Food Production


Food Production

Objective Type Questions

Question 1(a)

Which one of the following is an indigenous breed of dairy cows?

  1. Jersey
  2. Frieswal
  3. Sahiwal
  4. Dangi



Reason — Sahiwal is an indigenous breed of dairy cows

Question 1(b)

Which one of the following is the common breed of buffalo found in Gujarat?

  1. Surti
  2. Murrah
  3. Gir
  4. Mehsana



Reason — This is a breed common in Gujarat. Its average milk yield is about 1200-2500 litres.

Question 1(c)

Which of the following is an indigenous breed of poultry of India.

  1. White Leghorn
  2. HH-260
  3. Aseel
  4. B-77



Reason — The most popular indigenous poultry breed of India is Aseel.

Question 1(d)

Which one of the following is a rabi crop?

  1. Mustard
  2. Pea
  3. Rice
  4. Wheat



Reason — Wheat is an important rabi crop of India as it is sown in October/early November.

Question 1(e)

Among the following, a Kharif crop is:

  1. Barley
  2. Mustard
  3. Rice
  4. Wheat



Reason — Rice is the most important Kharif crop of India.

Question 2

Fill in the blanks:

(a) Cattle feed made from cereals and wheat is called ...............

(b) Rearing of birds for eggs and meat is called ...............

(c) Animal food is rich in ...............

(d) ............... is an example of root crop.

(e) Cereals are rich in ...............

(f) ............... are chemical substances used to destroy pests.

(g) ............... ia an example of a tuber crop.

(h) Pig farming is termed as ...............


(a) Cattle feed made from cereals and wheat is called concentrates.

(b) Rearing of birds for eggs and meat is called poultry.

(c) Animal food is rich in proteins.

(d) Sweet potato is an example of root crop.

(e) Cereals are rich in carbohydrates.

(f) Pesticides are chemical substances used to destroy pests.

(g) Potato ia an example of a tuber crop.

(h) Pig farming is termed as piggery.

Question 3

Match the terms given in column A with those in column B.

Column AColumn B
(a) Rabi crop(i) Transplantation
(b) Rice crop(ii) Winter crop
(c) Orchards(iii) Kharif crop
(d) Apiculture(iv) Fishes
(e) Sericulture(v) Cows
(f) Pisciculture(vi) Honey bees
(g) Livestock(vii) Dogs
(h) Pet(viii) Silkworms


Column AColumn B
(a) Rabi crop(ii) Winter crop
(b) Rice crop(iii) Kharif crop
(c) Orchards(i) Transplantation
(d) Apiculture(vi) Honey bees
(e) Sericulture(viii) Silkworms
(f) Pisciculture(iv) Fishes
(g) Livestock(v) Cows
(h) Pet(vii) Dogs

Question 4


(a) The popular indigenous breed of poultry in India.

(b) The practice of rearing of honey bees.

(c) The architect of white revolution in India.

(d) A kashmiri goat which gives expensive wool.

(e) The scientist responsible for green revolution in India.


(a) Aseel

(b) Apiculture

(c) Mr. Verghese Kurien

(d) Kashmiri Pashmina

(e) M. S. Swaminathan

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

Write the scientific names of :

(a) Common Indian honey bee

(b) Curd Bacteria

(c) A nitrogen fixing bacteria


(a) Apis indica

(b) Lactobacillus acidophilus

(c) Rhizobium sp.

Question 2

Name the following :

(a) Four animals which provide us food.

(b) Two dual purpose breeds of cattle.

(c) Twe examples of milch animals.

(d) Two high-yielding indigenous breeds of cows.

(e) Four varieties of edible fishes in India.

(f) Two breeds of buffaloes.

(g) Two exotic breeds of Fowl

(h) Two exotic (Foreign) breeds of cows

(i) Two indigenous breeds of pigs


(a) Goat, Sheep, Pig, Hen

(b) Dangi and Tharparkar

(c) Cows, Goats

(d) Gir, Sahiwal

(e) Bombay Duck, Eel, Hilsa, Salmon

(f) Murrah, Surti

(g) White leghorn, Rhode Island red

(h) Jersey, Brown Swiss

(i) Desi and Ghori

Question 3(a)

Define Microbes.


