String Manipulation
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1
Negative index -1 belongs to .......... of string.
- first character
- last character ✓
- second last character
- second character
Question 2
Which of the following is/are not legal string operators?
- in
- +
- *
- / ✓
Question 3
Which of the following functions will return the total number of characters in a string?
- count()
- index()
- len() ✓
- all of these
Question 4
Which of the following functions will return the last three characters of a string s?
- s[3:]
- s[:3]
- s[-3:] ✓
- s[:-3]
Question 5
Which of the following functions will return the first three characters of a string s?
- s[3:]
- s[:3] ✓
- s[-3:]
- s[:-3]
Question 6
Which of the following functions will return the string in all caps?
- upper() ✓
- toupper()
- isupper()
- to-upper()
Question 7
Which of the following functions will return the string with every 'P' replaced with a 'z'?
- find()
- index()
- replace() ✓
- split()
Question 8
Which of the following functions will return a list containing all words of the string?
- find()
- index()
- partition()
- split() ✓
Question 9
Which of the following functions will always return a tuple of 3 elements?
- find()
- index()
- partition() ✓
- split()
Question 10
What is the output of the following code?
str1 = "Mission 999"
str2 = "999"
- False True ✓
- False False
- True False
- True True
Question 11
Choose the correct function to get the ASCII code of a character.
- char('char')
- ord('char') ✓
- ascii('char')
- All of these
Question 12
Which method should I use to convert String "Python programming is fun" to "Python Programming Is Fun" ?
- capitalize()
- title() ✓
- istitle()
- upper()
Question 13
Guess the correct output of the following String operations.
str1 = 'Wah'
- WahWah ✓
- TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for * : 'str' and 'int'
- WWaahh
- Wah2
Question 14
What is the output of the following string operation?
str = "My roll no. is 12"
- True
- False ✓
- Error
- No output
Question 15
Select the correct output of the following String operations.
str1 = 'Waha'
print(str1[:3] + 'Bhyi' + str1[-3:])
- Wah Bhyi Wah
- WahBhyiaha ✓
- WahBhyiWah
- WahBhyiWaha
Question 16
Select the correct output of the following String operations.
str = "my name is Anu John"
- 'My name is anu john' ✓
- TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for * : 'str' and 'int'
- 'My name is Anu John'
- 'My Name Is Anu John'
Question 17
Choose the correct function to get the character from ASCII number.
- ascii(number)
- char(number)
- chr(number) ✓
- all of these
Question 18
s = ' '(single space). Then s.isalnum() will return.
- True
- False ✓
- Error
- nothing
Question 19
Which of the following functions removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string?
- lstrip()
- rstrip()
- strip() ✓
- all of these
Question 20
Which of the following functions will raise an error if the given substring is not found in the string?
- find()
- index() ✓
- replace()
- all of these
Fill in the Blanks
Question 1
The string indexes begin 0 onwards.
Question 2
For strings, + operator performs concatenation.
Question 3
For strings, * operator performs replication.
Question 4
The in and not in are membership operators for strings (in, not in).
Question 5
The ord() returns the ASCII value of a given character.
Question 6
If a string contains letters and digits, function isalnum() will return true.
Question 7
'ab'.isalpha() will return value as True.
Question 8
To get each word's first letter capitalized, title() function is used.
Question 9
Function index() raises an exception if the substring is not found.
Question 10
Function split() divides a line of text into individual words.
True/False Questions
Question 1
Strings have both positive and negative indexes.
Question 2
Python does not support a character type; a single character is treated as strings of length one.
Question 3
Strings are immutable in Python, which means a string cannot be modified.
Question 4
Like '+', all other arithmetic operators are also supported by strings.
Question 5
Functions capitalize() and title() return the same result.
Question 6
Functions partition() and split() work identically.
Question 7
The find() and index() are similar functions.
Question 8
The find() does not raise an exception if the substring is not found.
Question 9
The partition() function's result is always a 3-element tuple.
Question 10
The split() returns always a 3-element list.
