Types of Software


Types of Software

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

A master control program that runs the computer is an ............... .

  1. Interpreter
  2. Assembler
  3. Compiler
  4. Operating System


Operating System

Reason — A master control program that runs the computer is an Operating System.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a hardware component?

  1. Laser Printer
  2. Mouse
  3. Keyboard
  4. Operating System


Operating System

Reason — Operating System is a software component.

Question 3

GUI is used as an interface between ............... .

  1. Hardware and Software
  2. User and Hardware
  3. Software and User
  4. Man and Monitor


User and Hardware

Reason — GUI is used as an interface between User and Hardware.

Question 4

MS PowerPoint is an example of ............... .

  1. Database Software
  2. Multimedia Software
  3. Presentation Software
  4. None of these


Presentation Software

Reason — MS PowerPoint is an example of Presentation Software.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a function of an Operating System?

  1. File Management
  2. Memory Management
  3. Processor Management
  4. Database Management


Database Management

Reason — Database Management is not a function of an Operating System.

Question 6

Which of the following is CUI based Operating System?

  1. MS DOS
  2. Windows Vista
  3. Windows XP
  4. All of these



Reason — MS DOS is CUI based Operating System.

Question 7

It is a collection of one or more programs, which is designed to control the overall operation and performance of the computer system.

  1. Utility Software
  2. System Software
  3. Application Software
  4. Customised Software


System Software

Reason — System Software is a collection of one or more programs, which is designed to control the overall operation and performance of the computer system.

Question 8

Which language processor converts a program written in a High Level Language into Machine Language program line by line?

  1. Interpreter
  2. Operating System
  3. Compiler
  4. None of these



Reason — Interpreter converts a program written in a High Level Language into Machine Language program line by line.

Question 9

Disk cleanup is a ............... tool.

  1. Virus Scanner Cleaner
  2. Disk Management
  3. File Folder Management
  4. Encryption


Disk Management

Reason — Disk cleanup is a Disk Management tool.

Question 10

Which type of Application software is used in the Billing System?

  1. Specific Purpose
  2. General Purpose
  3. Customized
  4. None of these



Reason — Customized Application software is used in the Billing System.

Question 11

Which type of Application software is the Kaspersky?

  1. Disk Management
  2. File Folder Management
  3. Decryption
  4. Virus Scanner Cleaner


Virus Scanner Cleaner

Reason — Kaspersky is a type of Virus Scanner Cleaner Application software.

Question 12

Which software acts as a co-ordinator between hardware and software?

  1. Interpreter
  2. Compiler
  3. Language
  4. Operating System


Operating System

Reason — Operating System acts as a co-ordinator between hardware and software.

Question 13

The physical component of the computer system which we can touch and feel is called ............... .

  1. Software
  2. Operating System
  3. Hardware
  4. Application Software



Reason — The physical component of the computer system which we can touch and feel is called Hardware.

Question 14

General Purpose Application Software includes ............... .

  1. Presentation Software
  2. DBMS
  3. Word Processing
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — General Purpose Application Software includes Presentation Software, DBMS and Word Processing software.

Question 15

Which software is commonly designed to meet the needs of individual or organisations ?

  1. Specific Purpose
  2. General Purpose
  3. Customised
  4. None of these


General Purpose

Reason — General Purpose software is commonly designed to meet the needs of individual or organisations.

Question 16

Assembly language uses ............... codes.

  1. Decimal
  2. Binary
  3. Mnemonic
  4. Machine



Reason — Assembly language uses Mnemonic codes.

Question 17

............... do not need web access and run independently on computer.

  1. Web apps
  2. Desktop apps
  3. Native app
  4. None of these


Desktop apps

Reason — Desktop apps do not need web access and run independently on computer.

Question 18

............... are designed keeping in mind the device specifications.

  1. Native app
  2. Web apps
  3. Desktop apps
  4. None of these


Native app

Reason — Native apps are designed keeping in mind the device specifications.

Question 19

............... are usually smaller in size as the devices on which they are installed have limited memory.

  1. Desktop apps
  2. Web apps
  3. mobile apps
  4. None of these


mobile apps

Reason — Mobile apps are usually smaller in size as the devices on which they are installed have limited memory.

