Test Paper


Test Paper

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

The process of breaking down glucose to release energy is called ............... .


The process of breaking down glucose to release energy is called respiration.

Question 2

A total of ............... molecules are produced by the oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose.


A total of 38 ATP molecules are produced by the oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose.

Question 3

Each genus is further divided into several ............... .


Each genus is further divided into several species.

Question 4

The size of a bacteria varies from ............... to ............... .


The size of a bacteria varies from 0.2 to 100 microns .

Question 5

Gases are exchanged through small openings on the leaves called ............... .


Gases are exchanged through small openings on the leaves called stomata.

Question 6

............... pigments are formed in the liver by the breakdown of haemoglobin of dead RBCs.


Bile pigments are formed in the liver by the breakdown of haemoglobin of dead RBCs.

Question 7

............... are narrow tubes that lead out from each kidney.


Ureters are narrow tubes that lead out from each kidney.

Write true or false. Correct the false statements

Question 1

Light energy trapped by the chlorophyll is used to convert raw materials into sugars.



Question 2

Amoeba moves with the help of flagella.



Corrected statement — Amoeba moves with the help of pseudopodia.

Question 3

Yeast is also used in the manufacture of vitamins.



Question 4

In anaerobic respiration, 38 ATP molecules are produced by the oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose.



Corrected statement — In anaerobic respiration, 2 ATP molecules are produced by the oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose.

Question 5

In combustion, energy is released in the form of heat and light.



Question 6

A kidney has two regions, the cortex and the medulla.



Differentiate between

Question 1

kingdom Monera and kingdom Protista


Kingdom MoneraKingdom Protista
1.Monera are simplest and primitive organisms.Protista are comparatively evolved.
2.Monera are unicellular without defined nucleus.Protista are unicellular with defined nucleus.
3.Complex cell organelles are absent.Complex organelles are present.
4.Monera are mostly non-movable. However, a few have flagella for movement.Protista can move from place to place with the help of cilia, flagella or pseudopodia.

Question 2

bacteria and fungi


1.Bacteria are prokaryotic.Fungi are eukaryotic.
2.Bacteria are unicellular.Fungi are both unicellular and multicellular.
3.Cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan.Cell wall is made up of chitin.
4.Bacteria reproduce by asexual methods (binary fission).Fungi reproduce by both sexual and asexual methods.

Question 3

anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration


Aerobic respirationAnaerobic respiration
1.It takes place in the presence of oxygen.It takes place in the absence or shortage of oxygen.
2.Complete oxidation of food takes place.Incomplete oxidation of food takes place.
3.38 ATP molecules are produced by the oxidation of one glucose molecule.2 ATP molecules are produced by the oxidation of one glucose molecule.
4.Its end products are carbon dioxide and water.Its end products are ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Question 4

respiration and photosynthesis


1.Food is synthesized by plants using carbon dioxide and water.Food is oxidized using oxygen to release energy.
2.It takes place only in autotrophs.It takes place in both autotrophs and heterotrophs.
3.It takes place only in the cells of green plants that have chloroplast.It takes place in the mitochondria of all living cells of a plant.
4.It takes place only during the day time.It takes place during day and night.
5.It requires carbon dioxide and water.It requires glucose and oxygen.
6.Oxygen is released as a by-product.Carbon dioxide and water are released as by-product.
7.It captures energy and stores it in sugars.It releases the energy stored in sugars.

Give reasons for the following

Question 1

Stomata close when the guard cells lose water


When guard cells are full of water, they stretch outwards, opening the stomata. When they lose water they become less turgid closing the stomata.

Question 2

Bacteria and fungi were included in the Plant kingdom while Protozoa were placed in the Animal kingdom.


Bacteria and fungi were included in the Plant kingdom because they showed some plant like characters like non-motility also a few of bacteria are photosynthetic. Protozoans were placed in the animal kingdom because they showed mobility and heterotrophic nutrition.

Question 3

Two by-products, carbon dioxide and water are given out during cellular respiration. But only carbon dioxide is considered as a waste product.


Two by-products, carbon dioxide and water are given out during cellular respiration. But only carbon dioxide is considered as a waste product because it is harmful for the body if its concentration increases inside the body.

Find the odd one out. Give reasons for your answers

Question 1

Blue green algae, Rhizopus, Mucor


Blue green algae

Reason — Blue green algae is classified under the Kingdom Monera while Rhizopus and Mucor are classified under Kingdom Fungi.

Question 2

cocci, spirilla, vibrio, yeast



Reason — Cocci, spirilla and vibrio are forms of bacteria but yeast is a fungi.

Answer the following in detail

Question 1

What is photosynthesis? Explain with the help of an equation.


The process by which green plants use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose in the presence of green-coloured pigment (chlorophyll) is called photosynthesis. Plants obtain carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through stomata and water is absorbed by the roots from the soil. The process of photosynthesis involves following steps:

  1. Light is absorbed by chlorophyll, which splits water (called photolysis) and oxygen is released. This reaction depends on sunlight for activation energy. It takes place in thylakoids of the chloroplasts.
  2. Carbon dioxide splits and this carbon is used to make sugars. It occurs in stroma. This reaction does not require light energy.
  3. Sugars are formed and they combine to form complex sugars.

