Computer Networks - I


Computer Networks - I

Checkpoint 10.1

Question 1

Write two advantages and disadvantages of networks.


Two advantages of networks are:

  1. It allows sharing of resources like printers, scanners.
  2. It allows sharing of storage i.e., files can be shared over a network.

Two disadvantages of networks are:

  1. If networks are badly managed, services can become unusable and productivity falls.
  2. If software and files are held centrally, it may be impossible to carry out any work if the central server fails.

Question 2

What is ARPAnet ? What is NSFnet ?


ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) is regarded as the first computer network. It was started by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969 with the goal of connecting the computers at different universities and U.S. defense. It laid the foundations of today's internet.

NSFnet was the high-capacity network started by the National Science Foundation which was more capable than ARPAnet. NSFnet allowed only academic research on its network and not any kind of private business on it.

Question 3

What do you understand by InterSpace ?


InterSpace is a client/server software program that allows multiple users to communicate online with real-time audio, video and text chat in dynamic 3D environments.

Question 4

What is a communication channel ? Name the basic types of communication channels available.


A communication channel is a means of communication between two devices or workstations i.e., it refers to the medium used to carry information or data from one point to another. Communication channels can be grouped in two categories:

  1. Guided media — These media include cables. There are three basic types of cables :
    1. Twisted-Pair Cables
    2. Coaxial Cables
    3. Fiber-optic Cables
  2. Unguided media — These include waves through air, water or vacuum. Unsigned communication media are as follows:
    1. Microwaves
    2. Radiowaves
    3. Satellites

Question 5

Define baud, bps and Bps. How are these interlinked ?


Baud is the unit of measurement for the information carrying capacity of a communication channel. It is synonymous with bps (bits per second).

bps refers to bits per second. It refers to the speed at which data transfer is measured. It is generally used to measure the speed of information through high speed phone lines or modems.

Bps refers to bytes per second.

All these terms are units of measurement for the information carrying capacity of a communication channel.

Question 6

What are the various types of networks?


The types of network can be categorised based on geographical spread as well as component roles.

On the basis of geographical spread, networks can be of following types:

  1. LAN (Local Area Network)
  2. WAN (Wide Area Network)
  3. PAN (Personal Area Network)
  4. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

On the basis of component roles, networks can be of following types:

  1. Client-server network
  2. Peer-to-peer network

Question 7

What is the difference between LAN and WAN?


LAN stands for Local Area Network.WAN stands for Wide Area Network
LAN is spread over a small area of upto 1 km.WAN is spread over a very large area.
LAN usually costs less to set up.WAN costs higher to setup.
LAN is usually a single network.WAN is usually a network of many networks.

Question 8(i)

Write two advantages and disadvan­tages of optical fibres.


Some advantages of optical fibres are:

  1. It is immune to electrical and magnetic interference.
  2. It guarantees secure transmission and has a very high transmission capacity.

Some disadvantages of optical fibres are:

  1. They are the most expensive of all the cables.
  2. Connecting either two fibers together or a light source to a fiber is a difficult process.

Question 8(ii)

Write two advantages and disadvan­tages of satellites.


Some advantages of satellites are:

  1. The area coverage is quite large.
  2. Satellites can cover large areas and are particularly useful for sparsely populated areas.

Some disadvantages of satellites are:

  1. Technological limitations preventing the deployment of large, high gain antennas on the satellite platform.
  2. Over-crowding of available bandwidths due to low antenna gains.

Question 8(iii)

Write two advantages and disadvan­tages of microwaves.


Some advantages of micro waves are:

  1. It proves cheaper than cables.
  2. It offers ease of communication over difficult terrain.

Some disadvantages of micro waves are:

  1. It is an insecure communication.
  2. Bandwidth allocation is extremely limited in case of microwaves.

Question 9

Write two disadvantages of twisted pair cables.


Two disadvantages of twisted pair cables are:

  1. It is incapable of carrying a signal over long distances without the use of repeaters due to high attenuation.
  2. Its low bandwidth capabilities make it unsuitable for broadband applications.

Question 10

Write an advantage and a disadvantage of using coaxial fiber cable.


An advantage of coaxial fiber cable is that it offers higher bandwidths of upto 400 Mbps.

A disadvantage of coaxial fiber cable is that it is expensive compared to twisted pair cables.

Question 11

What is the difference between LAN and PAN?


LAN stands for Local Area Network.PAN stands for personal area network.
LAN is spread over an area of upto 1 km.PAN is within the range of 10 metres.
LAN usually provides connectivity to an organisation.PAN is used to provide connectivity to an individual.

Checkpoint 10.2

Question 1

What is meant by topology ? Name some popular topologies.


The pattern of interconnection of nodes in a network is called the Topology.

