Weather and Climate


Weather and Climate

Tick the correct option

Question 1(a)

Wind vane is used to find out

  1. Pressure
  2. Temperature
  3. Direction
  4. Speed



Question 1(b)

The unit of pressure is

  1. Cm
  2. Mb
  3. Degree Celsius
  4. Percent



Question 1(c)

Relative humidity is measured by

  1. Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer
  2. Rain gauge
  3. Thermometer
  4. Stevenson screen


Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer

Question 1(d)

Wind speed is measured by

  1. Km per hour
  2. Miles per minute
  3. Knots
  4. Metres per second



Question 1(e)

Science that deals with the study of weather.

  1. Anthropology
  2. Zoology
  3. Meteorology
  4. Seismology



Question 1(f)

This is not an element of weather and climate.

  1. Temperature
  2. Sunshine
  3. Humidity
  4. Isotherm



Question 1(g)

What instrument is used to measure temperature?

  1. Barometer
  2. Thermometer
  3. Hygrometer
  4. Weather cock



Question 1(h)

Atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in ............... .

  1. Latitude
  2. Altitude
  3. Distance from the sea
  4. Wind speed



Question 1(i)

The actual amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere is

  1. Actual vapour
  2. Absolute humidity
  3. Relative humidity
  4. Humidity


Absolute humidity

Question 1(j)

The atmospheric pressure at the sea level is

  1. 1013 gm/sq cm
  2. 4301 gm/sq cm
  3. 1034 gm/sq m
  4. 4301 km/sq cm


1013 gm/sq cm

Question 1(k)

Temperature at which air gets saturated.

  1. Frost point
  2. Hail point
  3. Sleet point
  4. Dew point


Dew point

Question 1(l)

Lines on weather map joining places having equal pressure are called

  1. Isohyets
  2. Isohales
  3. Isobars
  4. Isotherm



Question 1(m)

Scales measuring the force of winds at sea

  1. Primary scale
  2. Verbal scale
  3. Beaufort scale
  4. Statement scale


Beaufort scale

Question 1(n)

Winds are attracted towards

  1. Low pressure region
  2. High pressure region
  3. Low temperature region
  4. High temperature region


Low pressure region

Question 1(o)

Lines on a weather map joining places having equal amount of precipitation

  1. Isobar
  2. Isohyet
  3. Isohale
  4. Isotherm




Question 2

Fill in the blanks:

(a) ............... is a place where weather conditions are recorded with the help of instruments.

(b) ............... is used to measure rainfall.

(c) ............... thermometer can record the highest and the lowest temperature of a given period.

(d) Horizontal movement of air near the surface of the earth is called ............... .


(a) Weather Station is a place where weather conditions are recorded with the help of instruments.

(b) Rain gauge is used to measure rainfall.

(c) Six’s thermometer can record the highest and the lowest temperature of a given period.

(d) Horizontal movement of air near the surface of the earth is called wind

Question 3

Distinguish between the following:

(i) Climate and Weather

(ii) Absolute and Relative humidity

(iii) Diurnal range of temperature and annual range of temperature


(i) Difference between Climate and Weather:

Climate is the average weather condition of a region over a long period of almost 30 years.Weather is the day-to-day condition of atmosphere of a place.
Climate involves systematic observation recording and processing of the various elements of climate, i.e. air pressure, humidity, winds, clouds and sunshine.The weather condition may include wind, temperature, snow, rain, storm or sunshine which changes frequently.

(ii) Difference between Absolute and Relative humidity:

Absolute humidityRelative humidity
Absolute humidity is the actual amount of water vapour present in the air.It is the ratio between the actual amount of water vapour and the total amount of water vapour that the air can hold at a given temperature.
It is expressed in grams per cubic metre.It is expressed as percentage.

(iii) Difference between Diurnal range of temperature and annual range of temperature:

Diurnal range of temperatureAnnual range of temperature
The difference between the maximum and minimum daily temperature is known as diurnal temperature range.The difference between the hottest and coldest months, with monthly mean temperatures, is called the annual temperature range.

Question 4(a)

Name the elements of weather.


The important elements of weather are as follows:

  1. Temperature
  2. Atmospheric pressure
  3. Prevailing winds
  4. Humidity
  5. Precipitation
  6. Sunshine
  7. Clouds

Question 4(b)

Name the instruments used for the following:

(i) Atmospheric pressure

(ii) Wind speed

(iii) Rainfall

(iv) Humidity

(v) Temperature


Name of the instruments used for the following are:

(i) Atmospheric pressure — Barometer.

(ii) Wind speed — Anemometer.

(iii) Rainfall — Rain gauge.

(iv) Humidity — Hygrometer.

(v) Temperature — Thermometer.

Question 4(c)

State the use of wet and dry bulb thermometer.


The relative humidity of the atmosphere at a particular place can be measured with the help of a wet and dry bulb thermometer or hygrometer.

Question 4(d)

What is the purpose of the meteorological station?


The meteorological stations record the weather related data on daily basis using different instrument. These data help the meteorologists to carry research work and also forecast weather of that particular area.

Question 4(e)

What is the purpose of anemometer?


An anemometer is a device used for measuring wind speed. It consists of cup like structures mounted on a pole so that the cups catch the wind and spin the wheel at a rate proportional to the wind speed. It measures wind speed based on rotational movement of wheel.

Question 4(f)

What are weather maps used for?


Weather maps show weather facts about a specific place at a given time. They are used to predict weather. Weather forecasting helps farmers, fishermen, soldiers, navigators and pilots in many ways. Disaster management is not possible without weather maps and charts.