Type A : Short Answer Questions/Conceptual Questions
Question 1
Write a Python script that traverses through an input string and prints its characters in different lines — two characters per line.
str = input("Enter the string: ")
length = len(str)
for a in range(0, length, 2):
Enter the string: KnowledgeBoat
Question 2
Out of the following operators, which ones can be used with strings in Python?
=, -, *, /, //, %, >, <>, in, not in, <=
The following Python operators can be used with strings:
=, *, >, in, not in, <=
Question 3
What is the result of following statement, if the input is 'Fun'?
print(input("...") + "trial" + "Ooty" * 3)
The result of the statement is:
Question 4
Which of the following is not a Python legal string operation?
(a) 'abc' + 'abc'
(b) 'abc' * 3
(c) 'abc' + .3
(d) 'abc.lower()
'abc' + .3 is not a legal string operation in Python. The operands of + operator should be both string or both numeric. Here one operand is string and other is numeric. This is not allowed in Python.
Question 5
Can you say strings are character lists? Why? Why not?
Strings are sequence of characters where each character has a unique index. This implies that strings are iterable like lists but unlike lists they are immutable so they cannot be modified at runtime. Therefore, strings can't be considered as character lists. For example,
str = 'cat'
# The below statement
# is INVALID as strings
# are immutable
str[0] = 'b'
# Considering character lists
strList = ['c', 'a', 't']
# The below statement
# is VALID as lists
# are mutable
strList[0] = 'b'
Question 6
Given a string S = "CARPE DIEM". If n is length/2 (length is the length of the given string), then what would following return?
(a) S[: n]
(b) S[n :]
(c) S[n : n]
(d) S[1 : n]
(e) S[n : length - 1]
(b) DIEM
(c) (Empty String)
(d) ARPE
(e) DIE
Question 7
From the string S = "CARPE DIEM", which ranges return "DIE" and "CAR"?
- S[6:9] returns DIE
- S[:3] returns CAR
Question 8
What happens when from a string slice you skip the start and/or end values of the slice?
If start value is skipped, it is assumed as 0 i.e. the slice begins from the start of the string.
If end value is skipped, it is assumed as the last index of the string i.e. the slice extends till the end of the string.
Question 9
What would the following expressions return?
- "Hello World".upper( ).lower( )
- "Hello World".lower( ).upper( )
- "Hello World".find("Wor", 1, 6)
- "Hello World".find("Wor")
- "Hello World".find("wor")
- "Hello World".isalpha( )
- "Hello World".isalnum( )
- "1234".isdigit( )
- "123FGH".isdigit( )
- hello world
- -1
- 6
- -1
- False
- False
- True
- False
- upper() first converts all letters of "Hello World" to uppercase. Then "HELLO WORLD".lower() converts all letters to lowercase.
- lower() first converts all letters of "Hello World" to lowercase. Then "hello world".upper() converts all letters to uppercase.
- "Hello World".find("Wor", 1, 6) searches for the presence of substring "Wor" between 1 and 6 indexes of string "Hello World". Substring from 1 to 6 index is "ello W". As "Wor" is not present in this hence the result is False.
- "Hello World".find("Wor") searches for the presence of substring "Wor" in the entire "Hello World" string. Substring "Wor" starts at index 6 of "Hello World" hence the result is 6.
- "Hello World".find("wor") searches for the presence of substring "wor" in the entire "Hello World" string. find() performs case sensitive search so "wor" and "Wor" are different hence the result is -1.
- "Hello World".isalpha( ) checks if all characters in the string as alphabets. As a space is also present in the string hence it returns False.
- "Hello World".isalnum( ) checks if all characters in the string are either alphabets or digits. As a space is also present in the string which is neither an alphabet nor a string hence it returns False.
- "1234".isdigit( ) checks if all characters in the string are digits or not. As all characters are digits hence the result is True.
- As "FGH" in the string "123FGH" are not digits hence the result is False.
Question 10
Which functions would you choose to use to remove leading and trailing white spaces from a given string?
lstrip() removes leading white-spaces, rstrip() removes trailing white-spaces and strip() removes leading and trailing white-spaces from a given string.
