Internet: Online Surfing


Internet: Online Surfing

Choose the correct option

Question 1

Which of the following is the process of sending and receiving messages over the internet?

  1. Mail
  2. E-mail
  3. Chatting
  4. Posting



Reason — E-mail is a method of exchanging digital messages using telecommunication networks.

Question 2

Where will you find your incoming mails after signing in?

  1. Mail box
  2. Drafts
  3. Inbox
  4. Outbox



Reason — The mails that we receive are available in the 'Inbox' of our e-mail account.

Question 3

Which of the following is not an online shopping website?


Answer, and are online shopping websites.

Question 4

Which of the following is not required when you log in to your email account?

  1. Username
  2. Password
  3. Username and password
  4. Contact number


Contact number

Reason — Only username and password is required when we log in to our email account.

Question 5

Which of the following terms is not associated with e-mail?

  1. Deleting mails
  2. Reading mails
  3. Throwing mails
  4. Composing mails


Throwing mails

Reason — We can compose, read and delete mails from our e-mail account.

State True or False

Question 1

You can send only messages but not files using e-mail.

Question 2

In an e-mail ID, the special character '@' represents domain name.

Question 3

In a Google drive, you can get 15 GB of cloud-based storage service for free.

Question 4

While surfing, you should always click a link coming from known or unknown sources to read the content.

Question 5

In a Google drive, the Google slides stores all presentation files.

Question 6

It is always advised to share your personal information among your friends.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

Netiquette is a combination of two words network and etiquette.

Question 2

An e-mail address is composed of a username, a separator ('@' at the rate) and a domain name.

Question 3

The unwanted mails received in the inbox from an unknown source are called spam.

Question 4

You need your e-mail ID and the password to open your mail box on a website.

Question 5

Offline means your Internet service is disconnected and you cannot browse.

Question 6

Podcasting is an act of creating and uploading audio files on a website.

Question 7

Blog can be defined as a journal or a diary maintained online.

Question 8

E-commerce means buying and selling of products online.

Write down the full forms

Question 1



Internet Service Provider

Question 2



Automated Teller Machine

Question 3



Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

Question 4



National Electronic Funds Transfer

Question 5



Blind Carbon Copy

Name the following

Question 1

Two onling shopping websites



Question 2

Two e-mail services



Question 3

Two online mode of payment


  1. Debit card
  2. NEFT

Question 4

Two applications of blogging


  1. Publishing
  2. Travel

Case-Study Based Questions

Google Drive is a free cloud-based storage service. It stores the files in the cloud (Google's servers) which is like the hard disk of the computer. The user can store various types of files including texts, images, audios, videos, etc. which can be accessed online. It can also be used for sending and receiving bulk data from a source to the destination. With reference to the above case, answer the following questions:

(a) Which of the following statements is not true for Google drive?

  1. It is a free cloud-based storage service.
  2. The files or folders are stored in Google servers.
  3. It can be accessed offline as well as online.
  4. It can be accessed from the remote area.

(b) What is meant by the term "destination" in the given case?

  1. Receiving end
  2. Transmitting end
  3. Routing device
  4. Packing end

(c) Which of the following services is not provided by Google Drive?

  1. Uploading files/folders
  2. Distributing files/folders
  3. Sending files/folders
  4. Downloading files/folders

(d) Which of the following are essentially needed to use Google Drive?

  1. Internet connection
  2. Play Store
  3. Google Maps
  4. An e-mail account


(a) It can be accessed offline as well as online.

(b) Receiving end

(c) Distributing files/folders

(d) An internet connection and an e-mail account

Define the following

Question 1

The Internet


The term 'Internet' stands for International Network. It is a worldwide network of computers which allows the sharing of a large amount of information. Information can be transmitted via audios, videos, graphics, images, etc. over the internet.

Question 2



Electronic Mail is a method of exchanging digital messages using telecommunication networks. It is a beneficial way to communicate with individuals or small groups of friends or colleagues. Through e-mail, messages can be sent to any part of the world. It accepts, forwards, delivers and stores messages on the behalf of users, who only need to connect to the e-mail infrastructure.

Question 3



The term Netiquette refers to a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour. It is a combination of two words Network and Etiquette.

