Asia — Location and Physical Features


Asia — Location and Physical Features

Get Set

Question 1

Given below are the sobriquets or special names of some countries of Asia. Tick(✓) the correct names of the countries.

  1. The Land of the Golden Pagoda: (a) Korea (b) Myanmar
  2. The Land of the Golden Dragon: (a) China (b) Japan
  3. The Land of Thunderbolt: (a) Nepal (b) Bhutan
  4. The Land of White Elephants: (a) Vietnam (b) Thailand


  1. The Land of the Golden Pagoda: Myanmar
  2. The Land of the Golden Dragon: China
  3. The Land of Thunderbolt: Bhutan
  4. The Land of White Elephants: Thailand

Quick Quiz 1

Question 1

Asia and Europe are together called ............... .


Asia and Europe are together called Eurasia.

Question 2

Name the places which have recorded the highest and the lowest temperatures in Asia.


The places which have recorded the highest and the lowest temperatures in Asia are:

  • Verkhoyansk (Russia) : -70°C
  • Jacobabad (Pakistan) : 50°C

Question 3

Mongolia is a part of Central Asia. True or False.


False. Mongolia is a part of East Asia.

Question 4

Asia can be divided into five physical divisions. Name them.


Five physical divisions of Asia are:

  1. The northern lowlands
  2. The central highlands
  3. The southern plateaus
  4. The great river basins
  5. The island groups

Question 5

The (Yenisei/Amu Darya) river flows through the Turan Plain.


Amu Darya

Tick the correct answers

Question 1

Which of these places receives the highest average annual rainfall in Asia?

  1. Verkhoyansk
  2. Jacobabad
  3. Tibet
  4. Mawsynram



Question 2

Which of these countries is not in South Asia?

  1. India
  2. Japan
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Nepal



Question 3

River ............... flows into the Arctic Ocean.

  1. Brahmaputra
  2. Salween
  3. Syr Darya
  4. Lena



Question 4

Which of these mountain ranges lies to the west of the Pamir Knot?

  1. Tien Shan
  2. Kunlun
  3. Zagros
  4. Karakoram



Question 5

Which of these rivers does not form the Great Eastern Plains in China?

  1. Tigris
  2. Si Kiang
  3. Chang Jiang
  4. Huang He



Fill in the blanks

Question 1

Asia is separated from North America by the ............... Strait.


Asia is separated from North America by the Bering Strait.

Question 2

The ............... is the deepest lake in Asia.


The Baikal Lake is the deepest lake in Asia.

Question 3

The Plateau of Tibet is located between the ............... and the ............... range.


The Plateau of Tibet is located between the Himalayas and the Kunlun range.

Question 4

The Shan Plateau is in ............... .


The Shan Plateau is in Myanmar.

Question 5

The largest island group of the world is the ............... Archipelago.


The largest island group of the world is the Malay Archipelago.

Write True or False

Question 1

The Plateau of Tibet is called the 'roof of the world'.



Question 2

Saudi Arabia lies both in Asia and Europe.



Question 3

The Yunnan Plateau is located in China.



Question 4

The Mesopotamian Plain is in Iraq.



Question 5

The island groups of Asia are located to the western part of the continent.



Give reasons for the following

Question 1

Asia is called the 'continent of extremes'.


Asia is called the 'continent of extremes' due to the following reasons:

  1. It has the world's highest mountain peak, Mount Everest, and the lowest land depression, the Dead Sea.
  2. It has recorded the lowest temperature in Verkhoyansk (-70°C), Russia, and the highest temperature in Jacobabad (50°C) in Pakistan.
  3. Asia has the largest lake (Caspian Sea) and the deepest lake (Lake Baikal).
  4. It receives the highest average annual rainfall at Mawsynram in Meghalaya (India) and there are vast areas which do not receive any rainfall for years.
  5. The natural vegetation varies from tiny mosses and lichens to evergreen equatorial rain forests.
  6. The largest delta in the world, the Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta, is found in this continent.
  7. The Plateau of Tibet is the highest and the largest plateau in the world.

Question 2

The West Siberian Plain has marshes and swamps.


The West Siberian Plain is made up of silt brought by Ob, Yenisei and Lena rivers. The lower course of these rivers remain frozen during long winters and that's why the water that comes from the upper course spreads over large parts of the West Siberian Plain and form marshes and swamps.

Answer these questions

Question 1(a)

Name two mountains that separate Asia from Europe.


Two mountains that separate Asia from Europe are:

  1. Ural mountains
  2. Caucasus mountains

Question 1(b)

The largest delta of the world is in Asia. Name the delta.


The Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta is the largest delta of the world.

Question 2(a)

Name the groups in which the countries of Asia are classified.


The groups in which the countries of Asia are classified are:

  1. South-East asia
  2. South Asia
  3. East Asia
  4. West Asia
  5. Central Asia

Question 2(b)

Which countries lie both in Asia and Europe?


Russia and Turkey lie in both Asia and Europe.

Question 3(a)

How is the west siberian plain formed?


The west siberian plain is formed by the deposition of silt brought by the north-flowing rivers such as the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena.

Question 3(b)

Where is the Turan Plain located?


The Turan Plain is located in the South-west of the northern lowlands, around the Aral Sea.

Question 3(c)

Name two rivers that flow into the Aral Sea.


Amu Darya and Syr Darya are two rivers that flow into the Aral Sea.

Question 4(a)

Name the mountain ranges which are to the west of the Pamir Knot?


The mountain ranges which are to the west of the Pamir Knot are:

  1. The Hindu kush mountains.
  2. The Sulaiman Range
  3. The Alai Range
  4. Zagros Mountains
  5. Elburz Mountains
  6. Mount Ararat
  7. Pontic
  8. Taurus

Question 4(b)

Which plateau is also called Asia Minor?


The Plateau of Anatolia is also called Asia Minor. It lies between the Pontic and the Taurus mountains.

Question 5(a)

Name three plateaus that lie to the south of the central highlands.


Three plateaus that lie to the south of the central highlands are:

  1. The Plateau of Arabia
  2. The Deccan Plateau of India
  3. The Plateaus of Shan and Yunnan

Question 5(b)

Name a river that flows through the Shan Plateau.


Salween is a river that flows through the Shan Plateau.

Question 6(a)

Name two rivers that have formed the Great Eastern Plains in China.


Two rivers that have formed the Great Eastern Plains in China are:

  1. Huang He
  2. Chang Jiang

Question 6(b)

Why some islands in Asia experience frequent earthquakes?


Some islands in Asia experience frequent earthquakes because they have dormant and active volcanoes.