Natural Regions of the World


Natural Regions of the World

Answer the following questions

Question 1

What do you mean by the term 'Climate'?


The average weather conditions of temperature and rainfall at a specific place or a region over a period of several decades (around 30 years) is known as climate.

Question 2

How have the climatic regions of the world been classified?


The world climate types have been classified on the basis of world's climate/temperature zones based on latitudes. It is observed that all the places located on a particular latitude would experience similar type of climate, although the local factors may play a certain role.

Question 3

Name the different climatic regions of the world.


The different climatic regions of the world are:

  1. Equatorial region
  2. Tropical grasslands
  3. Tropical desert
  4. Tropical monsoon
  5. Mediterranean
  6. Temperate grasslands
  7. Taiga
  8. Tundra

Question 4

Describe the location of the equatorial regions.


The Equatorial type of climatic regions are found along the Equator at 5°N to 5° on either side. The typical Equatorial climatic features are experienced between 2° and 8°N while swinging of Pressure Belt affects the Rain Belt between 10°N to 10°S.

Question 5

Give the other names by which equatorial regions are also popular.


Equatorial regions are also known as Tropical Wet Climate or Tropical Rainforest Climate.

Question 6

Why has the Equatorial Region the hottest climate?


The Equatorial Region receives maximum amount of incoming radiation (insolation). Therefore, the Equatorial Region has the hottest climate.

Question 7

What type of rainfall occurs in Equatorial Regions and why?


The equatorial areas are known for heavy convectional rainfall. Torrential rain is experienced in the afternoon at 4 o'clock and is generally accompanied by lightning and thunder. Many areas receive about 200 cm rainfall annually.

The equatorial region receives this kind of rainfall because of intense heating of the surface and abundant supply of moisture.

Question 8

State in brief the characteristic features of the Equatorial Type of Climate.


The characteristic features of the Equatorial Type of Climate are:

  1. Equatorial type regions do not experience any season as there is very little change in range of temperature.
  2. These regions experience average temperature of 26°C throughout the year with a belt of low pressure. Extensive cloud cover and heavy rainfall prevent any rise in temperature.
  3. The annual range of temperature is about 3°C and diurnal temperature range is about 6°C to 8°C.
  4. These areas experience heavy torrential rainfall accompanied by lightning and thunder often in the afternoons.
  5. Humidity is always high.

Question 9

Name a few important trees found in the equatorial region. How important are these trees?


A few important trees found in the equatorial region are mahagony, ebony, rosewood and greenheart. They are used for expensive furniture. Beside this cinchona, banana, bam leaves, coconut and palm trees are also found there. They are of great commercial value

Question 10

Why is the diurnal range of temperature low in the equatorial regions?


Diurnal range of temperature is low in the equatorial region because this region receives 12 hours insolation causing equal daylight and darkness. It results in little temperature variation.

Question 11

Give the location of the Tropical Monsoon lands.


The tropical monsoon type of climate is found in the tropical regions where due to differential heating of land and water, a complete seasonal reversal of winds takes place. The location lies between 10° and 30° on either side of the equator.

Question 12

Name all the areas which experience tropical monsoon type of climate.


The most clearly defined monsoon climates are located in the coastal areas of the South-East Asia, India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South China and Philippines. Other areas outside Asia which experience seasonal reversal of winds are said to have only monsoonal tendencies. Such areas exist in the tropical Africa along the South-west coast. Equatorial East Africa including areas of Malaysia are found to have monsoonal character. Part of North-East Latin America, north coast of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Islands have a mild monsoonal effect.

Question 13

How do the South-West Monsoon Winds originate?


The monsoon lands are greatly affected by the differential heating of land and water. During summer, the landmass of Asia is heated and low pressure is created. Winds from surrounding seas and oceans start blowing from sea to land carrying a lot of moisture, as they cross the water bodies. This is how South-West monsoon winds originate.

Question 14

State in brief a few important features of the Tropical Monsoon Climate.


A few important features of the Tropical Monsoon Climate are:

  1. Seasonal reversal of winds is the chief feature.
  2. Temperature ranges from 15°C in the cool season to 32°C in hot season.
  3. Three distinct seasons can be identified
    1. Cool dry season (Nov to Feb)
    2. Hot dry season (March to May)
    3. Hot wet season (June to Oct)
  4. Great variation in rain takes place from 12 cm in the deserts to 200 cm in coastal regions

Question 15

What are the characteristics of the climate of hot deserts?


The characteristics of the climate of hot deserts are:

  1. Rain rarely falls and average rainfall is usually below 12 cm. Sometimes there may be a sudden torrential downpour due to depression which may cause temporary floods.
  2. The average temperature varies from 29°C in hot season to 10°C in cool season.
  3. Absence of clouds causes temperature to rise upto 49°C at times. At night, because of clear skies, radiation is rapid and temperature may fall to 15°C to 5°C. Thus diurnal range of temperature is very high.

