Spreadsheet Tool : OO Calc II


Spreadsheet Tool : OO Calc II

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Data represented in a worksheet can be easily understood by :

  1. Database
  2. Letter
  3. Chart
  4. Symbol



Reason — Data represented in a worksheet can be easily understood by a chart.

Question 2

Which one of the following charts generated from a football statistics spreadsheet could compare the performance of the team from year to year ?

  1. Bar
  2. Area
  3. Pie
  4. Scattergram



Reason — Bar charts generated from a football statistics spreadsheet could compare the performance of the team from year to year.

Question 3

Which chart will show the direction of change in numbers over a period of time by connecting data points ?

  1. Bar
  2. Line
  3. Pie
  4. Scattergram



Reason — Line chart will show the direction of change in numbers over a period of time by connecting data points.

Question 4

Which chart can track and compare measurements such as temperature and show trends and comparisons ?

  1. Bar
  2. Line
  3. Pie
  4. Scattergram



Reason — Line chart can track and compare measurements such as temperature and show trends and comparisons.

Question 5

Which type of chart displays bars side by side ?

  1. Bar
  2. Line
  3. Pie
  4. Scattergram



Reason — Bar chart displays bars side by side.

Question 6

Which chart generated from spreadsheet data would compare values that represent parts of a whole ?

  1. Bar
  2. Line
  3. Pie
  4. Scattergram



Reason — Pie chart generated from spreadsheet data would compare values that represent parts of a whole.

Question 7

Bar Charts are MOST effectively used to :

  1. Present Scientific data
  2. Compare groups of data
  3. Show parts of a whole
  4. Show activity of an item over a period of time


Compare groups of data

Reason — Bar Charts are MOST effectively used to compare groups of data.

Question 8

The chart that uses connecting dots to show changes over a period of time is called :

  1. Bar
  2. Line
  3. Pie
  4. Scatter graph



Reason — A line chart is used to represent data points by connecting them with lines, making it easy to visualize trends and changes over time.

Question 9

What do you understand by formatting ?

  1. working in empty worksheet
  2. emptying a worksheet
  3. generally arranging data in worksheet
  4. deleting select data from worksheet


generally arranging data in worksheet

Reason — General arrangement of data is known as formatting.

Question 10

To format text in a worksheet, which option will you select from the format menu ?

  1. Cells
  2. Row
  3. Column
  4. Sheet



Reason — To format text in a worksheet, Cells option will be selected from the Format menu.

Question 11

I am pictorial representation of worksheet data. Who am I ?

  1. Flowgraph
  2. Chart
  3. Picture
  4. Graphic



Reason — Chart is a pictorial representation of worksheet data.

Question 12

Which of the following is not a legal chart type in OOo Calc ?

  1. Area chart
  2. Column chart
  3. Row chart
  4. XY chart


Row chart

Reason — Row chart is not a legal chart type in OOo Calc.

Question 13

A ............... is a graphical representation of worksheet data.

  1. Picture
  2. chart
  3. Text box
  4. Square



Reason — A chart is a graphical representation of worksheet data.

Question 14

In ............... chart, only one data series can be plotted.

  1. Column
  2. Area
  3. Pie
  4. Row chart



Reason — In Pie chart, only one data series can be plotted.

Question 15

A chart placed in a worksheet is called a ............... chart.

  1. Inside
  2. Embedded
  3. Outside
  4. Sheet



Reason — An embedded chart is inserted directly into a worksheet alongside the data it represents. This allows us to visualize and analyze the data in a graphical format within the same worksheet.

Question 16

A ................ chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole.

  1. Area chart
  2. Embedded chart
  3. Row chart
  4. Stacked Column or Stacked Bar


Stacked Column or Stacked Bar

Reason — A Stacked Column or Stacked Bar chart is used to represent data where each column (or bar) is divided into segments, and the height of each segment represents the proportion of a specific category within the whole. It's particularly effective for displaying data with multiple categories and comparing their contributions to the total.

Question 17

Scatter chart is also known as ................ chart.

  1. Area
  2. Column
  3. XY
  4. Bar



Reason — Scatter chart is also known as XY chart.

Question 18

A ................ is a graph that is used for comparing changes in data over a period of time.

  1. Line chart
  2. Area
  3. Scattered
  4. Embedded chart


Line chart

Reason — A Line chart is a graph that is used for comparing changes in data over a period of time.

Question 19

Small boxes around a part of a chart that indicate that it is selected are called ................ .

  1. Points
  2. Handles
  3. Border
  4. Dots



Reason — Small boxes around a part of a chart that indicate that it is selected are called Handles.