Question 11
Try to find out if for any case, the string functions isalnum( ) and isalpha( ) return the same result
isalnum( ) and isalpha( ) return the same result in the following cases:
- If string contains only alphabets then both isalnum( ) and isalpha( ) return True. For example, "Hello".isalpha() and "Hello".isalnum() return True.
- If string contains only special characters and/or white-spaces then both isalnum( ) and isalpha( ) return False. For example, "*#".isalpha() and "*#".isalnum() return False.
Question 12
Suggest appropriate functions for the following tasks:
- To check whether the string contains digits
- To find for the occurrence a string within another string
- To convert the first letter of a string to upper case
- to capitalize all the letters of the string
- to check whether all letters of the string are in capital letters
- to remove from right of a string all string-combinations from a given set of letters
- to remove all white spaces from the beginning of a string
- isdigit()
- find()
- capitalize()
- upper()
- isupper()
- rstrip(characters)
- lstrip()
Question 13
In a string slice, the start and end values can be beyond limits. Why?
String slicing always returns a subsequence and empty subsequence is a valid sequence. Thus, when a string is sliced outside the bounds, it still can return empty subsequence and hence Python gives no errors and returns empty subsequence.
Question 14
Can you specify an out of bound index when accessing a single character from a string? Why?
We cannot specify an out of bound index when accessing a single character from a string, it will cause an error. When we use an index, we are accessing a constituent character of the string. If the index is out of bounds there is no character to return from the given index hence Python throws string index out of range error.
Question 15
Can you add two strings? What effect does ' + ' have on strings?
Yes two strings can be added using the '+' operator. '+' operator concatenates two strings.
Type B: Application Based Questions
Question 1a
What is the result of the following expression?
Question 1b
What is the result of the following expression?
text = "Test.\nNext line."
print (text)
Next line.
Question 1c
What is the result of the following expression?
print ('One', ' Two ' * 2)
print ('One ' + 'Two' * 2)
print (len('10123456789'))
One Two Two
One TwoTwo
Question 1d
What is the result of the following expression?
s = '0123456789'
print(s[3], ", ", s[0 : 3], " - ", s[2 : 5])
print(s[:3], " - ", s[3:], ", ", s[3:100])
print(s[20:], s[2:1], s[1:1])
3 , 012 - 234
012 - 3456789 , 3456789
Question 1e
What is the result of the following expression?
s ='987654321'
print (s[-1], s[-3])
print (s[-3:], s[:-3])
print (s[-100:-3], s[-100:3])
1 3
321 987654
987654 987
Question 2a
What will be the output produced by following code fragments?
y = str(123)
x = "hello" * 3
print (x, y)
x = "hello" + "world"
y = len(x)
print (y, x)
hellohellohello 123
10 helloworld
str(123) converts the number 123 to string and stores in y so y becomes "123". "hello" * 3 repeats "hello" 3 times and stores it in x so x becomes "hellohellohello".
"hello" + "world" concatenates both the strings so x becomes "helloworld". As "helloworld" contains 10 characters so len(x) returns 10.
Question 2b
What will be the output produced by following code fragments?
x = "hello" + \
"to Python" + \
for char in x :
y = char
print (y, ' : ', end = ' ')
h : e : l : l : o : t : o : : P : y : t : h : o : n : w : o : r : l : d :
Inside the for loop, we are traversing the string "helloto Pythonworld" character by character and printing each character followed by a colon (:).
Question 2c
What will be the output produced by following code fragments?
x = "hello world"
print (x[:2], x[:-2], x[-2:])
print (x[6], x[2:4])
print (x[2:-3], x[-4:-2])
he hello wor ld
w ll
llo wo or
x[:2] ⇒ he
x[:-2] ⇒ hello wor
x[-2:] ⇒ ld
x[6] ⇒ w
x[2:4] ⇒ ll
x[2:-3] ⇒ llo wo
x[-4:-2] ⇒ or
Question 3
Carefully go through the code given below and answer the questions based on it :
theStr = " This is a test "
inputStr = input(" Enter integer: ")
inputlnt = int(inputStr)
testStr = theStr
while inputlnt >= 0 :
testStr = testStr[1:-1]
inputlnt = inputlnt - 1
testBool = 't' in testStr
print (theStr) # Line 1
print (testStr) # Line 2
print (inputlnt) # Line 3
print (testBool) # Line 4
(i) Given the input integer 3, what output is produced by Line 1?
