Solved Sample Paper 5


Solved Sample Paper 5

Section A

Question 1(i)

Hydrilla plant can be used to prove that

  1. oxygen is consumed during respiration
  2. carbon dioxide is consumed during photosynthesis
  3. oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis
  4. carbon dioxide is evolved during photosynthesis


Oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis

Reason — When hydrilla plant immersed in water is kept in sun, photosynthesis starts. The oxygen evolved during the light reaction collects in test tube.

Question 1(ii)

Nucleotides are made up of

  1. phosphate, sugar and nitrogenous bases
  2. potassium, sugar and nitrogenous bases
  3. potassium, sugar and amino acids
  4. phosphate, sugar and amino acids


phosphate, sugar and nitrogenous bases

Reason — Nucleotides consist of phosphate, sugar and nitrogenous base.

Question 1(iii)

The X gene of the sex-chromosome can never pass from the

  1. father to daughter
  2. father to son
  3. mother to daughter
  4. mother to son


father to son

Reason — A son is born only when Y chromosome passes from the father. If X chromosome will pass from the father a girl will be born.

Question 1(iv)

Most widely used plant growth hormone in agriculture is

  1. auxin
  2. ethylene
  3. cytokinins
  4. abscisic acid



Reason — It is mostly used in artificial ripening of fruits.

Question 1(v)

Assertion (A) The 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' was officially launched on 2nd Oct 2015.

Reason (R) Our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi took the cleanliness pledge at India Gate in Delhi. He wanted to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi's dream of a clean and hygienic India.

  1. Both A and R are true
  2. Both A and R are false
  3. A is true and R is false
  4. A is false and R is true


Both A and R are true

Reason — Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was started in 2015 by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi with a vision of clean and hygienic India.

Question 1(vi)

During the mechanism of opening and closing of stomata, the important factor is

  1. the protein content of the cells
  2. the turgid and flaccid state of the guard cell
  3. the starch content of the cells
  4. the presence of chloroplast in the guard cell


the turgid and flaccid state of the guard cell

Reason — Stomata open when guard cell are turgid and closes when guard cells are flaccid.

Question 1(vii)

In auricles, systole and diastole respectively last for

  1. 0.3 sec and 0.5 sec
  2. 0.1 sec and 0.7 sec
  3. 0.2 sec and 0.6 sec
  4. 0.5 sec and 0.3 sec


0.1 sec and 0.7 sec

Reason — The atrial systole takes 0.1 sec and atrial diastole takes 0.7 sec.

Question 1(viii)

Convex lens is used for the correction of long sightedness. Which of the following reasons support this statement?

P. The image of near by object falls behind the retina.

Q. The lens is too flat resulting in hypermetropia.

R. Uneven curvature of cornea.

  1. Only R
  2. Only Q
  3. Only P and R
  4. Only P and Q


Only P and Q

Reason — In hypermetropia, the lens becomes too flat and therefore the image is formed behind the retina. A convex lens corrects this problem.

Question 1(ix)

A boy runs on seeing a stray dog. His breathing rate becomes very fast and blood pressure also increases. This was due to

  1. Adrenaline
  2. Insulin
  3. Oxytocin
  4. Testosterone



Reason — Adrenaline prepares the body for fight or flight response by providing extra energy and strength to the body in that situation.

Question 1(x)

A small tablet of potassium permanganate is placed into a beaker filled with water. After some time the water colour changes into pink. Which of the following process is responsible for the above change?

  1. Exosmosis
  2. Diffusion
  3. Osmosis
  4. Endosmosis



Reason — Osmosis involves a semi-permeable membrane. Here, the potassium permanganate dissolves by diffusion.

Question 1(xi)

Proximal denotes the portion of the tubule attached to

  1. glomerular capsule
  2. collecting duct
  3. artery
  4. nephron


glomerular capsule

Reason — Proximal collecting tube (PCT) lies attached to glomerular capsule.

Question 1(xii)

The synthesis phase in the cell cycle is called so for the synthesis of more

  1. RNA
  2. RNA and protein
  3. DNA
  4. Glucose



Reason — DNA duplication occurs in the synthesis phase of the cell cycle.

Question 1(xiii)

In human beings, the female reproductive system does not consist of

  1. uterus
  2. ovary
  3. urethra
  4. Fallopian tube



Reason — Urethra is not a part of female reproductive system.