Question 20

When the chart appears on the same worksheet as the data it is called a(n) ................. .

  1. Floating chart
  2. Chart sheet
  3. Inside chart
  4. Embedded chart


Embedded chart

Reason — An embedded chart is inserted directly into a worksheet alongside the data it represents. This allows us to visualize and analyze the data in a graphical format within the same worksheet.

Question 21

The ................ tells the name of a chart.

  1. Plot area
  2. Title
  3. Axes title
  4. Chart area



Reason — The Title tells the name of a chart.

Question 22

A ................ shows how the total number is broken down into individual parts.

  1. Area chart
  2. Chart
  3. Pie chart
  4. Bar chart


Pie chart

Reason — In a pie chart, the entire data is shown as a circle (like a pie). The different parts of the data are shown as slices of the pie. The size of each slice shows how much it contributes to the whole data. This helps us see how different parts compare to each other and how they make up the whole.

Question 23

A graph that compares pieces of data using vertical stacks is a ................. .

  1. Stacked chart
  2. Area chart
  3. Pie chart
  4. Column chart


Column chart

Reason — In a column chart, multiple data sets are compared by stacking their vertical columns on top of each other to visually show the total and the contribution of each component to the total.

Question 24

A ................ is the key to a chart ; it tells what colour or pattern corresponds to a specific piece of data.

  1. Legend
  2. Lines
  3. Title
  4. Subtitle



Reason — A Legend is the key to a chart ; it tells what colour or pattern corresponds to a specific piece of data.

Question 25

A ............... compares pieces of data using horizontal stacks.

  1. Pie chart
  2. Scattered chart
  3. Area chart
  4. Bar chart


Bar chart

Reason — In a bar chart, each piece of data is represented as a horizontal bar, and the length of each bar indicates the value of that data point. When multiple data sets are compared side by side, the bars can be stacked next to each other to visually show the total and the contribution of each component to the total.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

State True or False :

(i) Graphs let the audience visualize trends quickly.

(ii) Graphs are a compact way to show information.

(iii) Graphs make it hard to find the main point of some data.

(iv) Graphs add a visual model to a presentation.

(v) Graphs are not good at showing changes and relationships.

(vi) Line graphs are good at showing changes over time.

(vii) Line Graphs are also called histograms.

(viii) Pie Charts show how parts relate to the whole.

(ix) Pie Charts can make multiple comparisons.

(x) Bar Graphs and Line Graphs show trends.


(i) True
Reason — Graphs are visual representations that allow viewers to quickly identify trends and patterns in data.

(ii) True
Reason — Graphs are visual representations, thus making it easier to grasp and understand information.

(iii) False
Reason — Graphs are designed to enhance data visualization and understanding. They generally make it easier, not harder, to identify the main point or trends in the data.

(iv) True
Reason — Graphs indeed introduce a visual model to a presentation, helping to illustrate data patterns and trends more effectively than raw numbers.

(v) False
Reason — Graphs are specifically designed to show changes and relationships in data, making them a powerful tool for data visualization.

(vi) True
Reason — Line graphs are particularly effective at displaying changes over time, as they connect data points with lines, highlighting trends and fluctuations.

(vii) False
Reason — Line graphs and histograms are different. Line graphs display the relationship between two variables over a continuous range, while histograms show the distribution of data within intervals or bins.

(viii) True
Reason — Pie charts are suitable for illustrating how different parts contribute to a whole, providing a clear visual representation of proportions.

(ix) False
Reason — Pie charts are best used to show the proportion of parts in relation to a whole.

(x) True
Reason — Both bar graphs and line graphs are excellent for presenting trends in data. Bar graphs use bars of varying lengths to compare different categories, while line graphs depict changes over time or other continuous variables using lines connecting data points.

Question 2

What does this button mean What does this button mean?

  1. Align the text on the borders of the page.
  2. Extend the content on the entire length of the cell.
  3. Group together the selected cells and center the content.
  4. None of the above


Group together the selected cells and center the content.

Reason — The given button means to group together the selected cells and center the content.

Question 3

What type of chart is this ?

What type of chart is this? Spreadsheet Tool: OO Calc, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.
  1. Doughnut
  2. Radar
  3. Bar
  4. Pie



Reason — The given chart is a pie chart as it shows the parts of a whole.

Question 4

We need to bold the contents of Columns A and C, Row 14 and Cells D8 and E7. Is it possible to do all the formatting in the one action ?

  1. Yes
  2. No



Reason — We can highlight the given cells by pressing Shift key and clicking on the cells — A14, C14, D8 and E7 while keeping the Shift key pressed. Once the given cells are highlignted, we can click on the Bold button on the Format toolbar to bold the contents of the cells.