- This is a test
- This is a
- is a test
- is a
- None of these
Option 1 — This is a test
(ii) Given the input integer 3, what output is produced by Line 2?
- This is a test
- s is a t
- is a test
- is a
- None of these
Option 2 — s is a t
As input is 3 and inside the while loop, inputlnt decreases by 1 in each iteration so the while loop executes 4 times for inputlnt values 3, 2, 1, 0.
1st Iteration
testStr = "This is a test"
2nd Iteration
testStr = "his is a tes"
3rd Iteration
testStr = "is is a te"
4th Iteration
testStr = "s is a t"
(iii) Given the input integer 2, what output is produced by Line 3?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- None of these
Option 5 — None of these
Value of inputlnt will be -1 as till inputlnt >= 0 the while loop will continue executing.
(iv) Given the input integer 2, what output is produced by Line 4?
- False
- True
- 0
- 1
- None of these
Option 2 — True
As input is 2 and inside the while loop, inputlnt decreases by 1 in each iteration so the while loop executes 3 times for inputlnt values 2, 1, 0.
1st Iteration
testStr = "This is a test"
2nd Iteration
testStr = "his is a tes"
3rd Iteration
testStr = "is is a te"
After the while loop finishes executing, value of testStr is "is is a te". 't' in testStr returns True as letter t is present in testStr.
Question 4
Carefully go through the code given below and answer the questions based on it :
testStr = "abcdefghi"
inputStr = input ("Enter integer:")
inputlnt = int(inputStr)
count = 2
newStr = ''
while count <= inputlnt :
newStr = newStr + testStr[0 : count]
testStr = testStr[2:] #Line 1
count = count + 1
print (newStr) # Line 2
print (testStr) # Line 3
print (count) # Line 4
print (inputlnt) # Line 5
(i) Given the input integer 4, what output is produced by Line 2?
- abcdefg
- aabbccddeeffgg
- abcdeefgh
- ghi
- None of these
Option 3 — abcdeefgh
Input integer is 4 so while loop will execute 3 times for values of count as 2, 3, 4.
1st Iteration
newStr = newStr + testStr[0:2]
⇒ newStr = '' + ab
⇒ newStr = ab
testStr = testStr[2:]
⇒ testStr = cdefghi
2nd Iteration
newStr = newStr + testStr[0:3]
⇒ newStr = ab + cde
⇒ newStr = abcde
testStr = testStr[2:]
⇒ testStr = efghi
3rd Iteration
newStr = newStr + testStr[0:4]
⇒ newStr = abcde + efgh
⇒ newStr = abcdeefgh
testStr = testStr[2:]
⇒ testStr = ghi
(ii) Given the input integer 4, what output is produced by Line 3?
- abcdefg
- aabbccddeeffgg
- abcdeefgh
- ghi
- None of these
Option 4 — ghi
Input integer is 4 so while loop will execute 3 times for values of count as 2, 3, 4.
1st Iteration
testStr = testStr[2:]
⇒ testStr = cdefghi
2nd Iteration
testStr = testStr[2:]
⇒ testStr = efghi
3rd Iteration
testStr = testStr[2:]
⇒ testStr = ghi
(iii) Given the input integer 3, what output is produced by Line 4?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- None of these
Option 5 — None of these
Looking at the condition of while loop — while count <= inputlnt
, the while loop will stop executing when count becomes greater than inputlnt. Value of inputlnt is 3 so when loop stops executing count will be 4.
(iv) Given the input integer 3, what output is produced by Line 5?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- None of these
Option 4 — 3
The input is converted from string to integer and after that its value is unchanged in the code so line 5 prints the input integer 3.
(v) Which statement is equivalent to the statement found in Line 1?