Question 1(xiv)

Chief function of lymphocytes in mammals is

  1. phagocytosis
  2. coagulation
  3. oxygen transport
  4. None of the above



Reason — Lymphocytes in mammals engulf the foreign particles. This is known as phagocytosis.

Question 1(xv)

Shreya placed a plant near the window in her kitchen. She observed that the stem started growing towards the side from where sunlight was coming. Which of the following is/are involved in the process described above?

(a) Auxin
(b) Gibberellin
(c) Cytokinin
(d) Abscisic acid

  1. Only a
  2. Only a and c
  3. Only a, b and c
  4. Only a, c and d


Only a

Reason — The apical growth of the plant is due to auxin. The plant grows towards the light due to phototropism.

Question 2(i)

Name the following.

(a) The layer of the eyeball that is sensitive to the light.

(b) One harmful effect of ozone layer depletion.

(c) A disc-like structure, which plays a role in nutrition, respiration and excretion of embryo.

(d) The point of attachment of non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes where crossing over takes place.

(e) Name the organism studied for industrial melanism.


(a) Retina

(b) Skin cancer

(c) Placenta

(d) Chiasma

(e) Biston bitularia (Peppered moth)

Question 2(ii)

Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined.

(a) Reproductive age, Menarche puberty, Menstruals, Menopause

(b) Glucose, CO2 and H2O, Light and Chlorophyll, Oxygen

(c) Axon, Nissl's granules, Cyton, Dendrites

(d) Adrenal gland, Epinephrine, Pituitary gland, Adrenocorticotropic.

(e) Genes, Chromosome, Allele, Chromatin


(a) Menarche puberty, Reproductive age, Menstruals, Menopause.

(b) CO2 and H2O, Light and Chlrophyll, Oxygen, Glucose

(c) Nissl's granules, Cyton, Axon, Dendrites.

(d) Pituitary gland, Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Adrenal gland, Epinephrine.

(e) Allele, Genes, Chromatin, Chromosome

Question 2(iii)

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Blood in human beings flows (a) ............... in the heart before it completes (b) ............... round. It is comprised of one short pathway, i.e. (c) ............... circulation and another long pathway, i.e. (d) ............... circulation. Due to this reason, the blood flow in humans is known as (e) ............... circulation.


Blood in human beings flows (a) twice in the heart before it completes (b) one round. It is comprised of one short pathway, i.e. (c) pulmonary circulation and another long pathway, i.e. (d) systemic circulation. Due to this reason, the blood flow in humans is known as (e) double circulation.

Question 2(iv)

Identify the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which other three belong.

(a) Goitre, Cretinism, Myxoedema, Acromegaly

(b) Pineal, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas

(©) Cornea, Choroid, Iris, Pupil

(d) Dominance, Segregation, Independent assortment, Linkage

(e) Eutrophication, Oil spills, Algal bloom, Acid rain


(a) Odd one: Acromegaly
Category: Others are disorders of thyroid hormone.

(b) Odd one: Pancreas
Category: Others are only Endocrine glands

(c) Odd one: Cornea
Category: Others are parts of middle layer of eye ball

(d) Odd one: Linkage
Category: Others are related to Mendel's laws of inheritance.

(e) Odd one: Acid rain
Category: Others are related to water pollution

Question 2(v)

Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and rewrite the correct matching pairs

Column IColumn II
Inner portion of cerebrumSocket of the skull
LensMyelinated sheath
OrbitsEntry of reflected light
Vas deferensWhite matter
Nodes of RanvierTympanum
 Carries sperms
 Grey matter


Column IColumn II
Inner portion of cerebrumWhite matter
LensEntry of reflected light
OrbitsSocket of the skull
Vas deferensCarries sperms
Nodes of RanvierMyelinated sheath

Section B

Question 3(i)

Haemophilia is a genetic disorder in which the sufferers are at risk of bleeding to death. What are the chances of a girl child to be haemophilic if her mother is normal and father is haemophilic?


When the mother is normal and father is haemophilic, the chances of the girl child to be haemophilic is extremely low. Haemophilia is an X-linked recessive genetic disorder caused by mutations in genes located on the X chromosome. Since, the girl inherits two X chromosomes, one from father and one from mother, the chance of both X chromosomes carrying the recessive mutation is indeed rare.

