Test Paper


Test Paper

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

Groups of similar cells are called ............... .


Groups of similar cells are called tissue.

Question 2

Xylem and phloem together are called the ............... .


Xylem and phloem together are called the vascular bundle.

Question 3

The cells of ............... epithelium appear flat, hexagonal or irregular in shape.


The cells of squamous epithelium appear flat, hexagonal or irregular in shape.

Question 4

Muscle cells contain specialized cytoplasm called ............... .


Muscle cells contain specialized cytoplasm called sarcoplasm.

Question 5

............... have an unsegmented body with no head and five radial arms.


Echinoderms have an unsegmented body with no head and five radial arms.

Question 6

An ............... is a response of the body’s immune system to specific substances.


An allergy is a response of the body’s immune system to specific substances.

Question 7

The axon is covered by a sheath called ............... sheath.


The axon is covered by a sheath called myelin sheath.

Question 8

The ............... is located below and anterior to cerebrum.


The cerebellum is located below and anterior to cerebrum.

Write true or false. Correct the false statements.

Question 1

Phloem is the food-conducting tissue of plants.



Question 2

Xylem consists of mainly dead cells.



Question 3

In gastric glands, the epithelial tissue is specialized to secrete enzymes that help in digestion.



Question 4

Striated muscles do not have any bands or striations.



Corrected statement — Striated muscles have bands or striations.

Question 5

The body of Arthropoda is divided into head, thorax and albumen.



Question 6

Certain drugs, called histamine drugs, can prevent allergic reaction.



Corrected statement — Certain drugs, called anti-histamine drugs, can prevent allergic reaction.

Question 7

In the scratch test for allergy, blood is drawn with the help of a syringe.



Corrected statement — In the scratch test for allergy, the skin is scratched in rows with an allergen.

Question 8

The brain is enveloped by three membranes called meninges.



Differentiate between

Question 1

meristematic tissue and permanent tissue.


Meristematic TissuePermanent Tissue
1.They are actively dividing cells.They specialize and do not divide further.
2.They are present at root and shoot tip.They are found in different parts of plant.
3.They build up plant body in length and thickness.They perform specific function.
4.The cells are small in size, cell wall is thin, nuclei are prominent.The cells are fully matured and are bigger in size with thick cell wall.
5.Vacuoles are absent.Vacuoles are present.

Question 2

xylem and phloem


1.Transports water and minerals absorbed by the roots to other plant parts.Transports food manufactured in the leaves to other plant parts.
2.Consists mainly of dead cells.Consists mainly of living cells.
3.Conduction is unidirectional i.e. only upwards from the roots.Bidirectional conduction i.e. both upwards and downwards from the leaves.
4.Located on the inner side of the vascular bundle.Located on outer side of the vascular bundle.

Question 3

voluntary and involuntary muscles


Voluntary MuscleInvoluntary Muscle
1.These muscles are under our control.These muscles are not under our control.
2.They help in the movement of the bones of limbs.They are present in internal organs and help in movement of food, movement of urine from urinary bladder and so on.
3.The cells are long, cylindrical and unbranched.The cells are spindle shaped.
4.They are multinucleate.They are uninucleate.
5.They are striated.The are unstriated.

Question 4

voluntary and involuntary muscles


Voluntary MuscleInvoluntary Muscle
1.These muscles are under our control.These muscles are not under our control.
2.They help in the movement of the bones of limbs.They are present in internal organs and help in movement of food, movement of urine from urinary bladder and so on.
3.The cells are long, cylindrical and unbranched.The cells are spindle shaped.
4.They are multinucleate.They are uninucleate.
5.They are striated.The are unstriated.

Question 5

seasonal allergy and perennial allergy


Seasonal AllergyPerennial Allergy
1.When the allergy occurs at a particular time of the year, it is called seasonal allergy.It is not linked to any season.
2.Particular allergens prominently found in a season cause such allergy.It occurs at anytime of the year.
3.For example: Hay FeverFor example: Dust Allergy

Question 6

cerebrum and cerebellum


1.It is the uppermost, largest and the most prominent part of the brain.It is a small, egg-shaped lobe located at the base under the cerebrum.
2.It is highly convoluted in appearance with ridges and grooves.It does not have convolutions, but has many furrows.
3.It controls mental activities such as thinking and reasoning, memory, intelligence and perception of taste, pain and touch etc.It coordinates the movement of voluntary muscles and maintains the balance of the body.

Give reason for the following

Question 1

This animal has a soft body and arm-like tentacles. You dissect the animal and find that it has an internal shell. Is the animal a cnidarian or a mollusc? Which group does this animal belong to?