The most popular topologies are as follows:

  1. Bus or Linear topology
  2. Ring or Circular topology
  3. Star topology
  4. Tree topology
  5. Mesh topology
  6. Fully connected topology

Question 2

What are the factors that must be considered before making a choice for the topology ?


The factors that must be considered before making a choice for the topology are as follows:

  1. Cruciality of Work — How crucial the continuity of work is a very important factor. For instance, military networks must not fail at any cost thus fully connected topology is preferred for military networks.
  2. Cost — Keeping in mind the budget, we should decide about a topology. A linear bus topology network may be the least expensive way to install a network. Fully connected is the most expensive way of creating a network.
  3. Length of cable needed — Sometimes, length of cable must be saved. The linear bus topology network uses shorter lengths of cable.
  4. Future growth — If a network has to grow in future, then the topology must support expansion. With a star topology, expanding a network is easily done by adding another concentrator.
  5. Communication Media — Sometimes, difficult terrains like hilly areas do not allow use of regular cables. For such conditions, linear bus topologies are not possible. The most common cable in schools is unshielded twisted pair, which is most often used with star topologies.

Question 3

What are the similarities and diffe­rences between bus and tree topologies ?



  1. Transmission can be done in both the directions, and can be received by all other stations.
  2. There is no need to remove packets from the medium.


  1. Tree topology is a network with the shape of an inverted tree with the central root branching and sub-branching to the extremities of the network whereas in bus topology, all devices on network are connected to a single continuous cable called a bus.
  2. Tree topology is expensive and difficult to maintain as compared to Bus Topology.

Question 4

What are the limitations of star topology ?


The limitations of star topology are as follows:

  1. A large quantity of cable is required to connect each node to the center.
  2. It is difficult to expand.
  3. If the central node in a star network fails, the entire network is rendered inoperable.

Question 5

When do you think, ring topology becomes the best choice for a network ?


Ring topology becomes the best choice for a network when we need less connection of wires, have limited space and require very fast communication speed as optical fiber offers very high transmission speed in one direction.

Question 6

Write the two advantages and two dis­advantages of bus topology in network.


The two advantages of bus topology in a network are:

  1. It requires shorter cable length and has a simple wiring layout.
  2. It provides a resilient architecture making it very reliable from a hardware point of view.

The two disadvantages of bus topology in a network are:

  1. Fault diagnosis and isolation is difficult.
  2. Reconfiguration is required when the network has its backbone extended using repeaters.

Question 7(i)

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of Mesh topology.


Two advantages of mesh topology are:

  1. It provides extensive back-up and rerouting capabilities.
  2. Each node is connected to more than one node to provide an alternative route in the case the host is either down or too busy.

Two disadvantages of mesh topology are:

  1. Mesh networks can be complex to design, implement, and manage, especially as the number of nodes increases.
  2. Maintenance and troubleshooting in mesh networks can be challenging due to their decentralized nature.

Question 7(ii)

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of tree topology.


Two advantages of tree topology are:

  1. It uses point-to-point wiring for individual segments.
  2. It is supported by several hardware and software vendors.

Two disadvantages of tree topology are:

  1. Overall length of each segment is limited by the type of cabling used.
  2. If the backbone line breaks, the entire segment goes down.

Question 7(iii)

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of bus topology.


The two advantages of bus topology in a network are:

  1. It requires shorter cable length and has a simple wiring layout.
  2. It provides a resilient architecture making it very reliable from a hardware point of view.

The two disadvantages of bus topology in a network are:

  1. Fault diagnosis and isolation is difficult.
  2. Reconfiguration is required when the network has its backbone extended using repeaters.

Checkpoint 10.3

Question 1

What are the types of addresses that play role in identifying a node on a network ?


The types of addresses that play role in identifying a node on a network are as follows :

  1. IP Address
  2. MAC Address

Question 2

What is the name of:

(i) the logical address,

(ii) the physical address?


(i) The name of logical address is IP address (Internet Protocol address).

(ii) The name of physical address is MAC address (Media Access Control address).

Question 3

What is the size of a MAC address?


The size of a MAC address is 6-byte (48 bits).

Question 4

What is the structure of a MAC address?


A MAC address is a 6-byte address with each byte separated by a colon. The first three bytes (24 bits) of MAC address are the manufacturer-id or the Organisational Unique Identifier (OUI) (assigned to manufacturer by IEEE) and the last three bytes (24 bits) are the card-number (assigned by manufacturer). For example, a sample MAC address could be: 10 : B5 : 03 : 63 : 2E : FC. Here, 10 : B5 : 03 is the manufacturer-id and 63 : 2E : FC is the card number assigned by the manufacturer.

Question 5

What are two types of IP addresses and what are their sizes?


