Presentation Tool : OO Impress


Presentation Tool : OO Impress

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Professional looking visual aids are prepared with the help of a software called ............... .

  1. DBMS
  2. MultiMedia software
  3. Graphics software
  4. Presentation Graphics software


Presentation Graphics software

Reason — Professional looking visual aids are prepared with the help of a software called Presentation Graphics software.

Question 2

Which of the following is a presentation graphics software ?

  1. Linux
  2. Writer
  3. Calc
  4. Impress



Reason — Impress is a presentation graphics software.

Question 3

An electronic page in a presentation is called ............... .

  1. page
  2. e-page
  3. slide
  4. e-slide



Reason — An electronic page in a presentation is called slide.

Question 4

Which of the following view is not one of Impress views ?

  1. Slide sorter view
  2. Slide view
  3. Slide show view
  4. Sorter view


Sorter view

Reason — Sorter view is not one of Impress views.

Question 5

A set of pre-designed formats of text or color scheme is called ............... .

  1. Slide
  2. Presentation scheme
  3. Template
  4. Schema



Reason — A set of pre-designed formats of text or color scheme is called template.

Question 6

Rehearse Timings command is present on ............... menu.

  1. Slide Show
  2. Format
  3. Tools
  4. Window


Slide Show

Reason — Rehearse Timings command is present on Slide Show menu.

Question 7

Slide Show command is present on ............... menu.

  1. Edit
  2. Tools
  3. Format
  4. Slide Show


Slide Show

Reason — Slide Show command is present on Slide Show menu.

Question 8

In ............... view, you can see all the slides of your presentation simultaneously.

  1. Outline
  2. Note
  3. Slide Sorter
  4. Slide show


Slide Sorter

Reason — In Slide Sorter view, you can see all the slides of your presentation simultaneously.

Question 9

In ............... view, you can see one slide at a time and do any editing work in it.

  1. Slide show
  2. Slide Sorter
  3. Outline
  4. Normal



Reason — In Normal view, you can see one slide at a time and do any editing work in it.

Question 10

The command Custom Animation is present on ............... menu.

  1. Slide Show
  2. Format
  3. Tool
  4. Edit


Slide Show

Reason — The command Custom Animation is present on Slide Show menu.

Question 11

A new slide can be inserted in a presentation by ............... .

  1. Using Slide command on Insert menu
  2. Using Slide button of Presentation toolbar
  3. (1) and (2)
  4. none of these


(1) and (2)

Reason — A new slide can be inserted in a presentation by using Slide command on Insert menu or using Slide button of Presentation toolbar.

Question 12

Which menu provides a command to change the layout of your slide ?

  1. View menu
  2. Format menu
  3. Slide-show menu
  4. Edit menu


Format menu

Reason — Format menu provides a command to change the layout of our slide.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

Fill in the blanks

(i) A ............... is an electronic page in a presentation.

(ii) ............... are a summarized version of your slides, which display only titles and main text.

(iii) ............... view displays three panes that show the outline, the slide, and an area into which you can enter speaker's notes.

(iv) In the Background dialog box, click ............... to apply the new background to all slides.

(v) Select ............... option on the ............... menu to change the font or style of selected text in a slide.

(vi) ............... is a set of sample slides with some text and design that give you suggestions about the content of your presentation.


(i) A slide is an electronic page in a presentation.

(ii) Outlines are a summarized version of your slides, which display only titles and main text.

(iii) Normal view displays three panes that show the outline, the slide, and an area into which you can enter speaker's notes.

(iv) In the Background dialog box, click Apply to All to apply the new background to all slides.

(v) Select Character option on the Format menu to change the font or style of selected text in a slide.

(vi) Design template is a set of sample slides with some text and design that give you suggestions about the content of your presentation.

Question 2

Impress presentations are given extension

  1. ods
  2. PPT
  3. DOC
  4. odp



Reason — Impress presentations are given .odp extension.

Question 3

Custom Animation is available on the ............... menu.

  1. Edit
  2. Tools
  3. Slide Show
  4. Insert


Slide Show

Reason — Custom Animation is available on the Slide Show menu.

Question 4

Which of the following is presentation material ?

  1. Charts
  2. Slides
  3. Overheads
  4. All of the above


All of the above

Reason — Using Impress, we can create various presentation materials like charts, graphs, slides, handouts, overheads etc.

