Africa — Location and Physical Features


Africa — Location and Physical Features

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Question 1

Given below are the names of some countries and physical features. Circle the ones which are in Africa.

Spain, Nile river, Mississippi river, Atlas Mountains, Honduras, Namibia, Bolivia, Andes Mountains, Sahara Desert, Congo river, Appalachian Mountains, Algeria, Ganga river, Kalahari Desert, Gobi Desert, Libya


The countries and physical features that are in Africa are:

Countries — Namibia, Algeria, Libya

Physical Features — Nile River, Atlas Mountains, Sahara Desert, Congo river, Kalahari Desert

Quick Quiz

Question 1

The (Mediterranean/Red) Sea separates Africa from Asia.


The Red Sea separates Africa from Asia.

Question 2

Nairobi and Cairo are the capitals of which countries?


Nairobi is capital of Kenya and Cairo is the capital of Egypt.

Question 3

Name an extinct volcano of Africa.


Mt Kilimanjaro

Question 4

The Ethiopian Highlands are young fold mountains. True or False?



Reason — The Ethiopian Highlands are of volcanic origin. These mountains are about 75 million years old whereas young fold mountains are 10 to 25 million years in age and are formed due to two of Earth's tectonic plates pushing against each other.

Question 5

The ............... Desert is located in the northern part of Africa.


The Sahara Desert is located in the northern part of Africa.

Fill in the blanks with words from the brackets.

Question 1

The ............... (Atlantic/Indian) Ocean lies to the west of Africa.


The Atlantic Ocean lies to the west of Africa.

Question 2

............... (Rabat/Juba) is the capital of Morocco.


Rabat is the capital of Morocco.

Question 3

The highest peak in Africa is Mt ............... (Rwenzori/Kilimanjaro).


The highest peak in Africa is Mt Kilimanjaro.

Question 4

Lake ............... (Chad/Tanganyika) is found in the Great Rift Valley.


Lake Tanganyika is found in the Great Rift Valley.

Question 5

River ............... (Nile/Congo) is known as the 'Highway of Central Africa'.


River Congo is known as the 'Highway of Central Africa'.

Match the columns

Question 1

Column AColumn B
1.Boyoma Fallsplateau
2.Karoosaltwater lake
4.South Africafold mountains
5.DrakensbergRiver Congo


Column AColumn B
1.Boyoma FallsRiver Congo
3.Chadsaltwater lake
4.South AfricaPretoria
5.Drakensbergfold mountains

Write three examples of each from Africa

Question 1

Bordering seas and oceans


  1. The Mediterranean sea
  2. The Red sea
  3. The Indian Ocean

Question 2



  1. The Atlas mountains
  2. The Ethiopian Highlands
  3. The Drakensberg Mountains

Question 3

Lakes in the Great Rift Valley region


  1. Malawi
  2. Rukwa
  3. Tanganyika

Question 4



  1. The Sahara desert
  2. The Namib Desert
  3. The Kalahari Desert

Question 5



  1. The Nile
  2. The Congo
  3. The Niger

Give reasons for the following

Question 1

Mt Kilimanjaro is located near the equator, but remains covered with snow throughout the year.


The temperature of the atmosphere decreases with increase in height. Mt Kilimanjaro is located near the equator, but remains covered with snow throughout the year because of its high altitude (5895 meters).

Question 2

River Nile flows through the Sahara Desert, yet it carries water throughout the year.


River Nile flows through the Sahara Desert, yet it carries water throughout the year because it originates in the rainy equatorial region which receives very heavy rainfall.

Answer these questions

Question 1

What is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of Africa?


Africa lies between 37° N latitude in the north and 35° S latitude in the south and between 17° W longitude in the west and 51° E longitude in the east.

Question 2

Where are the Atlas and the Drakensberg mountains located? What is the similarity between them?


The Atlas mountains are located in the north-western part of Africa and the Drakensberg mountains are located along the south-eastern coast of Africa.

These mountains are similar as both of them are young fold mountains.

Question 3

What do you know about the extent of the Great Rift Valley?


The Great Rift Valley is located in the east. It extends from Lake Malawi in the south to the Red Sea in the north and then through the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba to the Dead Sea in Asia. It stretches for about 8000 kilometres and has two distinct arms.

Question 4

Which is the longest river of Africa? Write the names of two rivers which join to form this river.


The Nile is the longest river of Africa. White Nile and Blue Nile are the two rivers which join to form this river.

Question 5

River Niger flows through which countries?


River Niger flows through Guinea, Mali, Niger and Nigeria.

Question 6

Write the name of the largest freshwater and saltwater lakes in Africa. Where are they located?


Lake Victoria is the largest freshwater lake in Africa. It is located between the two arms of the Great Rift Valley.

Lake Chad is the largest saltwater lake in Africa. It is located to the south of the Sahara Desert.