The two types of IP addresses are as follows:

  1. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) — It is a 4-byte (32 bit) address.
  2. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) — It is a 16-byte (128 bit) address.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1

Two devices are in network if

  1. a process in one device is able to exchange information with a process in another device
  2. a process is running on both devices
  3. the processes running of different devices are of same type
  4. none of the mentioned


a process in one device is able to exchange information with a process in another device

Reason — A computer network is a collection of interconnected autonomous computing device, so as to exchange information and­ share resources.

Question 2

What is a standalone computer ?

  1. A computer that is not connected to a network
  2. A computer that is being used as a server
  3. A computer that does not have any peripherals attached to it
  4. A computer that is used by only one person


A computer that is not connected to a network

Reason — A computer that is not connected to a network is a stand alone computer.

Question 3

Which of the following statements about a network is FALSE ?

  1. Resources such as printers can be shared
  2. Viruses can spread to other computers throughout a computer network
  3. Files cannot be shared between users
  4. Communication becomes easier with nodes


Files cannot be shared between users

Reason — Files can be shared between users on the network.

Question 4

Central Computer which is powerful than other computers in the network is called as ...............

  1. Client
  2. Server
  3. Hub
  4. Switch



Reason — A computer that facilitates the sharing of data, software, and hardware resources on the network, is called a Server.

Question 5

What are some reasons behind using a network over stand-alone computers ?

  1. Increased security - user access to the network is controlled
  2. Data transfer can be controlled
  3. Sharing resources and devices
  4. Centralisation of data


Increased security - user access to the network is controlled

Reason — The reason behind using a network over stand-alone computers is increased security through controlled user access.

Question 6

Network in which every computer is capable of playing the role of a client, or a server or both at same time is called

  1. peer-to-peer network
  2. local area network
  3. dedicated server network
  4. wide area network


peer-to-peer network

Reason — Network in which every computer is capable of playing the role of a client, or a server or both at same time is called peer-to-peer network.

Question 7

What is a server in a computer network ?

  1. Someone who manages the network
  2. The name for a large number of computer cables
  3. A powerful computer that provides a service, such as centralised file storage
  4. A software running on one of the network computers


A powerful computer that provides a service, such as centralised file storage

Reason — A server is a computer that provides services such as centralized file storage, data sharing, and access to software and hardware resources on the network.

Question 8

In peer-to-peer network, each computer in a network is referred as

  1. server
  2. client
  3. peer
  4. sender



Reason — Each computer in P2P network controls its own information and plays role of either a client or a server depending upon what is needed at that point of time.

Question 9

Which of these statements is/are TRUE about a LAN ?

  1. A LAN connects computers in a small area such as an office
  2. A modem is needed to connect a computer to a LAN
  3. A LAN consists of only one computer
  4. A LAN can have geographical area up to 1 km


A LAN connects computers in a small area such as an office
A LAN can have geographical area up to 1 km

Reason — Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area upto 1 km (e.g., an office, a building or a factory) are known as Local Area Networks (LANs).

Question 10

Which of the following networks is LEAST likely to be a WAN ?

  1. The Internet
  2. A school network
  3. A network of ATMs
  4. A network of lab computers of a testing lab


A school network

Reason — Wide Area Network (WAN) is a group of computers that are separated by large distances and tied together. While schools have Local Area Networks (LANs), these networks are confined to the school's premises.

Question 11

Pick from the situations below where you would pick WLAN over a LAN

  1. Devices to be linked are mobile devices like laptops and smartphones spread over a large geographical area
  2. Connecting devices keep moving from cities to countries
  3. Devices to be linked are stationed within a small secluded place inside a city
  4. Expenses to setup a network are limited


Devices to be linked are mobile devices like laptops and smartphones spread over a large geographical area
Connecting devices keep moving from cities to countries

Reason — WLAN (Wireless local area network) is preferable when devices are mobile and spread over large areas, ensuring flexibility and continuous connectivity.

Question 12

Pick from the situations below where you would pick LAN over a WLAN

  1. Devices to be linked are mobile devices like laptops and smartphones spread over a large geographical area
  2. Connecting devices keep moving from cities to countries
  3. Devices to be linked are stationed within a small secluded place inside a city
  4. Expenses to setup a network are limited


Devices to be linked are stationed within a small secluded place inside a city
Expenses to setup a network are limited

Reason — LAN is preferable when devices are stationary within a small area and expenses to setup the network should be kept lower.

Question 13

Pick from the situations below where you would pick PAN over a WLAN

  1. Devices to be linked are mobile devices like laptops and smartphones spread over a large geographical area
  2. Connecting devices are confined within a room
  3. Connecting devices are within the range of same Wifi
  4. Expenses to setup a network are limited


Connecting devices are confined within a room
Connecting devices are within the range of same Wifi

Reason — A Personal Area Network (PAN) is the interconnection of information technology devices within the range of an individual person, typically up to 10 meters, e.g., using the same Wi-Fi network. Therefore, the above situations are suited for the use of PANs.