- testStr = testStr[2:0]
- testStr = testStr[2:-1]
- testStr = testStr[2:-2]
- testStr = testStr - 2
- None of these
Option 5 — None of these
Question 5
Carefully go through the code given below and answer the questions based on it :
inputStr = input(" Give me a string:")
biglnt = 0
littlelnt = 0
otherlnt = 0
for ele in inputStr:
if ele >= 'a' and ele <= 'm': # Line 1
littlelnt = littlelnt + 1
elif ele > 'm' and ele <= 'z':
biglnt = biglnt + 1
otherlnt = otherlnt + 1
print (biglnt) # Line 2
print (littlelnt) # Line 3
print (otherlnt) # Line 4
print (inputStr.isdigit()) # Line 5
(i) Given the input abcd what output is produced by Line 2?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Option 1 — 0
In the input abcd, all the letters are between a and m so the condition — if ele >= 'a' and ele <= 'm'
is always true. Hence, biglnt is 0.
(ii) Given the input Hi Mom what output is produced by Line 3?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- None of these
Option 3 — 2
In the input Hi Mom, only two letters i and m satisfy the condition — if ele >= 'a' and ele <= 'm'
. Hence, value of littlelnt is 2.
(iii) Given the input Hi Mom what output is produced by Line 4?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- None of these
Option 4 — 3
In the input Hi Mom, 3 characters H, M and space are not between a and z. So for these 3 characters the statement in else part — otherlnt = otherlnt + 1
is executed. Hence, value of otherlnt is 3.
(iv) Given the input 1+2 =3 what output is produced by Line 5?
- 0
- 1
- True
- False
- None of these
Option 4 — False
As all characters in the input string 1+2 =3 are not digits hence isdigit() returns False.
(v) Give the input Hi Mom, what changes result from modifying Line 1 from
if ele >= 'a' and ele <='m' to the expression
if ele >= 'a' and ele < 'm'?
- No change
- otherlnt would be larger
- littlelnt would be larger
- biglnt would be larger
- None of these
Option 2 — otherlnt would be larger
For letter m, now else case will be executed increasing the value of otherlnt.
Question 6
Carefully go through the code given below and answer the questions based on it :
in1Str = input(" Enter string of digits: ")
in2Str = input(" Enter string of digits: ")
if len(in1Str)>len(in2Str):
small = in2Str
large = in1Str
small = in1Str
large = in2Str
newStr = ''
for element in small:
result = int(element) + int(large[0])
newStr = newStr + str(result)
large = large[1:]
print (len(newStr)) # Line 1
print (newStr) # Line 2
print (large) # Line 3
print (small) # Line 4
(i) Given a first input of 12345 and a second input of 246, what result is produced by Line 1?
- 1
- 3
- 5
- 0
- None of these
Option 2 — 3
As length of smaller input is 3, for loop executes 3 times so 3 characters are added to newStr. Hence, length of newStr is 3.
(ii) Given a first input of 12345 and a second input of 246, what result is produced by Line 2?
- 369
- 246
- 234
- 345
- None of these
Option 1 — 369
For loop executes 3 times as length of smaller input is 3.
1st Iteration
result = 2 + 1
⇒ result = 3
newStr = '' + '3'
⇒ newStr = '3'
large = 2345
2nd Iteration
result = 4 + 2
⇒ result = 6
newStr = '3' + '6'
⇒ newStr = '36'
large = 345
3rd Iteration
result = 6 + 3
⇒ result = 9
newStr = '36' + '9'
⇒ newStr = '369'
large = 45
Final value of newStr is '369'.
(iii) Given a first input of 123 and a second input of 4567, what result is produced by Line 3?
- 3
- 7
- 12
- 45
- None of these
Option 2 — 7
For loop executes 3 times as length of smaller input is 3. Initial value of large is 4567.
1st Iteration
large = large[1:]
⇒ large = 567
2nd Iteration large = large[1:]
⇒ large = 67
3rd Iteration large = large[1:]
⇒ large = 7
(iv) Given a first input of 123 and a second input of 4567, what result is produced by Line 4?
