Solved Sample Paper 3


Solved Sample Paper 3

Section A

Question 1(i)

Reaction of zinc metal with sodium hydroxide will lead to the formation of

  1. sodium zincate
  2. sodium chloride
  3. zinc hydroxide
  4. zinc aluminate


sodium zincate

Reason — Reaction of zinc metal with sodium hydroxide will lead to the formation of sodium zincate

Zn + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2ZnO2 + H2

Question 1(ii)

Ammonia can be obtained by adding water to

  1. ammonium chloride
  2. ammonium nitride
  3. magnesium nitride
  4. magnesium nitrate


magnesium nitride

Reason — Magnesium nitride reacts with warm water to liberate ammonia along with magnesium hydroxide.

Mg3N2 + 6H2O ⟶ 3Mg(OH)2 + 2NH3 [g]

Question 1(iii)

A few drops of universal indicator is added to four colourless solutions, A, B, C and D having pH 2, 10, 9 and 7, respectively. Which of the following test tube is labelled with incorrect colour.

A few drops of universal indicator is added to four colourless solutions, A, B, C and D having pH 2, 10, 9 and 7, respectively. Which of the test tube is labelled with incorrect colour. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D



Reason — In test tube B, the solution has pH = 10 i.e., basic. Hence, on adding universal indicator, it should show dark blue colour instead of green colour.

Question 1(iv)

The reddish brown coloured gas formed when nitric acid reacts with carbon is

  1. N2O5
  2. N2O4
  3. NO2
  4. N2O3



Reason — Nitric acid oxidises carbon to carbon dioxide whereas it itself undergoes reduction to form NO2 which is reddish brown in colour.

C + 4HNO3 ⟶ CO2 + 2H2O + 4NO2

Question 1(v)

In the electrolysis of alumina, cryolite is added to

  1. lower the melting point of alumina
  2. decrease the electrical conductivity
  3. minimize the anode effect
  4. remove impurities from alumina


lower the melting point of alumina

Reason — Addition of cryolite lowers the fusion point of the mixture i.e., mixture fuses around 950°C instead of 2050°C.

Question 1(vi)

2 mL of ethanoic acid was taken in test tube I and test tube II each. A red litmus paper was introduced in test tube I and a pH paper was introduced in test tube II. The experiment was performed by four students W, X, Y and Z; and they reported their observation as given in the table.

StudentsAction on red litmus paperAction on pH paper
WTurned blueTurned pink
XRemains unchangedTurned green
YTurned blueTurned blue
ZRemains unchangedTurned pink

Which students observation is correct?

  1. W
  2. X
  3. Y
  4. Z



Reason — Red litmus paper remains unchanged in ethanoic acid, while pH paper turns pink in acidic solution.

Question 1(vii)

How many lone pair(s) is/are involved in the formation of coordinate bond(s) in nitric acid ?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4



Reason — One lone pair is involved in the formation of coordinate bond in nitric acid.

Question 1(viii)

Empirical formula and molecular formula are related as

  1. Empirical formula = (molecular formula)n
  2. Molecular formula = (empirical formula)n
  3. Empirical formula = (molecular formula)n
  4. None of the above


Molecular formula = (empirical formula)n

Reason — Relation between molecular formula and empirical formula is defined as:

Molecular formula = n x Empirical formula

Question 1(ix)

Tetraammine copper (II) sulphate dissolves in ammonia solution to give which colour?

  1. Greeen
  2. Pink
  3. Blue
  4. Yellow



Reason — Tetraammine copper (II) sulfate dissolves in ammonia solution and gives deep blue color

Question 1(x)

The organic compound which undergoes substitution reaction is

  1. C2H2
  2. C4H8
  3. C8H14
  4. C5H12



Reason — All alkanes undergo substitution reaction. Pentane [C5H12] is an alkane and hence, undergoes substitution reaction .

Question 1(xi)

Magnalium is an alloy of

  1. aluminium and magnesium
  2. aluminium and copper
  3. iron
  4. copper


aluminium and magnesium

Reason — Magnalium is an alloy of aluminium (95%) and magnesium (5%).

