Local Self-Government — Urban


Local Self-Government — Urban

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

Which of the following statements correctly describe an urban area?

  1. It has a minimum population of 10,000.
  2. At least 75 per cent of its population is engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.
  3. At least 50 per cent of its population is literate.
  4. All of the above.


At least 75 per cent of its population is engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.

Question 2

The Councillors together with ............... elect from amongst themselves the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor.

  1. Chief Minister
  2. Minister
  3. Alderman
  4. Collectors



Question 3

Legislative Assemblies : Constituencies :: Municipal Corporation : ...............

  1. Sabha
  2. Wards
  3. Ballots
  4. Boards



Question 4

Which of the following is NOT correct?

  1. Panchayat: small urban area
  2. Nagar Panchayat: Areas in transition between rural and urban
  3. Municipal Council: smaller urban areas
  4. Municipal Corporation: large urban areas


Panchayat: small urban area

Question 5

What is the tenure of a Municipal Corporation?

  1. 6 years
  2. 5 years
  3. 1 year
  4. 3 years


5 years

Question 6

Which of the following is NOT a part of Municipal Corporation?

  1. The Mayor
  2. Standing Committees
  3. General Council
  4. Municipal Board


Municipal Board

Question 7

Which of the following is NOT a part of compulsory function of a Municipal Corporation?

  1. Provision of public health services
  2. Provision of electricity, water, sewage disposal
  3. Undertaking of public safety and security
  4. Provision of housing for all.


Provision of housing for all.

Question 8

The Deputy Commissioner of a Municipal Committee belongs to which cadre?

  1. IPS
  2. IAS
  3. IFS
  4. IRS



Question 9

Which of the following deals with the State government directly?

  1. Municipal Committee
  2. Gram Panchayat
  3. Municipal Corporation
  4. Zila Parishad


Municipal Corporation

Question 10

The members of the Municipal Corporation are elected in the same way as members of the

  1. Legislative Council
  2. Legislative Assembly
  3. Lok Sabha
  4. Rajya Sabha


Legislative Assembly

Question 11

Who is known as the ‘First Citizen’; and represents the City at various ceremonies?

  1. The Alderman
  2. The Mayor
  3. The President
  4. The Commissioner


The Mayor

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

What do you understand by the term urban area?


The term 'Urban Area' refers to a town or city with minimum population of 5000 and at least 75% of its population should be engaged in non-agricultural pursuits.

Question 2

Mention any two salient feature of the Constitution (74th Amendment Act), 1992.


Two salient features of the Constitution (74th Amendment Act), 1992 are:

  1. The Act gives constitutional status to urban local bodies.
  2. The Act provides for direct election to all the local self-government bodies.

Question 3

How is a Municipal Corporation set up? What are wards in a Municipal area?


A Municipal Corporation comprises the following:

  1. General Council
  2. The Mayor
  3. The Standing Committees
  4. A Municipal Commissioner

The wards are areas in which a Municipal area is divided to hold elections of Municipal Corporation. A Ward in a Municipal Area is comparable to Constituency of Legislative Assembly.

Question 4

Who is known as the Mayor? State one of the most important functions of the Mayor.


The Mayor is the chief of Municipal corporation. The Councillors together with Alderman elect among themselves the Mayor.

Mayor is considered as the 'First Citizen' and he represents the city at various ceremonies and receives foreign guests coming to visit the city. This is considered his most important duty.

Question 5

Who is known as the 'First Citizen' of the city? Give reason.


The Mayor is known as the 'First Citizen' of the city because he is the one who represents the city at various ceremonies and receives foreign guests coming to visit the city.

Question 6

Name one compulsory and one optional function of the Municipal Corporation.


  1. Compulsory function — Provision of electricity, water, sewage disposal.
  2. Optional function — Public housing through housing boards.

Question 7

What is the tenure or term of office of a Municipal Corporation?


Municipal Corporation has a fixed tenure of five years. However, it can be dissolved even before the completion of its tenure by the Governor of the state on the advice of the Council of Ministers.

Question 8

What is known as Municipal Committee? Who is the head of the Municipal Committee?


Municipal Committee is a local self government body that is set up for smaller towns. They are smaller than Municipal Corporation and have three wings — General body, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer.

The Chairman/President is the head of the Municipal Committee.

Question 9

Who is the Chief Executive Officer of a Municipal Committee?


The Chief Executive Officer of a Municipal Committee is an appointee of the State government who looks after the administrative wing of the Municipal Committee. He usually belongs to the State Civil Services.

Structured Questions

Question 1

With reference to Municipal Corporation, answer the following questions:

(a) State its composition.

(b) State any three functions of the Mayor.

(c) State any four functions of the Corporation.


(a) A Municipal Corporation comprises the following:

  1. General Council — The General Council is formed of elected members known as Municipal Councillors. These members are elected directly on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise through secret ballot.
  2. The Mayor — The councillors together with Aldermen elect among themselves the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor for a period of one year.
  3. Standing committee — The members of the General council form different Standing Committees to deal with subjects like finance, health, engineering, taxation, etc.
  4. Municipal Commissioner — He is appointed by the Governor usually for a term of 5 years.

(b) Three functions of the Mayor are:

  1. He presides over the meetings of the Corporation.
  2. He conducts and regulates business of the Corporation.
  3. He fixes the agenda for consideration at meetings of Corporation.

