Air & Atmosphere


Air & Atmosphere

Air and atmosphere

Question 1

State the meaning of the terms —

(a) air

(b) atmosphere


(a) Air is an invisible mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and whose composition varies from place to place and from time to time.

(b) Atmosphere is a giant blanket of air that wraps around the Earth and extends upto hundreds of kilometres above the earth's surface as a colourless form of matter.

Question 2

Name the important scientists and their studies which led to the discovery of the components of air.


Names of important scientists and their studies which led to the discovery of the components of air are listed below:

  1. John Mayow — He proved that air is a mixture containing an active component and an inactive component.
  2. Joseph Priestley — He discovered oxygen gas by heating mercury [II] oxide in a hard glass test tube.
  3. Antoine Lavoisier — He named the components of air, active as oxygen and inactive as nitrogen.

Question 3

Explain Lavoisier's experiment which provided evidence to the discovery of components in air.


Apparatus: The apparatus was set up as shown, with the mercury in the curved necked retort and air in the bell jar.

Explain Lavoisier's experiment which provided evidence to the discovery of components in air. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.

Procedure: The mercury in the retort was then heated for several days.


  1. A red layer was formed on the heated mercury surface in the retort.
  2. The level of mercury in the trough rose by 15\dfrac{1}{5} .


  1. The oxygen in the retort combined with the mercury forming mercury [II] oxide [red layer] and the level in the trough rose by 15\dfrac{1}{5} th of the original volume, thereby occupying the space of the used oxygen in the bell jar.
  2. The active part of the air removed by mercury on heating was named 'oxygen'.
  3. The remaining inactive part of the air in the bell jar was then named 'nitrogen'.

Question 4

Tabulate the various components of air, including the components with variable composition.


Component of AirComposition
Nitrogen [N2]78-79%
Oxygen [O2]21%
Carbon dioxide [CO2]0.02-0.03%
Rare gases
[Argon, neon, krypton, helium, xenon, radon ]
less than 1%
Water vapourvariable
Dust particlesvariable
[Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen,hydrogen sulphide]

Question 5

Compare the main components of air i.e., nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide with reference to their density and solubility, nature and reactivity.


PropertyNitrogenOxygenCarbon dioxide
DensityAs heavy as airSlightly heavier than air1121\dfrac{1}{2} times heavier than air.
SolubilityVery slightly soluble in water.Slightly soluble in waterFairly soluble in water
NatureNeutralNeutralSlightly acidic
ReactivityChemically inactive or inert at low temperaturesChemically very reactiveChemically reactive

Question 6

Of the total volume of air 4⁄5th is nitrogen. State the utility or consequence of this ratio.


The fact that 4⁄5th of the total volume of air is nitrogen is useful for the following reasons:

  1. Controlled Combustion — Nitrogen being a non-supporter of combustion, dilutes the activity of oxygen in air and controls the combustion of substances.
  2. Growth of Plants — Free nitrogen of air is converted into soluble nitrogen compounds which are absorbed by plants and contribute to their growth and development.
  3. Breathable Air — Nitrogen in the atmosphere dilutes the oxygen, making it safe for us to breathe. Without this dilution, pure oxygen could be harmful and even flammable.

Question 7

State how nitrogen is utilized by plants for their growth. Give a reason why nitrogen is used in flushing food packages.


Growth and development of plants — Free nitrogen of air is converted to soluble nitrogenous compounds in the soil. These are absorbed by plants and converted to plant proteins which play a vital role in their growth and development.

State how nitrogen is utilized by plants for their growth. Give a reason why nitrogen is used in flushing food packages. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.

Flushing food packages — Nitrogen being inert or unreactive is filled into food packets to drive out the oxygen. Hence, bacterial growth inside the food packages is reduced and thereby the food is well preserved and fresh.

Question 8

Oxygen of the air is utilized for 'combustion' and for 'respiration'. Compare the two with a suitable example.


Oxygen for combustionOxygen for respiration
Fuel [hydrocarbon]Food substances [glucose]
Oxygen is neededOxygen is needed
Carbon dioxide is releasedCarbon dioxide is released
Water vapour is formedWater vapour is formed
Heat and light may be evolvedHeat is evolved
Rapid process at high temperatureSlow process at body temperature
CxHy + zO2 ⟶ xCO2 + y/2H2O + EnergyC6H12O6 + 6O2 ⟶ 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
Example : Fuels with oxygen burns to produce heat and light energy.Example : Plants, animals and humans respire by taking in oxygen naturally.

Question 9

State the utility of carbon dioxide for manufacture of food by plants. State its role in warming the earth's environment and in excess resulting in global warming.