Question 14

Which switching method offers a dedicated transmission channel ?

  1. Packet switching
  2. Circuit switching
  3. Message switching
  4. None of these


Circuit switching

Reason — In circuit switching technique, first an end-to-end path (connection) between computers is set up before any data can be sent. Therefore, this method offers a dedicated transmission channel.

Question 15

The packets in ............... are independently sent, meaning that they can take different paths through the network to reach their intended destination.

  1. Packet switching
  2. Circuit switching
  3. Message switching
  4. none of these


Packet switching

Reason — In packet switching, packets are sent independently, allowing them to traverse various paths through the network to reach their destination.

Question 16

A local telephone network is an example of a ............... network.

  1. Packet switched
  2. Circuit switched
  3. Message switched
  4. All of these


Circuit switched

Reason — When we make a telephone call, the switching equipment within the telephone system seeks out a physical copper path all the way from the sender's telephone to the receiver's telephone. Hence, an end-to-end path is set up before any data can be sent. Therefore, a local telephone network is an example of a circuit-switched network.

Question 17

Which transmission media is capable of having a much higher bandwidth (data capacity) ?

  1. Coaxial
  2. Twisted pair cable
  3. Untwisted cable
  4. Fibre optic


Fibre optic

Reason — Optical fibers consist of thin strands of glass which are so constructed that they carry light from a source at one end of the fiber to a detector at the other end. Thus, the bandwidth of the medium is potentially very high.

Question 18

Which type of transmission media is the least expensive to manufacture?

  1. Coaxial
  2. Twisted pair cable
  3. CAT cable
  4. Fibre optic


Twisted pair cable

Reason — Twisted pair cable is the least expensive to manufacture.

Question 19

Which of these components is internal to a computer and is required to connect the computer to a network?

  1. Wireless Access Point
  2. Network Interface card
  3. Switch
  4. Hub


Network Interface card

Reason — Each workstation needs an NIC (Network Interface card) to help establish a connection with the network because without this, the workstations will not be able to share network resources.

Question 20

Which of the following is the fastest media of data transfer ?

  1. Co-axial Cable
  2. Untwisted Wire
  3. Telephone Lines
  4. Fibre Optic


Fibre Optic

Reason — Fibre Optic is the fastest media of data transfer because the information travels on a modulated light beam.

Question 21

What factors should be considered when selecting the appropriate cable for connecting a PC to a network ? (Choose two)

  1. type of system bus
  2. motherboard model
  3. distance of cable run
  4. speed of transmission
  5. computer manufacturer


distance of cable run
speed of transmission

Reason — Distance of cable run and speed of transmission should be considered when selecting the appropriate cable for connecting a PC to a network.

Question 22

What are two advantages of using UTP cable in a networking environment? (Choose two)

  1. is stiffer than STP
  2. is less expensive than fiber
  3. is easier to install than coaxial
  4. provides longer distances than coaxial provides
  5. is less susceptible to outside noise sources than fiber is


is less expensive than fiber
is easier to install than coaxial

Reason — Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable is less expensive than fiber optic cable and is easier to install than coaxial cable.

Question 23

In fiber optics, the signal is ............... waves.

  1. light
  2. radio
  3. infrared
  4. very low frequency



Reason — Fiber optics transmit data using light signals through optical fibers.

Question 24

Which of the following is not a guided medium ?

  1. twisted-pair cable
  2. coaxial cable
  3. fiber-optic cable
  4. Radio-waves



Reason — Radio waves are unguided medium as they are waves through the air.

Question 25

Radio-waves, microwaves and infrared waves are types of

  1. wireless transmission
  2. guided transmission
  3. wired transmission
  4. unguided transmission


wireless transmission
unguided transmission

Reason — Radio waves, microwaves, and infrared waves are types of wireless transmission, also known as unguided transmission, because they propagate through the air or vacuum as waves.

Question 26

Twisted-pair, Coaxial and Fiber optic are types of

  1. wireless transmission
  2. guided transmission
  3. wired transmission
  4. unguided transmission


guided transmission
wired transmission

Reason — Twisted-pair, coaxial, and fiber optic are types of wired transmission, also known as guided transmission, because they utilize cables.

Question 27

What are two advantages of using fiber-optic cabling instead of UTP? (Choose two.)

  1. lower cost
  2. easier to install
  3. allows longer distances
  4. less effected by external signals
  5. easier to terminate the cable ends


allows longer distances
less effected by external signals

Reason — Optical fiber is immune to electrical and magnetic interference because the information is travelling on a modulated light beam. Hence, they allow long distance data transmission.

Question 28

This is a technical term that describes the layout of connections in a network.

