Computer System


Computer System

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer?

  1. Reduces paper work
  2. Less storage capacity
  3. Accuracy
  4. Speed


Less storage capacity

Reason — A computer has great storage capacity.

Question 2

The final output available to a user on the monitor is known as ............... .

  1. Hardcopy
  2. Software
  3. Softcopy
  4. Bytes



Reason — The final output available to a user on the monitor is known as softcopy.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a part of a CPU?

  1. MU
  2. ALU
  3. VDU
  4. CU



Reason — VDU (Visual Display Unit) is not a part of a CPU. Memory Unit (MU), Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU) are parts of a CPU.

Question 4

The component which is responsible for the control of all mathematical calculations and logical operations of a computer is called ............... .

  1. ALU
  2. CU
  3. MU
  4. ROM



Reason — The component which is responsible for the control of all mathematical calculations and logical operations of a computer is called Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).

Question 5

The process of converting unorganized data into meaningful information according to user's instructions is called ............... .

  1. Input
  2. Storage
  3. Output
  4. Processing



Reason — The process of converting unorganized data into meaningful information according to user's instructions is called Processing.

Question 6

Unorganized raw facts and figures given to a computer are collectively called ............... .

  1. ROM
  2. Information
  3. Output
  4. Data



Reason — Unorganized raw facts and figures given to a computer are collectively called Data.

Question 7

The basic organization of a computer does not consist of ............... .

  1. Keyboard
  2. Input unit
  3. Output unit
  4. CPU



Reason — The basic organization of a computer does not consist of Keyboard.

Question 8

ROM stores a set of instructions called ............... .

  1. DRAM
  2. PROM
  3. BIOS
  4. SRAM



Reason — ROM stores a set of instructions called BIOS (Basic Input Output System).

Question 9

The type of ROM which can have its contents erased by ultraviolet light is called ............... .

  1. PROM
  2. EPROM
  4. Flash memory



Reason — The type of ROM which can have its contents erased by ultraviolet light is called EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory).

Question 10

A commonly used storage device is ............... .

  1. RAM
  2. ROM
  3. Hard disk
  4. SRAM


Hard disk

Reason — A commonly used storage device is Hard disk.

Question 11

The smallest unit of memory is ............... .

  1. Byte
  2. Bit
  3. Nibble
  4. Kilobyte



Reason — The smallest unit of memory is Bit.

Question 12

The special high speed memory which stores frequently used instructions so that a CPU can access them quickly is called ............... .

  1. DRAM
  2. Cache
  3. PROM
  4. Flash memory



Reason — The special high speed memory which stores frequently used instructions so that a CPU can access them quickly is called Cache memory.

Question 13

The memory which is programmed at the time of manufacturing and cannot be modified later is called ............... .

  1. EPROM
  2. PROM
  3. ROM
  4. RAM



Reason — The memory which is programmed at the time of manufacturing and cannot be modified later is called Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM).

Question 14

In which form is the data represented in Digital computers?

  1. Analog form
  2. Decimal form
  3. Binary form
  4. Octal form


Binary form

Reason — The data is represented in binary form in digital computers.

Question 15

Which of the following category is not included in Microcomputers?

  1. Tablet PC
  2. Laptop computer
  3. Supercomputer
  4. Handheld devices



Reason — Supercomputer is not included in Microcomputers.

Question 16

A computer is not able to ............... .

  1. Think
  2. Reduce usage of paper
  3. Reduce manpower
  4. Increase efficiency



Reason — A computer is not able to think. It only follows the instructions of its user.

Question 17

The speed of a CPU is measured in ............... .

  1. MB
  2. CB
  3. TB
  4. Mhz



Reason — The speed of a CPU is measured in Mhz.

Question 18

............... is a quick and convenient way to send short messages.

  1. MMS
  2. SMS
  3. E-Mail
  4. None of these



Reason — SMS is a quick and convenient way to send short messages.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

Read only memory is a part of ............... memory.


Read only memory is a part of internal memory.

Question 2

............... is a component of CPU that controls the transfer of data and instructions among other units of computer.


Control unit is a component of CPU that controls the transfer of data and instructions among other units of computer.

Question 3

Computers have ............... IQ.


Computers have zero IQ.

Question 4

A microprocessor is a ............... where a large number of circuit elements are integrated.


A microprocessor is a chip where a large number of circuit elements are integrated.