(c) Four functions of the Corporation are:

  1. Provision of electricity, water and sewage disposal.
  2. Provision of public health services like hospitals, dispensaries, family welfare centres.
  3. Provisions of public conveniences and utilities like roads, buildings, bus-shelters, demolition of dangerous structures, plantation of trees, provision of public urinals and toilets.
  4. Maintenance of records of births and deaths and maintenance and upkeep of cremation and burial grounds.

Question 2

Give the role of each of the following in the Municipal Corporation:

(a) General Council of the Corporation

(b) Standing Committees

(C) Municipal Commissioner


(a) The General Council of the Corporation plans the project for welfare work. It appoints many other officials except the Municipal Commissioner.

(b) The members of the General Council are represented on Standing Committees through elections. There are different Standing Committees to deal with different subjects like finance, health, engineering, taxation and welfare schemes.

(c) The role of Municipal Commissioner are:

  1. To carry on and control the administration of the Corporation
  2. To implement the projects and programmes as laid down by the General Council.
  3. To maintain and safeguard all municipal properties, records etc.
  4. To prepare financial budgets and perform other related functions.
  5. To participate in the meetings of the Council and keep records of the minutes and proceedings of the meetings.

Question 3

With regard to the working of a Municipal Corporation answer the following questions:

(a) Giving three examples, state how compulsory functions are distinguished from optional functions.

(b) What organisational system exists for carrying out these functions

(c) Who is Municipal commissioner? How is he appointed?


(a) Three examples distinguishing compulsory functions from optional functions are:

Sl. No.Compulsory FunctionsOptional Functions
1.Provision of public conveniences and utilities like roads, buildings, bus-shelters, demolition of dangerous structures, plantation of trees, provision of public urinals and toilets.Construction and maintenance of public parks, libraries, museums, theatre, akharas, picnic resorts, etc.
2.Providing basic amenities like electricity, water, sewage disposal.Public housing through housing boards.
3.Undertaking of public safety and security like maintenance of fire department, disaster like floods and earthquake management groups, etc.Undertaking welfare schemes, organising fares, functions, melas.

(b) A Municipal Corporation comprises of General Council, The Mayor, The Standing Committees and A Municipal Commissioner. The General Council plans the projects and programmes for the city and the Standing Committees work to implement those plans. Different Standing committees deal with different subjects like finance, health, engineering, taxation and welfare schemes. The Municipal Commissioner prepares the financial budgets, takes care of the property and records of corporation and implements all the projects. The Mayor presides over the meetings and regulates the business of the corporation.

(c) The Municipal Commissioner is the Chief Executive of the corporation. He is appointed by the Governor for the term of 5 years.

Question 4

With regard to the Municipal Corporation

(a) Distinguish between Municipal Corporation and Municipal Committee.

(b) Describe the three wings of the Municipal Committee.

(c) What is the role of the Deputy Commissioner at the district level?


(a) The differences between Municipal Corporation and Municipal Committee are:

Sl. No.Municipal corporationMunicipal Committee
1These are meant for big cities.These are meant for smaller cities.
2The head of the corporation is known as Mayor.The head of a Municipal Committee is known as Chairperson/President.
3It has more powers and more sources of revenue.It has comparatively less powers and fewer sources of revenue.
4It deals with the State government directly.It deals with the State government through the District Administration.

(b) The three wings of the Municipal Committee are:

  1. General Body of the Municipal Committee — The members of the General Body of the Municipal Committee are called Councillors. They are elected from Municipal wards for the term of 5 years. The number of members depends on the population of the city.
  2. Chairman/President — A Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson are elected indirectly by the members from among themselves. The Chairperson has powers similar to the Mayor.
  3. Chief Executive Officer — He is an appointee of the State government and usually belongs to the State Civil Services. He looks after the administrative wing of the Municipal Committee.

(c) Following are the roles of Deputy Commissioner at District level:

  1. Collection of Revenue.
  2. Maintenance and Updating of land record.
  3. Law and Order.
  4. Supervision and execution of all plans of the Union and State governments.
  5. Provision of civic amenities and execution of public works.
  6. Implementation of policies and programmes in respect of Panchayati Raj institutions.
  7. Supersession, dissolution, holding of election, etc., in respect of Panchayati Raj institutions.

Thinking Skills

Question 1

Do you think that the urban local bodies in your city are effective performing their role? Give example from your personal experience to support your answer.


The basic functions of the urban local bodies are public health and welfare, regulatory functions, public safety and public infrastructure etc. These services are effectively performed by the urban local bodies in our city but there is always some scope for improvement. Their was a recent failure in the public health department as there was spread of Dengue in my city. Such loopholes are often seen under different departments like public safety and infrastructure. Most of the times the road conditions are not good and there are many potholes which lead to accidents specially during the rainy season.

Question 2

If you are made the Councillor of your area, what steps you would take to ensure the effective working of the Municipality in your area?


If I were made the Councillor of my area, I would have taken following steps to ensure the effective working of the Municipality in my area:

  1. I would have participated in all the developmental works of my ward.
  2. I would have taken care of laying of roads in my ward.
  3. Cleanliness and waste management are the two most important things on which I would like to work as it is directly related to health of the people.
  4. I would promote activities related to promotion of education and road safety.
  5. I would also solve local development issues.