Internet and Protocol


Internet and Protocol

Choose the correct option

Question 1

Which of the following modems is attached to the internal slot of the motherboard?

  1. USB
  2. Internal
  3. External
  4. Wi-Fi



Reason — An internal modem is a network device which is attached to the internal slot of the motherboard.

Question 2

Which of the following components enables communication among multiple computers on a network?

  1. Web browser
  2. Web portal
  3. Packet
  4. Router



Reason — The router is a physical networking component which allows communication when a single computer is linked with multiple computers on the internet.

Question 3

Which of the following is the measure of the volume of data transferred on the internet?

  1. Path
  2. Data
  3. Bandwidth
  4. Route



Reason — The bandwidth measures the volume of the data transferred on the internet.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a web browser?

  1. Google+
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Safari
  4. Opera



Reason — Google+ is a social networking platform.

Question 5

Which of the following links enables the users to navigate from one document to other on clicking?

  1. Superlink
  2. Newlink
  3. Hyperlink
  4. Movelink



Reason — Hyperlink is the link which when clicked opens another document.

Question 6

What does the letter G signify in a GPRS modem?

  1. Google
  2. General
  3. Gypsum
  4. Generic



Reason — GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service.

Question 7

Which of the following allows storage of data over internet?

  1. Air storage
  2. Safe storage
  3. Free storage
  4. Cloud storage


Cloud storage

Reason — The Cloud storage is a data storage system which allows the users to store the data over the internet.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

Cloud computing means storing, accessing information over the internet from sources other than the hard drive of your system.

Question 2

A protocol is a set of rules and procedures to establish a link between the sender and the receiver.

Question 3

Intranet is a computer network that shares information within an organisation.

Question 4

The address of a web page is called a Uniform Resource Locator.

Question 5

The host and the type of site are together called a domain.

Question 6

Web browser is a software which allows the user to access and view different websites.

Question 7

Web page is a document written in Hyper Text Markup Language.

Question 8

Modem is a device that converts analog signal to digital signal and vice-versa.

Write the full form of the following

Question 1



Internet Message Access protocol

Question 2



Digital Subscriber Line

Question 3



General Packet Radio Service

Question 4



Uniform Resource Locator

Question 5



Universal Serial Bus

Question 6



Internet Service Provider

Question 7



Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Question 8



Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Question 9



Domain Name Server

Question 10



Transmission Control Protocol

Case-Study Based Question

Question 1

Protocol is a set of rules and procedures that establishes a link to control the data transmission between the sender and the receiver. Some of the protocols are given below:

File Transfer ProtocolInternet Message Access ProtocolHypertext Transfer ProtocolTransmission Control Protocol

Identify and name the appropriate protocol for each of the descriptions given below:

(a) A network communication protocol designed to send data packets over the internet.

(b) A protocol is used for storing mails in the computer of the recipient.

(c) A protocol to exchange files between the computers on the internet.

(d) A set of rules responsible for transferring hypertext document between two or more computers.


(a) Transmission Control Protocol

(b) Internet Message Access Protocol

(c) File Transfer Protocol

(d) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Note — File Transfer Protocol has been incorrectly printed as Internet Protocol in the options.

Define the following

Question 1

Transmission Control Protocol


Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a network communication protocol used for reliable data transmission over the network. It specifies how the data should be divided into packets on the sender's side and how these packets should be re-assembled on the receiver's side to retrieve the data. TCP works in collaboration with Internet protocol (IP) to divide the data into packets and route the packets over the network to their correct destination.

Question 2

Hypertext Transfer Protocol


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a set of rules which is responsible for transferring hypertext documents between two or more computers. It is a protocol for sending and receiving information on the World Wide Web. The web addresses begin with http:// (Hypertext Transmission Protocol) which is followed by the website name. For example,

Question 3

Internet Service Provider


An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an organisation which provides the facility of availing internet services against a fee. It is a link between the computer/laptop and the servers on the internet.

Question 4



A modem is a device which modulates the outgoing digital signals from a computer or any other digital device to analog signals. It demodulates the incoming analog signals and converts it into a digital signal for the digital device.

Question 5



The router is a physical networking component which allows communication when a single computer is linked wiith multiple computers on the internet. It acts as a traffic controller among the devices connected on the internet. The router provides the route or path through which a message travels from a source to a destination.

