Diseases: Cause and Control


Diseases: Cause and Control

Progress Check 1

Question 1

Match the diseases in Column I with their categories in Column II

Column IColumn II


Column IColumn II

Question 2

Classify the following diseases into communicable and non-communicable diseases:

cholera, beri-beri, colour blindness, diabetes, malaria, plague, heart-attack


MalariaColour blindness

Multiple Choice Type

Question 1

A disease widely spread worldwide is known as

  1. Endemic
  2. Epidemic
  3. Pandemic
  4. Sporadic



Reason — A disease like COVID-19 and AIDS are pandemic as they affect whole world.

Question 2

Use of disposable syringes for injecting medicines, etc. is specially advised to prevent

  1. Poliomyelitis
  2. Mumps
  3. Rabies
  4. AIDS



Reason — Use of same syringe may increase the chance of spread of AIDS.

Question 3

The vector that transmits the malarial pathogen is:

  1. Culex mosquito
  2. Housefly
  3. Anopheles mosquito
  4. Entamoeba


Anopheles mosquito

Reason — The malarial pathogen Plasmodium, is transferred from an infected person to a healthy person through the bite of female Anopheles mosquito.

Question 4

Amoebiasis is caused by the protozoan:

  1. Amoeba proteus
  2. Euglena
  3. Plasmodium
  4. Entamoeba



ReasonEntamoeba hystolytica causes Amoebiasis.

Question 5

BCG vaccine provides immunity against:

  1. Tetanus
  2. Cholera
  3. AIDS
  4. Tuberculosis



Reason — BCG vaccine provides immunity against Tuberculosis. The vaccine contains Mycobacterium bovis, which is similar to TB.

Question 6

The expanded form of AIDS is:

  1. Active Immunity Deficiency Syndrome
  2. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
  3. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Status
  4. Active Immuno Deficiency Syndrome


Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

Reason — AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a nutritional deficiency disease?

  1. Night Blindness
  2. Beri-Beri
  3. Thalassemia
  4. Kwashiorkor



Reason — Thalassemia is a genetic disease in which the body doesn't make sufficient haemoglobin.

Question 8

Amoebiasis is caused by a :

  1. Bacteria
  2. Protozoan
  3. Virus
  4. Metazoan



Reason — Amoebiasis is caused by Entamoeba hystolytica, a protozoan.

Question 9

Which of following transmits the pathogens of sleeping sickness?

  1. Housefly
  2. Butterfly
  3. Dragonfly
  4. Tsetsefly



Reason — Tsetsefly transmits the pathogens of sleeping sickness.

Question 10

In hepatitis, the virus causes an inflammation of

  1. Lung
  2. Kidney
  3. Liver
  4. Stomach



Reason — In hepatitis, the virus causes an inflammation of liver.

Very Short Answer Type

Question 1

Correct the following statements by changing the first/last word only.

(a) Sporadic diseases are widely distributed worldwide.

(b) Yellow fever is an epidemic disease.

(c) Chicken pox is caused by a bacterium.

(d) Haemophilia is a kind of an allergy.

(e) Ascariasis is caused by a tapeworm.


(a) Pandemic diseases are widely distributed worldwide.

(b) Yellow fever is an endemic disease.

(c) Chicken pox is caused by a virus.

(d) Haemophilia is a kind of genetic disease.

(e) Ascariasis is caused by a roundworm.

Question 2

Write the full forms of the following abbreviations:

(a) HIV

(b) AIDS

(c) BCG

(d) COVID-19

(e) RNA


(a) HIV — Human Immunodeficiency Virus

(b) AIDS — Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

(c) BCG — Bacillus Calmette-Guerin

(d) COVID-19 — Corona Virus Disease 2019

(e) RNA — Ribo-nucleic Acid

Question 3

Mention whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(a) Filariasis is transmitted by the housefly.

(b) Malaria is caused by a protozoan.