Photosynthesis can be represented by the following word equation:

Carbon dioxide + water chlorophyllsunlight\xrightarrow[\text{chlorophyll}]{\text{sunlight}} Glucose + Oxygen

Question 2

Give a detailed account of how bacteria are useful for humans.


Following are the uses of the bacteria:

  1. Production of butter and cheese — Some bacteria such as Streptococcus and Lactobacillus are used to produce curd, butter and cheese.
  2. Production of vitamins — Many bacteria living in the intestine of humans synthesize vitamins such as vitamin B.
  3. Production of medicines — Bacteria are also used in the production of certain antibiotics such as streptomycin and aureomycin.
  4. Nitrogen fixation — Some bacteria such as Azotobacter and Clostridium live in the root nodules of leguminous plants and fix atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates.
  5. Nitrification — Some bacteria such as Nitrosomonas convert ammonia into nitrates and increase the fertility of soil.
  6. Curing of tobacco and tea leaves — Bacteria are used in the curing of tobacco and tea leaves. Curing imparts a characteristic flavour to tobacco and tea leaves.
  7. Digestion of food — Some bacteria live inside the digestive tract of animals, especially herbivores and break down cellulose (in grass) and help in digestion.
  8. Decay of organic waste — Bacteria are the scavengers of nature and help to keep the environment clean. They act on the dead bodies of plants and animals and break them down into simpler chemical compounds. During decomposition, they release carbon, nitrogen and sulphur into the atmosphere

Question 3

How are the plants grouped based on their flower or seed-bearing ability?


Based on whether a plant produces flower and seeds or not, the plant kingdom is divided into two categories:

  1. Non-seeded plants or Cryptogams — These are the plants that do not produce flowers or seeds. They do not have special male and female reproductive units to produce seeds. So, their reproduction is termed as hidden reproduction. Cryptogams are further divided into three groups — Thallophyta, Bryophyta and Pteridophyta.
  2. Seed-bearing plants or Phanerogams — They include the plants that have special organs for reproduction. These plants bear male and female reproductive units to produce seeds. They are further divided into two categories — Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

Question 4

What are the different types of respiration? Explain with the help of equations.


Depending upon the presence or absence of oxygen, respiration is of two types — aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.

Aerobic respiration — When the oxidation of food (glucose) takes place in the presence of oxygen, it is called aerobic respiration. In this process, glucose is completely oxidized to form carbon dioxide and water. It takes place in mostly higher animals and plants. In aerobic respiration, 38 ATP molecules are released from oxidation of one glucose molecule.

Glucose + Oxygen ⟶ Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy (38 ATP)

Anaerobic respiration — When the oxidation of food (glucose) takes place in the absence of oxygen, it is called anaerobic respiration. In this process, glucose is not completely oxidized to form carbon dioxide and water. Rather, it is oxidized to produce ethyl alcohol or lactic acid and 2 ATP molecules.

Glucose (in absence of oxygen) ⟶ Carbon dioxide + Ethyl alcohol + Energy (2 ATP)

Question 5

How does the leaves of a plant carry out respiration?


Leaves and young green stems have pores on them. These pores are called stomata. The exchange of gases takes place through these stomata. There are more stomata on the lower surface of leaves. Oxygen and water vapour leave the plant through the stomata while carbon dioxide enters through them. Each stoma has two bean-shaped cells called guard cells. The inner walls of the guard cells are thicker than the outer walls. When the guard cells are full of water, they swell and bulge outwards, opening the stomata. When the guard cells lose water, they lose their turgidity closing the stomata. When the stomata open, the exchange of gases takes place by the process of diffusion.

Question 6

How is urine formed?


The process of blood filtration by kidneys and urine formation can be explained in the following steps:

  1. Filtration — The renal artery brings the blood containing waste material to the kidneys. It then enters the glomerulus under high pressure. Water and small solutes are filtered in the Bowman’s capsule.
  2. Reabsorption — The filtrate passes through the thin walls of the Bowman’s capsule into the urinary or renal tubule. As it passes through the tubule, water and many useful substances are reabsorbed by the renal blood capillaries.
  3. Secretion — The remaining liquid, along with waste such as urea, uric acid and so on, is called urine and is collected in the urinary bladder.
  4. Excretion — Urine leaves the kidneys and passes into the urinary bladder through the ureters. When the urinary bladder is full, urine is passed out through the urethra.

Question 7

What are the symptoms of a person suffering from kidney stones?


Following are the symptoms of kidney stones

  • severe pain in the sides of the abdomen
  • blood in the urine
  • nausea and vomiting
  • reduced amount of urine excreted
  • burning sensation during urination
  • persistent urge to urinate

Identify the organ

Question 1

Identify the organ in the picture. Label its parts.

Identify the organ in the picture. Label the diagram. Excretory System in Humans, Living Science Biology Ratna Sagar Solutions ICSE Class 7.


The organ in the picture is Kidney. The labelled diagram is shown below:

Kidney labelled diagram. Excretory System in Humans, Living Science Biology Ratna Sagar Solutions ICSE Class 7.