Computer System


Computer System

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

The physical components of the computer system are called ............... .

  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Firmware
  4. Liveware



Reason — Hardware refers to the physical parts of the computer; the ones that we can touch e.g., keyboard, monitor etc.

Question 2

The programs or instructions that tell the computer what to do, are known as ............... .

  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Firmware
  4. Liveware



Reason — The programs or instructions that tell the computer what to do, are known as software.

Question 3

This part sends signals to other parts of the computer to tell them what to do.

  1. CPU
  2. Motherboard
  3. Icon
  4. Hard drive



Reason — Central Processing Unit sends signals to other parts of the computer to tell them what to do.

Question 4

Which one is the device that is the "brain" of a computer system?

  1. CPU
  2. CD-ROM
  3. Mouse
  4. Scanner



Reason — Central Processing Unit is the "brain" of a computer system.

Question 5

Computer ............... are the physical parts that make up a computer system. They are the parts that you can see and ............... .


Computer hardware are the physical parts that make up a computer system. They are the parts that you can see and touch.

Question 6

............... is used to provide instructions to the computer so that it can perform certain tasks.


Software is used to provide instructions to the computer so that it can perform certain tasks.

Question 7

............... are the raw facts from which ............... is derived.


Data are the raw facts from which information is derived.

Question 8

The ............... directs other components of the computer to perform the tasks specified in the program instructions.


The Control Unit directs other components of the computer to perform the tasks specified in the program instructions.

Question 9

Collecting the data and converting it into information is called ............... .


Collecting the data and converting it into information is called processing.

Question 10

Results are obtained from computer through its ............... unit.


Results are obtained from computer through its output unit.

Question 11

............... is the most powerful computer.


Supercomputer is the most powerful computer.

Question 12

Computers are ............... than human beings.


Computers are faster than human beings.

Question 13

Computers are ............... to tiredness and ............... .


Computers are immune to tiredness and boredom.

Question 14

Computers have ............... IQ.


Computers have zero IQ.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer system ?

  1. Performs fast
  2. Performs mathematical calculations accurately
  3. Apply judgements on its own in unknown/unexpected situations
  4. Safer in dangerous places like mines


Apply judgements on its own in unknown/unexpected situations

Reason — A computer has zero IQ. It cannot make decisions on its own.

Question 2

Which of the following correctly defines a computer system ?

  1. Hardware
  2. Software
  3. Hardware + Software + Data
  4. Hardware + Software + Data + Human Being


Hardware + Software + Data

Reason — A computer is a combination of hardware and software, which transforms some data into information.

Question 3

Unprocessed raw facts and figures are known as :

  1. Information
  2. Storage
  3. Data
  4. All the above



Reason — Unprocessed raw facts and figures are known as data.

Question 4

In computer science, by information we mean :

  1. Any output coming out from computer
  2. Processed data put in an intelligent form
  3. A report printed by the computer
  4. Plural of data


Processed data put in an intelligent form

Reason — A computer processes data and produces information in a user-readable form.

Question 5

Which of the following activities can a computer system perform with Airlines ?

  1. Display Arrival and Departure times of flights
  2. Display important messages
  3. Check seat availability and flight times
  4. None of the above
  5. All the above


All the above

Reason — A computer system can display arrival and departure times of flights, display important messages and check seat availability and flight times.

Question 6

What is a computer ? How is it a useful device ?


A computer is an electronic device that can perform a variety of operations according to a set of instructions called program.

Computer is a useful device as it can be used in almost all the fields such as :

  1. Business and administration
  2. Medicine and health care
  3. Communications and media
  4. Education and reference
  5. Science and Technology
  6. Research and engineering
  7. Manufacturing and delivery
  8. Law enforcement by police and government
  9. Military operations
  10. Music and theatre
  11. Household purposes, etc.

Question 7

What are strengths and weaknesses of a computer system ?


The strengths of a computer are as follows:

  1. Speed.
  2. High Storage Capacity.
  3. Accuracy.
  4. Reliability.
  5. Versatility.

The weaknesses of a computer are as follows:

  1. Lack of Decision-Making Power.
  2. IQ Zero.
  3. No Heuristics.

Question 8

What do you understand by IPO cycle ?


IPO cycle stands for Input-Process-Output cycle. In IPO cycle, some input is needed to accomplish a task, a process is carried out on the input to obtain the output. A computer also follows the IPO cycle as it takes an input, carries out a process upon it, and produces an output.

Question 9

What are the four basic components of a computer system ?


The four basic components of a computer system are:

  1. Input Unit.
  2. Central Processing Unit.
  3. Storage Unit.
  4. Output Unit.

Question 10

How can computers be classified ?