(c) BCG vaccine is used for chicken pox.

(d) Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for malaria.

(e) AIDS is caused by a bacterium.

(f) HIV is a serious disease, usually fatal.

(g) AIDS is not transmitted by contact with a patient's clothes.

(h) Chicken pox and hepatitis are bacterial diseases.

(i) Goitre is endemic in sub-Himalayan regions of India.

(j) AIDS is caused by a fungus.

(k) Hay fever and asthma are allergies.

(l) Smallpox still occurs in India.

(m) The disease filariasis is caused by the bite of female anopheles mosquito.


(a) False
Corrected Statement — Filariasis is transmitted by Culex Mosquito.

(b) True

(c) False
Corrected Statement — BCG vaccine is used for Tuberculosis.

(d) False
Corrected Statement — Louis Pasteur discovered Anthrax vaccine.

(e) False
Corrected Statement — AIDS is caused by a virus named HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

(f) True

(g) True

(h) False
Corrected Statement — Chicken pox and hepatitis are viral diseases.

(i) True

(j) False
Corrected Statement — AIDS is caused by a virus named HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

(k) True

(l) False
Corrected Statement — Small pox was eradicated from India in 1979.

(m) False
Corrected Statement — The disease filariasis is caused by the bite of culex mosquito.

Question 4

Name the following:

(a) The vaccine for preventing tuberculosis ............... .

(b) An organ usually affected by tuberculosis............... .

(c) A disease that weakens body’s defense system against infections ............... .

(d) The microorganism that requires a host to reproduce ............... .

(e) The popular name of the disease filariasis ............... .


(a) BCG

(b) Lungs

(c) AIDS

(d) Virus

(e) Elephantiasis

Question 5


(a) Four categories of diseases on the basis of their occurrence.

(b) Two categories of diseases based on their communicability.

(c) Two degenerative/ageing diseases.

(d) Three diseases caused by protozoans.

(e) Three diseases caused by helminths.


(a) Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic, Sporadic

(b) Communicable and Non-communicable

(c) Arthritis, Cataract

(d) Malaria, Amoebic Dysentery, Sleeping Sickness

(e) Ascariasis, Taeniasis, Filariasis

Question 6

Match the terms given in Column A with those of column B:

Column AColumn B
Metabolic diseaseCataract
Genetic diseaseLeukemia
Degenerative diseaseHay fever
CancerDiabetes mellitus


Column AColumn B
AllergyHay fever
Metabolic diseaseDiabetes mellitus
Genetic diseaseThalassemia
Degenerative diseaseCataract

Question 7

The first pair indicates the kind of relationship that exists between the first two terms. Rewrite and complete the second pair on a similar basis:

(a) April 7 : World health day :: December 1 : ...............

(b) Malaria: Plasmodium :: Filariasis : ...............

(c) Hepatitis: Liver :: Tuberculosis : ...............

(d) Mumps: Viral disease :: Typhoid : ...............

(e) Covid- 19: Pandemic :: Yellow fever : ...............


(a) April 7 : World health day :: December 1 : World Aids day.

(b) Malaria: Plasmodium :: Filariasis : Wuchereria bancrofti.

(c) Hepatitis: Liver :: Tuberculosis : Lungs.

(d) Mumps: Viral disease :: Typhoid : Bacterial.

(e) Covid- 19: Pandemic :: Yellow fever : Endemic.

Question 8

Choose the odd one out and write the category for the remaining terms:

(a) Cholera, Typhoid, Malaria, Tuberculosis

(b) Hepatitis, Ascariasis, Chicken pox, Poliomyelitis

(c) Elephantiasis, Ascariasis, Taeniasis, Hepatitis

(d) Depression, Beri-beri, Scurvy, Night-blindness

(e) Malaria, Amoebiasis, Sleeping sickness, Cataract


(a) Odd one out — Malaria
Cholera, Typhoid, Tuberculosis — Bacterial Diseases

(b) Odd one out — Ascariasis
Hepatitis, Chicken pox, Poliomyelitis — Viral diseases

(c) Odd one out — Hepatitis
Elephantiasis, Ascariasis, Taeniasis — Diseases caused by parasitic worms.