Question 1(xii)

An element X belongs to group II A and another element Y belongs to group V A of the periodic table. Which of the following could be correct?

P. Valency of Y will be 5.

Q. Element X will have 2 valence electrons.

R. Element X belongs to group number 2

  1. Only P
  2. Q
  3. R
  4. Both Q and R


Both Q and R

Reason — Q and R are correct however, P is not correct as valency of Y will be equal to = 8 - 5 = 3

Question 1(xiii)

An anode used during the extraction of aluminium is

  1. platinum rods
  2. carbon rods
  3. zinc sulphate
  4. copper sulphate


carbon rods

Reason — Thick graphite (carbon) rods are used as anode during the extraction of aluminium.

Question 1(xiv)

Which type of fumes are evolved when copper is added to acidified nitrates?

  1. NO2 fumes
  2. N2O fumes
  3. N2 fumes
  4. N2O3 fumes


NO2 fumes

Reason — Dense reddish brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide are evolved when copper is added to acidified nitrates.

Question 1(xv)

The molecular mass of CO2 and O2 are approximately 44 and 32 respectively. Which of the following statements regarding the mass of oxygen and number of molecules of oxygen is correct?

P. The mass of oxygen in 2.24 litres of CO2 is 3.2 g

Q. The number of molecules of oxygen present in it is 6.022 x 1023

  1. Only P
  2. Only Q
  3. Both P and Q
  4. Neither P nor Q


Only P


P: As 22.4 L of CO2 at S.T.P. has mass = 44 g

Therefore, 2.24 L of CO2 at S.T.P. has mass = 4422.4\dfrac{44}{22.4} x 2.24 = 4.4 g

44 g of CO2 has 32 g of oxygen

So, 4.4 g of CO2 will have = 3244\dfrac{32}{44} x 4.4 = 3.2 g of oxygen.

Hence P is correct.

Q: No. of moles of O2 in 3.2 g = 3.232\dfrac{3.2}{32} = 0.1 g .

1 mole of O2 = 6.023 x 1023 molecules

0.1 moles has molecules = 6.023 x 1023 x 0.1 = 6.023 x 1022

Hence Q is incorrect.

Question 2(i)

Match the following Column I with column II

Column IColumn II
(a) Vanadium pentaoxide1. Preparation of a gas used in ripening of the fruits.
(b) Acetic acid2. Contains only ions
(c) Calcium carbide3. Low melting point
(d) Dil. hydrochloric acid4. Vinegar
(e) Covalent compound5. Sulphuric acid


Column IColumn II
(a) Vanadium pentaoxide5. Sulphuric acid
(b) Acetic acid4. Vinegar
(c) Calcium carbide1. Preparation of a gas used in ripening of the fruits.
(d) Dil. hydrochloric acid2. Contains only ions
(e) Covalent compound3. Low melting point

Question 2(ii)

Observe the diagram given below used in the electrolysis of aqueous CuSO4 solution. Study the diagram and answer the following.

Observe the diagram used in the electrolysis of aqueous CuSO4 solution. Write the equation for the reactions that is occurring at anode and cathode. State two appropriate observations for the given electrolysis reaction. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(a) Write the equation for the reactions that is occurring at anode and cathode.

(b) State two appropriate observations for the given electrolysis reaction.

(c) Why does the blue colour of Cu2+ ions in the electrolytic solution fades slowly? Explain.


(a) Reaction at cathode:
Cu2+ + 2e- ⟶ Cu

Reaction at anode:
OH1- - 1e- ⟶ OH x 4
4OH ⟶ 2H2O + O2

(b) Two observations for this electrolysis are:

  1. Pink or reddish brown copper is deposited at the cathode.
  2. The blue colour of copper sulphate solution slowly fades away and it becomes colourless.

(c) As the Cu2+ ions are discharged at the cathode and deposited as copper metal, there is a decrease in Cu2+ ions in the solution. This causes the blue colour to fade slowly and finally the solution becomes colourless as soon as Cu2+ ions are finished.

Question 2(iii)

Complete the following by choosing the correct answer from the bracket.

(a) Alkenes differ from alkanes due to the presence of ............... (double/single) bonds.