  1. Network Topology
  2. Network server
  3. Network Node
  4. Switching technique


Network Topology

Reason — The pattern of interconnection of nodes in a network is called the network topology.

Question 29

Which network topology requires a central controller or hub?

  1. Star
  2. Bus
  3. None
  4. Tree



Reason — Star topology consists of a central node to which all other nodes are connected by a single path.

Question 30

Which topology requires a multipoint connection on a single cable?

  1. Star
  2. Bus
  3. None
  4. Tree



Reason — Bus topology requires a multipoint connection on a single cable as it consists of a single length of transmission medium onto which the various nodes are attached.

Question 31

Which of the following topologies contains a backbone cable running through the whole length of the network?

  1. Star
  2. Bus
  3. None
  4. Tree



Reason — Bus topology contains a backbone cable running through the whole length of the network to which all the nodes are attached.

Question 32

Which of the following devices can be used at the centre of a star topology?

  1. Router
  2. Repeater
  3. Modem
  4. Hub



Reason — A hub can be used at the centre of a star topology as it has multiple ports that are used for connecting multiple computers.

Question 33

If a computer connected to a star topology fails, the entire network will ...............

  1. also fail
  2. work unaffectedly
  3. only server will work
  4. none of these


work unaffectedly

Reason — Star topology consists of a central node to which all other nodes are connected by a single path. Thus, failure of a single connection typically involves disconnection of one node from an otherwise fully functional network.

Question 34

A combination of bus and star topologies is called a ............... topology.

  1. Combination
  2. Hybrid
  3. Mesh
  4. Tree



Reason — The shape of tree topology network is that of an inverted tree with the central root branching and sub-branching to the extremities of the network.

Question 35

Internet is an example of ............... topology.

  1. Star
  2. Bus
  3. Bustar
  4. Bus



Reason — The internet operates on a bus topology where data flows through interconnected networks via a central backbone network.

Question 36

Which type of network needs 'terminators' to function correctly ?

  1. Bus
  2. Ring
  3. Star
  4. Mesh



Reason — Bus topology requires terminators at either end, which absorb the signal, to function correctly.

Question 37

............... topology uses hubs or switches as a central point of connection :

  1. Bus
  2. Star
  3. Ring
  4. Mesh



Reason — Star topology uses hubs or switches as a central point of connection.

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1

A computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area is called WAN.

Question 2

WAN stands for Wide Area Network.

Question 3

Wired networks' communication media is called guided media.

Question 4

Wireless networks' communication media is called unguided media.

Question 5

A network of networks is known as internet.

Question 6

In a network, a machine is identified by unique address called IP address.

Question 7

The physical address assigned by NIC manufacturer is called MAC address.

Question 8

A MAC address consumes 6 bytes or 48 bits.

Question 9

A network with a dedicated server is called a client/server network.

Question 10

A computer, part of a computer network is called a node/host.

Question 11

A network having a span within a building is called a LAN.

Question 12

Computers connected by a network across different cities is an example of MAN.

Question 13

The hub is a central connection point where all network cables are concentrated.

Question 14

The bus topology has a central line and all nodes are connected to it.

Question 15

The star topology has a central controller.

Question 16

The tree topology is said to be a combination of star and bus topologies.

Question 17

In mesh topology, there exists multiple paths between any two nodes of the network.

Question 18

The PAN is a small network created by linking many personal devices.

Question 19

The communication media having physical cables are collectively known as guided media.

Question 20

The communication media that uses atmosphere for information transfer and no physical cables, are collectively known as unguided media.

Question 21

The bleeding of a signal from one wire to another in a twisted pair cable, is known as cross talk.

Question 22

High bandwidth channels are called broad band channels.

Question 23

Low bandwidth channels are called narrow band channels.

Question 24

Satellites have multiple, independent reception and transmission devices known as transponders.

True/False Questions

Question 1

A LAN is connected to large geographical area.



Reason — A LAN is connected to a small geographical area, typically up to 1 km.

Question 2

A client is the computer that asks for the action in a network.



Reason — A client is a computer on the network that requests and utilizes network resources.

Question 3

A computer is identified by 64 bit IP address.



Reason — A computer is identified by 32 bit IP address (IPv4) and 128 bit IP address (IPv6).

Question 4

Every object on the Internet has a unique URL.



Reason — Every object on the Internet, such as web pages, images, videos, documents, etc., typically has a unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

Question 5

A stand alone computer may also be referred to as host.



Reason — The term "host" refers to a computer connected to a network that seeks to share resources. A standalone computer cannot be used as a host because it is not connected to the network.

Question 6

Big networks can be of peer-to-peer types.



Reason — Peer-to-peer networks are small networks.

Question 7

MAC address is a 48 bit address.



