Database and DBMS - An Introduction


Database and DBMS - An Introduction

Choose the correct option

Question 1

What does the letter R signify in the word RDBMS?

  1. Relative
  2. Relation
  3. Relational
  4. All of these



Reason — RDBMS stand for Relational Database Management System.

Question 2

Which of the following can be used as a character while defining a field in MS Access?

  1. !
  2. "
  3. period (.)
  4. underscore (_)


underscore (_) and "

Reason — Some special characters such as period (.), exclamation mark (!), accent grave (`) and brackets cannot be entered in field names.

Question 3

Which of the following is not appropriate for Microsoft Access?

  1. It is a database management system.
  2. It is very useful for mathematical calculations.
  3. A separate storage system is required other than hard disk.
  4. The records can be edited.


A separate storage system is required other than hard disk.

Reason — No separate storage system is required for Microsoft Access.

Question 4

Which of the following fields can be selected as a primary key in MS Access database file?

  1. name
  2. dob (date of birth)
  3. reg no
  4. marks


reg no

Reason — A primary key should be unique and cannot be left blank. Hence, reg no (i.e., Registration Number) can be used as a primary key.

Question 5

Which of the following fields appear by default when MS Access is opened?

  1. ID
  2. Index
  3. IP
  4. RN



Reason — The field 'ID' is present in the table by default and it is considered to be the Primary Key.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

MS Access is a Database Management System.

Question 2

The collection of related records is called table.

Question 3

Rows in a table represent records.

Question 4

The process of retrieving relevant information from a database is called query.

Question 5

A field in MS Access that identifies each record uniquely is called primary key.

Question 6

The number of primary key in a table in MS Access can be one.

Question 7

A Database Management System is an application software.

Question 8

The columns in a table represent fields.

Question 9

You can't delete the column of ID in a table.

Question 10

The special characters are not allowed as a field name in a table.

State True or False

Question 1

The default extension of MS Access database file is *.accdb.

Question 2

The Primary key may not be a unique field in a database table.

Question 3

In a database, the special characters are not allowed in the field name.

Question 4

You can't edit the data type of a field name in the table.

Question 5

Microsoft Access is a Database Management System.

Question 6

The field name, defined with 'Primary Key' can't be deleted.

Question 7

You can only insert a field but can't delete it.

Question 8

In 'Datasheet View', you can see all the records of a table.

Identify the valid and invalid field names giving reasons

Question 1



Invalid because 'name' is a keyword in MS Access.

Question 2

Father's name


Valid because it has no special character in it.

Question 3

Date of birth


Valid because it has no special character in it.

Question 4

Admission No.


Invalid because it has a special character (.) in it.

Question 5

Blood Group


Valid because it has no special character in it.

Question 6

Postal Address


Valid because it has no special character in it.

Question 7

Contact No.


Invalid because it has a special character (.) in it.

Question 8

E-mail ID


Invalid because it has a special character (-) in it.

Mention the data type (short text, long text or number) of the fields and also indicate the primary key

FieldData Type
Index No


FieldData Type
Index NoNumber
(Primary Key)
NameShort Text
SUPWLong Text

Index No will be the Primary Key.

Name the following

Question 1

Two DBMS packages


  1. MS Access
  2. Fox-Pro

Question 2

Two components of a Table


  1. Field
  2. Record

Question 3

Two different views of a Table in a Database


  1. Datasheet View
  2. Design View

Question 4

Two ways to create a query In a Database


  1. Creating Query in Design View
  2. Creating Query by using Wizard

Question 5

Three commonly used terms in MS Access


  1. Table
  2. Primary Key
  3. Query

Question 6

Three different data types used in a Database table


  1. Number
  2. Currency
  3. Short Text

Case-Study Based Questions

Question 1

Query is a way to retrieve relevant data from a database after analysing it in different ways. It also allows you to get information from multiple tables, forms and reports and sort it in a particular order. The query window contains some attributes (elements) as listed in the box shown below:


Choose an appropriate attribute selecting from the above box for each of the following:

(a) It is used to set a condition based on which the query is to be made.

(b) It is used to display all the fields of the selected table.

(c) They have check boxes to be marked so that selected fields could only be displayed while performing the query.