Question 5

The speed of a CPU is determined by the number of ............... executed by it per second.


The speed of a CPU is determined by the number of instructions executed by it per second.

Question 6

The speed of external memory is much ............... than internal memory.


The speed of external memory is much slower than internal memory.

Question 7

The three components of a CPU are ............... , ............... and ............... .


The three components of a CPU are Memory unit , Control unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit.

Question 8

Primary memory is of two types, ............... and ............... .


Primary memory is of two types, Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory.

Question 9

The primary use of ROM is during the ............... process, which contains initial program to start a computer.


The primary use of ROM is during the Booting process, which contains initial program to start a computer.

Question 10

A computer compiles results using ............... unit.


A computer compiles results using processing unit.

Question 11

............... memory is a special high speed memory, which stores frequently used instructions.


Cache memory is a special high speed memory, which stores frequently used instructions.

State True or False

Question 1

Primary memory is used to store large amount of information permanently.



Reason — Primary memory stores data and programs temporarily as long as they are being executed as primary memory has limited storage capacity.

Question 2

MMS can be used for sending pictures and videos through mobile phones.



Reason — MMS can be used for sending pictures and videos through mobile phones.

Question 3

The functions of a computer are - Input, Process, Storage, and Output.



Reason — The functions of a computer are - Input, Process, Storage, and Output.

Question 4

The Control Unit stores data and instructions in memory storage devices.



Reason — The Memory Unit stores data and instructions in memory storage devices.

Question 5

A processor is a system board and is the most important hardware component of a computer.



Reason — A processor is a system board and is the most important hardware component of a computer.

Question 6

Data required for processing is transferred from a secondary memory to a primary memory.



Reason — Data required for processing is transferred from a secondary memory to a primary memory.

Question 7

1 Giga Byte is equal to 1024 Tera Byte.



Reason — 1 Giga Byte is equal to 1024 Mega Byte.

Question 8

RAM and ROM are also called Immediate Access Storage.



Reason — RAM and ROM are also called Immediate Access Storage (IAS) as the CPU can access its data very fast as compared to data in the secondary memory.

Question 9

Flash Memory is a specific type of EEPROM that can be erased and reprogrammed into big sections instead of one byte at a time.



Reason — Flash Memory is a specific type of EEPROM that can be erased and reprogrammed into big sections instead of one byte at a time.

Question 10

Nibble is a group of 8 bits.



Reason — Nibble is a group of 4 bits.

Application Based Questions

Question 1

Which type of computers do Indian Railways use to interact with the customers for the various online functions, like booking, cancellation, showing the current status and so on?


Mainframe computers are used by the Indian Railways to interact with the customers for the various online functions, like booking, cancellation, showing the current status and so on

Question 2

I am a perfect combination of Analog and Digital computer. I accept analog signals, convert them to digital and process them in digital form. Who am I?


Hybrid computer is a perfect combination of the Analog and Digital computer. It accepts analog signals, converts them to digital and processes them in the digital form.

Question 3

Rahul is working in the National Research Centre which predicts natural calamities, like earthquake, tsunami, etc. Which type of computer is used in this kind of research?


Super computer is used in the National Research Centre which predicts natural calamities, like earthquake, tsunami, etc.

Question 4

Ms Khanna is a professor of English in a university. She has to keep herself updated with the latest research in her field. She is not comfortable in using a keyboard. Which type of computer will you suggest her considering the nature of her job and preference?


She can use a Tablet PC as it does not have a keyboard. It has a touch screen which is used to write directly on the screen rather than typing on a keyboard.

Question 5

I am a component of CPU which performs logical operations. Identify me.


Arithmetic and Logical Unit

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1

What are the basic organizations of a computer system?


A Computer System has three important parts-

  1. Input Unit
  2. Central Processing Unit
  3. Output Unit

Question 2

Mention the three components of a CPU.


The three components of a CPU are:

  1. Memory Unit (MU)
  2. Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU)
  3. Control Unit (CU)

Question 3

What are the major strengths of a computer? Name them.


The major strengths of a computer are:

  1. Speed
  2. Accuracy
  3. Reliability
  4. Storage Capacity
  5. Versatility
  6. Reduction in Manpower
  7. Reduction in Paper work

Question 4

Name the two types of primary memory.


The two types of primary memory are:

  1. Random Access Memory (RAM)
  2. Read Only Memory (ROM)

Question 5

Give a real life example of RAM and ROM.