The microscopic or tiny organisms, which are often single celled and sometimes multicellular are called microbes. For example: bacteria, virus, fungi.

Question 3(b)

Define Agriculture.


Agriculture is defined as the science of growing plants and other crops as well as rearing of animals for food and for other human needs.

Question 3(c)

Define Horticulture.


Horticulture is defined as the branch of agriculture which deals with cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, algae, medicinal and ornamental plants.

Question 3(d)

Define Poultry farming.


Poultry farming is the process of raising domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese for the purpose of obtaining meat or eggs for food.

Question 3(e)

Define Mariculture.


The branch of aquaculture which involves rearing of marine organisms in an enclosed section of the ocean, or in tanks or ponds filled with sea water is called Mariculture.

Question 4

Name the most important cereal plant of Kharif crops.


Rice is the most important cereal plant of Kharif crops.

Question 5

Name any one variety of edible mushrooms.


White button mushroom (agaricus bisporus) are edible mushrooms.

Question 6

Name the two main crop seasons of India. Give three examples of the crops grown during each season.


The two main crop seasons of India are:

  1. Kharif Season — Kharif crops (means "autumn crops") are raised in the rainy season (June to October). Three kharif crops are Rice, Maize and Cotton.
  2. Rabi Season — Rabi crops (means "winter crops") are raised in the winters (October to March). Three rabi crops are Wheat, Barley, Mustard.

Question 7

What is organic farming ? What is the main aim of organic farming ?


Organic farming is the practice of raising crops without using synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.
The main aim of organic farming is to enhance soil fertility, grow crops in an ecofriendly environment, free from chemical pollution (pesticides) and thus produce crops with high nutritional value.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1(a)

Distinguish between Eggers (or Layers) and Broilers.


Difference between Eggers (or Layers) and Broilers:

The egg laying chickens are called EggersChickens reared for obtaining meat are called Broilers
Eggers need food rich in vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.Broilers require food rich in proteins, fats and vitamin A & K.
Eggers require enough space and adequate lighting for proper growth.Broilers require conditions to grow fast with low mortality.

Question 1(b)

Distinguish between Food crops and Cash crops.


Difference between Food crops and Cash crops:

Food cropCash crop
Food crops are cultivated for the production of food.Cash crops are cultivated for commercial purposes.
Examples — Wheat, PulsesExamples — Cotton, Rubber

Question 1(c)

Distinguish between Green revolution and White revolution.


Difference between Green revolution and White revolution:

Green revolutionWhite revolution
The Green Revolution involved the development and application of high-yielding crop varieties, enhanced irrigation, and the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides to increase agricultural productivity.The White Revolution focused primarily on milk production, aiming to increase dairy yield and improve rural livelihoods through cooperative milk unions and dairy farming advancements.
Father of Green Revolution was M.S. Swaminathan.Father of White revolution was Verghese Kurien.

Question 1(d)

Distinguish between Milch animals and Draught animals.


Difference between Milch animals and Draught animals:

Milch animalsDraught animals
Milch animals are those who are kept for the purpose of milk production.Draught animals are those whose males are used for ploughing and carriage purpose.
Example: Cow, BuffaloExample: Ox, Camel, Horse

Question 1(e)

Distinguish between Kharif crops and Rabi crops.


Difference between Kharif crops and Rabi crops:

Kharif cropsRabi crops
Kharif crops are sown in early May – usually at the beginning of the first monsoon rains.Rabi crops are sown around mid-November, preferably after the monsoon rains.
They are known as autumn crops.They are winter crops.
Example: RiceExample: Wheat

Question 2

Briefly explain the following terms :

(a) Animal Husbandry

(b) Sericulture

(c) Aquaculture

(d) Hatcheries

(e) Pisciculture


(a) Animal Husbandry — The branch of biology which deals with feeding, shelter, caring and breeding of domesticated animals is called animal husbandry.

(b) Sericulture — The technique of artificial rearing of silkworm for production of silk is called sericulture.

(c) Aquaculture — Aquaculture is the term used for production or farming of useful aquatic animals like fish, prawns, lobsters, molluscs, etc.

(d) Hatcheries — A hatchery is a facility where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions, especially those of fish or poultry.