Question 5

I have created a bar chart which represents sales for September, October and November. I add December figures to the end of the range that the chart was created from. Will the chart automatically update to include these figures ?

  1. Yes
  2. No



Reason — In OpenOffice Calc, if we initially create a bar chart with a specific range of data and then add December figures to the end of that range, the chart will not automatically update to include these new figures. We will need to manually adjust the chart's data range to encompass the new data (including December figures) in order to accurately reflect them in the chart.

Question 6

I want to print the gridlines on my Calc worksheet so that my data is easy to read. The first time I print my worksheet I choose File Print OK from the menu. Will the gridlines be printed ?

  1. Yes
  2. No



Reason — In OpenOffice Calc, if we choose "File > Print" from the menu, the grid lines might not be printed by default. Grid lines are typically not included in the default print settings. To print grid lines along with our data, we would need to enable the option to print grid lines before printing.

Question 7

When you insert a column into a worksheet, it will always be inserted to the left of the column that contains the active cell.

  1. Yes
  2. No



Reason — When we insert a column in a worksheet, we need to select either 'Insert Column Before' or 'Insert Column After' option. Depending on our selection, the new column is inserted either on the left or the right of the selected cell.

Question 8

What is formatting ? Why/How is it useful ?


The general arrangement of data in a worksheet is known as formatting.

Formatting makes our worksheet presentable. It can emphasize certain data, and can create a hierarchy of relative importance among different elements of data. With formatting, we can make some data to be bolder, rotated or in different colour. So, basically formatting provides worksheet a neater and more legible outlook.

Question 9

What are the different components of chart ? Explain.


The different components of a chart are as follows:

  1. X-axis — This is the horizontal axis known as category.
  2. Y-axis — This is the vertical axis known as value axis.
  3. Data series — This is the set of values we want to plot in the chart.
  4. Chart area — This is the total region surrounding the chart.
  5. Plot area — This is the area of chart in which our data is plotted. The plot area is bounded by axes in a 2-D chart.
  6. Chart Title — This is the descriptive text aimed at helping user identify the chart.
  7. Axes titles — These are the titles given to three axes i.e., X, Y and Z axes.
  8. Legend — The legends help us identify various plotted data series. Each series can be uniquely identified by assigning a unique colour or pattern. This unique colour or pattern which identifies a data series, is known as legend.
  9. Gridlines — These are the horizontal and vertical lines in the plot area. The gridlines are inserted in the chart to enhance its readability.
  10. Data label — This is a label that provides additional information about a data marker, which represents a single data item or value coming from a worksheet cell.

Question 10

Define the following terms :

(i) Embedded chart

(ii) Chart sheet.


(i) Embedded chart — A chart object placed inside a worksheet along with other data is known as an embedded chart.

(ii) Chart sheet — A chart sheet is a sheet having only a chart and no other data.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

Below is part of a spreadsheet, which contains data about the sales of sandwiches in Hilltop High School.

List two ways in which the cells in the first row have been formatted. Can you predict after looking at above worksheet whether the values shown in range B4:F15 have default alignment or a different one given through Formatting? Spreadsheet Tool: OO Calc, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Answer the following questions (i) to (iv) based on above spreadsheet :

(i) List two ways in which the cells in the first row have been formatted.

(ii) Can you predict after looking at above worksheet whether the values shown in range B4:F15 have default alignment or a different one given through Formatting ?

(iii) What option/setting has been chosen for B3:F3 that they are able to display multi-line text in these cells ?

(iv) What command has facilitated the setting of previous question i.e., multi-line text ?


(i) Two ways in which the cells in the first row have been formatted are:

  1. The cells B2, C2 and D2 are merged.
  2. The text has been made bold and in uppercase.

(ii) The values shown in range B4:F15 have default alignment as the numbers are right aligned by default.

(iii) To display multi-line text in cells, we can select the cells and right click on the selection and select Format Cells option. From the Format cells window, select Alignment tab and select on 'Wrap Text automatically' property and click OK.

(iv) The command 'Wrap Text Automatically' has facilitated the setting of multi-line text.

Question 2

The graph below has been produced using the data on the spreadsheet given just before i.e., Favourite Lunchtime Sandwiches spreadsheet.

List the two cell ranges that have been used to create this graph. Why is it better to view this information on a graph rather than a spreadsheet? Spreadsheet Tool: OO Calc, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Answer the questions (i) to (vii) based on above chart and Favourite Lunchtime Sandwiches spreadsheet.

