Representation of Geographical Features


Representation of Geographical Features

Fill in the blanks

Question 1(a)

The difference in elevation between successive contours is called contour interval.

Question 1(b)

Contours are imaginary lines joining places of same height above sea level.

Question 1(c)

In nucleated settlement permanent huts are shown in a cluster.

Question 1(d)

In scattered settlement the permanent huts are shown in dispersed manner.

Question 1(e)

When contours are drawn close together they show steep slope.

Question 1(f)

When contours are drawn far apart, they show gentle slope.

Tick the correct answer

Question 2(a)

A plateau shown in contours has a

  1. steep top
  2. flat top ✓
  3. conical top
  4. rectangular top

Question 2(b)

A cliff is of

  1. steep rock ✓
  2. gentle rock
  3. conical slope
  4. undulating rock

Question 2(c)

A saddle is a

  1. shallow depression ✓
  2. depression
  3. a pass between two hills
  4. a narrow passage

Question 2(d)

A col is formed

  1. between the ridge of a watershed ✓
  2. between two plateaus
  3. between two v-shaped valleys
  4. between two hills

Question 2(e)

Linear settlements are found on

  1. either side of a river ✓
  2. in the plains
  3. in the mountain area
  4. in the valley area

Toposheet G43S10 Study

Question 3(a)

Which is the largest settlement? Name and identify it.


Wahan is the largest settlement.

Question 3(b)

How are linear and scattered settlements shown? Explain by means of a drawing in your notebook.


Linear Settlement

How are linear and scattered settlements shown? Explain by means of a drawing in your notebook. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8

Scattered Settlement

How are linear and scattered settlements shown? Explain by means of a drawing in your notebook. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8

Question 3(c)

What type of settlements are Wahan and Gulabaganj? Give a reason for your answer.


Wahan and Gulabganj are nucleated settlements, because the permanent huts are clustered or grouped together.

Question 3(d)

How are scattered settlements shown in the map? Name them.


Scattered settlements are shown as isolated or scattered huts in the map as shown below:

How are linear and scattered settlements shown? Explain by means of a drawing in your notebook. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8

Boki Derli and SigarliKhera are scattered settlements.

Question 3(e)

Identify a gentle slope and steep slope by means of drawing contours in your notebook in brown colour.


Below contour diagram represents gentle slope and steep slope:

Identify a gentle slope and steep slope by means of drawing contours in your notebook in brown colour. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8

Question 3(f)

Why is Anadra an important town? State its favourable features (any 2).


Anadra is an important town because has police chowki, Dispensary and post telegraph office.

Question 3(g)

In what colour are contours shown on the map and what is the contour interval?


Contours are shown with brown colour on the map.

The difference between the value of any two successive contours is known as the contour interval.


Question 1

Identify the following relief features (landform) shown by contours on the given topographical sheet G43S10 on page 22.

(i) Conical hill, gentle slope, steep slope, a saddle, col and pass.

(ii) Find out the contour interval in the given toposheet.

(iii) Identify (a) Nuclear settlement, (b) linear settlement and (c) scattered settlement.


(i) The grid references for the following landforms are:

Conical hill — 6930
Gentle slope — 7128
Steep slope — 7029
A saddle — 6935
Col — 7131
Pass — 7029

(ii) The contour interval in the given toposheet is 20 metres.

(iii) The different types of settlements are identified below:

(a) Nuclear settlement — Sanwara, Wahan, Gulabganj, Pithapura, Udwariya and Asawa are nuclear settlements.

(b) Linear settlement — Tokra and Sirori are a linear settlements.

(c) Scattered settlement — Sigarlikhera, Boki Derli and Burar Khera are scattered settlements.

Question 2

Identify and name the relief features represented in the given diagrams, A, B, C, D, E and F.


Identify and name the relief feature represented in the given diagram. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8


A plateau


Identify and name the relief feature represented in the given diagram. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8


A waterfall


Identify and name the relief feature represented in the given diagram. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8


A ridge


Identify and name the relief feature represented in the given diagram. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8


A gentle and steep slope


Identify and name the relief feature represented in the given diagram. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8


A conical hill


Identify and name the relief feature represented in the given diagram. Representation of Geographical Features, A Textbook of Geography Solutions ICSE Class 8


A hill