Plants manufacture food by the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by the plants in the presence of chlorophyll [the green pigment in plants] and sunlight, resulting in the formation of carbohydrates and release of oxygen.

The sun's rays consist of infrared, visible rays and ultra violet rays. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere allows the reflected ultraviolet rays to pass through but prevents the infrared radiations from being radiated out, resulting in warming of the earth.

Due to pollution, concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. This excess carbon dioxide is warming the earth's surface to a harmful extent resulting in global warming.

Question 10

State the utility of -

(a) water vapour

(b) rare or inert gases present in air.


(a) Utility of water vapour:

  1. For controlling evaporation.
  2. For determining climatic condition.
  3. For growth of plant and animal.

(b) Utility of rare or inert gases:

  1. In advertisement signs
  2. In observation balloons
  3. In electric lamps.
  4. In photography

Question 11

Give the environment effect of three polluting gases with a reason why nitrogen is not considered a polluting gas.


Environment effect of three different polluting gases:

  1. Sulphur dioxide — cause respiratory problems
  2. Nitrogen dioxide — initiates acid rainfall
  3. Dust & smoke particles — causes respiratory problems and precipitates rain.

Nitrogen is not considered a polluting gas for the following reasons:

  1. It is an inert or unreactive gas.
  2. It is utilized by plants for their growth and development.
  3. It controls combustion by diluting the activity of oxygen.
  4. It is not a greenhouse gas and does not contribute to global warming.

Question 12

Describe simple experiments to show the presence of –

(a) oxygen and nitrogen component in air using a bell jar

(b) carbon dioxide in air using a test tube with outlets containing lime water.

(c) water vapour in air using a glass tumbler and ice


(a) To study the presence of oxygen and nitrogen component

Apparatus : A trough , bell jar, cork and crucible, a piece of phosphorus.

Describe simple experiment to show the presence of oxygen and nitrogen component in air using a bell jar. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.

Procedure :

  1. The trough is filled with water and a bell jar divided into 5 equal parts, '1 to 5' is placed over it.
  2. A crucible containing white phosphorus is placed on a cork which is made to float on water.
  3. The level of water inside and outside are adjusted to one level.
  4. The phosphorus is then ignited by means of a heated wire.

Observations :
White fumes are seen initially in the bell jar and level of water in the bell jar rises by 1⁄5.
Phosphorus + Oxygen ⟶ Phosphorus pentoxide

Conclusion :

  1. Oxygen the active component of air [i.e., 1⁄5th of air] is used up in burning.
  2. Nitrogen the inactive component of air [i.e., 4⁄5th of air] is not used up in burning.

Hence air contains oxygen which supports combustion and nitrogen which does not support combustion.

(b) To study the presence of carbon dioxide in air

Apparatus : A test tube containing lime water with two outlets - A and B.

Describe simple experiment to show the presence of carbon dioxide in air using a test tube with outlets containing lime water. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.

Procedure : Air is sucked slowly from the outlet B

Observations : The lime water in the test tube turns milky.

Conclusion : Air contains carbon dioxide which turns lime water milky.

(c) To study the presence of water vapor in air

Procedure : A glass tumbler filled with ice cubes is exposed to the air.

Observations : Water droplets are seen on the outer surface of glass tumbler

Conclusion : Air contains water vapour which condenses on the cool outer surface.

Question 13

State four different properties of a compound and a mixture. With reference to the stated properties give reasons why air is considered a mixture and not a compound.


Four Properties of compounds:

  1. It has a fixed composition.
  2. It has definite set of properties.
  3. It cannot be separated by physical means.
  4. Chemical Formula possible.

Four Properties of mixture:

  1. It has a variable composition.
  2. It has no definite properties.
  3. It cannot be separated by physical means.
  4. No chemical formula possible.

Air is considered a mixture and not a compound because:

  1. Composition — Air has a variable composition
  2. Properties — Air has no specific set of properties
  3. Separation of components — Air can be separated into its components by physical means
  4. Chemical formula — No chemical formula is possible for air.

Question 14

Explain the term 'air pollution', with reference to air quality. State the sources of a few main pollutants.


Air pollution is the condition of air made unclean due to the introduction of foreign elements from natural sources and manmade sources to the air.

Sources of a few main pollutants are:

  1. Natural Sources:
    1. Volcanic eruptions
    2. Lightning discharge
  2. Man-made Sources:
    1. Automobile exhausts
    2. Chemical industries
    3. Burning of fuels

Question 15

Identify the acidic oxides responsible for acid rain. State how their presence results in formation of acid rain. Give a reason why acid rain damages heritage buildings.


