Plant and Animal Tissues


Plant and Animal Tissues

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

A group of similar cells to perform a specific function forms a:

  1. organ
  2. species
  3. organ system
  4. tissue



Reason — Similar cells organise to form tissue and perform a specific function.

Question 2

The small fine branches given out from the cell body of a nerve cell are:

  1. dendrites
  2. cyton
  3. axon
  4. neurons



Reason — Dendrites are fine hair-like extensions from cyton.

Question 3

Fluid connective tissue of humans is:

  1. blood and cartilage
  2. lymph and plasma
  3. blood and lymph
  4. stroma and matrix


blood and lymph

Reason — Blood (cells+plasma) and Lymph are the fluid connective tissue that are concerned with transportation of oxygen, glucose and amino acids etc.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

Define the following terms:

(i) Tissue

(ii) Organ


(i) Tissue — A group of similar cells which are specialised to perform specific function is known as tissue. For example muscle tissue, skin tissue.

(ii) Organ — A differentiated structure formed by group of similar tissues, which is specialised to perform a specific function is called an organ.

Question 2

Answer the following:

(i) What is meristematic tissue? How is it different from permanent tissues?

(ii) Which living material would you take to demonstrate meristematic tissue?

(iii) What is the function of meristematic tissue?


(i) The actively dividing cells found at all the growing points in a plant like the tip of roots, stems and branches, is known as meristematic tissue. Their role is to divide and produce more cells leading to growth of plant body.

They are different from the permanent tissues in following ways:

  1. The cells of meristematic tissue are small in size as compared to cells of permanent tissue.
  2. They have thin cell-walls as compared to permanent tissues.
  3. Meristematic cells have large and conspicuous nuclei whereas permanent cells have small nuclei.
  4. Vacuoles are absent in meristematic cells while large vacuoles can be seen in permanent cells.
  5. The cells of meristematic tissue actively divide to add new cells whereas cells of permanent tissue do not divide.

(ii) Green gram seeds can be used to demonstrate meristematic tissue. Soaked green gram seeds develop sprouts that grow very fast. Their root tip consists of meristematic tissue which helps in their growth.

(iii) The only function of the meristematic tissue is to produce more cells leading to the growth of the plant body. The growth in height as well as thickness of the stem is due to meristematic tissues.

Question 3

State whether the following statement are True or False.

(i) A tissue is formed of only one type of cells.

(ii) Only one type of tissue forms an organ.

(iii) Permanent tissue is made up of undifferentiated and dividing cells.

(iv) Meristematic tissue is found at the growing tips of a plant.

(v) Phloem is formed of dead tubular cells.


(i) True

(ii) True

(iii) False
Corrected statement — Permanent tissue is made up of differentiated and non-dividing cells.

(iv) True

(v) False
Corrected statement — Phloem is formed of living tubular cells.

Question 4

Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the list given below:

[thin-walled, collenchyma, vascular, tissues, conducting]

(i) A group of different ............... working together to perform a function is called an organ.

(ii) Xylem and phloem form the ............... tissue.

(iii) Conducting tissue is also called ............... tissue.

(iv) Cells are elongated and thick at the corners in ............... tissue.

(v) Parenchyma is composed of large ............... cells.


(i) A group of different tissues working together to perform a function is called an organ.

(ii) Xylem and phloem form the conducting tissue.

(iii) Conducting tissue is also called vascular tissue.

(iv) Cells are elongated and thick at the corners in collenchyma tissue.

(v) Parenchyma is composed of large thin-walled cells.

Question 5

Match the items given in Column A with those given in Column B:

Column AColumn B
(i)Fibrous connective tissue(a) blood
(ii)Fluid connective tissue(b) cartilage
(iii)Supportive connective tissue(c) connects a bone to another bone
(iv)Ligament(d) areolar tissue
(v)Tendon(e) connects a muscle with a bone


Column AColumn B
(i)Fibrous connective tissue(d) areolar tissue
(ii)Fluid connective tissue(a) blood
(iii)Supportive connective tissue(b) cartilage
(iv)Ligament(c) connects a bone to another bone
(v)Tendon(e) connects a muscle with a bone

Question 6

How do you rank the following with respect to a cell, tissue, organ or organism?

(i) Amoeba (ii) Euglena (iii) Skin (iv) Lungs (v) Neurons (vi) Cardiac muscles


(i) Amoeba: Organism (unicellular)

(ii) Euglena: Organism (unicellular)

(iii) Skin: Organ

(iv) Lungs: Organ

(v) Neurons: Cell

(vi) Cardiac muscles: Tissue

Question 7

Each of the tissues listed in Column A is related to one of the functions given in Column B. Match the correct pairs by drawing lines.

Column AColumn B
(i)Epithelial tissue(a) movement
(ii)Connective tissue(b) protection
(iii)Vascular tissue(c) messages
(iv)Nervous tissue(d) support
(v)Muscular tissue(e) transport


Column AColumn B
(i)Epithelial tissue(b) protection
(ii)Connective tissue(d) support
(iii)Vascular tissue(e) transport
(iv)Nervous tissue(c) messages
(v)Muscular tissue(e) movement

Question 8

Name the kind of tissue that

(i) Carries oxygen around your body

(ii) Brings about movement in animals

(iii) Transports food to different parts of a plant

(iv) Transports water in plants

(v) Supports an animal's body

(vi) Binds different tissues together

(vii) Conducts messages from one part of the body to another


(i) Carries oxygen around your body — Fluid connective tissue

(ii) Brings about movement in animals — Muscular tissue

(iii) Transports food to different parts of a plant — Phloem

(iv) Transports water in plants — Xylem

(v) Supports an animal's body — Supportive connective tissue

(vi) Binds different tissues together — Fibrous connective tissue

(vii) Conducts messages from one part of the body to another — Nervous tissue

Question 9

Based on the following information, identify the three types of epithelial tissue in the figures given below:

(i) Cuboidal epithelium: It consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells.

