Political Parties


Political Parties

Intext Questions

Question 1

So, you agree with me. Parties are partial, partisan and lead to partitions. Parties do nothing but divide people. That is their real function!


Parties do not lead to partition. It plays following role:

  1. Representing the interests of specific segments of society.
  2. Formulating policies and platforms that reflect their ideologies.
  3. Contesting elections.
  4. Form and run government.
  5. Sit in opposition if they lose election.

Question 2

Okay, granted that we can’t live without political parties. But tell me on what grounds do people support a political party?


People support a political party on different grounds like:

  1. Ideology — Many people align with a political party based on shared beliefs and values.
  2. Policy Proposals — Voters often support a party because they agree with its specific policy proposals. This could include positions on taxation, healthcare, education, immigration, defense, and other key policy areas.
  3. Leadership — The appeal of a party's leaders and their charismatic personality can significantly influence support.

Question 3

I wonder how politicians manage these coalitions. I can’t even remember the names of all the parties.


Managing coalitions can indeed be complex. In a multi-party system, parties form coalitions to create a majority and govern together. This often involves negotiating policies and power-sharing agreements that align with the interests of the coalition members. It’s like a team effort where each party contributes to the common goals while also pursuing their individual agendas.

Question 4

Does the cartoon reflect the data graphics shown on the previous page?

Does the cartoon reflect the data graphics shown on the previous page? Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.
Does the cartoon reflect the data graphics shown on the previous page? Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.
Does the cartoon reflect the data graphics shown on the previous page? Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.


Yes, the cartoon reflects the data graphics shown on the previous page. Political parties are facing a crisis because they are very unpopular and the citizens are indifferent to political parties.

Question 5

Why don’t parties give enough tickets to women? Is that also due to lack of internal democracy?


The issue of political parties not giving enough tickets to women can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Many political parties are dominated by men in leadership positions just like our societies.
  2. Societal expectations and traditional gender roles often stereotype women as less suitable or capable for political leadership roles. This bias influences party leaders and selectors when considering candidates for election tickets.
  3. There are deeply ingrained norms and biases against women in leadership roles.

Question 6

Does this suggest that in democracies people contest elections only to make money? But isn’t it true that there are politicians committed to the well-being of the people?


No, this does not suggest that in democracies people contest elections only to make money. There are many politicians who work for the country and well being of the people.

Question 7

Do you agree that this form of reforming political parties will be acceptable to them?

Do you agree that this form of reforming political parties will be acceptable to them? Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.


The Election Commission ensures that elections are conducted in a transparent and unbiased manner. It oversees the implementation of electoral rules and regulations to prevent malpractices such as electoral fraud, bribery, and coercion. The political leaders fail to follow election codes sometime against whom action is taken by the Election Commission.

Let us Revise

Question 1

Categorise these photographs by the functions of political parties they illustrate. Find one photograph or news clipping from your own area for each of the functions listed above.

Categorise these photographs by the functions of political parties they illustrate. Find one photograph or news clipping from your own area for each of the functions listed above. Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.
  1. Activists of BJP Mahila Morcha demonstrate against hike in prices of onions and LPG in Visakhapatnam.
  2. Minister distributes One lakh cheque to the families of hooch victims at their houses.
  3. Activists of CPI (M), CPI, OGP and JD (S) take out a rally in Bhubaneswar to protest against POSCO, the Korean steel company for being permitted by the State Government to export iron ore from Orissa to feed steel plants in China and Korea.


  1. Playing the role of opposition.
  2. Providing access to government machinery and welfare schemes.
  3. Shape public opinion.

Question 2

Let us apply what we have learnt about party systems to the various states within India. Here are three major types of party systems that exist at the State level. Can you find the names of at least two States for each of these types?

  • Two-party system
  • Multiparty system with two alliances
  • Multiparty system


  • Two-party system : Rajasthan, Gujarat.

  • Multiparty system with two alliances : Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir.

  • Multiparty system : Bihar, Uttar Pradesh.

Question 3

Can you identify which of the challenges described in this section are being highlighted in these cartoons (on pages 57 to 59)? What are the ways to curb the misuse of money and muscle power in politics?

Can you identify which of the challenges described in this section are being highlighted in these cartoons (on pages 57 to 59)? What are the ways to curb the misuse of money and muscle power in politics? Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.
Can you identify which of the challenges described in this section are being highlighted in these cartoons (on pages 57 to 59)? What are the ways to curb the misuse of money and muscle power in politics? Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.
Can you identify which of the challenges described in this section are being highlighted in these cartoons (on pages 57 to 59)? What are the ways to curb the misuse of money and muscle power in politics? Political Parties, NCERT Class 10 Politics CBSE Solutions.


  • The cartoon on the page 57 : One or few leaders exercise paramount power in the party, those who disagree with the leadership are generally not heard.
  • The cartoon on the page 58 : It is about the growing role of money and muscle power in parties.
  • The cartoon on the page 59 : It is also about growing role of money in parties. Parties tend to nominate those candidates who have or can raise lots of money.

Curbing the misuse of money and muscle power in politics is crucial for maintaining the integrity and fairness of democratic elections. Following are the ways to curb the misuse of money and muscle power in politics:

  1. Enact and enforce stringent laws and regulations that govern political finance, including limits on campaign spending, transparent reporting of financial contributions and expenditures, and penalties for violations.
  2. Strengthen monitoring mechanisms by the Election Commission or relevant authorities to oversee campaign finances, track expenditures, and ensure compliance with legal limits.
  3. Promote transparency in political funding by requiring political parties and candidates to disclose their funding sources and expenditures regularly and publicly.


