Representation of Geographical Features


Representation of Geographical Features

Tick the correct option

Question 1(a)

Linear scale or graph represents

  1. Area
  2. Distance
  3. Ratio
  4. None of these



Question 1(b)

Magnetic north always points towards

  1. West
  2. East
  3. North
  4. South



Question 1(c)

Cultivable land is shown in

  1. Green
  2. Yellow
  3. Brown
  4. Black



Question 1(d)

Uncultivable land is shown in

  1. White
  2. Blue
  3. Black
  4. Red



Question 1(e)

Settlements are shown in

  1. Yellow
  2. Brown
  3. Red
  4. White



Question 1(f)

The network of vertical and horizontal lines on a topo sheet is called

  1. Grid
  2. Eastings
  3. Northings
  4. Grid reference



Question 1(g)

Large scale maps show

  1. Small area
  2. Large area
  3. Wide area
  4. Narrow area


Small area

Question 1(h)

Scale is the ratio between

  1. Small area and larger area
  2. Map distance and ground distance
  3. Top layer and underground layer
  4. Thicker surface and thinner surface


Map distance and ground distance

Question 1(i)

Straight line distance is same as

  1. Crow flies
  2. Sparrow flies
  3. Duck flies
  4. Swan flies


Crow flies

Question 1(j)

Distance is measured in

  1. Metres
  2. Cubic metres
  3. Square metres
  4. Millibar



Question 1(k)

Tarred road shown in red double line

  1. Metalled road
  2. Unmetalled road
  3. Pack track
  4. Cart track


Metalled road

Question 1(l)

Post and telegraph office is shown on a topo map as

  1. POT
  2. TOP
  3. PTO
  4. TPO



Question 1(m)

A channel connected to the main river in which the water is diverted for irrigation

  1. Tank
  2. Dry tank
  3. Unlined well
  4. Canal



Question 1(n)

The drainage pattern that resembles the veins of a left

  1. Trellised
  2. Radial
  3. Dendritic
  4. Disappearing



Question 1(o)

A clearing made in the forest to prevent the spread of forest fires.

  1. Clear cutting
  2. Cost cutting
  3. Fire line
  4. Silviculture


Fire line


Question 2

Fill in the blanks:

(a) R.F. stands for ............... .

(b) We follow ............... system to measure distances in India.

(c) A map is more accurate than a ............... .

(d) A verbal scale is less popular than ............... scale.

(e) Distance is measured in ............... or ............... .


(a) R.F. stands for representative fraction.

(b) We follow metric system to measure distances in India.

(c) A map is more accurate than a globe.

(d) A verbal scale is less popular than linear scale.

(e) Distance is measured in kilometres or metres.

Question 3

Explain the following terms.

(a) Verbal scale

(b) Graphic scale

(c) Scale

(d) RF


(a) Verbal scale — In this method the scale is expressed in words, e.g., 1 cm on the map represents 50 km on the ground. This method is not very popular as it does not give the accurate measurement.

(b) Graphic scale — This scale represents the relationship between the distance on the map and distance on the ground. It is drawn according to the statement in such a way that the distance can be calculated most accurately on the map.

(c) Scale — Scale can be defined as a ratio between a distance measured on a map and a corresponding distance on land, connecting the two points represented by the same unit.

(d) RF — The numerical fraction/ representative fraction is the method of measuring distance that shows the ratio between the distance on the map to the distance on the ground.

Question 4

Define the following

(a) Causeway

(b) Brackish

(c) Meander

(d) Contours


(a) Causeway — It is a raised road or platform across a minor stream that is motorable during dry season.

(b) Brackish — The well whose water is unfit for drinking and cultivation as it is salty is said to be brackish.

(c) Meander — It is a bend in the river flowing through a plain. Its presence indicates a flat land.

(d) Contours — These are lines shown in brown, joining places of equal height above the sea level.

Question 5

Differentiate between a linear scale and verbal scale.


Linear scaleVerbal scale
This scale represents the relationship between the distance on the map and distance on the ground.In this method the scale is expressed in words, e.g., 1 cm on the map represents 50 km on the ground.
It is the most accurate method of measuring distance on the map.It does not give the accurate measurement.

Question 6(i)

What are the advantages of drawing a map to scale?


The advantages of drawing a map to scale are:

  1. A scaled map accurately represents the relative sizes and distances of geographic features, ensuring that they are portrayed in proportion to each other as they exist in reality.
  2. When a map is drawn to scale, it allows for precise measurements of distances, areas, and angles which is useful for military purposes, town planners, surveyors, engineers, geographers, geologists, etc.
  3. Scale is useful to depict the geographical features e.g., large scale map depicts the geographical features of small area in detail. Small scale maps show only the important features of a large area.

Question 6(ii)

State the importance of colours in topographical maps.


Topographical maps portray natural features, man-made features and cultural features using appropriate colours. Each colour used on maps has its own significance. For example, yellow is used to show cultivable land, plateaus, deserts and plains, green is used for forest area or lowland areas.
The colours are universally accepted both for interpretation of survey sheets and map pointing.

Question 6(iii)

State the two ways to measure distances.


The two ways to measure distances are:

  1. Measuring distances in a straight line or as the crow flies
    1. As the crow flies, refers to the shortest distance between two given points.
    2. Distance can be measured directly by using the scale or with the help of a divider.
  2. To measure the distance of a curved road, river or canal:
    For this, the following methods are used:
    1. With the help of paper strip.
    2. With the help of a thread.

Question 6(iv)

What is the importance of topographical maps? State any two reasons.


Topographical maps are based on accurate survey of the land. They show natural features of the ground like hills elevation, drainage, trees and vegetation as well as man-made features like towns, villages, buildings, roads, canals, railways, power transmission lines and other cultural features in detail. Due to this, two reasons that make them important are:

  1. They are used for military purposes.
  2. They serve as a guide for travel.