(d) Odd one out — Depression
Beri-beri, Scurvy, Night-blindness — Deficiency diseases

(e) Odd one out — Cataract
Malaria, Amoebiasis, Sleeping sickness — Protozoan disease.

Short Answer Type

Question 1


(a) Infection

(b) Pathogen

(c) Incubation

(d) Disease

(e) Vaccine


(a) Infection — The transmission of diseases from one person to another is called infection.

(b) Pathogen — A pathogen is a disease-causing micro-organism.

(c) Incubation — Incubation period is the period between the entry of germs and appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. All infectious diseases have a certain incubation period.

(d) Disease — Disease is a departure from normal health through structural or functional disorder of the body.

(e) Vaccine — Vaccine is a biological formulation that consist of dead or weakened disease causing organism that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.

Question 2

Write the scientific names of the causative organisms for the following, diseases :

(a) Cholera

(b) Typhoid

(c) Tuberculosis

(d) Taeniasis

(e) Filariasis


(a) Vibrio Cholerae

(b) Salmonella typhi

(c) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

(d) Taenia solium

(e) Wuchereria bancrofti

Question 3

Name the causative germ of AIDS. How is this disease transmitted ?


The causative of AIDS is HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

Transmission of AIDS:

  1. Sexual intercourse
  2. Contaminated blood transfusions
  3. Mother to child transmission
  4. Injection needles

Long Answer Type

Question 1

Write very briefly about the following:

(a) BCG

(b) Incubation period

(c) Chicken pox

(d) Hepatitis A


(a) BCG — BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) is a vaccine which is effective against the bacterial disease tuberculosis(TB). It develops immunity to tuberculosis.

(b) Incubation period — Incubation period is the period between the entry of germs and appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. All infectious diseases have a certain incubation period.

(c) Chicken pox — The disease is a contagious disease occurring mainly in children, and is caused by Herpes Varicella zoster virus. The disease rapidly spreads through close contact with the person infected.

(d) Hepatitis A — It is caused by the Hepatitis A virus and is a viral disease that results in liver inflammation. It is transferred primarily through contaminated water and food.

Question 2

What are the causes and symptoms of malaria, chicken pox and tuberculosis? How can these diseases be prevented?


The causes, symptoms and preventive measures of these diseases are as given below:

  1. Malaria
    • Causes — Protozoan, Plasmodium.
    • Symptoms — Chills, high fever, profuse sweating, severe headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and body pain.
    • Preventive measures — Avoid mosquito bites using mosquito repellents and nets avoid being around stagnant water.
  2. Chicken Pox
    • Causes — Virus, Varicella zoster.
    • Symptoms — Rashes near the back and the chest eventually spreading to arms, face, legs and head.
    • Preventive measures — Active immunisation by administering live attenuated vaccine containing Varicella.
  3. Tuberculosis
    • Causes — Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
    • Symptoms — Persistent cough, afternoon fever, bloody mucus, loss of weight, fatigue and chest pain.
    • Preventive measures — BCG vaccination and isolation of the patient.

Question 3

What are the different ways in which infectious diseases can spread?


The different ways in which infectious diseases can spread are as follows:

  1. Direct contact — Person to person, animal to person and expected mother to child.
  2. Indirect contact — Doorknob, phone, etc.
  3. Droplet transmission — Sneezing, Coughing, etc.
  4. Particle transmission — Air particles can transfer infectious diseases
  5. Bites and Stings — Mosquitoes, lice, ticks, etc.
  6. Food Contamination — Food, beverages, etc.

Question 4

Name any four non-infectious diseases and their causes.