Question 6

File Transfer Protocol


The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard internet protocol. It is the simplest way to exchange files between the computers on the internet. FTP uses the TCP/IP protocols to enable the data transfer. FTP is commonly used to download a file from a server via the internet or to upload a file to a server.

Give two differences between the following

Question 1

Internet and Intranet


Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer systems across the world.Intranet is a computer network within an organisation, used to share files and resources of the organisation securely.
The public information on the internet is accessible to all.The private information of an organisation cannot be accessed by any outside person as it is protected by firewall.

Question 2

Hyperlink and Hypertext


Hyperlink is the link which when clicked opens another document.A hypertext is a text with hyperlinks.
It can be text, icons, graphic or images.A hypertext can only be in text form.

Question 3

Internal Modem and External Modem


Internal ModemExternal Modem
An internal modem is a network device which is attached to the internal slot of the motherboard.An external modem is a small box connected to the communication port and is placed outside the CPU.
These modems are cheaper as compared to external modems.These modems are expensive in comparison to internal modems.

Question 4

Website and Web Browser


WebsiteWeb Browser
A website is a collection of webpages on the internet about a particular subject.Web browser is an application software which helps the users access and view different websites.
A website includes content, information, images, videos, hyperlinks to visit different web pages, etc. For example, web browser includes navigation buttons, web browser’s address bar, integrated search, etc. For example, Google Chrome.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

What are the advantages of a USB Modem over an External Modem? Explain.


The advantages of a USB modem over an External modem are as follows:

  1. USB modems are smaller than a USB flash drive while external modems are bigger in size and require proper space.
  2. USB modems are portable as compared to external modems.
  3. USB modems do not require a power source and can be plugged into any USB port on the PC while external modems require a separate power source.
  4. USB modems can be disconnected from the computer without turning off the system.

Question 2

What is cloud computing? What are its characteristics?


Cloud computing means storing, accessing data and programs over the internet using sources other than the hard drive of the computer. It is a type of internet-based computing where different services such as servers, storage and applications are delivered to an organisation's computers and devices via the internet.

The characteristics of cloud computing are as follows:

  1. The user is able to access information at any time, by logging onto the internet.
  2. Information is easily accessible from any place or any location.
  3. It provides instant monitoring of the resources accessed by the users.
  4. It allows multiple resource sharing.
  5. It is a self-service technology where you can compute or store the information without human interaction.

Question 3

What do you understand by Protocol? Name the different types of protocols.


A protocol is a set of rules and procedures which establishes a link to control the data transmission between the two points (the sender and the receiver).

The commonly used protocols are:

  1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  3. Internet Protocol (IP)
  4. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
  5. Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
  6. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Question 4

What are the advantages of cloud computing? Explain.


The advantages of cloud computing are:

  1. It eliminates the difficulty and expense of maintaining and upgrading computer hardware and software.
  2. The processing speed, memory capacity, software applications and the maintenance of a computer system are minimised.
  3. It does not require any software to access or manipulate any information.
  4. You can store and access any size or type of file, word process, play games or watch videos.
  5. You can also develop applications or make scientific calculations just like you do, simply using a smart phone.

Question 5

What is a web browser? In what ways is it helpful while accessing the internet?


A web browser is a software application which helps the users access and view different websites. For example, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

While accessing the internet, a browser helps in the following ways:

  1. It contacts the web server and sends a request for information.
  2. It receives the information from the server and displays the content on the user's computer screen.

Question 6

Write down all the steps with reference to cloud computing while:

(a) Downloading files

(b) Uploading files


(a) Downloading files

To download a file using cloud computing, follow these steps:

Step 1: In your OneDrive account, open 'Documents' folder. It will show all the files available in it.
Step 2: Select the file to be downloaded and click the option 'Download'.

The selected files will be downloaded on your computer.

(b) Uploading files

To upload a file using cloud computing, follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign in to Microsoft OneDrive account. The OneDrive page will open.
Step 2: Click 'Upload' and then select 'Files' from the drop-down list.
Step 3: The 'Open' dialog box will appear on the screen. Choose the file to be uploaded and click 'Open'.

The selected file will be uploaded in OneDrive under 'My Files' option.