- 123
- 4567
- 7
- 3
- None of these
Option 1 — 123
As length of 123 is less than length of 4567 so 123 is assigned to variable small and gets printed in line 4.
Question 7a
Find the output if the input string is 'Test'.
S = input("Enter String :")
RS = " "
for ch in S :
RS = ch + RS
print(S + RS)
The for loop reverses the input string and stores the reversed string in variable RS. After that original string and reversed string are concatenated and printed.
Question 7b
Find the output if the input string is 'Test'.
S = input("Enter String :")
RS = " "
for ch in S :
RS = ch + 2 + RS
print(S + RS)
The program gives an error at line RS = ch + 2 + RS
. The operands to + are a mix of string and integer which is not allowed in Python.
Question 8a
Find the errors. Find the line numbers causing errors.
- print(S[9] + S[9 : 15])
The error is in line 2. Length of string S is 9 so its indexes range for 0 to 8. S[9] is causing error as we are trying to access out of bound index.
Question 8b
Find the errors. Find the line numbers causing errors.
- S1 = S[: 10] +S[10 :]
- S2 = S[10] + S[-10]
The error is in line 3. Length of string S is 9 so its forward indexes range for 0 to 8 and backwards indexes range from -1 to -9. S[10] and S[-10] are trying to access out of bound indexes.
Question 8c
Find the errors. Find the line numbers causing errors.
- S1 = S * 2
- S2 = S1[-19] + S1[-20]
- S3 = S1[-19 :]
The error is in line 3. S1[-19] and S1[-20] are trying to access out of bound indexes.
Question 8d
Find the errors. Find the line numbers causing errors.
- S1 = S[: 5]
- S2 = S[5 :]
- S3 = S1 * S2
- S4 = S2 + '3'
- S5 = S1 + 3
The errors are in line 4 and line 6. Two strings cannot be multiplied. A string and an integer cannot be added.
Question 9
What is the output produced?
(i) >>> "whenever" .find("never")
(ii) >>> "whenever" .find("what")
(i) 3
The starting index of substring "never" in "whenever" is 3.
(ii) -1
Substring "what" is not present in "whenever".
Question 10
What is the output produced?
(i) >>> "-".join(['123','365','1319'])
(ii) >>> " ".join(['Python', 'is', 'fun'])
(i) '123-365-1319'
(ii) 'Python is fun'
Question 11
Given a string S, write expressions to print
- first five characters of S
- Ninth character of S
- reversed S
- alternate characters from reversed S
- print(S[:5])
- print(S[8])
- for a in range(-1, (-len(S) - 1), -1) :
print(S[a], end = '') - for a in range(-1, (-len(S) - 1), -2) :
print(S[a], end = '')
Type C: Programming Practice/Knowledge based Questions
Question 1
Write a program to count the number of times a character occurs in the given string.
str = input("Enter the string: ")
ch = input("Enter the character to count: ");
c = str.count(ch)
print(ch, "occurs", c, "times")
Enter the string: KnowledgeBoat
Enter the character to count: e
e occurs 2 times
Question 2
Write a program which replaces all vowels in the string with '*'.
str = input("Enter the string: ")
newStr = ""
for ch in str :
lch = ch.lower()
if lch == 'a' \
or lch == 'e' \
or lch == 'i' \
or lch == 'o' \
or lch == 'u' :
newStr += '*'
else :
newStr += ch
Enter the string: Computer Studies
C*mp*t*r St*d**s
Question 3
Write a program which reverses a string and stores the reversed string in a new string.
str = input("Enter the string: ")
newStr = ""
for ch in str :
newStr = ch + newStr
Enter the string: computer studies
seiduts retupmoc
Question 4
Write a program that prompts for a phone number of 10 digits and two dashes, with dashes after the area code and the next three numbers. For example, 017-555-1212 is a legal input. Display if the phone number entered is valid format or not and display if the phone number is valid or not (i.e., contains just the digits and dash at specific places.)