Question 5

Which of the following can be one of the components of a slide ?

  1. Titles
  2. Graphs
  3. Clipart
  4. All of the above


All of the above

Reason — Titles, graphs and clipart can be one of the components of a slide.

Question 6

Speaker's notes can be used for Reference. (T/F)



Reason — Impress allows us to create Speaker's Notes, which is small image of the slides along with some explanatory notes. These can be used for reference.

Question 7

You can not insert Audio and Video on an electronic presentation. (T/F)



Reason — We can insert Audio and Video on an electronic presentation.

Question 8

Which of the following can be used to create presentation from scratch ?

  1. Empty presentation
  2. From templates


Empty presentation

Reason — Empty presentation can be used to create presentation from scratch.

Question 9

Which of the following views can you use to show just the slide and its contents ?

  1. Normal
  2. Slide
  3. Slide Show
  4. Notes page



Reason — Slide view shows just the slide and its contents.

Question 10

Differentiate between a Slide and Slide Show.


SlideSlide show
A slide is an electronic page in a presentation.A Slide Show is an electronic presentation, which can be run on a computer screen or a projection device.

Question 11

You want to view outline along with the slide, which view will you open your Impress presentation in ?


Normal view lets us view outline along with the slide.

Question 12

What are design templates in Impress ?


A design template is a predefined file that contains pre-defined element-styles for a presentation like font and bullet sizes, placeholders' size and position, background and colour scheme and slide master.

Question 13

What are transition effects ?


Transitions are special effects that introduce a slide in a Slide Show. One can choose from a variety of transitions and vary their speed.

Question 14

How useful animation is, in context of Slide Shows ?


Animations in slide shows can be highly useful, enhancing presentations and engaging audiences effectively. Other uses of animations are as follows:

  1. Visual Engagement — Animations captivate viewers' attention, making content more engaging.
  2. Concept Emphasis — Animations highlight key points, guiding focus and aiding understanding.
  3. Flow Enhancement — Sequential animations create a logical flow, aiding comprehension.
  4. Data Representation — Complex data becomes digestible through gradual animations.
  5. Storytelling — Animations can tell a story, making presentations more memorable.
  6. Transition Elegance — Smooth transitions enhance professionalism and aesthetics.
  7. Interactive Elements — Animations can be interactive, involving viewers in the presentation.

Question 15

What is presentation graphics ? What is its significance ?


The application software that can create professional looking visual aids is called presentation graphics software.

Using a presentation graphics software, we can create the following presentation materials:

  1. Charts
  2. Graphics
  3. Slides
  4. Handouts
  5. Overheads

Question 16

What are various components of a slide ? Write their usage.


Various components of a slide are as follows:

  1. Title — It is a descriptive heading identifying a slide.
  2. Subtitle — It is a descriptive message or brief description of the slide data.
  3. Drawing objects — Drawing objects include Autoshapes, Curves, Lines, WordArt etc.
  4. Clipart and Pictures — OpenOffice suite comes with its own set of pictures called ClipArt which can be used to make the presentation more impactful and effective.

Question 17

What are various views, which you can open your presentation in ?


There are six different ways to view our presentation in Impress. They are:

  1. Normal View — This view displays three panes that show the slides pane, the slide and a Tasks pane.
  2. Outline view — This view displays only the text of the presentation in outline form.
  3. Slide — This view shows us just the slide and its contents.
  4. Slide Sorter — It displays the entire set of slides on the screen.
  5. Slide Show — This view displays the presentation one slide at a time in sequence as an automatic slide show.
  6. Notes View — This view lets us enter and edit speaker's notes for the presenter.

Question 18

When is Slide Sorter view useful for viewing a presentation ?


Slide Sorter view is useful for viewing a presentation when we have to perform the following actions:

  1. Reordering Slides — Easily change slide sequence.
  2. Transition Management — Fine-tune animations and timings.
  3. Consistency Check — Identify design inconsistencies.
  4. Content Review — Catch errors and inaccuracies quickly.
  5. Storyboarding — Plan presentation structure visually.
  6. Timing Estimate — Gauge overall presentation duration.
  7. Copying/Pasting — Transfer slides between presentations efficiently.

Question 19

What is Outline ? What is its significance ?


Outlines are a summarised versions of slides that display only titles and main text.