Reason — MAC address is a 48 bit address (6-byte).

Question 8

LAN is the biggest network geographically.



Reason — Wide Area Network (WAN) is the largest network geographically because it spreads across countries or over a very large geographical area, encompassing multiple cities, countries, or continents.

Question 9

LAN is the smallest network geographically.



Reason — Personal Area Network (PAN) is the smallest network geographically because it operates within the range of an individual person, typically up to 10 meters.

Question 10

PAN is the smallest network geographically.



Reason — Personal Area Network (PAN) is the smallest network geographically because it operates within the range of an individual person, typically up to 10 meters.

Question 11

The Internet is an example of WAN.



Reason — A WAN covers a large geographical area across different locations. The internet spans the entire globe, connecting millions of networks and devices worldwide. Therefore, the Internet is an example of a Wide Area Network (WAN).

Question 12

The bus topology is the simplest topology.



Reason — The bus topology requires short cables and features a simple wiring layout. It provides a resilient architecture, which enhances hardware reliability. Therefore, the bus topology is considered as the simplest network topologies.

Question 13

The star topology ensures that the network will work even when a node fails.



Reason — In a star topology, each node is connected directly to a central node. If one node fails or its connection is disrupted, it only affects that individual node's connectivity. The rest of the network remains operational because the failure is contained within that specific node's connection.

Question 14

Out of LAN, MAN and PAN, the smallest network is LAN.



Reason — The smallest network among LAN (Local Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), and PAN (Personal Area Network) is PAN (Personal Area Network). PANs typically cover a very small area, usually within the range of 10 meters.

Question 15

A network having a dedicated server is a peer-to-peer network.



Reason — A network that includes a dedicated server is categorized as a client-server network. A dedicated server operates exclusively as a server within the network.

Question 16

A network having a dedicated server is known as Master/Slave network.



Reason — A network with a dedicated server is known as Master/Slave network or a client-server network. A dedicated server operates exclusively as a server within the network.

Question 17

The first network was ARPANET.



Reason — The first network was ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork).

Question 18

Initially the Internet was formed by interconnecting ARPANET, NSFNet and other university networks.



Reason — Initially, the Internet was formed by interconnecting ARPANET, NSFNet, and various university networks. This process of interconnecting these networks, along with others such as private networks, is known as inter networking, which eventually led to the creation of the Internet as we know it today.

Question 19

Single mode and multimode are two types of coaxial cables.



Reason — Single mode fiber and multimode fiber are two types of fiber optic cables.

Question 20

Thicknet and Thinnet are two types of coaxial cables.



Reason — The two types of coaxial cables are thicknet and thinnet.

Question 21

GTP and STP are two types of fiber optic cables.



Reason — Single mode fiber and multimode fiber are the two types of fiber optic cables.

Question 22

Single mode and Multimode are fiber optic cables.



Reason — The two types of fiber optic cables are single mode fiber and multimode fiber.

Question 23

UTP and STP are twisted pair cables.



Reason — UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) and STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) are two types of twisted pair cables.

Assertions and Reasons

Question 1

Assertion. There is a difference between a standalone computer and a computer as a network node.

Reason. A standalone computer needs a special hardware NIC to be a network node.



Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

A standalone computer operates independently without being connected to a network, while a computer serving as a network node participates in network communication. To function as a network node, a computer requires a Network Interface Card (NIC) hardware, which facilitates communication over the network.

Question 2

Assertion. A server is a computer but not every computer is a server.

Reason. A computer having the capabilities to serve the requests of other network nodes is a server.



Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

A computer becomes a server when it possesses the capability to fulfill requests from other network nodes. This aligns with the definition of a server. Therefore, a server is a computer, but not all computers serve the same purpose.

Question 3

Assertion. On a computer network the users work on network nodes only.

Reason. A server cannot act as a network node.



Assertion is true but Reason is false.

Users on a computer network interact with various network nodes such as computers, printers, switches, routers, etc., to access resources or services. In a computer network, a server is indeed considered a network node. A network node is any device connected to a network that can communicate with other devices. Servers, which provide services or resources to other devices on the network, are an integral part of network infrastructure and are thus considered network nodes.

Question 4

Assertion. A local telephone network is an example of circuit switched network.

Reason. In circuit switching, a complete physical connection is established between the source node and the destination node, prior to any transmission.



Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

When a computer initiates a telephone call, the switching equipment within the telephone system seeks out a physical copper path all the way from sender telephone to the receiver's telephone. This establishes an end-to-end connection before any data transfer. A local telephone network provides an example of a circuit-switched network.

Question 5

Assertion. In non-circuit switching techniques, the message may take different routes at different times.

Reason. The message switching and packet switching techniques are the same.



Assertion is true but Reason is false.