phNo = input("Enter the phone number: ")
length = len(phNo)
if length == 12 \
and phNo[3] == "-" \
and phNo[7] == "-" \
and phNo[:3].isdigit() \
and phNo[4:7].isdigit() \
and phNo[8:].isdigit() :
print("Valid Phone Number")
else :
print("Invalid Phone Number")
Enter the phone number: 017-555-1212
Valid Phone Number
Enter the phone number: 017-5A5-1212
Invalid Phone Number
Question 5
Write a program that should do the following :
- prompt the user for a string
- extract all the digits from the string
- If there are digits:
- sum the collected digits together
- print out the original string, the digits, the sum of the digits
- If there are no digits:
- print the original string and a message "has no digits"
- given the input : abc123
prints abc123 has the digits 123 which sum to 6 - given the input : abcd
prints abcd has no digits
str = input("Enter the string: ")
sum = 0
digitStr = ''
for ch in str :
if ch.isdigit() :
digitStr += ch
sum += int(ch)
if not digitStr :
print(str, "has no digits")
else :
print(str, "has the digits", digitStr, "which sum to", sum)
Enter the string: abc123
abc123 has the digits 123 which sum to 6
Enter the string: KnowledgeBoat
KnowledgeBoat has no digits
Question 6
Write a program that should prompt the user to type some sentence(s) followed by "enter". It should then print the original sentence(s) and the following statistics relating to the sentence(s) :
- Number of words
- Number of characters (including white-space and punctuation)
- Percentage of characters that are alphanumeric
- Assume any consecutive sequence of non-blank characters is a word.
str = input("Enter a few sentences: ")
length = len(str)
spaceCount = 0
alnumCount = 0
for ch in str :
if ch.isspace() :
spaceCount += 1
elif ch.isalnum() :
alnumCount += 1
alnumPercent = alnumCount / length * 100
print("Original Sentences:")
print("Number of words =", (spaceCount + 1))
print("Number of characters =", (length + 1))
print("Alphanumeric Percentage =", alnumPercent)
Enter a few sentences: Python was conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands. Its implementation began in December 1989. Python 3.0 was released on 3 December 2008.
Original Sentences:
Python was conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands. Its implementation began in December 1989. Python 3.0 was released on 3 December 2008.
Number of words = 34
Number of characters = 206
Alphanumeric Percentage = 80.48780487804879
Question 7
Write a Python program as per specifications given below:
- Repeatedly prompt for a sentence (string) or for 'q' to quit.
- Upon input of a sentence s, print the string produced from s by converting each lower case letter to upper case and each upper case letter to lower case.
- All other characters are left unchanged.
For example,
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : This is the Bomb!
Please enter a sentence, or 'q ' to quit : What's up Doc ???
wHAT'S UP dOC ???
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : q
while True :
str = input("Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : ")
newStr = ""
if str.lower() == "q" :
for ch in str :
if ch.islower() :
newStr += ch.upper()
elif ch.isupper() :
newStr += ch.lower()
else :
newStr += ch
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : This is the Bomb!
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : What's up Doc ???
wHAT'S UP dOC ???
Please enter a sentence, or 'q' to quit : q
Question 8
Write a program that does the following :
- takes two inputs : the first, an integer and the second, a string
- from the input string extract all the digits, in the order they occurred, from the string.