Question 1

State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy.


The various functions political parties perform in a democracy are:

  1. Parties contest elections. In most democracies, elections are fought mainly among the candidates put up by political parties
  2. Parties put forward different policies and programmes and the voters choose from them. Each of us may have different opinions and views on what policies are suitable for the society.
  3. Parties play a decisive role in making laws for a country. Formally, laws are debated and passed in the legislature.
  4. Parties form and run governments. The big policy decisions are taken by political executive that comes from the political parties. Parties recruit leaders, train them and then make them ministers to run the government in the way they want.
  5. Those parties that lose in the elections play the role of opposition to the parties in power, by voicing different views and criticising government for its failures or wrong policies.
  6. Parties shape public opinion. They raise and highlight issues. They have lakhs of members and activists spread all over the country
  7. Parties provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes implemented by governments.

Question 2

What are the various challenges faced by political parties?


The various challenges faced by political parties are:

  1. Lack of internal democracy within parties — All over the world there is a tendency in political parties towards the concentration of power in one or few leaders at the top. Parties do not keep membership registers, do not hold organisational meetings, and do not conduct internal elections regularly.
  2. Dynastic Succession — Since most political parties do not practice open and transparent procedures for their functioning, there are very few ways for an ordinary worker to rise to the top in a party. In many parties, the top positions are always controlled by members of one family. This is unfair to other members of that party.
  3. Role of money and muscle power — Since parties are focussed only on winning elections, they tend to use short-cuts to win elections. They tend to nominate those candidates who have or can raise lots of money. Rich people and companies who give funds to the parties tend to have influence on the policies and decisions of the party.
  4. Parties do not seem to offer a meaningful choice to the voters — In order to offer meaningful choice, parties must be significantly different. In recent years, there has been a decline in the ideological differences among parties in most parts of the world.

Question 3

Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well?


Some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well are:

  1. People should put pressure on political parties. This can be done through petitions, publicity and agitations. Ordinary citizens, pressure groups and movements and the media can play an important role in this.
  2. Ordinary people with high qualification, clear public image and good ideology should join the political parties. This would be the basic step to reform the parties.

Question 4

What is a political party?


A political party is a group of people who share similar political ideology and come together to contest elections and hold power in the government. They agree on some policies and programmes for the society with a view to promote the wellbeing of people.

Question 5

What are the characteristics of a political party?


Following are the characteristics of a political party:

  1. Political parties are typically based on specific ideologies or beliefs about how society should be organized and governed.
  2. They have a formal organizational structure with leaders, officials, and members who work together to achieve the party's objectives.
  3. Political parties have members who support the party's goals and participate in its activities.
  4. They participate in elections.

Question 6

A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called a ............... .


A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called a political party.

Question 7

Match List I (organisations and struggles) with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List IList II
1. Congress PartyA. National Democratic Alliance
2. Bharatiya Janata PartyB. State party
3. Communist Party of India (Marxist)C. United Progressive Alliance
4. Telugu Desam PartyD. Left Front


C, A, D, B

Question 8

Who among the following is the founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party?

  1. Kanshi Ram
  2. Sahu Maharaj
  3. B.R. Ambedkar
  4. Jotiba Phule


Kanshi Ram

Question 9

What is the guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party?

  1. Bahujan Samaj
  2. Revolutionary democracy
  3. Integral humanism
  4. Modernity


Integral humanism

Question 10

Consider the following statements on parties.

A. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people.

B. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders.

C. Parties are not necessary to run governments.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

  1. A, B, and C
  2. A and B
  3. B and C
  4. A and C


A and B

Question 11

Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Muhammad Yunus is a famous economist of Bangladesh. He received several international honours for his efforts to promote economic and social development for the benefit of the poor. He and the Grameen Bank that he started jointly, received the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2006. In February 2007, he decided to launch a political party and contest in the parliamentary elections. His objective was to foster proper leadership, good governance and build a new Bangladesh. He felt that only a political party different from the traditional ones would bring about new political culture. His party would be democratic from the grassroots level.

The launching of the new party, called Nagarik Shakti (Citizens’ Power), has caused a stir among the Bangladeshis. While many welcomed his decision, some did not like it. “Now I think Bangladesh will have a chance to choose between good and bad and eventually have a good government,” said Shahedul Islam, a government official. “That government, we hope, would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top priority.”

But leaders of traditional political parties who dominated the country’s politics for decades were apprehensive. “There was no debate (over him) winning the Nobel, but politics is different – very challenging and often controversial,” said a senior leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Some others were highly critical. They asked why he was rushing into politics. “Is he being planted in politics by mentors from outside the country,” asked one political observer.

Do you think Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party?

Do you agree with the statements and fears expressed by various people? How do you want this new party organised to make it different from other parties? If you were the one to begin this political party, how would you defend it?


Yes, Muhammad Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party. He gave a new hope to the people of Bangladesh.

The fears expressed by people is also justified at their place. The traditional parties and their leaders expressed their views to safeguard their own concern as the new party was a competitor to their party.

This new party is expected to offer democracy within the party. It should make sure that every voice is heard. The ideology should be different from the traditional parties. Most importantly, it should fight corruption.

If I were the one to begin this political party, I would have defended it by publishing a very strong and clear agenda of the party. Also, I would have given a detailed but easy to understand peek into my plans.