


Answer the following questions briefly

Question 1

What is insolation? State its importance.


The incoming solar radiation is known as insolation.

The importance of insolation is as follows:

  1. It provides energy in the form of heat and light.
  2. It maintains the temperature of Earth.
  3. It help plants make their food.

Question 2

State the three processes by which the air gets heated. Explain in brief.


The three processes by which air gets heated are:

  1. Convection — Convection occurs when heat is transferred through a gas or liquid. It is transmission of heat from one part of a liquid or gas to other part by upward movement of its particles.

  2. Conduction — (b)Conduction is a process in which heat is transferred directly through matter from a point of high temperature. Conduction transfers heat between adjacent molecules till the temperature is equal.

  3. Radiation — It is the mode of transfer of heat which does not require any medium. It is a process by which a body emits radiant energy. It leads to loss of heat and leads of cooling.

Question 3

State the various factors influencing the temperature of a place.


Various factors influencing the temperature of a place are:

  1. Latitude — Places near equator are hotter than places near poles.
  2. Altitude — Temperature decreases with increasing altitude at a rate of 1°C per 166 metre.
  3. Distance from sea — Places near sea have equable climate i.e. low diurnal and annual range of temperature than the places situated away from the sea.
  4. Ocean currents — Ocean currents along the coast make the coastal areas warmer and cold currents make it cooler than usual.
  5. Clouds and rainfall — Absence of clouds results in high temperature while presence of clouds moderates the temperature.
  6. Slope of land — South facing slopes in Northern hemisphere are warmer.
  7. Vegetation — Vegetation checks radiation from upper layer of soil. They have moderating effect on temperature.
  8. Nature of soil — The more the water soil can retain, the less rapidly it heats or cools. Dark coloured soil absorbs more heat and gives rise to differences in temperature.

Question 4

Why does only 51% of the insolation reach the Earth surface?


Only 51% of the insolation reaches the surface of the Earth as out of the remaining 49%, 35% of the insolation is directly reflected back to space by the atmosphere and the rest of the 14% is absorbed by the ozone layer.

Question 5

What is the effect of latitude on temperature?


Places close to the Equator have higher temperature and are warmer than places away from the equator. This is because, at the low latitude the Sun's rays are direct and have to travel a lesser extent through the atmosphere. Hence, the heat of these rays is more intense. But at higher latitudes, the Sun's rays are slanting and have to pass through a greater extent of atmosphere, due to which they lose their heat and are not intense.

Question 6

What causes the differential heating of land and water?


The land absorbs more solar radiation and reflects a little while water reflects more solar radiation and absorbs a little. The differential heating of land and water is caused because of different rates at which the land and water are heated up. Land gets heated faster than the water. Therefore, during day land gets hotter than water. This results in wind blowing from sea to land during day. During night the land cools down faster and becomes cooler than the water bodies. This results in wind blowing from land towards the sea.

Question 7

What is inversion of temperature? Under what conditions does it apply?


The temperature decreases at the rate of about 1°C per 166 m or 6°C per 1,000 metres of altitude. There are, however some places where certain special conditions in the lower atmosphere produce a reversal of the normal lapse rate so that temperature actually increases with an increase in altitude. This is known as temperature inversion.

It is generally experienced in hollows and valleys on calm clear nights when radiation has caused cooling and cold air has sunk down. At the same time on the mountain slopes the air is warmer. Temperature inversion is normally found in the middle latitude and for this reason fruit growers in these regions prefer gentle slopes to valley bottom for orchard sites.

Question 8

Which zone will have a higher range of temperature? Why?


The Torrid zone will have a higher range of temperature because it lies between temperate zone and equator. The equatorial region is warm throughout the year but as we move northward or southward the range of temperature i.e. difference between highest and lowest temperature, goes on increasing.

Question 9

Name the factors that affect the insolation over the Earth's surface.


Factors that affect the insolation over the Earth's surface are:

  1. Latitude
  2. Altitude
  3. Winds
  4. Clouds and rainfall
  5. Slope of the land
  6. Vegetation

Question 10

Why are the slanting rays less effective than the vertical rays in heating the atmosphere?