(e) Pisciculture — Pisciculture is the production and management of fishes. It involves breeding and raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures mainly for food.

Question 3

List the uses of bacteria in the food industry.


Some of the uses of bacteria in the food industry are:

  1. Bacteria are used in making Curd, Cheese, Alcohol, Vinegar, etc.
  2. Curing of tea is done with the help of bacteria.
  3. Bacteria are used in agriculture to enrich the soil with nitrates.

Question 4

Mention the benefits of "Green Revolution" and "White Revolution" in our country.


Following are the benefits of "Green Revolution" in our country:

  1. Green Revolution enabled the agriculture industry to produce much larger quantities of food grains making it possible to feed the growing population of the country.
  2. It made the country self sufficient in Wheat production.
  3. It improved the economic condition of the farmers.
  4. It enabled the agriculture industry to give employment to a large section of India's population.

Following are the benefits of "White Revolution" in our country:

  1. White Revolution resulted in India becoming the largest producer of milk and milk products in the world.
  2. It strengthened the dairy farmer’s income.
  3. It ensured easy availability of milk at a fair price to all.

Question 5

Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the life cycle of a silk moth and answer the following questions.

(a) What are the four stages in the life cycle of a silk moth?

(b) Write the specific names for the larva and pupa of the silk moth.

(c) Name the process of recovering threads from the killed cocoons.

(d) Name a suitable plant on which these insects grow and develop successfully.

(e) Which kind of fibres can be made by using the threads from the cocoons ?


Labeled diagram showing the life cycle of a silk moth is given below:

Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the life cycle of a silk moth and answer the following questions. Food Production, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 8.

(a) The four stages in the life cycle of a silk moth are:

  1. Egg
  2. Larva
  3. Pupa
  4. Adult

(b) The specific names for the larva and pupa of the silk moth are Caterpillar and Chrysalis.

(c) Reeling.

(d) Mulberry

(e) Silk fibre can be made by using the threads from the cocoons.

Question 6

Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the 'Internal structure of yeast'. Answer the following questions.

(a) Name the kingdom to which the yeast belongs.

(b) Is it unicellular or multicellular?

(c) Write the specific mode of nutrition in this organism.

(d) What are the suitable medium/places where yeast can grow successfully?

(e) Name two vitamins which are found in yeast.

(f) Write the economic importance of yeasts in two points.


Labeled diagram showing the ‘Internal structure of yeast’ is given below:

Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the 'Internal structure of yeast'. Answer the following questions. Food Production, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 8.

(a) Fungi

(b) Unicellular

(c) Yeast has a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

(d) Yeast can grow successfully in moist and warm conditions in presence of sugar.

(e) Yeast is a source of vitamin B and vitamin E.

(f) Two points highlighting the economic importance of yeasts are:

  1. Yeast is used in breweries to produce alcohol by the fermentation of sugar.
  2. Yeast is used in bakeries to prepare bread.

Question 7

Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a bacterium showing its internal structure. Answer the following questions.

(a) Name the kingdom to which bacteria belongs.

(b) Are they prokaryotes / eukaryotes?

(c) What are the four kinds of bacteria on the basis of their shape? Write the specific terms with their shapes.

(d) Name the outermost protective covering of a bacterium.

(e) What are the four suitable conditions required for the growth and development of bacteria?

(f) Name two kinds of respiration which can take place in bacteria.

(g) Mention the locomotory structure of bacteria which can help them to move.


Labeled diagram showing the internal structure of a bacterium is given below:

Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a bacterium showing its internal structure. Answer the following questions. Food Production, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 8.

(a) Monera.

(b) They are prokaryotes.

(c) Bacteria can be classified into four types based on their shape:

  1. Coccus (round shape)
  2. Bacillus (rod shape)
  3. Spirillum (spiral shape)
  4. Vibrio (comma shape)

(d) Slime Capsule.

(e) Four suitable conditions required for the growth and development of bacteria are:

  1. Availability of adequate water.
  2. Appropriate food supply.
  3. Suitable temperature.
  4. Sufficient air.

(f) Two kinds of respiration which can take place in bacteria are:

  1. Aerobic respiration
  2. Anaerobic respiration

(g) The locomotory structure of bacteria that helps them move is called the flagellum.