Question 20

............... apps are usually browser based and stored on a remote server.

  1. Native
  2. Hybrid
  3. Web
  4. Mobile



Reason — Web apps are usually browser based and stored on a remote server.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1

The collection of programs and procedures that instructs a computer how to perform different types of tasks is called ............... .


The collection of programs and procedures that instructs a computer how to perform different types of tasks is called Software.

Question 2

The ............... software support the smooth functioning of the computer and run the various programs efficiently.


The Utility software support the smooth functioning of the computer and run the various programs efficiently.

Question 3

............... helps to reduce consumption of storage space and ensures faster transfer of large files.


Compression helps to reduce consumption of storage space and ensures faster transfer of large files.

Question 4

............... is the facility to free up disk space by deleting files that are not being used for a long time.


Disk Cleanup is the facility to free up disk space by deleting files that are not being used for a long time.

Question 5

A ............... program helps to perform calculations, analyze data, and display the information in a tabular manner.


A Spreadsheet program helps to perform calculations, analyze data, and display the information in a tabular manner.

Question 6

A ............... transforms human readable source code of an entire program into machine language code.


A Compiler transforms human readable source code of an entire program into machine language code.

Question 7

............... are special programs which control the execution of a particular hardware device.


Device Drivers are special programs which control the execution of a particular hardware device.

Question 8

DTP stands for ............... .


DTP stands for Desktop Publishing.

Question 9

............... is a process of conversion of data into a form that cannot easily be understood by anyone.


Encryption is a process of conversion of data into a form that cannot easily be understood by anyone.

State True or False

Question 1

School software is a part of General Purpose Application Software.



Reason — School software is a part of Customised Application Software.

Question 2

Decryption is the process of converting the data which cannot be understood by all humans.



Reason — Encryption is the process of converting the data which cannot be understood by all humans.

Question 3

Mobile apps are usually developed for a specific Operating System and device.



Reason — Mobile apps are usually developed for a specific Operating System and device.

Question 4

The Antivirus software in our computer guarantees the 100% protection from virus.



Reason — An Antivirus software in a computer does not guarantee the 100 % protection from virus, as the installed Antivirus program would not be able to detect new virus programs.

Question 5

Tally, Wings and Busy are some popular accounting software in India.



Reason — Tally, Wings and Busy are some popular accounting software in India.

Question 6

The storage of a file in several non-contiguous areas of a disk rather than a single contiguous unit is called Disk Cleanup.



Reason — The storage of a file in several non-contiguous areas of a disk rather than a single contiguous unit is called Disk Fragmentation.

Question 7

DBMS is a Utility software.



Reason — DBMS is a General Purpose Application Software.

Question 8

Interpreter converts and executes machine language to High Level Language line by line.



Reason — Interpreter converts and executes High Level Language to machine language line by line.

Question 9

Encryption is done using an algorithm called cipher.



Reason — Encryption is done using an algorithm called cipher.

Question 10

You cannot easily create, add, find, update, and sort the information stored in a database.



Reason — We can easily create, add, find, update, and sort the information stored in a database.

Application Based Questions

Question 1

Match the correct application software for corresponding task.

Accounting ManagementManaging records of fee collection in school
Attendance SystemCalculating the profit - loss in an organisation
Payroll SystemRoad Toll Tax
School SoftwareComputation of salary of employees in a factory
Reservation SystemMonitoring the teacher's record for presence or absence
Billing SystemBooking for air tickets


Accounting ManagementCalculating the profit - loss in an organisation
Attendance SystemMonitoring the teacher's record for presence or absence
Payroll SystemComputation of salary of employees in a factory
School SoftwareManaging records of fee collection in school
Reservation SystemBooking for air tickets
Billing SystemRoad Toll Tax

Question 2

Which General Purpose Application Software package will you recommend to New Girls Public School for producing school accounts?



Question 3

Rohit has to transfer a large presentation file to his head office which is located in another country. Which Utility software tool will you recommend him for this task?


Rohit can use a compressor software to compress the file and make it smaller in size. Then, he can use cloud services to transfer the file to his head office.

Question 4

Encryption is the process of conversion of data into a form that cannot be easily understood by anyone except those possessing special information, usually referred as a key. This is done using an algorithm. Name the algorithm.