Its significance lies in providing a clear overview, aiding content organization, ensuring logical flow, and helping users stay focused on key ideas while avoiding redundancy or disorganization.

Question 20

In Normal view three panes are shown. Name these three panes along with their usage.


The three panes shown in Normal view are:

  1. Slide Pane — It displays the selected slide's content, allowing editing of text, images, and other elements.
  2. Slide Sorter Pane — It offers a thumbnail grid of all slides for easy reordering, managing transitions, and reviewing the presentation's structure.
  3. Notes Pane — It provides space to add speaker notes or additional information related to the selected slide, aiding in presentation delivery and preparation.

Question 21

Which pane can you insert speaker's notes in ?


We can insert speaker's notes in Notes pane.

Question 22

What do you understand by Handouts ? How are they useful ?


Handouts are compressed versions of the slides of our presentation.

Handouts are useful because they allow the audience to follow along, take notes, and review the material after the presentation, enhancing comprehension and retention of information.

Question 23

Which menu and command let you insert animation in your slide ?


We can insert animations into our slides using the "Slide Show" menu and the "Custom Animation" option.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

A sales person is using presentation software to produce a slideshow. State three features of presentation software, other than text, that can be used to make the presentation more interesting.


The three features of presentation software, other than text, that can be used to make the presentation more interesting are:

  1. Slide Transition
  2. Animations
  3. Graphics like charts, graphs, clipart, pictures, etc.

Question 2

A journalist types reports and presents them as multimedia presentations. Give two features of a desktop computer that would make it more suitable than a palmtop computer for these tasks.


Two features of a desktop computer that would make it more suitable than a palmtop computer for these tasks are:

  1. Processing Power — Desktop computers generally have more powerful processors and larger amounts of RAM than palmtop computers. This can help the journalist to work with high-resolution images, videos, and audio files while simultaneously running presentation software.
  2. Larger Display — Desktop computers offer larger displays with higher resolutions, providing ample screen space for detailed editing and multimedia content creation. Additionally, desktop computers often support multiple monitor setups, which can be extremely useful for arranging different content elements on separate displays during the creation and presentation of multimedia reports.

Question 3

Mr. Jain's secretary has mistyped the sentences whose two halves were given. You have to figure out the incorrect mergers of sentence-segments and correct them.

(i) A slide is movement of images or text.

(ii) Slide Sorter is a view used to show the presentation to an audience.

(iii) Master Slide is a single page on the presentation.

(iv) Transition is a view that allows to move the order of the slides.

(v) Animation is moving from one slide to another automatically.

(vi) Slide Show is the slide where if changes-done affect every slide.


(i) A slide is a single page on the presentation.

(ii) Slide Sorter is a view that allows to move the order of the slides.

(iii) Master Slide is the slide where if changes-done affect every slide.

(iv) Transition is moving from one slide to another automatically.

(v) Animation is movement of images or text.

(vi) Slide Show is a view used to show the presentation to an audience.

Question 4

Reena's mother is a computer teacher. She is preparing an assignment for her students. Reena wants to help her mother in this, but she has merged the keywords of other topics with that of presentations. Help her pick out the keywords belonging to presentations and presentation packages :

formula, transition, cell referencing, slide, slide show, table, sorting, graphics, slide sorter, function, report animation, template


Keywords belonging to presentations and presentation packages are:

  1. transition
  2. slide
  3. slide show
  4. graphics
  5. slide sorter
  6. animation
  7. template

Question 5

Reena is creating a presentation about her school work. She is bit confused. Help her out by answering the questions given below :

(i) Reena wants that an image should appear on every slide, she needs to use ............... .

(ii) She wants to see all the slides in the presentation and their order, which view should she open the presentation in ?

(iii) She wants to give her audience a paper copy of her presentation. What should she create and print ?

  1. printout
  2. copies
  3. layouts
  4. handouts

(iv) The correct view to show the presentation to others would be called as ............... .

(v) She wants to add some effect to slides so that when new slide is shown after a slide some sort of activity should happen on screen. What should she add to the slides ?


(i) Reena wants that an image should appear on every slide, she needs to use Master Slide.

(ii) To see all the slides in the presentation and their order, Reena should open the presentation in Slide Sorter view.

(iii) Reena should create and print handouts.

(iv) The correct view to show the presentation to others would be called as Slide Show view.

(v) Reena should add Transition effects to the slides.