A blackboard is like a RAM that is constantly overwritten with the new data. A blackboard can be cleaned just as the data in the RAM is lost once the power is switched off.

An audio-video disk resembles a ROM. Once the songs are burned on a CD, the disc contents cannot be changed.

Question 6

Which unit is used to measure the speed of a processor?


The speed of a processor is measured in Megahertz (MHz).

Question 7

Name a storage device that is a part of secondary memory.


Hard disk is a storage device that is a part of secondary memory.

Question 8

Which is the smallest unit of memory?


The smallest unit of memory is bit that can hold a single state - either 0 or 1.

Question 9

What is the full form of BIOS?


The full form of BIOS is Basic Input/Output System.

Question 10

Name any two processor (chip) manufacturing companies.


Two processor (chip) manufacturing companies are Intel and AMD.

Question 11

Give three examples of input and output devices.


Three examples of input devices are keyboard, mouse and scanner.

Three examples of output devices are monitor, printer and speaker.

Question 12

Write any five characteristics of a computer.


Five characteristics of a computer are:

  1. Speed
  2. Accuracy
  3. Reliability
  4. Storage Capacity
  5. Versatility

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1

Explain any two limitations and characteristics of a computer.


Two limitations of a computer are:

  1. Limited Intelligence — As compared to human beings computers have limited IQ.
  2. Dependence on Power — A computer is an electronic machine and thus its dependence on power makes it costly.

Two characteristics of a computer are:

  1. Speed — A computer works at an amazing speed. The work which is done by a normal person in 2-3 hours can be done by a computer in a fraction of seconds.
  2. Accuracy — A computer performs its task with great accuracy. It does not commit any mistakes. Errors occur only when the input is incorrect.

Question 2

How are computers used in the field of Research and Education?


Computers facilitate research work in a very effective way by performing complex computations, which sometimes seem impossible for humans. Some of them are listed below:

  1. The computations required for launching a new satellite into space.
  2. Earthquake and Tsunami warnings are possible with the aid of computers.
  3. Weather forecasting is done with the help of computers.
  4. Impact of nuclear tests can be studied using computers.

Computers aid in the field of education in the following ways:

  1. The multimedia rich computerized animations and videos help students to understand the concepts in a very simple and effective manner.
  2. Virtual classrooms use video conferencing and online modules of study material for learning.
  3. With the advent of e-learning, students can study according to their time schedule.
  4. Online entrance exams at national and international level are being conducted with the help of computers.
  5. The results of various education boards as well as entrance exams are available online.
  6. Students can find information about various colleges through the Internet and can apply online for the desired courses.

Question 3

How are computers used in the field of sports and military?


Computers are used extensively in the field of sports.

  1. The sports equipments used by athletes are first tested on computers.
  2. There is a large number of computerized training equipment, which have inbuilt programs to train the sports person.
  3. The training of athletes is done with the aid of computers.
  4. Updation of scoreboards, recording speed of players, action replays, and printing and selling of tickets are some of the sports related activities which are also done with the help of computers.

Computers play a vital role in the field of military.

  1. Computers are used in the design and development of high-tech weapons for defense where absolute accuracy is essential.
  2. Computerized simulation exercises are very helpful in training the pilots.
  3. Computers help in fighting terror and terrorists and their hideouts can be located anywhere in the world with high accuracy.
  4. Computer technology enables governments around the world to successfully execute their plans through effective planning.

Question 4

Explain the importance of computers in the government sector and law enforcement.


Government sector is making use of computer technology for official correspondence, budgeting, accounts, reporting, payroll, attendance, uploading of various schemes, forms, etc. Sectors like the census bureau, income tax, airlines, and railways, electricity boards, and telephone exchanges have benefitted greatly from the computer technology.

Computers play an important role in law enforcement. The traffic police uses speed cameras on traffic lights to monitor people for law violation. The police also uses computers to track the information of stolen automobiles and mobile phones in order to catch the criminals in less time.

Question 5

What are the application of computers in engineering and manufacturing fields?


Computers play a significant role in the field of engineering and manufacturing.

  1. Architects and engineers take the aid of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) for designing and manufacturing high quality products, like cars and planes.
  2. Architects use computers for designing the layout of buildings and other civil engineering structures.
  3. Advanced industrial robots are used to perform skillful and repetitive work.
  4. Manufacturing with the support of robots and computers is called Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).