Non-infectious DiseasesCause of the Disease
Hay feverAllergy
CataractDegenerative (Ageing)
Beri-BeriNutritional deficiency
CancerCarcinogens like chemicals, tobacco smoking, pollution, etc.

Question 5

Distinguish between:

(a) Pandemic and Sporadic diseases

(b) Communicable and non-communicable diseases

(c) Allergens and carcinogens

(d) Endemic and Epidemic diseases

(e) Pathogen and Vector


(a) Difference between pandemic and sporadic diseases :

Pandemic diseasesSporadic diseases
A pandemic disease is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population.Sporadic diseases are characterized by the occurrence of isolated individual cases or occasional outbreaks of a disease.
Example: AIDS, COVID-19Example: Malaria, Cholera

(b) Difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases :

Communicable diseasesNon-communicable diseases
They are transmitted from infected person to healthy person.They are non-transmissible.
They are caused by germs.They are not caused by germs.
Example: Cholera, Malaria.Example: Diabetes, beri-beri.

(c) Difference between allergens and carcinogens :

Any agent that causes allergy is called an allergen.Any agent that causes cancer is called a carcinogen.
Allergens cause the immune system to overreact producing an allergic response.Carcinogens cause cancer by damaging DNA or interfering with cellular processes, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and the formation of tumors.
Example: Dust, Smoke, PollenExample: Tobacco, Radiations, Pollutants

(d) Difference between endemic and epidemic diseases :

Endemic diseasesEpidemic diseases
An endemic disease is found in a certain area only attacking a fewer number of people.An epidemic disease breaks out and spreads from place to place affecting large number of people at the same time.
Example: Yellow fever in African countries, Goitre in Sub-Himalayan region.Example: Plague in India in 1994, H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009.

(e) Difference between pathogen and vector :

A pathogen is a microorganism or agent that can cause disease in a host organism.A vector is an organism or agent that can transmit a pathogen from one host to another.
Pathogen are generally bacteria, virus, protozoa etc.Vector are generally mosquitoes, flies, rats, etc.
Example: Plasmodium, Mycobacterium tuberculosisExample: Aedes mosquito, Tsetse fly, Rats.

Question 6

Write five important preventive measures advised by WHO to minimise the chances of getting COVID-19.


Five important preventive measures advised by WHO to minimise the chances of getting COVID-19 are:

  1. Staying at home.
  2. Regularly washing hands with soap and water.
  3. Avoiding crowded spaces.
  4. Wearing a mask in public and maintaining a safe distance.
  5. Getting vaccinated.

Structured / Application / Skill Type

Question 1

The diagram given below represents a kind of microorganism. Study the same and answer the following questions:

Identify the microorganism. To which category of microorganisms does it belong? Does it cause any disease? If yes, name the disease. Diseases Cause & Control, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 9.

(a) Identify the microorganism.

(b) To which category of microorganisms does it belong ?

(c) Label the guidelines 1, 2 and 3.

(d) Does it cause any disease? If yes, name the disease.

(e) Mention two ways by which it can be transmitted from one person to another.


(a) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

(b) Virus

(c) The labelled guidelines are :

  • 1 → Viral Protein
  • 2 → Protein covering
  • 3 → RNA

(d) Yes, it causes the disease called Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

(e) Two ways by which it can be transmitted from one person to another are:

  1. Sexual intercourse
  2. Contaminated blood transfusions

Question 2

The figure shown below represents an animal. Answer the following questions.

Identify and name the animal. Write the phylum to which it belongs. Name the disease caused by this animal. Diseases Cause & Control, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 9.

(a) Identify and name the animal.

(b) Write the phylum to which it belongs.

(c) Name the disease caused by this animal.

(d) Write its scientific name.

(e) Mention two common hosts (animals) for this parasite.


(a) Tapeworm

(b) Platyhelminthes

(c) Taeniasis

(d) Taenia solium

(e) Cow and Pig