Algorithms and Flowcharts


Algorithms and Flowcharts

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

The step-by-step procedure to solve any problem is called Algorithm.

Question 2

Flowcharts are the pictorial representation of a program.

Question 3

The process of drawing a flowchart for an algorithm is known as Flowcharting.

Question 4

An algorithm should involve Finite number of steps to reach a solution.

Question 5

The Decision box is used for checking or applying any condition in the program.

State True or False

Question 1

A flowchart is not a pictorial representation of steps to get the solution of a problem.

Question 2

Algorithm means a set of rules which specify how to solve a specific problem.

Question 3

Flowcharts are helpful in analyzing the logic of problems.

Question 4

Connectors are used to connect the boxes.

Question 5

The general direction of flow in any flowchart is from bottom to top or from right to left.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

In a flowchart, .......... indicate the sequence of steps and the direction of flow.

  1. Flow lines ✓
  2. Decision box
  3. Processing box

Question 2

.......... is used to accept input and give output of a program.

  1. Flow lines
  2. Input/Output box ✓
  3. Decision box

Question 3

The .......... represents the starting or ending point of a program.

  1. Decision box
  2. Flow lines
  3. Start /Stop box ✓

Question 4

.......... connectors are used to join the parts of a flowchart contained within the same page.

  1. On Page ✓
  2. Off Page
  3. None of these

Draw the flowchart symbols for the following


Start Symbol Flowchart Class 8 ICSE Kips Logix Computer Book Solutions


Stop Symbol Flowchart Class 8 ICSE Kips Logix Computer Book Solutions

Input A, B:

Input Box Symbol Flowchart Class 8 ICSE Kips Logix Computer Book Solutions

A= A + 1:

Process Box Symbol Flowchart Class 8 ICSE Kips Logix Computer Book Solutions

Is A > B:

Decision Box Symbol Flowchart Class 8 ICSE Kips Logix Computer Book Solutions

Print A:

Output Box Symbol Flowchart Class 8 ICSE Kips Logix Computer Book Solutions

Answer the following

Question 1

What is an algorithm? Write any three characteristics of an algorithm.


The step-by-step procedure to solve any logical and mathematical problem is called an Algorithm. Three characteristics of an algorithm are:

  1. Input — An algorithm accepts an input.
  2. Generality — An algorithm works in a set of inputs.
  3. Definiteness — Each instruction should be written in a simple and precise manner so that everyone can understand it.

Question 2

Define the term flowchart. Write any two advantages of a flowchart.


A flowchart is a pictorial representation of the steps or an algorithm used to solve a particular problem. Two advantages of a flowchart are:

  1. Communication — The pictorial representation of the flowchart provides better communication. It is easier for the programmer to explain the logic of a program.
  2. Effective Analysis — It is a very useful technique, as flowchart is a pictorial representation that helps the programmer to analyze the problem in detail.

Question 3

What is the use of input/output box?


It is used for accepting inputs or giving output of the program.

Question 4

When do we use the Process box?


It is used for writing the processing instructions and doing calculations.

Question 5

What is the use of Decision box?


It is used for checking or applying any condition in the program.

Write algorithms for the following problems

Question 1

To polish your shoes.


Step 1: Start
Step 2: Open the shoe polish
Step 3: Put shoe polish on brush
Step 4: Polish one shoe
Step 5: Put shoe polish on brush
Step 6: Polish the other shoe
Step 7: Close the shoe polish
Step 8: Stop

Question 2

To input three sides of a triangle and print if it is scalene, isosceles or equilateral.


Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read three sides of triangle and store them in a, b, c.
Step 3: Check if a == b and b == c
Step 4: If true, print "Equilateral Triangle" and goto step 8
Step 5: Check if a == b or b == c or c == a
Step 6: If true, print "Isosceles Triangle" and goto step 8
Step 7: Print "Scalene Triangle"
Step 8: Stop

Draw the following flowcharts

Question 1

Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word for buying stationery from the market.


Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word for buying stationery from the market.

Question 2

Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word for the steps required to play music stored in a CD.


Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word for the steps required to play music stored in a CD.

Question 3

Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word to accept two numbers, if the first number is greater than the second number, print their sum, otherwise print their product.


Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word to accept two numbers, if the first number is greater than the second number, print their sum, otherwise print their product.

Question 4

Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word for the steps required to find the cost of 24 pens when the cost of one pen is Rs. 12.


Draw a flowchart in Microsoft Word for the steps required to find the cost of 24 pens when the cost of one pen is Rs. 12.

Write an algorithm and draw the flowchart for the following

Question 1

Finding the cube of a given number.


Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read the number and store it in a.
Step 3: Calculate cube of number as a * a * a
Step 4: Print cube of number
Step 5: Stop


Draw a flowchart for finding the cube of a given number.

Question 2

Print the smallest of two numbers.


Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read the two numbers and store them in a and b.
Step 3: Check if a < b
Step 4: If true then print a and goto step 6
Step 5: If false then print b
Step 6: Stop


Draw a flowchart to print the smallest of two numbers.

Correct the Flowchart symbols

Question 1

To wash the face

Corrected Flowchart

Correct the symbols of the Flowchart to wash the face

Question 2

To multiply the two numbers

Corrected Flowchart

Correct the symbols of the Flowchart to multiply the two numbers.

Make flowcharts for the following statements

Question 1

Accept the age of a person. Display the message Eligible For Role if the age is equal to or greater than 18, otherwise display the message Not Eligible.


Accept the age of a person. Display the message Eligible For Role if the age is equal to or greater than 18, otherwise display the message Not Eligible.

Question 2

Input a name. If name is Kabir, then accept marks. If marks are >= 85, then display Good Performance else display Pass.


Draw a flowchart to print the smallest of two numbers.

Question 3

Accept one character. Display the message Vowel if the entered character is a vowel, otherwise display the message Not a Vowel.


Draw a flowchart to print the smallest of two numbers.

Question 4

Input a year. Display the message Leap year if the entered year has 366 days, otherwise display the message Not a leap year.


Draw a flowchart to print the smallest of two numbers.