India: Human Resources


India: Human Resources

Tick the correct option

Question 1

Human resource resides in the

  1. knowledge
  2. skills
  3. motivation
  4. all of the above ✓

Question 2

In India, in 2011 the rural population was about

  1. 28 — 30%
  2. 38 — 48%
  3. 48 — 68%
  4. 68 — 84% ✓

Question 3

Factors which affect the distribution of population are

  1. climate
  2. topography
  3. soil
  4. all of the above ✓

Question 4

Which of the following is an economic factor?

  1. social customs
  2. technical knowledge
  3. industrial progress ✓
  4. capacity of inventions

Question 5

Unskilled labour refers to a person who is

  1. educated
  2. energetic
  3. not trained ✓
  4. experienced

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

In developing countries with agricultural economy, rural population is higher.

Question 2

The physical environment plays a vital role in determining the distribution of population.

Question 3

Sex ratio means the proportion of male and female in the total population.

Question 4

Better developed human resources leads to the economic and social development of a country.

Question 5

Trained and well-educated human resource is called skilled manpower.

Answer the following questions in brief

Question 1

What is meant by human resource?


Human resource can be defined as the resource that resides in the knowledge, skills and motivation of the people.

Question 2

State the rural and urban population distribution in India.


According to the census 2011, the total population of India has reached 121 crores. Of the 121 crores Indians, 83.3 crore live in rural areas while 37.7 crore stay in urban areas.

Question 3

State and explain the factors affecting distribution of population in India (any three).


The factors affecting distribution of population in India are-

  1. Minerals — Areas with rich mineral deposits attract industries. Mining and industrial activities generate employment. So, skilled and semi-skilled workers move to these areas and make them densely populated.
  2. Availability of water — People prefer to live in areas where freshwater is easily available. Water is used for a variety of daily needs and hence, the river valleys are among the most densely populated areas of the world.
  3. Urbanisation — Cities offer better employment opportunities, educational and medical facilities, better means of transport and communication. Good civic amenities and the attraction of city life draws people to the cities and results in rural to urban migration.

Question 4

Write a short note on sex ratio in India.


Sex ration means the proportion of male and female in the total population. In India, sex ratio is unfavourable to females. This is due to many reasons. Some of these reasons are-

  1. Females are neglected and males get preferential treatment.
  2. Females die at all stages of life due to different reasons. Girl children die due to negligence. Some are killed just after birth. Women die at the time of delivery.

Question 5

Distinguish between skilled and unskilled human resource with examples.


Skilled human resourceUnskilled human resource
It refers to the persons who are trained, well educated, energetic, experienced, devoted to their field.It refers to the person who possesses no special training and whose work involves the performance of simple duties.
Skilled human resource is capable of doing any specific work in a balanced way and efficiently.It is a workforce associated with limited skill or minimal economic value for the work performed.
For example, teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers etc.For example, peon, watchman, cleaner, sweeper, gardener, labourer etc.