Acidic oxides responsible for acid rain are:

  1. Oxides of Sulphur — Sulphur dioxide [SO2]
  2. Oxides of Nitrogen — Nitrogen dioxide [NO2]

Formation of acid rain:
The acidic oxides of Sulphur and Nitrogen combine with water vapour in presence of sunlight forming the respective acids.

Sulphur dioxide + water vapour ⟶ Sulphurous acid [H2SO3]

Sulphur trioxide + water vapour ⟶ Sulphuric acid [H2SO4]

Nitric oxide + oxygen ⟶ nitrogen dioxide [NO2 ]

Nitrogen dioxide + water ⟶ Nitrous acid [HNO2] & Nitric acid [HNO3]

Presence of these acids causes acid rain.

Damage to heritage buildings:
Acid rain damages heritage buildings as it corrodes metallic surfaces & weakens building materials such as statues, marble, limestone [CaCO3] etc. It causes damage to heritage structures such as the Taj Mahal, which is made of limestone and reacts with acids present in acid rain.

Question 16

In the laboratory preparation of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide – answer the following:

(a) Draw a neat and labelled diagram for the method used in above preparation.

(b) Name the catalyst used in the preparation and state its function.

(c) State the word equation for the reaction involving the above preparation of oxygen.

(d) State the method of collection of the oxygen gas giving reasons.


(a) Labelled diagram of the laboratory preparation of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide is shown below:

Draw a neat and labelled diagram for the method used in laboratory preparation of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.

(b) Manganese dioxide is used as the catalyst. It alters the rate of the reaction and increases the rate of evolution of oxygen.

(c) Hydrogen peroxide ⟶ Water + oxygen

(d) Oxygen gas is collected by the downward displacement of water because:

  1. Oxygen is very slightly soluble in water
  2. Oxygen is almost as heavy as air hence it cannot be collected over air.

Question 17

Give word equations for the reactions of –

(a) Non-metals —

  1. Sulphur
  2. Carbon
  3. Phosphorus

(b) Metals —

  1. Sodium
  2. Calcium
  3. Magnesium

with oxygen.


(a) Non-Metals

  1. Sulphur + Oxygen ⟶ Sulphur dioxide
  2. Carbon + Oxygen ⟶ Carbon dioxide
  3. Phosphorus + Oxygen ⟶ Phosphorus pentoxide

(b) Metals

  1. Sodium + Oxygen ⟶ Sodium oxide
  2. Calcium + Oxygen ⟶ Calcium oxide
  3. Magnesium + Oxygen ⟶ Magnesium oxide

Question 18

Distinguish between –

(a) Combustion and respiration

(b) Combustion & rusting

with suitable word equations only.


(a) Combustion and respiration

Hydrocarbon (candle) + Oxygen ⟶ Carbon dioxide + Water vapour + Energy (heat and light)Food + Oxygen ⟶ Carbon dioxide + Water vapour + Energy

(b) Combustion & rusting

Hydrocarbon (candle) + Oxygen ⟶ Carbon dioxide + Water vapour + Energy (heat and light)Iron + Oxygen Moisture\xrightarrow{\text{Moisture}} Hydrated Iron (III) Oxide (Rust) + Heat

Question 19

Give the main experimental points only to demonstrate that —

(a) magnesium

(b) candle

gains weight on burning.


(a) Magnesium gains weight on burning due to the mass of the oxygen of the air which has combined with magnesium forming magnesium oxide.

(b) Candle gains weight on burning due to mass of oxygen of the air which has combined with carbon and hydrogen of the candle CxHy producing water vapour and carbon dioxide.

Question 20

Give reasons for the following:

(a) patients suffering from lung problems are kept in an oxygen tent.

(b) oxygen finds utility in welding & cutting of metals.


(a) Oxygen tents provide artificial supply of extra oxygen to help patients with lung problems breathe easier. This reduces the load on the patient's lungs helping them to work better.

(b) A mixture of oxygen with gases like hydrogen or acetylene on burning, produces high temperature flames of around 2800°C to 3000°C. Such high temperature flames are suitable for melting metals quickly. Hence, oxygen finds utility in welding & cutting of metals.

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Match the statements in List I with the correct answer from List II.