- if no digits occur, set the extracted digits to 0
- add the integer input and the digits extracted from the string together as integers
- print a string of the form :
"integer_input + string_digits = sum"
For example :
For inputs 12, 'abc123' → '12 + 123 = 135'
For inputs 20, 'a5b6c7' → '20 + 567 =587'
For inputs 100, 'hi mom' → '100 + 0 = 100'
num = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
str = input("Enter the string: ")
digitsStr = ''
digitsNum = 0;
for ch in str :
if ch.isdigit() :
digitsStr += ch
if digitsStr :
digitsNum = int(digitsStr)
print(num, "+", digitsNum, "=", (num + digitsNum))
Enter an integer: 12
Enter the string: abc123
12 + 123 = 135
Enter an integer: 20
Enter the string: a5b6c7
20 + 567 = 587
Enter an integer: 100
Enter the string: hi mom
100 + 0 = 100
Question 9
Write a program that takes two strings from the user and displays the smaller string in single line and the larger string as per this format :
1st letter last letter
2nd letter 2nd last letter
3rd letter 3rd last letter
For example,
if the two strings entered are Python and PANDA then the output of the program should be :
P n
y o
t h
str1 = input("Enter first string: ")
str2 = input("Enter second string: ")
small = str1
large = str2
if len(str1) > len(str2) :
large = str1
small = str2
lenLarge = len(large)
for i in range(lenLarge // 2) :
print(' ' * i, large[i], ' ' * (lenLarge - 2 * i), large[lenLarge - i - 1], sep='')
Enter first string: Python
Enter second string: PANDA
P n
y o
t h
Question 10
Write a program to convert a given number into equivalent Roman number (store its value as a string). You can use following guidelines to develop solution for it:
- From the given number, pick successive digits, using %10 and /10 to gather the digits from right to left.
- The rules for Roman Numerals involve using four pairs of symbols for ones and five, tens and fifties, hundreds and five hundreds. An additional symbol for thousands covers all the relevant bases.
- When a number is followed by the same or smaller number, it means addition. "II" is two 1's = 2. "VI" is 5 + 1 = 6.
- When one number is followed by a larger number, it means subtraction. "IX" is 1 before 10 = 9. "IIX isn't allowed, this would be "VIII". For numbers from 1 to 9, the symbols are "I" and "V", and the coding works like this. "I" , "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX".
- The same rules work for numbers from 10 to 90, using "X" and "L". For numbers from 100 to 900, using the symbols "C" and "D". For numbers between 1000 and 4000, using "M".
Here are some examples. 1994 = MCMXCIV, 1956 = MCMLVI, 3888= MMMDCCCLXXXVIII
n = int(input("Enter the number: "))
num = (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1)
rom = ('M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD','C', 'XC','L','XL','X','IX','V','IV','I')
result = ''
for i in range(len(num)) :
count = int(n / num[i])
result += str(rom[i] * count)
n -= num[i] * count
Enter the number: 1994
Enter the number: 1956
Enter the number: 3888
Question 11
Write a program that asks the user for a string (only single space between words) and returns an estimate of how many words are in the string. (Hint. Count number of spaces)
str = input("Enter a string: ")
count = 0
for ch in str :
if ch.isspace() :
count += 1
print("No of words =", (count + 1))
Enter a string: Python was conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands.
No of words = 20
Question 12
Write a program to input a formula with some brackets and checks, and prints out if the formula has the same number of opening and closing parentheses.
str = input("Enter a formula: ")
count = 0
for ch in str :
if ch == '(' :
count += 1
elif ch == ')' :
count -= 1
if count == 0 :
print("Formula has same number of opening and closing parentheses")
else :
print("Formula has unequal number of opening and closing parentheses")
Enter a formula: s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)
Formula has same number of opening and closing parentheses
Enter a formula: s((s-a)(s-b)(s-c)
Formula has unequal number of opening and closing parentheses
Question 13
Write a program that inputs a line of text and prints out the count of vowels in it.
str = input("Enter a string: ")
count = 0
for ch in str :
lch = ch.lower()
if lch == 'a' \
or lch == 'e' \
or lch == 'i' \
or lch == 'o' \
or lch == 'u' :
count += 1
print("Vowel Count =", count)
Enter a string: Internet of Things
Vowel Count = 5
Question 14
Write a program to input a line of text and print the biggest word (length wise) from it.
str = input("Enter a string: ")
words = str.split()
longWord = ''
for w in words :
if len(w) > len(longWord) :
longWord = w
print("Longest Word =", longWord)
Longest Word = FOOTBALL
Question 15
Write a program to input a line of text and create a new line of text where each word of input line is reversed.
str = input("Enter a string: ")
words = str.split()
newStr = ""
for w in words :
rw = ""
for ch in w :
rw = ch + rw
newStr += rw + " "
Enter a string: Python is Fun
nohtyP si nuF