Australia — Location, Political Divisions and Physical Features


Australia — Location, Political Divisions and Physical Features

Tick the correct option

Question 1(a)

Captain James Cook landed at Botany Bay in

  1. 1788
  2. 1642
  3. 1742
  4. 1840



Question 1(b)

The capital of Australia is

  1. Melbourne
  2. Sydney
  3. Canberra
  4. Brisbane



Question 1(c)

The capital of Tasmania is

  1. Adelaide
  2. Hobart
  3. Darwin
  4. Perth



Question 1(d)

The Great Barrier Reef is situated on the

  1. Northeast Coast
  2. Northwest Coast
  3. Southeast Coast
  4. Southwest Coast


Northeast Coast

Question 1(e)

The highest peak of the Eastern Highlands is

  1. Mt. Kosciuszko
  2. Mt. MacDonnell
  3. Blue Mountain
  4. Australian Alps


Mt. Kosciuszko

Question 1(f)

The shape of Australia is like a

  1. Square
  2. Circle
  3. Quadrilateral
  4. Rectangle



Question 1(g)

The Arafura and Timor Sea lie to the ............... of Australia.

  1. North
  2. South
  3. East
  4. West



Question 1(h)

The basin situated in Queensland and is a major source of groundwater.

  1. Great Artesian basin
  2. Great Reef Basin
  3. Great Ayer basin
  4. Great Eyre basin


Great Artesian basin

Question 1(i)

The highest peak of Australia is in the country of ............... .

  1. New South Wales
  2. Queensland
  3. Western Australia
  4. South Australia


New South Wales

Question 1(j)

Rivers Murray and Darling originate from

  1. Australian Alps
  2. Musgrave Range
  3. Mt Roberts
  4. MacDonnell Range


Australian Alps

Question 1(k)

Tiny sea creatures that live in the shallow, warm and salty waters of the sea and secrete calcium carbonate.

  1. Coral polyps
  2. Zooplankton
  3. Coral Reef
  4. Phytoplanktons


Coral polyps

Question 1(l)

The Western Plateau in Australia is composed of

  1. Sandstone
  2. Granite
  3. Marble
  4. Basalt



Question 1(m)

A huge single rock within the MacDonnell range

  1. Uluru
  2. Monolith
  3. Donald
  4. Ayanger



Question 1(n)

Which is not a condition for an Artesian well.

  1. Saucer shaped aquifer
  2. Porous rocks between non porous rocks
  3. Adequate rain
  4. Snow-capped mountain


Snow-capped mountain

Question 1(o)

The latitude that passes through the middle of Australia

  1. Antarctic Circle
  2. Tropic of Capricorn
  3. Tropic of Cancer
  4. Equator


Tropic of Capricorn


Question 2

Fill in the blanks.

(a) Ayer Rock is also known as ............... .

(b) The Eastern Highlands extend almost parallel to ............... .

(c) Murray and Darling Rivers originate in ............... .

(d) Lake Eyre is a region of ............... .

(e) Sydney is situated on the ............... coast.


(a) Ayer Rock is also known as Uluru.

(b) The Eastern Highlands extend almost parallel to the eastern coast of Australia.

(c) Murray and Darling Rivers originate in Australian Alps.

(d) Lake Eyre is a region of the central lowland.

(e) Sydney is situated on the Australia’s Southeast coast.

Question 3

Explain the following terms.

(a) Inland drainage

(b) Paddock

(c) Sheep stations

(d) Coral polyps


(a) Inland drainage — A river system in which the rivers are not able to reach the sea or ocean and drain into some shallow salt lake, is called inland drainage.

(b) Paddock — A sheep station is divided into a number of fields called Paddocks.

(c) Sheep stations — A sheep station is a large property in Australia or New Zealand, whose main activity is raising of sheep for their wool and/or meat.

(d) Coral polyps — Tiny sea creatures living in shallow, warm and salty waters of the sea that secrete calcium carbonate is called coral polyp.

Question 4(a)

What is meant by the term Australasia? What is the other name given to it?


The term Australasia includes Australia, New Zealand and the neighbouring islands of the South Pacific Ocean. It is also called Oceania.

Question 4(b)

Name the political divisions of Australia.


Australia is divided into six states:

  1. New South Wales
  2. Victoria
  3. South Australia
  4. Queensland
  5. Tasmania and
  6. Western Australia.

There are also two internal territories governed by the central government i.e., Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory which includes Canberra, the capital of Australia. Both these territories are large but thinly populated.

Question 4(c)

How is coral reef formed?


Coral reef is formed by tiny sea creatures called coral polyps. They live in shallow, warm and salty water of the sea and secrete calcium carbonate which on the death of the coral polyps, remains clinging to the rock. As time passes, a great ridge-like structure called coral reef is formed.

Question 4(d)

Name the factors that may cause damage to coral reefs.


Some of the factors that may cause damage to coral reefs are:

  1. Climate Change.
  2. Ocean acidification and pollution.
  3. Human activities like swimming, diving and mining.

Question 4(e)

State the importance of the Murray-Darling Basin. From where does it get its water supply?


Importance of the Murray Darling Basin are:

  1. The Murray-Darling Basin is the most fertile part of Australia, because it is drained by two important River- River Murray and River Darling.
  2. Rivers carry with them a lot of alluvium and deposit it on the riverbank, that makes the river basin fertile.

The rivers Darling and Murray are snow-fed rivers originating from the southern Alps.

Question 4(f)

Where is Great Artesian Basin situated? What is its importance?


The Great Artesian Basin is situated mainly in the state of Queensland and New South Wales. It is important for irrigation purposes and is the major source of groundwater supply.

Question 4(g)

State any three favourable conditions for digging an artesian well.


Three favourable conditions for digging an artesian well are:

  1. The aquifer should be saucer shaped (synclinal) so that the water moves downward in it under the action of gravity.
  2. There should be a layer of porous rock between two layers of non-porous rocks.
  3. The layers of porous rock should be exposed at the surface of the ground to enable the surface water to go in.