(ii) Columnar epithelium: It is composed of tall, cylindrical cells with oval nuclei usually placed at the base of the cells.

(iii) Ciliated epithelium: It consists of cells bearing hair-like cilia on their free surface.

Based on the following information, identify the three types of epithelial tissue in the figures given below. (i) Cuboidal epithelium: It consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells. (ii) Columnar epithelium: It is composed of tall, cylindrical cells with oval nuclei usually placed at the base of the cells. (iii) Ciliated epithelium: It consists of cells bearing hair-like cilia on their free surface. Plant and Animal Tissues, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 7.

(a) ..............

Based on the following information, identify the three types of epithelial tissue in the figures given below. (i) Cuboidal epithelium: It consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells. (ii) Columnar epithelium: It is composed of tall, cylindrical cells with oval nuclei usually placed at the base of the cells. (iii) Ciliated epithelium: It consists of cells bearing hair-like cilia on their free surface. Plant and Animal Tissues, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 7.

(b) ..............

Based on the following information, identify the three types of epithelial tissue in the figures given below. (i) Cuboidal epithelium: It consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells. (ii) Columnar epithelium: It is composed of tall, cylindrical cells with oval nuclei usually placed at the base of the cells. (iii) Ciliated epithelium: It consists of cells bearing hair-like cilia on their free surface. Plant and Animal Tissues, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 7.

(c) ..............


(a) Cuboidal epithelium

(b) Columnar epithelium

(c) Ciliated epithelium

Question 10

Write three differences between the two principal vascular tissues found in plants.


Two principal vascular tissues found in plants are Xylem and Phloem. Three difference between them are as follows:

1. Transports water and minerals absorbed by the roots to other plant parts.1. Transports food manufactured in the leaves to other plant parts.
2. Consists mainly of dead cells.2. Consists mainly of living cells.
3. Conduction is unidirectional i.e. only upwards from the roots.2. Bidirectional conduction i.e. both upwards and downwards from the leaves.

Question 11

Mention the main characteristic features of meristematic tissues, and state where we find such tissues in plants. Give the function of the meristematic tissue.


The main characteristic features of meristematic tissues are:

  1. The cells are small.
  2. The cell-walls are thin.
  3. The nuclei are large and conspicuous.
  4. The cells are almost without vacuoles.
  5. The cells actively divide to add new cells.

Meristematic tissues are found at all growing points in a plant, like the tip of roots, stems and branches, where growth in length occurs. The growth in the thickness of stem is also due to meristematic tissues.

The function of the meristematic tissues is to produce more cells leading to the growth of the plant body.

Question 12

Name the plant tissue which helps in the movement of water and minerals in the body. What are the various types of cells present in this tissue?


Xylem is the plant tissue which helps in the movement of water and minerals in the plant body.

Xylem is formed of thick-walled, tubular and often dead cells. The various types of the cells present in Xylem tissue are:

  1. Tracheids.
  2. Vessels.
  3. Xylem parenchyma.
  4. Xylem fibres.

Question 13

Which plant tissue is responsible for distribution of food prepared in the leaves? Name the four component parts of this tissue.


Phloem is the plant tissue that is responsible for distribution of food prepared in the leaves.

The four component parts of this tissue are:

  1. Sieve tubes
  2. Companion cells
  3. Phloem parenchyma
  4. Phloem fibres

Question 14

Name the various types of animal tissue and state their functions.


The various types of animal tissue and their functions are as follows:

  1. Epithelial Tissue — It covers the surface of body and forms the lining of various body cavities and internal organs.
  2. Connective Tissue — This tissue connects various other tissues and organs, as well as it provides support to different organs to keep them in proper position.
  3. Muscular Tissue — It forms the muscles of arms, legs, heart, alimentary canal etc., that contracts and relax. They help in movements and locomotion.
  4. Nervous Tissue — This tissue is made up of elongated cells called neurons. Their function is transmission of messages to brain and back to body parts.

Question 15

Give the structure and function of different types of epithelial tissues.


There are four types of epithelial tissues:

  1. Squamous epithelium — They are composed of thin, flattened and polygonal cells. For example: Cells of the outer layer of skin. These cells are usually protective.
  2. Cuboidal epithelium — They are composed of cube-like cells. For example: Inner wall lining of kidneys tubules are concerned with absorption.
  3. Columnar epithelium — They are composed of vertically arranged, tall, cylindrical or column-like cells. For example: Inner lining of stomach and intestine. These cells are usually secretory.
  4. Ciliated epithelium — The columnar epithelium developes cilia at some places like lining of wind pipe and oviduct. The cilia keeps lashing and move the substances in its contact.

Question 16

Draw the diagram of a neuron and label the following parts in it: Cyton, axon, node of Ranvier, internode.


Labelled diagram of a neuron is shown below:

Draw the diagram of a neuron and label the following parts in it: Cyton, axon, node of Ranvier, internode. Plant and Animal Tissues, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 7.

Question 17

Name the three main kinds of muscular tissues. Give the exact location of each kind in an animal body.


The three main kinds of muscular tissues are:

  1. Striated Muscles — They are attached to the bones. They can be found in arms, legs, face and neck, etc.
  2. Unstriated muscles — Common places where these muscles can be found are in the intestinal walls, muscles of the iris in the eye, in the wall of urinary bladder.
  3. Cardiac Muscles — They are found only in the walls of the heart.