The animal is a mollusc as it has a soft body and arm-like tentacles and also an internal shell. It belongs to the Invertebrates group.

Find the odd one out. Give reasons for your answers

Question 1

parenchyma, cork, collenchyma



Reason — Cork is protective tissue while others are supporting tissue.

Question 2

voluntary muscles, striated muscles, cardiac muscles


cardiac muscles

Reason — Voluntary muscles and striated muscles are same but cardiac muscles refer to muscles of heart which are involuntary.

Answer the following in detail

Question 1

Write about the characteristics of the meristematic tissue.


The meristematic tissue has following characteristic:

  1. These cells are small, thin-walled and full of cytoplasm.
  2. They have a large nucleus, vacuoles are mostly absent.
  3. The cells actively divide to form new cells.
  4. This tissue is found in all the growing parts of a plant where growth in length and thickness occurs.

Question 2

What are the three types of muscular tissues? Write the differences between them.


The three types of muscular tissues are:

  1. Voluntary muscles
  2. Involuntary muscles
  3. Cardiac muscles

The differences between them based on the characteristic features are given below:

CharacteristicVoluntary MusclesInvoluntary MusclesCardiac Muscles
ShapeCylindrical and unbranchedSpindle-shapedCylindrical and branched
Dark and light bands (striation) are presentStriations are absentDark and light bands are present
ControlThese are under your control or willThese are not under your control or willThese are not under your control.
FunctionHelp in the movement of the bones.Help in the movement of food, movement of urine from the urinary bladder etc.Cause the rhythmic movement of the heart resulting in circulation of blood in the body
LocationPresent in hands, legs, tongue, jaws, body (trunk) and so onPresent in the walls of the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder and arteriesPresent only in heart.

Question 3

What are the characteristics of reptiles?


The characteristics of reptiles are:

  1. They are cold-blooded animals.
  2. They have dry skin covered with horny epidermal scales.
  3. Respiration takes place through lungs.
  4. Their heart is three-chambered except crocodiles that have a four-chambered heart.
  5. They lay eggs that have leathery waterproof shells.
  6. Most of them spend their life on land. They have two pairs of legs.

Question 4

What are mammals? What are their characteristics?


Mammals are warm-blooded, hairy animals that give birth to babies and produce milk to feed them.

The characteristics of mammals are:

  1. They have hair on their body.
  2. They give birth to babies and have mammary glands that produce milk for nourishing their young ones.
  3. Most mammals have external ears, nose and specialised teeth
  4. They breathe through lungs.
  5. They have a four-chambered heart.
  6. The sexes are separate — male and female.

Question 5

What are the mild, moderate and severe symptoms of allergy?


Mild symptoms of allergy are:

  1. Rash on the skin
  2. Itchy and watery eyes
  3. Congestion of throat
  4. Persistent sneezing

Moderate symptoms

  1. Continuous itchiness
  2. Difficulty in breathing

Severe symptoms

  1. Swelling of skin
  2. Swelling in throat making it difficult to breathe or swallow food.
  3. Abdominal pain
  4. Vomiting
  5. Dizziness and mental confusion
  6. Wheezing

Question 6

What are the different types of nerves?


The different types of nerves are:

  1. Sensory nerves — These carry impulses from the sense organs to either the spinal cord or the brain. For example, the optic nerve in the eye and the auditory nerve in the ear.
  2. Motor nerves — The nerves that carry messages in the form of responses from the brain or spinal cord to other parts of the body such as muscles and glands are called motor nerves. They contain only motor fibres.
  3. Mixed nerves — These perform the function of both sensory nerves and motor nerves. They transmit electrical impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles of the body. They contain both sensory and motor fibres.

Question 7

Explain the function of the spinal cord.


The spinal cord conducts reflexes below the neck. It conducts sensory impulses from the skin and muscles to the brain. It conducts motor responses from the brain to the muscles of the trunk and limbs.

Question 8

How do messages from various parts of the body reach the brain?


The peripheral nervous system transmits messages to and from the sense organs and is responsible for voluntary actions such as cycling, swimming and so on. Messages enter the spinal cord from all parts of the body and reach the brain, which sends back the messages to various body parts through the spinal cord.

Name the parts

Question 1

Name the parts labelled from a to g.

Name the parts labelled from a to g. Test Paper, Living Science Biology Ratna Sagar Solutions ICSE Class 7.


The parts labelled are:

a → Dendrites

b → Nucleus

c → Cell body or cyton

d → Myelin Sheath

e → Axon

f → Axon endings

g → Muscles