Question 5

At times the hard disk of a system fails and loses all the files stored in it. Thus, in order to restore original files at the time of such failures what advice will you give to a multinational organization manufacturing apparels?


I will advise the multinational organization to keep their files and data in back up storage devices in order to restore original files at the time of such failures.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1

Name the two types of software.


Two types of software are:

  1. System Software
  2. Application Software

Question 2

What is System software?


System software is a collection of one or more programs, which are designed to control the overall operation and performance of a computer system. For example, operating system,device drivers etc.

Question 3

What is the utility of disk cleanup?


Disk Cleanup utility searches the computer hard disk for unnecessary files that are not being used for a long time and occupying huge amount of space. It helps to free up disk space by deleting these files which can be of the following types- Temporary internet files, Downloaded program files, Recycle bin files, Windows temporary files, etc.

Question 4

Briefly describe the disk defragmenter program.


A Disk Defragmenter program is used to rearrange all files and directories into one contiguous area of disk and consolidate the free space in one contiguous block. This helps in smooth and speedy retrieval of data from the disk.

Question 5

Where is encryption primarily used?


Encryption is primarily used in defense services. It is even used in civilian systems, like Online Banking, E-commerce, Mobile Services, etc., to facilitate secret communication and privacy of data.

Question 6

Name the most popular encryption software which can be downloaded free of charge.


Flexcrypt is the most popular encryption software which can be downloaded free of charge.

Question 7

Give two examples of each:
a. Operating System
b. Desktop Publishing Software
c. Database Management System
d. Backup Software
e. Antivirus Software
f. Programming Language


a. Operating System — Windows XP, Linus

b. Desktop Publishing Software — PageMaker, CorelDRAW

c. Database Management System — MS-Access, Oracle

d. Backup Software — Delta copy, Ace Backup

e. Antivirus Software — McAfee, Norton

f. Programming Language — Java, Python

Question 8

Write one example of each:
a. CUI (Operating System)
b. GUI (Operating System)
c. Compression Software
d. Multimedia Software
e. Presentation Software


a. CUI(Operating System) — DOS

b. GUI (Operating System) — Windows XP

c. Compression Software — WinZip

d. Multimedia Software — Windows Media Player

e. Presentation Software — e. Presentation Software — Microsoft PowerPoint

Question 9

Name any two languages where either interpreter or compiler is used.


Two languages where either interpreter or compiler is used are Java and C++.

Question 10

Define the following:
a. Assembler
b. Interpreter
c. Compiler
d. Object Code
e. Source Code
f. Program


a. Assembler — An assembler is a program used to translate mnemonic operation codes to their machine language equivalents.

b. Interpreter — An interpreter converts a program written in a High Level Language into the Machine language program line by line and simultaneously executes the converted line. If an error is found, it displays the error and does not proceed till the error is rectified.

c. Compiler — A compiler is a computer program that transforms human readable source code of an entire computer program into the machine language code. It converts the entire program at one go. If an error is found, it gives the error list along with the line numbers.

d. Object Code — Object code is a set of statements which is usually generated by a compiler after converting a high level language program into machine language.

e. Source Code — Source code is a set of statements in a High-Level programming language.

f. Program — A set of instructions which performs a specified task is called a program.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1

What are the functions of Operating System?


The functions of Operating System are as follows:

  1. Processor Management — An operating system manages the working of the processor by allocating various jobs to it. It also ensures that each process and application receives enough time by the processor to function properly.
  2. Memory Management — An operating system manages the sharing of internal memory among multiple applications. It assigns memory to various programs whenever required. It also frees the memory when it is not in use.
  3. Device Management — An operating system controls the working of all input and output (I/O) devices.
  4. File Management — An Operating System keeps track of information regarding creation, deletion, transfer, copy, and storage of files in an organized way.
  5. Error Detection and Security — It provides security by means of passwords to prevent the misuse of a computer.
  6. Job Scheduling — In a multitasking Operating System where multiple programs run at the same time, the Operating System determines which applications should run in which order and how much time should be allocated for each application in turn.

Question 2

Differentiate between Compression and Defragmentation.