In non-circuit switching techniques such as message switching and packet switching, messages may take different routes at different times. Message switching and packet switching are not the same techniques. In message switching, full message travel across different intermediate hops or switching offices, while packet switching involves dividing messages into packets and packets travel across hops.

Question 6

Assertion. The tree topology is a hybrid topology created through a combination of Bus and Star topologies.

Reason. In tree topologies, at a time either bus topology transmission is followed or star topology transmission takes place but never both.



Assertion is true but Reason is false.

The tree topology is a hybrid topology created through a combination of Bus and Star topologies. In tree topology, transmission takes place in the same way as in the bus topology.

Question 7

Assertion. The bus and star topologies are widely used topologies.

Reason. Bus topology is the simplest topology and star topology is more robust comparatively.



Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.

Both the bus and star topologies are widely used in networking. The bus topology requires short cables and features a simple wiring layout. It provides a resilient architecture, which enhances hardware reliability. Therefore, the bus topology is considered as the simplest network topologies. While the star topology is known for its robustness, as it provides easy access for service and better fault tolerance compared to other topologies.

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

What is a network ? What are its goals and applications ?


A network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers that can share and exchange information and resources.

Major goals and applications of networks are :

  1. Resource Sharing — Through a network, data, software and hardware resources can be shared irrespective of the physical location of the resources and the user.
  2. Reliability — A file can have its copies on two or more computers of the network, so if one of them is unavailable, the other copies could be used. That makes a network more reliable.
  3. Reduced Costs — Since resources can be shared, it greatly reduces the costs.
  4. Fast communication — With networks, it is possible to exchange information at very fast speeds.

Question 2

Briefly explain how Internet evolved.


In 1969, ARPANET was started by U.S. Department of Defense to connect computers at U.S. defense & different universities. In 1980s, the National Science Foundation started NSFnet to make a high capacity network to be used strictly for academic and engineering research.

In 1990s, many private companies built their own networks, which were later interconnected along with ARPANET and NSFnet to form Internet. Later, the commercial Internet services came into picture, which are running the Internet.

Question 3

Write a short note on ARPAnet.


ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) is regarded as the first computer network. It was started by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1969 with the goal of connecting the computers at different universities and U.S. defense. It laid the foundations of today's internet. The users of this system began exchanging data and messages on it. They were also able to play long distance games and socialize with people who shared their interests leading to its rapid expansion. The original ARPANET was shut down in 1990.

Question 4

How does Internet work ?


In Internet, most computers are not connected directly to the Internet. Rather they are connected to smaller networks, which in turn are connected through gateways to the Internet backbone.

Internet functions in the following manner:

  1. At the source computer, the message or the file/document to be sent to another computer is firstly divided into very small parts called packets.
  2. Each packet is given a number serial wise e.g., 1, 2, 3.
  3. All these packets are then sent to the address of destination computer.
  4. The destination computer receives the packets in random manner. If a packet is garbled or lost, it is demanded again.
  5. The packets are reassembled in the order of their number and the original message/file/document is obtained.

Every computer connected to the internet uses communication protocols — Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).

Question 5

Write a short note on InterSpace.


InterSpace is a client/server software program that allows multiple users to communicate online with real-time audio, video and text chat in dynamic 3D environments. It provides the most advanced form of communication available on the Internet today.

The Interspace is a vision of what the Internet will become, where users cross-correlate information in multiple ways from multiple sources. It is an applications environment for interconnecting spaces to manipulate information.

Question 6

What is a network ? What are necessary network elements ?


A network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers that can share and exchange information and resources.

The necessary network elements are :

  1. Hosts/Nodes
  2. Servers
  3. Clients
  4. Network hardware
  5. Communication channel
  6. Software
  7. Network services

Question 7

How is circuit switching different from message switching ?


In circuit switching, a complete physical connection is established between the sender and the receiver and then data is transmitted from the source computer to the destination computer.

In message switching, no physical copper path is established in advance between sender and receiver. Instead when the sender has a block of data to be sent, it is stored in first switching office, then forwarded later, one jump at a time until the data is delivered to the destination computer. It works on the store and forward principle.

Question 8

How does transmission take place across networks?


Switching techniques are used for­ transmitting data across networks. The switching techniques used are as follows:

  1. Circuit switching — A complete physical connection is established between the sender and the receiver and then data are transmitted from the source computer to the destination computer.
  2. Message switching — In this form of switching no physical copper path is established in advance between sender and receiver. Instead when the sender has a block of data to be sent, it is stored in first switching office, then forwarded later, one jump at a time until the data is delivered to the destination computer.
  3. Packet switching — A fixed size of packet which can be transmitted across the network is specified. The message is divided into packets and packets travel across hops.

Question 9

What are communication channels ? Discuss various communication channels available for networks.