(b) Down the group, ionisation potential ............... (increases /decreases).

(c) By dissolving aluminium oxide in cryolite a ............... (conducting/non-conducting) solution is produced.

(d) The catalyst used for conversion of ethene to ethane is commonly ............... (iron/nickel).

(e) The gas released when sodium carbonate is added to a solution of sulphur dioxide is ............... (CO2/SO3)


(a) Alkenes differ from alkanes due to the presence of double bonds.

(b) Down the group, ionisation potential decreases.

(c) By dissolving aluminium oxide in cryolite a conducting solution is produced.

(d) The catalyst used for conversion of ethene to ethane is commonly nickel.

(e) The gas released when sodium carbonate is added to a solution of sulphur dioxide is CO2.

Question 2(iv)

Identify the following.

(a) The acid that is present in vinegar.

(b) A metal which catches fire, when kept in open air.

(c) A sweet smelling compound formed when ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid.

(d) A catalyst used in Haber's process.

(e) An organic compound used for ripening and preservation of fruits.


(a) Ethanoic acid

(b) Sodium (Na)

(c) Ethyl acetate (Ester)

(d) Finely divided iron (Fe)

(e) Ethene (C2H4)

Question 2(v)

(a) Draw the structural formula for the following

  1. Methoxymethane
  2. 2-methyl propan-2-ol
  3. Ethanol

(b) Name the following organic compounds in IUPAC system.

Name the organic compounds in IUPAC system. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.


(a) Structural formulae are shown below:

(1) Methoxymethane

Methoxymethane structural formula. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(2) 2-methyl propan-2-ol

2-methyl propan-2-ol structural formula. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(3) Ethanol

Ethanol structural formula. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

(b) IUPAC names of the organic compounds are:

  1. 2, 3-dichloropropan-1-oic acid
  2. Butan-2-ol

Section B

Question 3(i)

Draw the electron dot structure for the following.

(a) NH4+

(b) CaO


(a) NH4+

Draw the electron dot structure of ammonium ion. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10

(b) CaO

Draw the electron dot structure of Calcium oxide. Chemistry Sample Paper Solved ICSE Class 10.

Question 3(ii)

Distinguish between the following as directed.

(a) Sodium carbonate and sodium sulphate using H2SO4.

(b) Lead (II) oxide and zinc oxide using H2SO4.


(a) Sodium carbonate reacts with sulphuric acid and gives white coloured sodium sulphate along with water and carbon dioxide.

Na2CO3 + H2SO4 ⟶ Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2

On the other hand sodium sulphate reacts with sulphuric acid and gives colourless sodium hydrogen sulphate. Hence, the two can be distinguished.

Na2SO4 + H2SO4 ⟶ 2NaHSO4

(b) Lead oxide reacts with sulphuric acid and gives white coloured lead sulphate along with water.

PbO + H2SO4 ⟶ PbSO4 + H2O

On the other hand zinc oxide reacts with sulphuric acid and gives colourless zinc sulphate along with water.

ZnO + H2SO4 ⟶ ZnSO4 + H2O

Question 3(iii)

Name the ions present in

(a) alumina

(b) fluorspar

(c) sulphuric acid


(a) alumina [Al2O3] — Al3+ and O2-

(b) fluorspar [CaF2]— Ca2+ and F-

(c) sulphuric acid [H2SO4] — H+ and SO42-

Question 3(iv)

An element 'Y' is in II period and group 16 of the periodic table.

Answer the following questions:

(a) Is it a metal or a non-metal?

(b) Write the valence electrons present in the element Y.

(c) What is its valency?


(a) Electronic configuration of Y is [2, 6]. Hence, it is a non-metal.

(b) 6

(c) Valency of Y = 8 - 6 = 2 as it needs 2 more electrons to complete its octet and attain a stable configuration.

Question 4(i)


(a) Alkanes

(b) Alkenes


(a) Alkanes — Saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons containing a carbon carbon single bond are called alkanes. The general formula is CnH2n+2

(b) Alkenes — Unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons containing a carbon carbon double bond are called alkenes. The general formula is CnH2n

Question 4(ii)

An organic compound has an empirical formula (CH2O). Its vapour density is 45. Then what will be the molecular formula of the compound?