(i) List the two cell ranges that have been used to create this graph.

(ii) Why is it better to view this information on a graph rather than a spreadsheet ?

(iii) Suggest an appropriate title for above chart.

(iv) Which data range is the Y-axis range ?

(v) What is the name of above chart type ?

(vi) Suggest another chart type that would be equivalently effective in conveying the information as above chart.

(vii) If a pie chart were created with the same data ranges, what information would it convey ?


(i) The two cell ranges that have been used to create this graph are [A4 : A13] and [F4 : F13].

(ii) Graphs offer a visual representation of data that simplifies complex information. They enhance understanding, aid in comparisons, highlight exceptions, and facilitate data storytelling, making them more effective than spreadsheets for conveying insights, engaging audiences, and guiding decision-making.

(iii) 'Lunchtime Sandwiches Sales' can be an appropriate title for above chart.

(iv) The data range of the Y-axis is [A4 : A13].

(v) The name of above chart type is column chart.

(vi) Another chart type that would be equivalently effective in conveying the information as above chart is bar chart.

(vii) If a pie chart were created with the same data ranges, it could easily compare the profits earned through different fillings of sandwiches.

Question 3

Gina spright has collected data on how much each member of her class spends on magazines each month. She wishes to display this information in graph.

(a) Name one suitable graph that Gina could use.

(b) Explain how Gina could use her computer to produce the graph.


(a) A suitable graph that Gina could use to display this information is a bar graph. Each student's spending on magazines can be represented by a separate bar, allowing for easy comparison between different individuals.

(b) Gina can use her computer to create a bar graph by entering student names and their spending data into a spreadsheet software like OpenOffice Calc.

Then, she can select the data, choose a bar chart type, customize labels, colors, and axes, save and insert the graph into her project.

Question 4

A finance officer uses a spreadsheet to record sales from an equipment shop.

The cells in the spreadsheet contain different types of data. The content of cell A5 is? The format of cell B1 is? Spreadsheet Tool: OO Calc, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

This is part of the spreadsheet.

(a) The cells in the spreadsheet contain different types of data.

Complete the sentences using words from this list :

text ; an equation ; currency ; a formula ; a date ; a calculation

(i) The content of cell A5 is ............... .

(ii) The format of cell B1 is ............... .

(iii) The content of cell D5 is ............... .

(iv) The format of cell D5 is ............... .

(b) The finance officer uses the spreadsheet to generate different types of graph.

(i) Write down the type of graph using words from this list :

scatter ; pie ; bar (or column) ; line ; stem and leaf ;

Write down the type of graph using words from this list. Spreadsheet Tool: OO Calc, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Tick one box to show which of the following is true.

Tick one box
It is easy to see the approximate sales value of each item of equipment
It is easy to see which equipment made the most profit
It is easy to see which equipment sold the largest quantity
It is easy to see the price of the equipment
It is easy to see the date

(ii) Write down the type of graph using words from this list :

scatter ; pie ; bar (or column) ; lint. ; stem and leaf

Write down the type of graph using words from this list. Spreadsheet Tool: OO Calc, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Tick one box to show which of the following is true.

Tick one box
It is easy to see the approximate sales value of each item of equipment
It is easy to see which equipment made the most profit
It is easy to see which equipment sold the largest quantity
It is easy to see the price of the equipment
It is easy to see the date

(iii) Tick three boxes to show why the graph below is not very useful

Tick three boxes to show why the graph is not very useful. Spreadsheet Tool: OO Calc, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.
Tick three boxes
The graph is printed in black and white
All the data cannot be seen as one column is blocking out another
Three dimensional graphs are not very useful
Some of the labels are missing
Only the finance officer understands it
The scale used does not show the quantity sold



(i) The content of cell A5 is text.

(ii) The format of cell B1 is a date.

(iii) The content of cell D5 is a formula.

(iv) The format of cell D5 is currency.


(i) The given graph is a pie graph.

Tick one box
It is easy to see the approximate sales value of each item of equipment
It is easy to see which equipment made the most profit
It is easy to see which equipment sold the largest quantity
It is easy to see the price of the equipment
It is easy to see the date

(ii) The given graph is a bar/column graph.

Tick one box
It is easy to see the approximate sales value of each item of equipment
It is easy to see which equipment made the most profit
It is easy to see which equipment sold the largest quantity
It is easy to see the price of the equipment
It is easy to see the date


Tick three boxes
The graph is printed in black and white
All the data cannot be seen as one column is blocking out another
Three dimensional graphs are not very useful
Some of the labels are missing
Only the finance officer understands it
The scale used does not show the quantity sold