Question 3(ii)

What is the significance of double circulation in human beings?


Double circulation ensures that the oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood are separated. This increases the efficiency of oxygen supply.

Question 3(iii)

State two functions of pituitary gland.


Two functions of pituitary gland are:

  1. It controls the function of all other endocrine glands.
  2. Secretes Growth hormone responsible for normal growth.

Question 3(iv)

What is hyaluronidase? What is its effect on ovum?


Hyaluronidase is an enzyme secreted by the acrosome of the sperm. It dissolves the zona pellucida — the wall of ovum and penetrates the egg.

Question 3(v)

Draw a well-labelled diagram of a neuron.


Labelled diagram of a neuron is shown below:

Draw a well-labelled diagram of a neuron. Biology Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

Question 4(i)

Mention the exact location of palisade cell.


Palisade cell lies just below epidermis.

Question 4(ii)

How is the sex of a child determined in human beings?


In humans, the males have 'XY' chromosomes and females have 'XX' chromosome as sex chromosomes. Therefore, 50% male gametes have X chromosome and other 50% have Y chromosome. The females have all gametes with X chromosome. The sex of the child is determined at the time of fertilization. If male gamete with X chromosome fertilizes with female gamete, it leads to a female child whereas if a gamete with Y chromosome fertilizes with female gamete, it leads to a male child.

How is the sex of a child determined in human beings? Biology Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

Question 4(iii)

Mention two functions of loop of Henle.


Two functions of loop of Henle are:

  1. Absorption of water.
  2. Absorption of sodium ion.

Question 4(iv)

What are the differences between gene and allele?


Gene is part of the DNA structure which decides the genetic traits.Alleles are different variants of a gene.
Genes determine an organism's genotype.Alleles determine an organism's phenotype.

Question 4(v)

Draw a schematic diagram of cross section of a part of root showing cell conduction of water from a root hair to xylem.


Labelled schematic diagram of cross section of a part of root showing cell conduction of water from a root hair to xylem is shown below:

Draw a schematic diagram of cross section of a part of root showing cell conduction of water from a root hair to xylem. Biology Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

Question 5(i)

Define demography.


Demography is the statistical study of human population specifically with reference to size and density, distribution and other vital statistics.

Question 5(ii)

Name two parts of nephron which together form renal capsule.


The Bowman's capsule and glomerulus together form renal capsule.

Question 5(iii)

In an experimental set up pieces of dry cobalt chloride paper are attached to the two surfaces of a dicot leaf and held in position by two glass slides on either side tied-together by elastic bands or hold by clips. The leaf remain attached to its own plant. What will be your observation after some time?


The piece of paper which is facing the upper surface of the leaf will not turn pink or turns pink in a much longer time and the one on the lower surface of the leaf turns pink, after some time. This shows that more transpiration takes place from the lower surface of leaf because of the numerous stomata found on it.

Question 5(iv)

Transpiration can taken place from the leaves through A and through the minute pores openings on the surface of old woody stem called B. Name A and B.


  • A → Stomata
  • B → Lenticels

Question 5(v)

The figure given below represents surgical method of contraception. Study the figure and answer the questions that follows.

The figure represents surgical method of contraception. Name the surgical method of contraception shown in figure. Define method given in (a). Identify the label A. Biology Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(a) Name the surgical method of contraception shown in figure.

(b) Define method given in (a).

(c) Identify the label 'A'.


(a) Tubectomy

(b) In this method, the Fallopian tubes (oviducts) are cut or ligated, i.e. tied with nylon thread to close the passage of the egg.

(c) A → Oviduct.

Question 6(i)

Give the exact location of alleles.


Alleles of a gene are located on homologous chromosomes on the same locus.

Question 6(ii)

Differentiate between fog and smog.


Fog is formed by condensed water vapour.Smog is formed when smoke combines with fog.
Fog is not harmful.Smog is harmful and causes breathing problems.

Question 6(iii)

Name the type of cell division that occurs during:

(a) Growth of shoot

(b) Formation of pollen grain


(a) Mitosis

(b) Meiosis

Question 6(iv)

Give two differences between hormonal control and nervous control.


