Operating System (OS) and Graphical User Interface (GUI): Role and Functions


Operating System (OS) and Graphical User Interface (GUI): Role and Functions

Choose the correct option

Question 1

An operating system is:

  1. an application software
  2. a system software
  3. a loader
  4. None


A system software

Reason — An operating system is a system software as it manages various resources and the overall operations of a computer. It is designed to support the various activities of the computer in a systematic manner.

Question 2

MS-DOS is a:

  1. single-user OS
  2. multi-user OS
  3. multi-tasking OS
  4. None


Single-user OS

Reason — MS-DOS is a single-user OS as it is designed to manage the computer so that one user can effectively perform one task at a time.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a main file in MS DOS?

  1. IO.SYS



Reason — MS DOS consists of three main files - IO.SYS, COMMAND.COM and MSDOS.SYS.

Question 4

Windows operating system is popularly known as:

  1. Character User Interface
  2. Computer User Interface
  3. Graphical User Interface
  4. None


Graphical User Interface

Reason — Windows operating system is a graphical user interface as a Windows user interacts with the computer through graphical features like icons, menus, windows and the pointer.

Question 5

LINUX is a:

  1. Multiprogramming OS
  2. Multiuser OS
  3. Multiprocessing OS
  4. None


Multiuser OS

Reason — Linux is a multiuser operating system as it allows more than one user to interact with the computer at a time. Each user can work on different set of programs and data.

Question 6

Which of the following is not an operating system?

  1. Windows
  2. Java
  3. Linux
  4. Unix



Reason — Java is a programming language.

Question 7

What is the full form of GUI?

  1. General Unicode Instruction
  2. Grand University Interaction
  3. Graphical User Interface
  4. Genuine Unsubscribed Information


Graphical User Interface

Reason — The full form of GUI is Graphical User Interface.

Question 8

Which of the following is not a function of operating system?

  1. Pointing an icon on the screen
  2. Loading itself into the memory
  3. Memory management
  4. Error detection


Pointing an icon on the screen

Reason — Loading itself into the memory, memory management and error detection are the functions of operating system.

Question 9

Which of the following is a CUI based operating system?

  1. Android
  2. Mac OS
  3. MS DOS
  4. OS 2



Reason — MS DOS is a CUI based operating system as the user and the computer interact with each other using text commands.

Question 10

Which of the following is true about multiprocessing system?

  1. Multiple users sharing a common CPU
  2. Multiple CPUs are used
  3. Multiple I/O units are used
  4. None of the above.


Multiple CPUs are used

Reason — The operating system that executes multiple programs simultaneously on a computer that has two or more CPUs available independently is called a multiprocessing operating system.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

The loading of an operating system in the primary memory is called booting.

Question 2

Windows software was first developed by the Microsoft Corporation.

Question 3

Device management enables the operating system to control I/O devices.

Question 4

The bottom-most part of the desktop is called the Task Bar.

Question 5

Graphical User interface allows user interaction through graphical icons.

Name the following

Question 1

Two types of booting


(a) Cold Booting
(b) Warm Booting

Question 2

Four types of windows


(a) Application Window
(b) Document Window
(c) Dialog Window
(d) Active Window

Question 3

Any three icons available on the taskbar


(a) Windows icon
(b) File Explorer icon
(c) Web browser icon (Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer)

Question 4

Three types of an operating system


(a) Single user operating system
(b) Multi user operating system
(c) Multiprocessing operating system

Question 5

Three MS DOS files


(a) IO.SYS

Case-Study Based Questions

Question 1

An operating system can be categorised into two modes. In one mode, a single user is allowed to interact with the computer at a time. In other mode, multiple users share a single CPU to carry out their tasks. When a number of users are using a CPU, their programs are executed by allotting equal amount of time to each user or by providing high priority to a specific job.

Based on the above case, answer the following questions:

(a) Name the mode in which a single user interacts with computer at a time.

(b) Name the mode in which multiple users work with single CPU.

(c) In which system, CPU time is equally shared among the users?

(d) In which system, high priority is given to a specific job?


(a) Single user operating system

(b) Multi user operating system

(c) Multi user operating system (Time sharing)

(d) Multi user operating system (Realtime processing)

Question 2

The user can interact with a computer in two ways. Either the user can interact using text commands, or the users are linked with a computer through graphical illustrations. Nowadays, people prefer using the later one because it is more user-friendly. The moment you click an icon, a window will appear for you to work on.

Based on the above case, answer the following questions:

(a) Under what type of interface the user interacts with a computer using text commands?

  1. GUI
  2. CUI
  3. Mobile interface
  4. I/O interface

(b) Under what type of interface the user interacts with a computer through graphical illustrations?

  1. GUI
  2. CUI
  3. Pictorial interface
  4. Direct interface

(c) What is meant by user-friendly system?

  1. User interacts with computer using keyword "Friend".
  2. User interacts with computer using text commands.
  3. User interacts with computer using BASIC commands.
  4. User interacts with computer by selecting options from menu list.

(d) What is meant by an Icon?

  1. It is a pointer that moves on the computer screen.
  2. It is the scroll button of optical mouse.
  3. A person with outstanding performance.
  4. It is the picture component of the desktop.


(a) CUI

(b) GUI

(c) User interacts with computer by selecting options from menu list.

(d) It is the picture component of the desktop.

Define the following terms

Question 1



The startup process, initiated by loading of an operating system in the Random Access Memory (RAM), is known as booting. It is one of the most important tasks of the operating system to keep the computer ready for the user's applications. The booting starts the moment computer is switched on.

Question 2



It is the ability of the operating system to run more than one program at a time on a single CPU computer. In multiprogramming, the computer handles many programs simultaneously. Whenever the processor is idle during the execution of one process, it starts the execution of another program immediately.

