Health Organisations


Health Organisations

Progress check 1

Question 1

In which year was WHO established?


WHO was established in 1948

Question 2

Name the world organisations concerned with the following:

  1. Campaigning for control of endemic goitre.
  2. Supplying food and other facilities to children in schools.


  1. WHO

Multiple Choice Type

Question 1

The alphabet 'C' in NICD stands for:

  1. Cancer
  2. Community
  3. Communicable
  4. Campaign



Reason — NICD stands for National Institute Of Communicable Diseases.

Question 2

WHO headquarters are located in:

  1. Paris
  2. Berlin
  3. Geneva
  4. New York



Reason — Headquarters of WHO are located in Geneva, Switzerland.

Question 3

Red Cross Day is celebrated on

  1. December 1
  2. April 7
  3. May 8
  4. July 1


May 8

Reason — Red Cross Day is celebrated on May 8 to honour the birthday of Henry Dunant. He founded the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Question 4

Which of the following city has the regional office of WHO ?

  1. Mumbai
  2. Delhi
  3. Chennai
  4. Kolkata



Reason — WHO has 6 regional offices in the world, one of which is at Delhi.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a water-borne disease ?

  1. Diarrhoea
  2. Typhoid
  3. Gastroenteritis
  4. Diabetes



Reason — Diabetes is a metabolic disorder.

Very Short Answer Type

Question 1

Name these:

(a) Five main types of habitations in India

(b) Two major categories of health problems in India

(c) Four water-borne diseases of humans

(d) Four insect-borne diseases of humans

(e) Two important International bodies concerned with people's health


(a) Five main types of habitations in India :

  1. Big cities
  2. Small towns
  3. Villages
  4. Remote Areas
  5. Slum-dwellings

(b) Two major categories of health problems in India :

  1. Food and water-borne diseases
  2. Insect and air-borne diseases

(c) Four water-borne diseases of humans :

  1. Diarrhoea
  2. Gastroentritis
  3. Typhoid
  4. Dysentery

(d) Four insect-borne diseases of humans :

  1. Malaria
  2. Dengue
  3. Cholera
  4. Elephantiasis

(e) Two important International bodies concerned with people's health :

  1. WHO
  2. Red Cross

Question 2

What do the following abbreviations stand for?

  1. WHO
  2. UNO
  3. NICD


  1. WHO — World Health Organization
  2. UNO — United Nations Organization
  3. NICD — National Institute Of Communicable Diseases

Question 3

Match the activities in Column I with the respective organization in Column II (there can be one or more than one activity).

Column I
Column II
(i) To extend relief to victims of earthquake(A) Red Cross
(ii) To lay pharmaceutical standards for important drugs(B) WHO
(iii) Arranging ambulance in emergencies
(iv) To suggest quarantine measures
(v) Training of midwives
(vi) Procuring and supplying blood for transfusion


Column I
Column II
(i) To extend relief to victims of earthquakeRed Cross
(ii) To lay pharmaceutical standards for important drugsWHO
(iii) Arranging ambulance in emergenciesRed Cross
(iv) To suggest quarantine measuresWHO
(v) Training of midwivesRed Cross
(vi) Procuring and supplying blood for transfusionRed Cross

Short Answer Type

Question 1

List any three health problems in India.


Health problems in India:

  1. Food and water borne diseases — Contaminated food and water cause several diseases. Water-borne diseases occur due to contaminated water from hand pumps or mixing of untreated sewage with river water.

  2. Insects and air-borne diseases — Lack of general cleanliness leads to breeding of houseflies and mosquitoes which are carriers of certain diseases.

  3. Lack of medical facilities — Lack of medical facilities especially in rural areas leads to unavoidable deaths and damage to health.

Question 2

State the main functions of Red Cross.


The main functions of the Red Cross are:

  1. To extend relief and help to the victims of any calamity — fire, flood, famine, earthquakes etc.
  2. To procure and supply blood for the victims of war and other calamities.
  3. To extend all possible first-aid in any accident.
  4. To educate people in accident prevention.
  5. To arrange for ambulance service in all emergencies.
  6. To look after maternal and child welfare centres.

Question 3

State the main functions of World Health Organization.


The main functions of World Health Organization are:

  1. To collect and supply information about occurrence of epidemic diseases. Example — Cholera, typhoid etc.
  2. To promote and support projects for research on diseases.
  3. To supply information on latest developments about the use of vaccines and about health hazards of nuclear radiation.
  4. To suggest quarantine measures to avert spreading of diseases.
  5. To lay pharmaceutical standards for important drugs.
  6. Organization of campaigns to control epidemic and endemic diseases.

Long Answer Type

Question 1

Describe the reasons for the formation of WHO.


  1. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization (UNO) which is concerned with international public health.
  2. It was established on 7 April 1948, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and is a member of the United Nations Development Group.
  3. Member countries of the UNO focused on the need for creating an international body to look after the health problems of people of the world.
  4. This need of having an organization was felt in fields of research on the causes and cures of diseases.
  5. Combined efforts in this direction were to give better and faster results.
  6. Poor and developing countries were to benefit quickly.