Empirical formula = CH2O

Hence, empirical formula mass = 12 + 2(1) + 16 = 12 + 2 + 16 = 30 g

Molecular weight = 2 x Vapour density = 2 x 45 = 90

Molecular formula = n x empirical formula


n = molecular massempirical formula mass\dfrac{\text{molecular mass}}{\text{empirical formula mass}}

∴ n = 9030\dfrac{90}{30} = 3

Hence, molecular formula = 3 x CH2O = C3H6O3

Therefore, the molecular formula of the compound is C3H6O3

Question 4(iii)

State the conditions required for the following reactions.

(a) Conversion of ammonia to nitric oxide in presence of air.

(b) Conversion of hydrogen chloride to chlorine.

(c) Conversion of sodium bisulphate to sodium sulphate.


(a) Conditions required for the conversion of ammonia to nitric oxide in presence of air are:

  1. Temperature should be around 800°C.
  2. Catalyst used is Platinum.
  3. Reaction:
    4NH3 + 5O2 800°CPt.\xrightarrow[800 \degree \text{C}]{\text{Pt}.} 4NO↑ + 6H2O + Δ
    2NO + O2 ⟶ 2NO2 (brown gas)

(b) Conditions required for the conversion of hydrogen chloride to chlorine are:

  1. Temperature should be above 500°C.
  2. Reaction:
    2HCl >500°C\xrightarrow{\gt 500 \degree\text{C}} H2 + Cl2

(c) Conditions required for the conversion of sodium bisulphate to sodium sulphate

  1. Temperature should be above 200°C.
  2. Reaction:
    NaNO3 + NaHSO4 >200°C\xrightarrow{\gt 200 \degree\text{C}} Na2SO4 + HNO3

Question 4(iv)

(a) State whether the following statements are True or False. Justify your answer.

  1. Weak acids have low electrical conductivity.
  2. The concentration of hydrogen ions is equal in strong acids and weak acids.

(b) Calculate the percentage of sodium (Na) in Na2B4O7.10H2O.


  1. True
    Reason — Weak acids are partially dissociated in fused or aqueous solution hence allow small amount of electricity to flow through them and thus, have low electrical conductivity.
  2. False
    Reason — Acids with a higher concentration of H+ (aq) ions are strong acids and acids with a lower concentration of H+ (aq) ions are weak acids.

(b) Molecular weight of Na2B4O7.10H2O
= 2(23) + 4(11) + 7(16) + 20(1) + 10(16)
= 46 + 44 + 112 + 20 + 160
= 382 g

382 g of Na2B4O7.10H2O contains 46 g of Na

∴ 100 g of Na2B4O7.10H2O will contain = 46382\dfrac{46}{382} x 100 = 12.04%

Hence, 12.04% of sodium is present in Na2B4O7.10H2O

Question 5(i)

An organic compound, whose vapour density is 45, has the following percentage composition

H = 2.22%, O = 71.19% and remaining carbon.


(a) it's empirical formula, and

(b) it's molecular formula


Element% compositionAt. wt.Relative no. of atomsSimplest ratio
Hydrogen2.2212.221\dfrac{2.22}{1} =\dfrac{2.22 }{2.21} = 1
Oxygen71.191671.1916\dfrac{71.19}{16} = 4.444.442.21\dfrac{4.44}{2.21 } = 2
Carbon26.591226.5912\dfrac{26.59}{12} =\dfrac{ 2.21 }{2.21} = 1

Simplest ratio of whole numbers = H : O : C = 1 : 2 : 1

Hence, empirical formula is CHO2

Empirical formula weight = 12 + 1 + (2 x 16) = 13 + 32 = 45

V.D. = 45

Molecular weight = 2 x V.D. = 2 x 45 = 90

n=Molecular weightEmpirical formula weight=9045=2\text{n} = \dfrac{\text{Molecular weight}}{\text{Empirical formula weight}} \\[0.5em] = \dfrac{90}{45} = 2

So, molecular formula = 2(CHO2) = C2H2O4

Question 5(ii)

Identify the functional group in the following organic compounds.