The slanting rays are less effective than the vertical rays in heating the atmosphere because slanting rays travel a longer distance through the atmosphere where much of its heat is absorbed by clouds, water vapour and dust particles while vertical rays travel through a shorter distance in the atmosphere and the loss of heat is less.

Question 11

How do winds modify the temperature of a place?


Winds blowing from hotter area increase the temperature while winds blowing from cold areas decrease the temperature. For example, a cold wind blowing from the interior of the continent during winter further reduces the temperature of the places along their path, e.g., China. Generally, the winds blowing from the lower latitudes to higher ones increase the temperature of the higher latitudes.

Question 12

What does Normal Lapse Rate mean?


With the increase of height, temperature decreases at the rate of 1°C for every 166 metres. This is known as Normal Lapse Rate.

Question 13

Explain with the help of a diagram how the slope of the land affects the temperature.


The slope of the land affects the temperature in three ways:

Explain with the help of a diagram how the slope of the land affects the temperature. Insolation, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.
  1. Presence of mountains acting as a barrier — For example, Himalayas prevent the monsoon winds from leaving India and also prevent the cold winds from China to enter India.
  2. Inversion of temperature — Steep slopes experience more changes in temperature than a gentle slope because of reversal of Normal Lapse Rate of temperature.
  3. Direction of slope of the land — Slopes facing south in the northern hemisphere are warmer than those facing north because the sun rays strike the south facing slopes at a steeper angle than they do at the north facing slopes which are also called Sheltered slopes.
Explain with the help of a diagram how the slope of the land affects the temperature. Insolation, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.

Question 14

Why does the temperature of a place in the atmosphere decrease with height?


The temperature of a place in the atmosphere generally decreases with altitude because the gases absorb very little of the incoming solar radiation but the ground absorbs this radiation and then heats the tropospheric air by convection and radiation. Therefore, atmosphere is hotter near the surface and get cooler as the height increases.

Question 15

What causes equable climate?


Equable climate refers to a climate with low range of annual and diurnal temperature. It is experienced in areas situated close to sea. The sea has a moderating effect on the climate of coastal areas which causes the equable climate.

Question 16

State the reason for the differential heating of land and water?


The land absorbs more solar radiation and reflects a little while water reflects more solar radiation and absorbs a little. The differential heating of land and water is caused because of different rates at which the land and water are heated up. Land gets heated faster than the water. Therefore, during day land gets hotter than water. This results in wind blowing from sea to land during day. During night the land cools down faster and becomes cooler than the water bodies. This results in wind blowing from land towards the sea.

Explain the following terms

Question 1



The solar radiation intercepted by the Earth is known as insolation.

Question 2



Transfer of heat from an areas of more heat to areas of less heat by direct contact or directly through the matter is called conduction.

Question 3

Normal Lapse Rate


The normal lapse rate refers to decrease in temperature at the rate of 1°C per 166 metres increase in altitude.

Question 4

Inversion of Temperature


Reversal of Normal Lapse Rate of temperature in special conditions where temperature actually increases with an increase in altitude, is called temperature inversion.

Distinguish between the following

Question 1

Insolation and Terrestrial Radiation


InsolationTerrestrial Radiation
1.The amount of solar energy received by the Earth is called insolation.The heat radiated by the Earth in the form of long waves is called terrestrial radiation.
2.The Sun's energy reaches the Earth as short waves.Terrestrial radiation is radiated in the form of long waves.

Question 2

Convection and Radiation


1.Heat is transferred by moving particles.No medium is required, can occur in space.
2.Occurs only in gases and liquids.Occurs in form of electromagnetic waves, microwaves and infrared radiation.
3.It is a slow process.It is a fast process.

Give reasons for the following

Question 1

Land gets heated faster than the sea


Land surfaces absorb much more solar radiation than water. Therefore, it gets heated faster than the sea.

Question 2

The climate of continental interiors is of comparatively extreme type


The continental interiors are away from any water bodies so they cannot experience the moderating effect of the water bodies. Therefore, the climate of continental interiors is of comparatively extreme type.

