Major Agencies of the United Nations


Major Agencies of the United Nations

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

The UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in the year ............... .

  1. 1960
  2. 1961
  3. 1963
  4. 1965



Question 2

Which year was declared to be the International Year of the Child?

  1. 1971
  2. 1975
  3. 1979
  4. 1981



Question 3

The full form of WHO is:

  1. World Happy Organisation
  2. World Handicapped Organisation
  3. World Health Organisation
  4. World Harmony Organisation


World Health Organisation

Question 4

The full form of UNESCO is:

  1. United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
  2. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
  3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Character Organisation
  4. United Nations Educational, Scholarly and Cultural Organisation


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

Mention the main purpose of the establishment of Major Agencies of the United Nations


The main purpose of the establishment of Major Agencies of the United Nations is to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.

Question 2

What is the main objective or thrust of UNICEF's activities in modern times?


The main objective or thrust of UNICEF's activities in modern times is to improve the quality of life of children and women in developing countries.

Question 3

Mention any two functions of the UNICEF.


The two functions of the UNICEF are:

  1. UNICEF works for the protection of children in respect of their survival, health and well-being. This is done in cooperation with individuals, civic groups, governments and the private sector.
  2. It provides funds for training personnel, including health and sanitation workers, teachers and nutritionists.

Question 4

When was WHO established?


Which day is observed as the World Health Day?


The World health Organisation was established on 7th April, 1948. This day is observed annually as World Health Day.

Question 5

What have been the two major objectives of WHO?


WHO had been fighting for a specific cause. What was that cause?


Following are the two major objectives of WHO:

  1. Fighting diseases.
  2. Fostering Development, Health promotion and Health Education.

The above have been the objectives of every WHO programme.

Question 6

What Global Strategy was adopted by WHO to achieve its goal of "Health for All by the Year 2000"?


WHO adopted a global strategy to achieve the goal of "Health for All by the Year 2000". Massive efforts were made in the fields of primary health care, clean drinking water and nutrition.

Question 7

Mention any two functions of WHO.


Two functions of WHO are:

  1. It promotes and coordinates research in the fields of communicable diseases, maternal and child health, mental health and diseases like cancer, blindness, diabetes and heart attacks.
  2. It sets international standards with respect to food, biological and pharmaceutical products (drugs, medicines and vaccines).

Question 8

What is UNESCO's purpose as specified in its Constitution?


Why was UNESCO established?


What is the primary aim of UNESCO?


The purpose of UNESCO, as specified by its Constitution, is "to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication".

Question 9

Give one function of UNESCO in the field of Education and any one function in the field of science.


The function of UNESCO in the field of Education and Science are:

  1. Education — It organises book fairs and festivals at international and national levels.
  2. Science — It organises regional and world conferences to bring together scientists, technicians and technologists who have a common interest.

Question 10

Mention any two functions of UNESCO in the field of Culture.


Two functions of UNESCO in the field of Culture are:

  1. It encourages cultural interchange. It provides travel grants to writers and artists under a project named Mutual Appreciation of Eastern and Western Cultural Values.
  2. It gives every possible encouragement to artistic creations in the field of literature and fine arts.

Question 11

Write the full (expanded) forms of the following: WHO, UNICEF and UNESCO.


WHO — World Health Organisation

UNICEF — United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.

UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Structured Questions

Question 1

Study the picture given here and answer the questions that follows:

Name the Organisation associated with this Emblem. Which year did the Organisation celebrate as the International Year of the Child? What was the purpose of the Convention adopted by the 1990 World Summit on Children? Mention any three functions of this Organisation. Major Agencies of the United Nations, Apc Modern History and Civics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(a) Name the Organisation associated with this Emblem.

(b) Which year did the Organisation celebrate as the International Year of the Child?

(c) What was the purpose of the Convention adopted by the 1990 World Summit on Children?

(d) Mention any three functions of this Organisation.


(a) The Organisation associated with the Emblem is UNICEF.

(b) The Year 1979 was celebrated as the International Year of the Child.

(c) The 1990 World Summit on Children adopted a convention to protect children against exploitation, neglect and abuse.

(d) Three functions of this Organisation are:

  1. It works for the protection of children in respect of their survival, health, and well-being.
  2. It provides funds for training personnel, including health and sanitation workers, teachers and nutritionists.
  3. It provides help to children and mothers in emergencies arising from natural calamities, civil strifes and epidemics.

Question 2

Study the picture given here and answer the questions that follows:

Name the Organisation associated with this Emblem. This Organisation and the UNICEF launched a programme to immunize children against six killer diseases. Name these diseases. Mention any four of its functions. Major Agencies of the United Nations, Apc Modern History and Civics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(a) Name the Organisation associated with this Emblem.

(b) This Organisation and the UNICEF launched a programme to immunize children against six killer diseases. Name these diseases.

(c) Mention any four of its functions.


(a) The Organisation associated with this Emblem is WHO (World Health Organisation).

(b) The six killer diseases, against which WHO and the UNICEF launched a programme to immunize children are:

  1. Measles
  2. Diphtheria
  3. Tetanus
  4. Tuberculosis
  5. Polio
  6. Whooping cough

(c) The four functions of the WHO are:

  1. It promotes and coordinates research in the fields of communicable diseases, maternal and child health, mental health and diseases like cancer, blindness, diabetes and heart attacks.
  2. It sets international standards with respect to food, biological and pharmaceutical products (drugs, medicines and vaccines).
  3. It helps countries to improve their health system by building up infrastructure especially manpower, institutions and services for the individual and community.
  4. It organises conferences, seminars and training for health care personnel from different countries.

Question 3

UNESCO seeks to broaden the base of education, to bring benefits of science to all countries and to boost cultural interchange. In this context describe:

(a) Three of its functions in the field of Education.

(b) Three of its functions in the field of Science.

(c) Three of its functions in the field of Culture.


Three of its functions that preserve Cultural Heritage.


(a) Three functions of UNESCO in the field of Education are:

  1. It aims at promoting education among children as well adults.
  2. It organises book fairs and festivals at international and national levels.
  3. It provides fellowships and study-grants to teachers and scholars.

(b) Three functions of UNESCO in the field of Science are:

  1. It organises regional and world conferences to bring together scientists, technicians and technologists who have a common interest.
  2. It brings the benefit of science to all countries by providing information through bulletins, journals and exhibitions.
  3. It promotes basic research in fields like geology, mathematics, physics and oceanography.

(c) Three functions of UNESCO in the field of Culture are:

  1. It helps the member states in the preservation of their cultural heritage.
  2. It encourages cultural interchange by providing travel grants to writers and artists under the project named Mutual Appreciation of Eastern and Western Cultural Values.
  3. It encourages artistic creations in the field of literature and fine arts.