Scope & Lifetime Of Variables


Scope & Lifetime Of Variables

Scope refers to the visibility of the variables. In other words, scope means in which parts of the program you can see and use your variable. In Java, broadly there are two types of scope:

  1. Class scope
  2. Method scope

We will defer discussing class scope to after we have discussed classes. Right now, we will look into method scope.

Method Scope

The variables that are declared within a method are called as local variables. Generally, local variables are accessible within the set of braces they are declared in. Earlier in the course, in the Code Blocks and Tokens lecture, we discussed that opening and closing curly braces define a block of code. The scope of a local variable is the code block within which it is declared. The variable is not accessible outside the block. Let’s see this in a BlueJ program:

public class ScopeDemo
    public void demoMethodScope() {
        int localVariable1 = 10;
        if (localVariable1 == 10) {
            float f1 = 25.5f;
            System.out.println("Value of f1 is " + f1);
         * Uncommenting the below line
         * will result in compile time
         * error as f1 is not accessible
         * outside the if block

The opening and closing curly braces of demoMethodScope define its scope. I declare an int variable localVariable1 and initialize it with a value of 10. As localVariable1 is defined within the scope of demoMethodScope method, it is accessible throughout this method.

Next, I add an if statement to create another scope. In this code block, I declare a float variable f1 and initialize it with a value of 25.5f. After that, I print its value. This float variable f1 is only accessible within the scope of the if block. Outside the curly braces defining the scope of the if block, f1 is not accessible. If I uncomment the line //System.out.println(f1); in the above program, I will get an error because f1 is not accessible outside the if block where it is defined. Let me show it to you:

Nested Scope

Code blocks can be nested meaning I can declare a block inside another block. This leads to nested scope. In case of nested scope, variables declared in the outer scope are accessible to the code in inner scope. But the variables that are declared in the inner scope are not accessible outside that block. It is time to look at a BlueJ program to better understand the concept of nested scope.

public class NestedScopeDemo
    public void nestedDemo() {
        //outerScopeVar is accessible through out nestedDemo method
        int outerScopeVar = 100;
        if (outerScopeVar == 100) { //start a nested scope within nestedDemo method block
            //innerScopeVar is known only inside this if block
            int innerScopeVar = 500;
            //Both outerScopeVar & innerScopeVar are accessible inside this block
            System.out.println("Inside if block::innerScopeVar = " + innerScopeVar);
            System.out.println("Inside if block::outerScopeVar = " + outerScopeVar);
         * Next line will result in an error
         * as innerScopeVar is not accessible here
         * It is only accessible within the if block
         * inside which it is declared
         // innerScopeVar = 1000;
        //outerScopeVar is accessible here
        System.out.println("Inside demoNestedScope block::outerScopeVar =    " + outerScopeVar);

The opening and closing curly braces of nestedDemo method define its scope. The local variable outerScopeVar can be seen and used throughout the nestedDemo method. Next, the if block defines another scope inside the outer scope of nestedDemo method. We declare another local variable innerScopeVar inside the if block. Both the variables innerScopeVar and outerScopeVar are accessible inside this inner scope. outerScopeVar which is declared outside this scope is visible here because variables defined in the outer scope are accessible within inner scope.

If I uncomment the line — // innerScopeVar = 1000;, it will give an error as innerScopeVar is not known here. Variables declared in the inner scope are only accessible within that block. They are not accessible in the outer scope. outerScopeVar is still accessible as it is declared inside the nestedDemo method scope.

One important thing to remember here is that inside the inner scope, you cannot declare a variable having the same name as the one in the outer scope.

Here I am in the inner scope of if block. If I try to declare a variable with the name outerScopeVar, it will lead to an error. The error says — variable outerScopeVar is already defined in method nestedDemo.

Variables can be declared at any point within a block, but they are only valid after they have been declared. But if I try to use a variable before declaring it, the compiler will give an error.

Lifetime of Variables

Variables are created when their scope is entered and destroyed when their scope is left. The lifetime of a variable is confined to its scope.

If a variable declaration includes an initializer, then that variable will be reinitialized each time the block in which it is declared is entered.

Time to look at an example BlueJ program to understand lifetime of variables:

public class LifetimeOfVariable
    public void demoLifetime() {
        int index = -1;
        if (index == -1) {
            float foo = 64.76f; //foo is created when this line gets executed
            System.out.println("Value of foo is " + foo);
        } //foo is destroyed here
        for (index = 0; index < 5; index++) {
            int bar = 10;
            System.out.println("Value of bar is " + bar);
            bar = 20;
            System.out.println("New value of bar is " + bar);

We declare and initialize a variable foo inside the scope of if block. The variable foo gets created when this line float foo = 64.76f; is executed and when the program control leaves the scope of if block foo is destroyed. After this point, foo doesn’t contain the value of 64.76.

Let’s execute the program now and then move to the for block. Below is the output of the program:

BlueJ output of Java program demonstrating dynamic initialization of variables for ICSE Computer Applications course

Inside the for loop, we declare and initialize a variable bar. Then we change its value to 20. At the start of every iteration of the for loop, program control enters this code block. The variable bar is created and initialized with the value 10. Next, the value of bar is changed to 20. At the end of iteration, the code block is exited. The variable bar is destroyed, and it no longer holds the value 20. That’s why you see the values 10 and 20 printed in each iteration of the for loop.