Question 3



Microsoft Windows is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based operating system. Since in windows, the user interacts with computer using menus, it is also known as menu-based operating system. It manages the entire configuration of a computer system. This operating system allows the running of multiple applications.

Question 4



Desktop is one of the basic components of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) screen. It is the display screen which shows icons that are frequently used or provided for our quick access. The user navigates through these icons and access various applications. However, it can be personalised as per our choice.

Question 5

Application Window


When the user opens any application package or program such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, etc. the window which appears on the screen is called an application window. It is the primary window of an application that allows the user to communicate with the application program.

Differentiate between the following

Question 1

Cold Booting and Warm Booting


Cold BootingWarm Booting
Cold Booting refers to the startup procedure of a computer. This booting process starts right from the moment the computer is switched on.When the computer needs to restart under software control without switching off the power, it is known as Warm Booting.
During cold boot, peripherals check is performed.During warm boot, peripherals check is skipped.
Cold boot takes more time than warm boot.Warm boot is faster than cold boot.

Question 2



It stands for Character User Interface.It stands for Graphical User Interface.
The user performs tasks with the help of keyboard only by typing text commands.In this interface, other than keyboard, mouse or any other pointing device can also be used.
The user has to memorise and type the commands to perform each task.The user performs tasks by selecting and clicking the options available.
Its usage is difficult and may require expertise.It is comparatively easier than CUI in its usage.
MS-DOS is an example of CUI.Windows is an example of GUI.

Question 3

Single User Operating System and Multiuser Operating System


Single User Operating SystemMultiuser Operating System
Single User Operating System provides a platform for one user at a time.Multiuser Operating System provides platform for multiple users at a time.
Single User Operating System may be a single user, single task or a single user, multitasking operating system.Multiuser Operating System may be time sharing or multiprocessor system.
Single User Operating System is suitable for personal computers.Multiuser Operating System is suitable for servers and mainframes.
For example, MS DOS.For example, LINUX.

Answer the following questions

Question 1

What is an operating system? Give an example.


An operating system is an integrated set of programs that manages various resources and the overall operations of a computer system. It is designed to support the various activities of the computer system in a systematic way.

For example — Microsoft Windows, Linux, etc.

Question 2

Why do we need an operating system?


An operating system is an interface between the user and the computer. The prime objective of the operating system is to improve the efficiency of a computer system. It is also needed for the following tasks —

  1. Ensuring the smooth functioning of the various peripherals attached.
  2. Supervising the various processes and applications of the computer and enabling them to function in an efficient manner.
  3. Coordinating the different hardware and software components of a computer system.
  4. Managing computer's memory.

Question 3

What are the functions of an operating system? Explain.


The functions of an operating system are as follows:

  1. Loading itself in the Memory — The operating system has a specific feature to load itself in the memory and manage CPU to execute itself on its own. This process is known as booting.
  2. Processor Management — The management of a CPU by an OS is known as processor management.
  3. Memory Management — Memory management refers to the process of allocating memory to a program and de-allocating it when it is no longer required.
  4. Managing Input/Output Devices (Device Management) — The operating system keeps track of all the devices, enables and controls the input-output (I/O) devices attached to a computer system.
  5. File Management — The operating system creates and deletes files, allows back up of files on storage devices, manages files and folders and provides file protection.
  6. Ensuring Data Security — It keeps different programs and data in such a way that they don't interfere with each other.
  7. Detecting and Correcting Errors — If the supporting hardware or software does not work properly, then the operating system tries to rectify it and also guides the user to take the necessary steps.
  8. Loading Application programs in memory — Operating system loads various application programs required by the user and then runs them.

Question 4

Enlist three features of MS DOS as a Character User Interface.


Three features of MS DOS as a Character User Interface are as follows:

  1. In MS DOS, the user and the computer interact with each other using text commands.
  2. Keyboard is used to enter input and monitor to view output. It does not display graphics or images and does not support pointing devices like mouse.
  3. The moment computer is ready to accept the user's request, a prompt will appear on the screen where one can type the command to carry out the necessary operations.

Question 5

What is meant by multitasking? Give an example.


Multitasking refers to operating a number of tasks simultaneously. Single user, multitasking OS allows a single user to perform multiple tasks at a time. For example, a user can listen to songs while writing a word document simultaneously.

Question 6

What are the advantages of 'Windows' as an operating system?


The advantages of 'Windows' as an operating system are as follows:

  1. It is comparatively easy to use this operating system.
  2. It does not require the users to be experts in handling this operating system. A formal education will teach a new user how to use the windows operating system.
  3. It is widely supported by game manufacturers, since most of the games run on a windows environment quite efficiently.
  4. It works nearly on any processor.
  5. There is a much larger selection of available software programs, utilities and games for the windows.

Question 7

Distinguish between an Application Window and an Active Window.


Application WindowActive Window
The Windows of any application package like MS Word, MS Excel, etc. is called an application window.The window on which a user is currently working is referred to as the active window.
It is the primary window of an application that allows the user to communicate with the application program.At a time, several windows of various applications can be opened but only one window on which the user works can be the active window.

Question 8

What are the main features of Multiuser operating system?


The main features of Multiuser operating system are as follows:

  1. A multiuser operating system allows many different users to use computer's resources simultaneously.
  2. Each user can work on different set of programs and data. In such an environment, programs and data of more than one user are loaded into the memory and processed by the operating system.
  3. There is a central computer (CPU) that acts as a server and all the other computers are connected to the server with the help of terminals.
  4. Each user has sufficient and separate resources, so that a problem with one user does not affect the entire community of users.
  5. Multiuser operating systems run and manage all users' requests simultaneously, ensuring that they do not interfere with each other.