file from the server to the local computer. For example, when we make a reservation for a seat of the train, we download the train ticket from the server to our computer and get a printout of the ticket.

Similarly, if we want to share some content (file, picture, video etc.) and we want it to be visible online, we have to upload that content on the Internet i.e., a transmission of the file from our computer to the server. For example, uploading a picture on our social media account.

Question 6(a)

What is an ISP ? Name any one ISP of India.


An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is an organisation that provides the facility of availing internet services against a fee.

Bharti Airtel is an ISP of India.

Question 6(b)

What happens on clicking the Refresh / Reload command on the Web Browser ?


Refresh command is used to ask the web browser to send the most updated version of the current web page.

Question 6(c)

Distinguish between a Web address and an e-mail address with example.


Web addresse-mail address
A web address is the address of a webpage on the world wide web.An e-mail address is the address of a mail box of an e-mail account holder.
A web address is written as type://address/path, where :

type — specifies the the type of server or protocol,
address — is the address of the server
path — tells the location of file on the server.
An e-mail address is written as username@hostname, where:

username — is the net name of the user
@ — symbol of at the rate
host name — is the server/host/network that services the e-mail.
A web address never has an "@" symbol.An e-mail address always contains "@" symbol.
For example, www.google.co.in, www.wikipedia.com etc.For example, raman23@gmail.com, hello@kboat.in, etc.

Question 6(d)

Expand :

(i) HTML

(ii) HTTP

(iii) TCP/IP

(iv) URL


(i) HTML — HyperText Markup Language

(ii) HTTP — HyperText Transfer Protocol

(iii) TCP/IP — Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

(iv) URL — Uniform Resource Locator

Question 6(e)

What is the need of uploading and downloading files ?


When we need a file which is located on the server, we have to download the file that means a transmission of the file from the server to the local computer. For example, when we make a reservation for a seat of the train, we download the train ticket from the server to our computer and get a printout of the ticket.

Similarly, if we want to share some content (file, picture, video etc.) and we want it to be visible online, we have to upload that content on the Internet i.e., a transmission of the file from our computer to the server. For example, uploading a picture on our social media account.

Question 7(a)

Why is e-mail so popular over conventional mail ?


e-mail is popular over conventional mail because:

  1. It is cheaper.
  2. An e-mail is faster.
  3. It saves paper and reduces waste.
  4. It is easy to use.
  5. A record is maintained of all the e-mails sent and received.
  6. It is flexible as the recepient can respond at his convenience.
  7. It is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Question 7(b)

Why do we use a Web Browser ?


We use a Web Browser to navigate the World Wide Web (WWW), view websites and interact with various online content and services.

Question 7(c)

Give the full form of the following :

(i) URL

(ii) FTP


(i) URL — Uniform Resource Locator

(ii) FTP — File Transfer Protocol

Question 7(d)

What do you mean by the term Telnet ?


Telnet is an Internet utility that lets us log onto remote computer systems. It has been used by people who have logins on remote systems and want to do serious work there.

Question 7(e)

What is a Web Server ?


A web server is a World Wide Web server that stores web documents and responds to the http requests made by web browsers.

Question 7(f)

What do you understand by uploading a file ? Name software used for it.


Uploading a file refers to the process of transferring the file from one's local computer to a net server.

SmartFTP and FireFTP can be used to upload a file on the server.

Question 7(g)

Define the following terms :

(i) Video Conferencing

(ii) Search Engine


(i) A two-way videophone conversation among multiple participants by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data, is called Video Conferencing.

(ii) A search engine is a program that searches through a database of web pages for a particular information.