(a) Ketonic group [C=O]

(b) Carboxyl group [COOH]

Question 5(iii)

State your observations during the process of electrolysis of given compounds.

(a) Fused lead bromide using graphite electrodes.

(b) Copper sulphate solution using copper electrodes.

(c) Acidified water using platinum electrodes.


(a) The observations at the anode & at the cathode are:

At cathode — silvery grey deposit of lead metal.

Reaction at cathode:
Pb2+ + 2e- ⟶ Pb

At anode — reddish brown fumes of bromine vapours.

Reaction at anode:
Br1- - 1e- ⟶ Br
Br + Br ⟶ Br2

(b) The observations at the anode & at the cathode are:

At cathode — Brownish pink copper metal is deposited at cathode during electrolysis of copper sulphate.

Reaction at cathode:
Cu2+ + 2e- ⟶ Cu

At anode — Copper ions are formed. Copper anode diminishes in mass.

Reaction at anode:
Cu - 2e- ⟶ Cu2+

The blue colour of copper sulphate solution does not fade.

(c) The observations at the anode & at the cathode are:

At cathode — Hydrogen gas is liberated at cathode.

Reaction at cathode:
H+ + e- ⟶ H
H + H ⟶ H2

At anode — Oxygen gas is liberated at anode.

Reaction at anode:
OH- ⟶ OH + e-
OH + OH ⟶ H2O + O
O + O ⟶ O2

Question 5(iv)

Choose the most appropriate answer from the following list of substances which fits best in the description.

[Silver chloride, ammonium chloride, aqua-regia, explosive, N2 , NCl3, volatile]

(a) Silver nitrate reacts with hydrochloric acid to give a white precipitate.

(b) The solution formed by the concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid in the ratio of 3:1.

(c) The property which does not allow conc. HNO3 used in the preparation of HCl.


(a) Silver chloride

(b) Aqua regia

(c) Volatile

Question 6(i)

For each of the formula of ores given below, what is their common names and role/use.

(a) Al2O3.2H2O

(b) Na3AlF6


The common name and use of the ores are given below:

OreCommon NameUse
aAl2O3.2H2OBauxiteIt is the main ore from which aluminium is extracted.
bNa3AlF6CryoliteLowers the fusion temperature from 2050°C to 950°C and enhances conductivity.

Question 6(ii)


(a) The vapour density of gas is 11. What would be the volume occupied by 19 g of the gas at STP?

(b) Give the empirical formula of butane.


(a) Given,

Vapour density = 11

Molecular weight = 2 x vapour density = 2 x 11 = 22 g

Volume of 22 g of gas = 22.4 L

∴ Volume of 19 g of gas = 22.422\dfrac{22.4}{22} x 19 = 19.34 L

Hence, volume occupied by 19 g of the gas at STP = 19.34 L

(b) Molecular formula of butane is C4H10

∴ Ratio of C and H is 4 : 10

Simple ratio is 2 : 5

Hence, empirical formula = C2H5

Question 6(iii)

Raju is going to the laboratory for the preparation of sulphuric acid.

(a) Write the equations for sulphuric acid combining directly with metals and non-metals.

(b) Which concentrated acid will oxidise sulphur directly to sulphuric acid ? Write the equation for the same.

(c) What is the name of the process by which sulphuric acid is manufactured ? Name the catalyst used in the process.


(a) Reaction with metal :
Fe + H2SO4 (dil.) ⟶ FeSO4 + H2 [g]

Reaction with non-metal :
C + 2H2SO4 [conc.] ⟶ CO2 + 2SO2 + 2H2O

(b) Nitric acid [HNO3]

S + 6HNO3 [conc.] ⟶ H2SO4 + 2H2O + 6NO2

(c) Contact process.

The catalyst used in this process is vanadium pentaoxide (V2O5)

Question 6(iv)

Give reasons

(a) Brass is preferred over copper for door settings.

(b) Metals like iron, aluminium, cobalt and nickel become passive (inert) with concentrated nitric acid.

(c) Alloying of gold is done with silver or copper.