(d) It allows arranging data in either ascending or descending order.


(a) Criteria

(b) Fields

(c) Show

(d) Sort

Define the following

Question 1

Primary Key


Primary key is a unique field by which records are identified in a table. For example, In a table of student's record, the 'Registration Number' can be called as the primary key.

Question 2



A set of fields comprises a record.

Question 3



A query is a way of retrieving relevant data from a database and analysing it in different ways.

Question 4



The columns in a table contain a number of headings such as first name, last name, address etc. These headings are known as fields.

Question 5



The end product of data manipulation in DBMS as per the user's choice is known as 'Report'. Report can be obtained as a hard copy or a soft copy. Reports are usually created after making the queries on the database.

Answer the following questions

Question 1

What is Database Management System? Name two DBMS packages.


A collection of programs required to store and retrieve data from a database is called Database Management System. It is an application package which arranges all records in an orderly manner so that the information can be accessed easily. Two DBMS packages are MS Access and Fox-Pro.

Question 2

Define Table with the reference to DBMS. Name the different components of a table.


A table is used to store data in a database. A group of related data is organised in columns (fields) and rows (records) in a datasheet. A set of fields comprises a record and a set of similar records make a table.

The different components of a table are:

  1. Field
  2. Record

Question 3

Can you delete multiple records from a table? Justify.


Yes, we can delete multiple records from a table.

To delete multiple records, we can select multiple records by using the Shift key and mouse pointer. Once the desired records are selected, we can use the Delete key to delete the records.

Question 4

Enlist the features of Database Management System.


The features of Database Management System are:

  1. Ensures Data Security — The data in DBMS can be protected by giving permissions and allowing access of database to authorised users only.
  2. Enforces Data Integrity — DBMS enforces data integrity such that the data in a database is accurate by using various built-in constraints or checks.
  3. Minimises Data Redundancy — DBMS minimises duplication of data by integrating and sharing data files.
  4. Ease to update data — We can easily update the data of a database as and when required.
  5. Increases Data Consistency — If the data is stored at multiple locations, it can sometimes lead to data inconsistency. DMBS ensures that the data remains consistent throughout in a database.
  6. Improves Data Access — DBMS facilitates sharing and retrieving of the data by multiple users through centralised control over data.

Question 5

Distinguish between Datasheet View and Design View.


Datasheet ViewDesign View
It is the default view of the table. It shows all the fields and the records as entered by the user.In this view, the records are not visible. Only the field names and their data types are visible.

Question 6

Can you create more than one table in the same Database? Explain.


Yes, we can create more than one table in the same database.

We can close one table and create another table in the same database. To create another table, we can select 'Table' from the 'Tables' group from the 'Create' tab on the menu bar. The new table will open.

How will you perform these tasks in MS Access?

Question 1

To view a table of a database


To view a table of a database, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click 'File' and select 'Open' option from the drop-down menu. Open window will appear.

Step 2: Browse and select your database. Click Open button. The database will open.

Step 3: All the tables of the database are shown in the left pane. Double click on the desired table.

The table will open on the right pane.

Question 2

To add a field name in a table


To add a field name in a table, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the table in Datasheet view.

Step 2: Double click 'Click to Add' heading and rename the field with an appropriate data type.

A new field is added to the table. Data can be entered in the field.

Question 3

To delete a record in a table


To delete a record in a table, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the required table in Datasheet view.

Step 2: Place the pointer and select the record which is to be deleted. The record will be highlighted.

Step 3: Right click the selected record nd click 'Delete Record'. The system asks for confirmation from the user before deleting it permanently from the table.

Step 4: Click 'Yes' to confirm, otherwise 'No'.

On clicking 'Yes', the selected record gets deleted from the table permanently.

Question 4

To create a table with field names


To create a table with field names, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on 'Create' tab on the ribbon. Under the 'Tables' group, select 'Table'. A new table will be created and opened in Datasheet view.

Step 2: By default, the field name ID is already added in the table. Other fields can be added by clicking 'Click to Add'.

Step 3: Double click 'Click to Add' heading and rename the field with an appropriate data type.

Step 4: Continue Step 3 till the table has all the required fields.

Now you can enter records in the table.