Question 16

What type of natural vegetation is found in hot deserts?


The natural vegetation found in hot deserts are mostly xerophytic plants. These are cacti, thorny bushes and coarse grasses. These plants have long roots to absorb water deep from ground and needle shaped leaves to reduce transpiration. Leaves are modified into spines.

Question 17

Why are the major hot deserts of the world found on the Western margins of the continents?


The major hot deserts of the world are found on the Western margins of the continents because the trade winds blowing from North-East to South-West shed their moisture on the Eastern side.

Question 18

Point out the important features of the Tropical Deserts.


The important features of the Tropical Deserts are:

  1. Annual range of temperature is high as summers are hot and winters are moderate.
  2. Rainfall is scanty (less than 12 cm).
  3. Relative humidity is only 10%
  4. Days are hot and nights are cold. Therefore, the diurnal range of temperature is high.
  5. Vegetation consists of xerophytic plants.

Question 19

Point out the location of the hot desert region of the world naming the areas and the countries.


Most of the world's hot deserts lie within the latitude 15°N to 30°N and south. They occupy the western margins of the continent in the belt of permanent trade winds. The only exception is Sahara desert, which extends from west coast right across the continent into South-West Asia.

The most important regions having hot deserts are Sahara Desert, the Arabian, Iranian and Thar Desert, Australian Desert, the Kalahari and Namibia Deserts, the Atacama Desert and the California and Mexico Desert.

Question 20

What is the main feature of the Mediterranean climate?


The warm dry summer and mild rainy winters with plenty of rainfall is the main feature of the Mediterranean climate.

Question 21

When do Mediterranean regions receive their rain and why?


In the northern hemisphere the maximum rainfall is received during winter between December to March while in southern hemisphere the rainy season last from May to August. This is because of the shifting of the pressure belts. These regions come under the influence of Westerlies. Onshore Westerly winds blow in the winter bringing cyclonic rain.

Question 22

What are the main characteristics of Mediterranean vegetation?


The main characteristics of Mediterranean vegetation are:

  1. The plants in this region have adapted themselves to the summer drought, by storing water obtained from winter rains, e.g. bulbous roots.
  2. They have thick wooden stem with thick needle type of spiny leaves to cut down rate of transpiration.
  3. Other plants have tap roots which can reach down to the moist rock layer below the surface.
  4. In the drier forests the vegetation is scrub like and consists of sweet smelling herbs and shrubs such as Oleander, Rosemary, Thyme and Lavender.
  5. In the wetter parts, coniferous trees are found on mountain slopes.

Question 23

Name the principal trees which grow on lands.


Some trees that grow on land are teak, sheesham, oak, eucalyptus and fruit trees like mango, guava etc.

Question 24

Name a few local winds found in Mediterranean region.


Few local winds of Mediterranean region are:

  1. Sirocco — a hot dusty, dry wind which blows from Sahara desert during summer across Mediterranean.
  2. Mistral — intensely strong cold wind which blows in winter down the Rhone valley from the North reaching Mediterranean coast.
  3. Bora — winter wind blowing south across Yugoslavia to the Adriatic Sea.

Question 25

Name any four climate types of the world.


Four climate types of the world are:

  1. Mediterranean type
  2. Temperate grasslands
  3. Tropical desert
  4. Tropical monsoon

Question 26

Give an account of the winter conditions in the Taiga region.


The winters are very long in the Taiga region. Long and cold winters last from October to April and temperature can fall to -30°C or less. During winter precipitation is received in the form of snowfall because winter temperatures are generally below freezing point.

Question 27

What is the location of the Tundra region?


The Tundra lies beyond the Arctic circle (66°30'N) in the Northern Hemisphere. There is no tundra region in he Southern Hemisphere as there is no landmass present within this latitude. Northern coastal region of Alaska and Canada are in Tundra region.

Question 28

Describe the summer conditions in Tundra region.


Summers in Tundra region are cool and short. They last only for about 2-3 months and the temperature may vary between 2°C to 10°C. Although during summer the area is blessed with continuous sunlight, the sun hardly comes up the horizon.

Question 29

What is meant by the term Aurora Borealis? Where do they occur?


Aurora Borealis or polar lights are a natural phenomenon in which there is a display of brilliant colors in sky. They occur when charged particles from the sun interact with gases in the earth's atmosphere. They occur in latitudes beyond 65° in northern hemisphere.

Mark on world outline map

Question 1

On an outline map of the world, mark the following regions:

  1. Equatorial Regions
  2. Tropical Monsoon Regions
  3. Mediterranean Regions
  4. Mid-Latitude Deserts


Equatorial Regions

On an outline map of the world, mark the Equatorial Regions. Natural Regions of the World, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.

