Computing and Ethics


Computing and Ethics

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

The term IPR stands for:

  1. Intellectual Property Rights
  2. Intellectual Performance Rights
  3. Individual Property Rights
  4. Individual Performance Rights


Intellectual Property Rights

Reason — The term IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights.

Question 2

IPR applies to:

  1. Trademarks
  2. Patents
  3. Copyrights
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — The common types of Intellectual Property Rights are trademark, patent, and copyright.

Question 3

Privacy of data can be breached by disclosing information pertaining to:

  1. Personal details
  2. Healthcare records
  3. Criminal justice investigations
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — Privacy of data can be breached by disclosing information pertaining to personal details, healthcare records, financial transactions or status, criminal justice investigations and proceedings or business and commercial transactions.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a form of software piracy?

  1. Softlifting
  2. Counterfeiting
  3. Hard Disk Loading
  4. Encrypting



Reason — Encrypting is not a form of software piracy.

Question 5

The right to decide how much personal information you want to communicate with others is known as:

  1. Copyright
  2. Trademark
  3. Privacy
  4. Information Security



Reason — Privacy is the right to control what happens with your personal information.

Question 6

The unsolicited emails and attractive advertisements are collectively known as:

  1. Spam
  2. Virus
  3. Hacking
  4. Patent



Reason — The unsolicited emails and attractive advertisements are collectively known as spam.

Question 7

The right which is concerned with the design and algorithm of the product rather than the entire product is called:

  1. Copyright
  2. Patent
  3. Trademark
  4. Data Protection Law



Reason — The right which is concerned with the design and algorithm of the product rather than the entire product is called patent.

Question 8

Hacking a web server or taking control of another person's website is called:

  1. Web Hiking
  2. Web Hijacking
  3. Web Crawling
  4. Web Cracking


Web Hijacking

Reason — Hacking a web server or taking control of another person's website is called web hijacking.

Question 9

Which one of the following is a cyber crime?

  1. Cyberstalking
  2. Cyberespionage
  3. Cyberwarfare
  4. All of these


All of these

Reason — Cyberstalking, cyberespionage and cyberwarfare are cyber crimes.

Question 10

............... involves an attack coupled with a demand for money to stop further attacks.

  1. Cyberstalking
  2. Cyberespionage
  3. Cyber Extortion
  4. Cyberwarfare


Cyber Extortion

Reason — Cyber Extortion involves an attack coupled with a demand for money to stop further attacks.

Question 11

Pick the cybercrime in which the attacker harasses a victim by using the electronic communication.

  1. Cyberstalking
  2. Cyber Extortion
  3. Cyberespionage
  4. Cyberwarfare



Reason — Cyberstalking is a crime in which the attacker harasses a victim by using electronic communication, such as an e-mail, instant messaging, or messages posted to a website or a discussion group.

Assignment Questions

Question 1

Explain what are computer ethics?


Computer ethics involves the code of conduct to use Information Technology in a responsible way. It fulfils the requirements of an individual user without manipulating or destroying the data of any other user. Therefore, all the computer users must follow computer ethics.

Question 2

What are the major ethical issues in the field of computing?


The major ethical issues in the field of computing are as follows:

  1. Data privacy
  2. Spam
  3. Software Piracy
  4. Cybercrimes
  5. Hacking

Question 3

What is hacking? How does it harm a computer and an organisation?


Hacking refers to an illegal intrusion into a computer system or network.

Hacking leads to breaking passwords, stealing valuable data, installing viruses, encrypting computer hard disks and demanding ransom money. If someone hacks an organization, that individual can steal sensitive data such as documentation of business processes and trade secrets or contact information for employees and customers.

Question 4

What are ethical hackers? What do they do?


The people who are involved in hacking activities with the goal of improving security are known as ethical hackers. They use ethical hacking for a good cause such as national security or to stop crimes and fraud.

Question 5

Why should we control software piracy?


We should control software piracy because of the following reasons:

  1. It is unethical.
  2. It costs government, businesses and individuals a lot of money.
  3. It increases the chances of cybersecurity attacks.
  4. It makes businesses less productive.

Question 6

What are spams? How do they affect our life?


Spams are unwanted bulk emails that come from unsolicited sources.

Spam is a serious security concern as it can be used to deliver Trojan Horses, Viruses, Worms, Spyware, and organise targeted phishing attacks. Sometimes, spam attackers keep sending bulk emails till the email server is out of disk space.

Question 7

Describe various types of cyber crimes prevalent these days.


Cyber crimes can be broadly classified into the following categories:

  1. Cyberstalking — It is a crime in which the attacker harasses a victim by using electronic communication, such as an e-mail, instant messaging, or messages posted to a website or a discussion group.
  2. Cyberbullying — It is an act of harming or harassing using information technology in a deliberate manner.
  3. Cyberespionage — It is the practice of using information technology to obtain secret information without permis­sion from its owners or holders.
  4. Cyberwarfare — It involves the use of information technology by a nation to penetrate another nation's networks to cause damage or disruption.
  5. Cyberterrorism — Cyberterrorism is the act of conducting terrorism through the use of computers and the internet in order to cause fear and panic.
  6. Cyber Extortion — It is a crime that involves an attack coupled with a demand for money to stop further attacks.
  7. Sexting — Sexting means sending or forwarding exposed, sexual material to others without taking their consent.

Question 8

What Netiquettes do you need to follow when using a social networking site like Twitter?


We should use the following netiquettes while using a social networking site:

  1. Avoid using inflammatory or offensive language, and respect other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them.
  2. Avoid sarcasm as the other person may misinterpret it.
  3. Avoid the overuse of emoticons.
  4. Do not spam and and do not use automated scripts or bots to post repetitive content.
  5. Avoid the overuse of hashtags as it can make the posts difficult to read.
  6. Respect privacy.
  7. Respect everyone's cultures and diversity.
  8. Never write the entire message in capital letters.