Compression is a technique which is used to compress files.Defragmentation is the process of rearranging all files and directories into one contiguous area of disk.
It helps to reduce the consumption of storage space and ensures faster data transfer.It increases the speed of retrieval of data from the disk.
A compression software like Winzip is used to compress or decompress files.A Disk Defragmenter utility is used to defragment the disk.

Question 3

Distinguish between encryption and decryption.


Encryption is the process of conversion of data into a form that cannot be easily understood by anyone except those possessing special information usually referred to as a key.Decryption is the process of converting the encrypted data back into its original form, so that it can be understood by anyone.
The result of encryption is cipher text.The result of decryption is the original text.
It is usually done at the sender's end.It is usually done at the receiver's end.

Question 4

What is Customized Software? Give one example.


Customized software is a software that is specially designed for a particular organization or user according to their requirements. It is built to cater to the needs of a specific company not the mass market.

It can easily be modified according to the changing requirements. It helps integrating different types of work in a single software, thus eliminating the need of purchasing multiple applications and licences.

An example of customized software is commercial websites.

Question 5

How are the desktop apps different from the Web apps?


Desktop appsWeb apps
Desktop apps can be used on a Desktop or a Laptop.Web apps are usually browser based and stored on a remote server.
These apps do not need web access and run independently on a computer.These apps require an Internet connection.
Installation on the Desktop or Laptop is required to run these apps.Web apps do not need installation. They can be accessed like any other webpage.
Desktop applications require substantial device memory.Web applications require minimum device memory.
For example, Notepad, MS Paint etc.For example, Google Maps, Instant messenger, etc.

Question 6

What is Virus scanner/cleaner? What functions does it perform?


Virus scanner/cleaner software are computer programs to identify, prevent, and remove viruses from our computer. It helps us to safeguard our data from virus.

Antivirus software performs the following functions in our computer:

  1. Scan the computer files to look for virus.
  2. Identify suspicious behaviour from other computers.
  3. Remove the programs which indicate infection.

Question 7

Discuss the role of DTP software.


Desktop Publishing packages can combine both text and graphic features to design professional documents for a variety of purposes. DTP software is used by media professionals to outline and execute editorial projects like newsletters, printed forms, advertisements, brochures, posters, magazines, books, etc.

With features for color management, templates, and collaboration, it streamlines the design process. It's crucial for creating high-quality, error-free print and digital content. This makes DTP software indispensable in various industries, where visually appealing, well-structured documents are essential for effective communication and branding.

Question 8

Discuss the role of Specific Purpose Application Software. Explain any two.


The Specific Purpose Application Software are developed by programmers to perform only specific tasks. Two Specific Purpose Application Softwares are:

  1. Accounting management — Accounts are the backbone of every organization. Thus, a proper accounting software is needed by all to store and manage these account transactions. Tally is the most popular accounting software in India. Wings and Busy are some other popular accounting software in India.
  2. Reservation System — The need to have an efficient reservation system with global usage patterns for airlines, hotels, etc. has been met by different companies with the integration of databases. Most of the reservation software are web-based. They can store essential data and operate on customer related transactions online. For example, makemytrip.com, yatra.com, etc.

Question 9

Describe the utility of Data backup and Recovery Software.


Data backup and recovery software is essential for safeguarding valuable digital assets and ensuring business continuity. It provides a means to routinely and securely duplicate critical data, protecting it from loss due to hardware failure, human error, cyber attacks, or disasters.

In the event of data loss, this software enables the rapid restoration of files, databases, or entire systems, minimizing downtime and potential financial losses. Its utility extends to individual users, businesses, and organizations, offering peace of mind, compliance with data protection regulations, and the ability to recover and resume operations swiftly, preserving data integrity and productivity.

Question 10

Write short notes on the following:

  1. Word Processing Software
  2. Database Management System


  1. Word Processing Software — A word processor helps us to create structured text documents quickly and efficiently. It provides multiple features to manipulate the text in a desired way. we can easily add, delete, rearrange, or beautify the text through formatting and also produce a hard copy of the document. For example, MS-Word, Writer, Word Pro, WordPad, etc.

  2. Database Management System — In a computer, a database software helps us to store and manage a large amount of information in an organized way. We can create, add, find, update, sort, and search the information stored in a database. We can also present the information in the form of professionally designed reports. Some examples of database management software are MS-Access, Oracle, Base, etc.