Hormonal controlNervous control
Hormonal control is usually slow.Nervous control is immediate/rapid.
Hormonal control is transmitted chemically through blood.Nervous control is transmitted electro-chemically through the nerve fibres and chemically across synapses.

Question 6(v)

The figure given below represents human female reproductive system. Study the figure and answer the questions that follows.

The figure represents human female reproductive system. Name the parts A, B, C, D and E. Identify the structure, which produces ovum and the structure that pushes the released ovum into oviducts. Which process takes place in B? Biology Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(a) Name the parts A, B, C, D and E.

(b) Identify the structure, which produces ovum and the structure that pushes the released ovum into oviducts.

(c) Which process takes place in B?



  • A → Fallopian tube
  • B → Ovary
  • C → Uterus
  • D → Vagina
  • E → Ovarian ligament

(b) Ovary (B) produces ovum. Fallopian tube (A) picks up and pushes the released ovum into the oviduct.

(c) Oogenesis.

Question 7(i)

Expand the abbreviation ABA.


ABA → Abscisic acid

Question 7(ii)

Give two differences between ethylene and abscisic acid.


EthyleneAbscisic acid
Ethylene breaks dormancy in seeds.Abscisic acid induces dormancy.
Ethylene promotes ripening of fruits.Abscisic acid promotes senescence in leaves, buds, fruits and flowers.

Question 7(iii)

How is the colour of an object perceived in humans?


In humans, colours are perceived by the cone cells of retina in the eyes. The cone cells contain iodopsin or visual violet. The cone cells are mostly confined to yellow spot and are sensitive to bright light and colours.

Question 7(iv)

Comment briefly on the structure and composition of blood.


Blood is a viscous complex tissue fluid, red in colour. It is salty in taste, alkaline with pH range of 7.3 to 7.5. The blood contains the liquid part called plasma in which solid particles like corpuscles are found suspended. RBC, WBC and platelets are cellular elements present in blood.

Question 7(v)

Given below is the diagram of an apparatus set up to study a very important physiological process. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

This is the diagram of an apparatus set up to study a very important physiological process. Name the process being studied. What change would you observe in the thistle funnel containing sugar solution after about 10 minutes? Name the part of the plant cell which is represented by the sugar solution. Biology Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(a) Name the process being studied.

(b) What change would you observe in the thistle funnel containing sugar solution after about 10 minutes?

(c) Name the part of the plant cell which is represented by the sugar solution.


(a) Osmosis

(b) After about 10 minutes the sugar solution in the thistle funnel will rise up.

(c) Cell sap of the root hair.

Question 8(i)

Define hormones.


Hormone is a secretion from some glandular part of the body, which is poured directly into blood and which acts on the target organs or cells of the same individual, bringing about coordination between distant parts of the body.

Question 8(ii)

Mention the steps in the formation of urine in humans.


The steps in the formation of urine in humans are:

  1. Ultrafiltration
  2. Selective reabsorption
  3. Tubular secretion

Question 8(iii)

How does a stomata differ from a lenticel?


Stomata are present in leaves and green stems.Lenticels are present in mature stems, roots and fruits.
Stomata have guard cells and they can be opened and closed.Lenticels do not have guard cells, they are always open.

Question 8(iv)

State two harmful effects of over secretion of insulin.


Two harmful effects of over secretion of insulin are:

  1. Sugar level in the blood will be low causing hypoglycemia.
  2. Brain may enter in a state of coma if the sugar level becomes low even for a few minutes.

Question 8(v)

In the picture given below it is shown that the sewage water is running out of a pipe from someone's backyard into a stream? Study the figure and answer the questions that follows.

In the picture it is shown that the sewage water is running out of a pipe from someones backyard into a stream? Name the kind of pollution shown in the picture. Name two sources of this pollution besides sewage. Name two infectious diseases that spread due to this kind of pollution. Biology Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(a) Name the kind of pollution shown in the above picture.

(b) Name two sources of this pollution besides sewage.

(c) Name two infectious diseases that spread due to this kind of pollution.


(a) The given picture is showing water pollution.

(b) Besides sewage, two common sources of water pollution are

  1. Industrial wastes.
  2. Agricultural run-off.

(c) The two infectious diseases that spread due to water pollution are:

  1. Typhoid.
  2. Dysentery.