Question 3

Coastal climates are equable


The sea has a moderating effect on the climate of coastal areas due to sea and land breezes. Coastal areas generally have more moderate temperatures than inland areas because of the heat capacity of the ocean. Therefore, coastal climates are equable.

Question 4

South-facing slopes are much warmer than north facing slopes in the Northern Hemisphere.


Slopes facing south in the northern hemisphere are warmer than those facing north because the sun rays strike the south facing slopes at a steeper angle than they do at the north facing slopes.

Question 5

The amount of insolation received on the earth surface is not uniform.


The amount of insolation received is maximum at the equator. It goes on reducing with higher latitudes and is minimum at the poles. This is because in low latitudes the Sun's rays are direct and have to travel a lesser extent through the atmosphere. Hence, the heat of these rays is more intense. But in higher latitudes, the Sun's rays are slanting and have to pass through a greater extent of atmosphere. Hence, these rays lose heat on the way and minimum insolation occurs at the poles.

Question 6

Hill stations are cooler even in the summer.


With the increase of height, temperature decreases. For every 166 metres the temperature falls by 1°C. This is known as Normal Lapse Rate. This is the reason why hill stations are cooler even in the summer.


Question 1

Draw a neat diagram showing the Effect of Latitude on Solar Insolation.


Below diagram shows the Effect of Latitude on Solar Insolation:

Draw a neat diagram showing the Effect of Latitude on Solar Insolation. Insolation, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.

Choose the correct option

Question 1

The process through which heat passes from warmer to colder substances as long as temperature difference exists, is known as

  1. Convection
  2. Conduction
  3. Radiation
  4. Advection



Question 2

Which of the following reasons is responsible for the minimum insolation at Poles?

  1. The earth is spherical in shape
  2. Poles are far away from the equator.
  3. Poles get extremely slanting rays of the sun.
  4. All the above


All the above

Question 3

Which of the following factor/factors are responsible for unequal temperature distribution on the earth?

  1. Altitude
  2. Latitude
  3. Distance from the sea
  4. All the above


All the above

Question 4

'Latitude is one of the important factors for controlling the temperature' — which of the following fact justifies this statement?

  1. The hill stations are cooler even in summer.
  2. The areas in the high latitude are not very hot as compared to the equatorial regions.
  3. Areas close to water bodies have low diurnal and annual range of temperature than the areas situated far away from the coast.
  4. All the above


The areas in the high latitude are not very hot as compared to the equatorial regions.

Question 5

'Forest areas are cooler than the open places'- which of the following reasons is responsible for it?

  1. Forests receive more slanting rays of the sun than the open areas.
  2. All the forests are situated in the higher latitudinal areas.
  3. The vegetation cover checks the radiation from the upper layer of the soil.
  4. Forests are mainly situated in the mountains


The vegetation cover checks the radiation from the upper layer of the soil.

Question 6

'Tropical Deserts have high diurnal range temperature'— which of the following factor/factors responsible for it?

  1. Tropical deserts have cloudless sky.
  2. There is less presence of vegetation.
  3. Presence of sandy soil.
  4. All the above


All the above

Question 7

Inversion of temperature mainly occurs during which season?

  1. Autumn
  2. Spring
  3. Winter
  4. Summer



Question 8

The surface temperature of Sun is approximately

  1. 10000°c
  2. 6000°c
  3. 1000°c
  4. 1500°c



Question 9

Mumbai enjoys equable climate but Nagpur experiences extreme climate. Which of the following factor is responsible for this fact?

  1. Mumbai is situated in higher altitude than Nagpur.
  2. Mumbai is nearer to the coast than Nagpur.
  3. Mumbai is situated in higher latitude than Nagpur.
  4. Mumbai is getting the effect of a cold local wind but Nagpur does not get.


Mumbai is nearer to the coast than Nagpur.

Question 10

Solar radiation provides more than ............... of energy that heats the Earth.

  1. 89%
  2. 17%
  3. 99.9%
  4. 50%