Tropical Monsoon Regions

On an outline map of the world, mark the Tropical Monsoon Regions. Natural Regions of the World, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.

Mediterranean Regions

On an outline map of the world, mark the Mediterranean Regions. Natural Regions of the World, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.

Mid-Latitude Deserts

On an outline map of the world, mark the Mid-Latitude Deserts. Natural Regions of the World, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.

Give a reason for the following statements

Question 1

Equatorial regions are economically backward.


Equatorial regions are economically backward as they are mostly inhabited by the primitive people who are primarily gatherers & hunters. Farming is also primitive type.

Question 2

The diurnal range of temperature is generally low in the equatorial region.


The extensive cloud cover and heavy rainfall prevents the rise and fall of temperature during day and night respectively. Therefore, the diurnal range of temperature is low.

Question 3

The major hot deserts of the world are generally found on the western margins of the continent.


The major hot deserts of the world are generally found on the western margins of the continent because the trade winds blow from north east to south west, shed their moisture in the east and the western margins are left dry. Trade winds are offshore in this region.

Question 4

It is very difficult to adapt a permanent settled life in Central Asia.


The region has rugged topography, climate, soil & vegetation is also varied & complex. In summer the region experiences acute scarcity of water. Therefore, it is very difficult to adapt a permanent settled life in this region.

Question 5

Mediterranean climate is called resort climate.


Mediterranean climate is called resort climate because it is characterised by mild, comfortable temperatures year-round, making it an ideal climate for vacationing and leisure activities.

Question 6

There is no vegetation found in Southern Hemisphere beyond 66.5°S.


Due to extreme weather conditions characterised by very low beyond freezing point temperatures, strong winds, a polar desert environment and presence of a very small landmass, the Antarctic region beyond 66.5°S in Southern Hemisphere has no vegetation.

Choose the correct option

Question 1

Identify the type of climate found in the shaded region.

Identify the type of climate found in the shaded region. Natural Regions of the World, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.
  1. Tropical Monsoon type
  2. Tropical Grassland
  3. Taiga
  4. Equatorial region


Equatorial region

Question 2

Ebony, Mahagony, Rosewood are the trees found in

  1. Tropical Savana
  2. Monsoon deciduous
  3. Tropical/Equatorial Rainforest
  4. Tropical deserts


Tropical/Equatorial Rainforest

Question 3

Campos is the name of tropical grassland in

  1. Venezuela
  2. South Africa
  3. Brazil
  4. Australia



Question 4

Dust storms are the major phenomena of which of the following regions?

  1. Equatorial region
  2. Taiga region
  3. Tundra region
  4. Tropical deserts


Tropical deserts

Question 5

Which of the following climate regions is famous for the warm, dry summer & mild rainy winters?

  1. Mediterranean climate
  2. Tundra region
  3. Taiga region
  4. Tropical Savana


Mediterranean climate

Question 6

Which of the following climate regions experiences both hot local wind like Sirocco & cold local winds like mistral & Bora?

  1. Tropical Savana
  2. Tundra region
  3. Taiga region
  4. Mediterranean climate


Mediterranean climate

Question 7

Match the following & choose the proper option.

Column AColumn B
(i) Australia(a) Prairie
(ii) Argentina(b) Steppe
(iii) Eurasia(c) Pampas
(iv) North America(d) Downs
  1. (i) (d); (ii) (c); (iii) (b); (iv) (a)
  2. (i) (c); (ii) (d); (iii) (a); (iv) (b)
  3. (i) (a); (ii) (c); (iii) (d); (iv) (b)
  4. (i) (b); (ii) (d); (iii) (c); (iv) (a)


(i) (d); (ii) (c); (iii) (b); (iv) (a)

Question 8

Which type of climate is experienced by the Northern Scandinavia Island of Europe?

  1. Taiga
  2. Tundra
  3. Temperate Grassland type
  4. Mediterranean type



Question 9

These types of trees are found in

These types of trees are found in? Natural Regions of the World, Geography by Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions ICSE Class 9.
  1. Tropical Monsoon region
  2. Equatorial rain forest
  3. Taiga region
  4. Mediterranean region


Taiga region

Question 10

Mediterranean region is famous for the cultivation of

  1. Vegetables
  2. Citrus fruits
  3. Rice
  4. All the above


Citrus fruits

Question 11

Tropical rainforest is found in which of the following region?

  1. Tropical grassland
  2. Tropical desert
  3. Mediterranean region
  4. Equatorial region


Equatorial region

Question 12

Which of the following climate is found in India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka?

  1. Equatorial climate
  2. Tropical Monsoon climate
  3. Tropical Savana
  4. Tundra climate


Tropical Monsoon climate