Computers can be classified into following types :

  1. Embedded Computers — These computers are in the form of tiny chips embedded within the circuitry of appliances such as televisions, washing machines, wrist watches, etc.
  2. Programmable Computers — These computers can be used as notepads, scheduling systems, address books etc. With cellular phones, these can connect to worldwide computer networks to exchange information regardless of location.
  3. Laptop Computers & Personal Computers — These computers are typically used in businesses and at home to communicate on computer networks, for word processing to track finances, to play games etc.
  4. Workstations — These computers are similar to PCs but have more capabilities. These are typically found in scientific, industrial and business environments that require high levels of computational abilities.
  5. Mainframes — These computers are even more capable than workstations and can be used by multiple users.
  6. Supercomputers — These computers are the most powerful computers that are used to process complex and time-consuming calculations. They are used by the largest business institutes/houses, scientific institutions and the defence.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

All computer systems can be split into three main components. These are shown in the following diagram.

All computer systems can be split into three main components shown in the diagram. Complete diagram by adding names of four different input & output devices. Computer System, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Complete the diagram below by adding the names of four different input devices and four different output devices.


The completed diagram showing four different input & output devices is given below:

All computer systems can be split into three main components shown in the diagram. Complete diagram by adding names of four different input & output devices. Computer System, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Question 2

The diagram shows the main components of a computer system. R could represent :

  1. mouse or printer
  2. printer or screen
  3. printer or disc drive
  4. screen or keyboard
The diagram shows the main components of a computer system. R could represent? Computer System, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.


printer or screen

Reason — The output unit uses devices like printer or screen to display output in user readable form.

Question 3

Q represents the central processing unit which consists of :

  1. processor and main storage
  2. input devices and processor
  3. input devices, output devices and backing storage
  4. all of the above
The diagram shows the main components of a computer system. R could represent? Computer System, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.


processor and main storage

Reason — The CPU consists of processor to process instructions given to the computer and main storage to store those instructions and intermediate results during the processing phase.

Question 4

Which one of the following is not a function of the CPU ?

  1. handling control functions
  2. performing arithmetical operations
  3. storing data
  4. file management


storing data

Reason — CPU is responsible for processing the given instructions which consists of handling control functions, performing arithmetical and logical operations and storing the data and instructions being processed. File management is usually handled by the operating system of the computer.

Question 5

Draw a diagram to show how these components are connected in an ICT system :

  1. Process
  2. Input
  3. Output
  4. Backing Store


Below diagram shows an ICT system along with its different components:

Draw a diagram to show how these components are connected in an ICT system - Process Input Output Backing Store. Computer System, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Question 6

For the following situations advise which type of software you would use.

Typing a letter
Creating a graph
Keeping a list of telephone numbers
Creating a poster
Creating an original image
Editing a digital photograph
Comparing which mobile phone tariff is the best for you
reading a webpage on the Internet


Typing a letterWord Processor Software
Creating a graphSpreadsheet Software
Keeping a list of telephone numbersSpreadsheet Software
Creating a posterPhoto Editing software
Creating an original imagePhoto Editing software
Editing a digital photographPhoto Editing software
Comparing which mobile phone tariff is the best for youSpreadsheet software
reading a webpage on the InternetInternet Browser Software

Question 7

Arrange the following statements into the advantages or disadvantages of the different computers. (some of the statements can be used for more than one type of computer)

1.Can use many different types of software
2.Can only use very limited software such as email or diary events
4.Light to carry
5.Fits in your pocket
6.Around Rs.50000
7.Around £1500 - £2000 to buy
8.Can easily be broken
9.Easy to upgrade or expand
10.Cannot upgrade
11.Very difficult to expand
12.Easy to steal
13.No mouse but touch-pad or button control
14.Stylus control
15.Mouse control
16.Ergonomically designed
17.Uncomfortable to use for long periods of time
18.Can run on electricity or battery
19.Standard equipment for businesses, schools and home
20.Not as powerful as a desktop PC
21.Very strong
22.Cost around Rs. 40000 to buy
23.No keyboard - handwriting recognition used
24.Difficult to move around
Desk-Top PCNotebookPDA


Desk-Top PCNotebookPDA
1, 9, 15, 16, 19, 21, 2217, 241, 3, 13, 18, 6113, 4, 5, 142, 7, 8, 10, 12, 20

Question 8

Imagine you have an older friend who is moving away to University soon. He wants to buy a new computer to take with him - remembering of course that he must come home for every holiday. Which type of computer would you suggest ? Explain fully your answer - why would you suggest that type.


For my older friend who is moving away to university but will return home for every holiday, I would suggest a laptop as the ideal type of computer for the following reasons:

  1. Portability — Easy to carry between classes and home during holidays.
  2. Space-saving — Doesn't require separate peripherals like a desktop.
  3. Flexibility — Can be used for academics, entertainment, and socializing.
  4. Power efficiency — Energy-efficient for extended usage.
  5. Battery life — Decent battery life for on-the-go work.
  6. Homecoming convenience — Convenient to pack and carry during breaks.
  7. Access to university resources — Optimized for university platforms and materials.
  8. Future-proofing — All-in-one solution with built-in display and input devices.