Question 4

Online shopping


Online shopping can be defined as purchasing of products or getting services over the internet. It is done through an online shop, e-shop or e-store. In this process, all products are described through text with photos or with multimedia files. Online shopping helps consumers to purchase products over the internet from the comfort of their homes.

Question 5



A blog can be defined as a journal or a diary that is maintained online. It is a platform used to communicate our thoughts, news and advice to the people online.

Question 6



Podcasting is an act of creating and uploading audio files on a website. The audio files can even be stored in a digital device called an Ipod.

Question 7



E-commerce (electronic commerce) refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. It includes a wide range of activities, including the sale of physical goods through online stores, the sale of digital products such as software and e-books, and the sale of services such as website design and hosting.

Question 8

Electronic transfer


Electronic transfer refers to the transfer of funds to other bank accounts across the country instantly. This is a simple, secure, safe, fast and cost-effective way to transfer funds. This service is termed as NEFT and refers to an electronic funds transfer system.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1

What are the uses of the Internet?


The common uses of Internet are as follows:

  1. We can access information about anything on the Internet.
  2. We can send messages, greetings, etc. to our friends and relatives by using an e-mail.
  3. We can watch movies and play games on the Internet.
  4. We can chat on the Internet and make new friends.
  5. We can buy things on the Internet.

Question 2

Enlist some netiquettes which you can follow while surfing net.


Some netiquettes which we can follow while surfing net are as follows:

  1. Restrict yourself in sharing personal information like name, age, address, contact number, etc.
  2. Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal photos or videos in public by any means.
  3. Don't share your login or e-mail password with anyone or among your friends.
  4. Avoid accessing irrelevant sites.
  5. Keep changing User_ID (login_ID) and password at a regular interval.
  6. Don't send any kind of message to bully your friend or any unknown person over social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp.

Question 3

Give three advantages and three disadvantages of an e-mail.


Advantages of e-mail:

  1. It is one of the fastest ways of communication where messages can be sent anywhere around the world in an instant.
  2. It is cheap.
  3. It is simple and very easy to use.

Disadvantages of e-mail:

  1. E-mails require both the sender and the receiver to have an e-mail address and access to a device that has an Internet connection.
  2. E-mail attachments can contain viruses.
  3. Sensitive information can be easily distributed accidentally or deliberately due to improper security of the system.

Question 4

What is Google Drive? Write down all the steps to upload a file on a Google Drive.


Google Drive is a free cloud-based storage service provided by Google, launched on April, 2012. It enables the users to store and access files or folders online. This is a cyber space which is like the hard disk of your computer and where you can store your files and folders. The files/folders stored in the 'Google Drive' can be easily sent or shared to other devices/ persons. The service synchronises stored documents, photos, presentations, etc. across the user's devices, including personal computers, tablets and smart phones.

To upload a file on a Google Drive, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select and open a browser (say, Google Chrome).

Step 2 — Open the website

Step 3 — Click 'Drive' from Google apps.

Step 4 — Sign-in using e-mail ID and the password.

Step 5 — Click 'New' and select 'File upload' from drop-down list.

Step 6 — Select the file (say, Slide Master) to be uploaded from the 'Open' dialog box of your device.

Step 7 — Finally, click 'Open'.

The file is uploaded into the Google Drive.

Question 5

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?


Advantages of online shopping

  1. Online stores are open 24x7 throughout the year.
  2. You can choose goods that fit your budget.
  3. You can shop both at work and at home provided you have access to the Internet.
  4. Online stores give many discounts and a better price for goods as compared to conventional shopping.
  5. There is no need for vehicles and hence, unnecessary fuel consumption is saved.

Disadvantages of online shopping

  1. The customer doesn't have any interaction with the dealer.
  2. Items are to be selected within the availability.
  3. Special offers are to be availed within the time mentioned by the dealer.
  4. Sometimes, it becomes time consuming as there is confusion in selecting the goods.
  5. The booking of an item is totally dependent on the network connectivity.
  6. You can't touch, see and test the product.
  7. The purchased product is not available for use right away. The delivery of the product takes some time after buying it online.

Question 6

Explain the purpose of using a blog.


The purpose of using a blog are as follows:

  1. Blogs serve as a platform for people to voice their ideas, thoughts and feelings.
  2. Blogs help to educate others who are interested in the field in which the author has expertise.
  3. Blogs can also be used as a teaching tool.
  4. Blogs are a great way to build awareness and support, especially on social and world issues.