List IList II
1. The constituent of air which is around 0.02%A: Nitrogen
2. The constituent of air which is inert or unreactiveB: Oxygen
3. The constituent of air which is non-combustible, but supports combustionC: Sulphur dioxide
4. A pollutant in air responsible for acid rainD: Carbon dioxide
5. The main rare gas present in airE: Argon


List IList II
1. The constituent of air which is around 0.02%D: Carbon dioxide
2. The constituent of air which is inert or unreactiveA: Nitrogen
3. The constituent of air which is non-combustible, but supports combustionB: Oxygen
4. A pollutant in air responsible for acid rainC: Sulphur dioxide
5. The main rare gas present in airE: Argon

Question 2

Give reasons for the following:

  1. Acid rain has caused damage to heritage structures such as the Taj Mahal.

  2. In the laboratory preparation of oxygen from potassium chlorate – manganese dioxide is added to the reactant.

  3. Oxygen gas does not affect moist blue litmus paper, but carbon dioxide turns it slightly pink.

  4. Oxidation of sulphur results in a product which turns moist blue litmus red.

  5. Combustion and respiration show similarity.


  1. Acid rain damages heritage buildings because it corrodes metallic surfaces and weakens building materials like statues, marbles, limestone. Taj Mahal is predominantly made of lime stone and it reacts with acids present in acid rain.

  2. In the laboratory preparation of oxygen from potassium chlorate, manganese dioxide acts as a catalyst altering the rate of the reaction. It initiates the decomposition of potassium chlorate (KClO3) at a lower temperature.

  3. As oxygen is neutral in nature so it has no effect on blue litmus paper, but carbon dioxide is slightly acidic in nature, hence it turns blue litmus paper to slightly pink.

  4. The product obtained from the oxidation of sulphur is sulphur dioxide which is a non-metallic acidic oxide. Hence, it turns moist blue litmus red indicating its acidic nature.

  5. Combustion and respiration show similarity because they both involve the breakdown of substances with the use of oxygen to release energy, producing carbon dioxide and water as byproducts.

Question 3

Name the following:

  1. The product formed on oxidation of phosphorus.

  2. The acid formed when the above product of oxidation of phosphorus, reacts with water.

  3. The chemical name of rust.

  4. The pollutant which combines with water vapour to give sulphuric acid – a product of acid rain.

  5. The gas required for both combustion and rusting.


  1. Phosphorus pentoxide [P2O5]

  2. Phosphoric acid [H3PO4]

  3. Hydrated iron (III) oxide [Fe2O3.xH2O ]

  4. Sulphur trioxide [SO3]

  5. Oxygen [O2]

Question 4

Select the correct answer from the choice in bracket to complete each sentence.

  1. Nitrogen of the air is utilized by plants for formation of ............... [carbohydrates/proteins]

  2. The gas evolved as a product of combustion as well as respiration is ...............[nitrogen dioxide / carbon dioxide].

  3. A candle burns in a jar of oxygen, but gets extinguished in ............... [chlorine/nitrogen]

  4. Air has variable composition and hence there is ............... [less/more] oxygen at lower altitudes than at higher altitudes.

  5. Rusting is a chemical reaction which involves ............... [rapid/slow] oxidation.


  1. Nitrogen of the air is utilized by plants for formation of proteins.

  2. The gas evolved as a product of combustion as well as respiration is carbon dioxide

  3. A candle burns in a jar of oxygen, but gets extinguished in nitrogen.

  4. Air has variable composition and hence there is more oxygen at lower altitudes than at higher altitudes.

  5. Rusting is a chemical reaction which involves slow oxidation.

Question 5

Draw a neat labelled diagram for each of the following experiments.

  1. To determine the component of air used up in burning, by using phosphorus and a bell jar.

  2. To study the presence of carbon dioxide in air.

  3. To prove that oxygen is non-combustible, but supports combustion.

  4. To prepare oxygen in the laboratory from hydrogen peroxide and a catalyst.

  5. To demonstrate the burning of sulphur in a jar of oxygen.


  1. To determine the component of air used up in burning, by using phosphorus and a bell jar.
Describe simple experiment to show the presence of oxygen and nitrogen component in air using a bell jar. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.
  1. To study the presence of carbon dioxide.
Describe simple experiment to show the presence of carbon dioxide in air using a test tube with outlets containing lime water. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.
  1. To prove that oxygen is non-combustible, but supports combustion.
Draw a neat labelled diagram to prove that oxygen is non-combustible, but supports combustion. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.
  1. To prepare oxygen in the laboratory from hydrogen peroxide and a catalyst.
Draw a neat and labelled diagram for the method used in laboratory preparation of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.
  1. To demonstrate the burning of sulphur in a jar of oxygen.
Draw a neat labelled diagram to demonstrate the burning of sulphur in a jar of oxygen. Air & Atmosphere, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.