Question 6

Explain the input, process and output cycle for the withdrawal of 2000 rupees from your savings account, using an ATM card.


The input, process and output cycle for the withdrawal of 2000 rupees from my savings account, using an ATM card is as follows:


  1. Insert ATM card — ATM card is inserted into the card reader slot on the ATM machine.
  2. Enter PIN — Enter the PIN on the ATM's keypad.
  3. Enter the amount to withdraw which in this case will be 2000.


  1. Card authentication — The ATM machine processes the information on the card and authenticates the card.
  2. PIN verification — The entered PIN is then validated to ensure it matches the one associated with the bank account.
  3. Account verification — The ATM establishes a connection with the bank's computer system to verify the account details, balance, and transaction limits.
  4. Funds availability check — The system checks if the account has sufficient funds to complete the withdrawal, else the transaction will be declined.
  5. Dispense 2000 rupees — The ATM processes the withdrawal request, and the cash dispenser mechanism inside the ATM is activated to count and dispense 2000 rupees in the form of bank notes.
  6. Update account balance — The bank's computer system updates the account balance to reflect the withdrawal.


  1. Dispensed cash — The ATM dispenses the requested amount (2000 rupees) in banknotes through a secure slot.
  2. Optional receipt — Optionally, the ATM may offer you a transaction receipt.
  3. Transaction completion — The ATM returns your card, and the display usually shows a message indicating that the transaction is complete.

Question 7

Differentiate between Primary and Secondary memory.


Primary MemorySecondary Memory
It is the main memory of the computer system.It is the auxiliary memory from where stored data can be retrieved.
Data and instructions get erased as soon as the computer is switched off.Data or instructions are stored for future use, even when the computer has been switched off.
It provides faster data access.It provides slower data access.
It is used for processing data.It is used for storing large amounts of data permanently.
It is small in size.It is of large size.
It is also called main memory or internal memory.It is also called auxiliary memory or external memory.
Examples are RAM and ROM.Examples are hard disk, CD, DVD, flash drive etc.

Question 8

What is a CPU? Explain the different parts of a CPU.


CPU is the main unit of a computer. It controls all the internal and external devices of a computer and performs arithmetic and logical operations. CPU is very small and is referred to as a microprocessor.

There are mainly three components of a CPU:

  1. Memory Unit (MU) — The memory unit is the principal storage of the computer. It stores both data and instructions. Computer memory is classified into two categories:
    i. Internal Memory — It stores data and programs temporarily as long as they are being executed. It is very fast and expensive but has limited storage capacity. For example, RAM and ROM.
    ii. External memory — It stores data and programs permanently. For example, hard disk, CD/DVD etc.

  2. Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) — All the arithmetical and logical operations are performed through this unit. An arithmetical operation includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and logical operations include all types of comparisons.

  3. Control Unit (CU) — This unit controls each and every part of the computer system along with the peripherals. It extracts the instructions from memory, decodes them and sends the necessary signals to ALU to perform the required operation. It is also called the central nervous system of a computer system as it manages all other units.

Question 9

What do you know about Microcomputers? Explain any two types of Microcomputers, which you commonly find in day to day life.


Microcomputers or personal computers use a microprocessor. They cost less and are very small in size. The most popular type of personal computers are the IBM PC and the Apple. The desktop computers that we use in our school labs, offices, homes etc. are micro-computers.

Two types of Microcomputers are:

  1. Notebook Computer — It is an extremely light weight personal computer. It weighs around 5-6 pounds and is smaller in size than a laptop computer. A notebook does not have an integrated DVD drive like laptop. It generally has smaller memory than a laptop.
  2. Tablet PC — A tablet PC looks similar to a laptop. A Tablet PC does not have a keyboard. It has a touch screen which is used to write directly on the screen rather than typing on a keyboard. Some common examples of Tablet PCs are Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc.

Question 10

Explain the most powerful category of computers.


The most powerful category of computers is super computers. These are the most powerful, the most expensive and the fastest computers in the world and are capable of processing trillions of instructions per second.

These computers are used by the government agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the National Weather Service, and the National Defense Agency. These are also used in space exploration, large organizations, research laboratories, aerospace centers, and large industrial units.

The examples of Super computers are CRAY- 1, CRAY- 2, Control Data CYBER 205 IBM Road Runner, ETAA -10, etc.