(a) Brass is preferred over copper for door settings as:

  1. Hardness and tensile strength — Brass is stronger than its components, Copper and Zinc.
  2. Corrosion resistance — Brass has good corrosion resistance due to the presence of zinc in its composition.

(b) When these metals react with concentrated nitric acid, the nitric acid oxidises the metals, forming metal oxides on their surface. The metal oxides, in turn, form a protective layer preventing further reaction with nitric acid.

(c) As pure gold is very soft so in order to increase its strength such that jewellery could be made, alloying of gold is done with silver or copper.

Question 7(i)

(a) Give balanced equation for the following.

(1) Sodium hydroxide is added to hydrogen chloride.

(2) Sodium aluminate is treated with water.

(b) If the valency of an element is 2, then to which group will this element belong to?


(a) Balanced equations:

  1. NaOH + HCl ⟶ NaCl + H2O
  2. NaAlO2 + 2H2O ⟶ NaOH + Al(OH)3

(b) Group 2

Reason — The number of valence electrons determine the group of the element. Hence, the element belongs to group 2 as it has 2 electrons in the valence shell.s

Question 7(ii)

Nitric acid cannot be concentrated beyond 68% by the distillation of a dilute solution of HNO3. Explain why?


An aqueous solution of nitric acid (68% concentration) forms a constant boiling mixture at 121°C. A constant boiling mixture is one which boils without change in composition.

Hence on boiling further, the mixture evolves out the vapours of both acid and water in the same proportion as in the liquid.

Therefore, dilute HNO3 cannot be concentrated beyond 68% by boiling.

Question 7(iii)

Concentrated nitric acid oxidises phosphorus to phosphoric acid according to the following equation:

P + 5HNO3 ⟶ H3PO4 + 5NO2 + H2O

(a) What mass of phosphoric acid can be prepared from 3.1 g of phosphorus?

(b) What mass of nitric acid will be consumed at the same time?


P+5HNO3H3PO4+H2O+5NO231 g5[(1)+14+3(16)]3(1)+31=5[63]+4(16)=315g=98 g\begin{matrix} \text{P} & + & 5\text{HNO}_3 & \longrightarrow & \text{H}_3\text{PO}_4 & + & \text{H}_2\text{O} & + & 5\text{NO}_2 \\ 31 \text{ g} & & 5[(1)+14+3(16)] & & 3(1) + 31 \\ & &= 5[63] & & + 4(16) \\ & & = 315 g & & = 98 \text{ g} \\ \end{matrix}

(a) 31 g of P forms 98 g of phosphoric acid

∴ 3.1 g will form 9831\dfrac{ 98}{31} x 3.1 = 9.8 g.

Hence, 9.8 g of phosphoric acid is formed

(b) 31 g of P consumes 315 g of nitric acid.

∴ 3.1 g will consume = 31531\dfrac{315}{31} x 3.1 = 31.5 g

Question 8(i)

Identify the name of the salt on the basis of the following description.

(a) A salt prepared by the action of strong acid on metal.

(b) A nitrate which decomposes into its respective metal on heating.


(a) Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4)

(b) Silver nitrate (AgNO3)

Question 8(ii)

Complete and balance the equations.

(a) SO2 + NaOH ⟶

(b) CuSO4 + NH4OH ⟶


(a) SO2 + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2SO3 + H2O

(b) CuSO4 + 2NH4OH ⟶ Cu(OH)2 ↓ + (NH4)2SO4

Question 8(iii)

Arrange the following as per the instruction given in the brackets.

(a) C, Pb, Sn, Ge, Si (increasing order of non-metallic character).

(b) Na, Al, Cl (increasing order of ionisation potential).

(c) Zn2+, Na+, Cu2+(order of preference of discharge at the cathode).


(a) Pb < Sn < Ge < Si < C

(b) Na < Al < Cl

(c) Na+ < Zn2+ < Cu2+

Question 8(iv)

The following questions refer to the periodic table:

(a) What are the elements of group 17 called?

(b) Name the most electronegative element of group 17.

(c) Name the weakest oxidising agent of group 17.


(a) Halogens

(b) Fluorine

(c) Iodine