A communication channel is a means of communication between two devices or workstations i.e., it refers to the medium used to carry information or data from one point to another.

Communication channels can be grouped in two categories:

  1. Guided media — These media include cables. There are three basic types of cables :
    1. Twisted-Pair Cables — These cables consist of two insulated copper wires twisted around each other. These are also used for short and medium range telephone communication.
    2. Coaxial Cables — A coaxial cable consists of one or more small cables in protective covering. These are more expensive than twisted pair cables but perform better.
    3. Fiber-optic Cables — These cables are made of plastic or glass and are about as thick as human hair. These cables are highly durable and offer excellent performance but are expensive.
  2. Unguided media — These include waves through air, water or vacuum. Unguided communication media are as follows:
    1. Microwaves — The microwaves are similar to radio and television signals and are used for long distance communication. Microwave transmission consists of a transmitter, receiver and the atmosphere.
    2. Radiowaves — The transmission making use of radio frequencies is termed as radio-wave transmission.
    3. Satellites — Satellite communication use the synchronous satellite to relay the radio signal transmitted from ground station.

Question 10(i)

Write some advantages and disadvantages of optical fibres.


Some advantages of optical fibres are:

  1. It is immune to electrical and magnetic interference.
  2. It is highly suitable for harsh industrial environments.
  3. It guarantees secure transmission and has a very high transmission capacity.
  4. Fiber optic cables can be used for broadband transmission.

Some disadvantages of optical fibres are:

  1. Fiber optic cables are quite fragile and may need special care to make them sufficiently robust.
  2. Connecting either two fibers together or a light source to a fiber is a difficult process.
  3. In order to incept the signal, the fiber must be cut and a detector inserted.
  4. Light can reach the receiver out of phase.
  5. Connection losses are common problems.
  6. They are more difficult to solder.
  7. They are the most expensive of all the cables.

Question 10(ii)

Write some advantages and disadvantages of coaxial cables.


Some advantages of coaxial cables are:

  1. The data transmission characteristics of coaxial cables are considerably better than that of twisted-pair cables.
  2. They can be used as the basis for a shared cable network.
  3. They can be used for broadband transmission.
  4. They offer higher bandwidths — upto 400 Mbps.

Some disadvantages of coaxial cables are:

  1. They are expensive as compared to twisted pair cables.
  2. They are not compatible with twisted pair cable.

Question 10(iii)

Write some advantages and disadvantages of twisted pair cables.


Some advantages of twisted pair cables are:

  1. It is simple.
  2. It is easy to install and maintain.
  3. It is physically flexible.
  4. It has a low weight.
  5. It can be easily connected.
  6. It is very inexpensive.

Some disadvantages of twisted pair cables are:

  1. It is incapable of carrying a signal over long distances without the use of repeaters.
  2. It is unsuitable for broadband applications due to its low bandwidth capabilities.
  3. It supports maximum data rates of 1 Mbps without conditioning and 10 Mbps with conditioning.

Question 10(iv)

Write some advantages and disadvantages of radio waves.


Some advantages of radio waves are:

  1. Its transmission offers mobility.
  2. It proves cheaper than cables.
  3. It offers freedom from land acquisition rights.
  4. It offers ease of communication over difficult terrain.

Some disadvantages of radio waves are:

  1. Communication is highly insecure.
  2. Its propagation is susceptible to weather effects like rains, thunder storms etc.

Question 10(v)

Write some advantages and disadvantages of micro waves.


Some advantages of micro waves are:

  1. It proves cheaper than cables.
  2. It offers freedom from land acquisition rights.
  3. It offers ease of communication over difficult terrain.
  4. Microwaves have the ability to communicate over oceans.

Some disadvantages of micro waves are:

  1. It is an insecure communication.
  2. Signals from a single antenna may split up and propagate by slightly different paths to the receiving antenna. When these out-of-phase signals recombine, they interfere, reducing the signal strength.
  3. Its propagation is susceptable to weather effects like rains, thunder storm, etc.
  4. Bandwidth allocation is extremely limited in case of microwaves.
  5. The cost of design, implementation, and maintenance of microwave links is high.

Question 10(vi)

Write some advantages and disadvantages of satellites.


Some advantages of satellites are:

  1. The area coverage is quite large.
  2. The laying and maintenance of intercontinental cable is difficult and expensive and this is where the satellite proves to be the best alterative.
  3. The heavy usage of intercontinental traffic makes the satellite commercially attractive.
  4. Satellites can cover large areas of the Earth. This is particularly useful for sparsely populated areas.

Some disadvantages of satellites are:

  1. Technological limitations preventing the deployment of large, high gain antennas on the satellite platform.
  2. Over-crowding of available bandwidths due to low antenna gains.
  3. The high investment cost and insurance cost associated with significant probability of failure.
  4. High atmospheric losses above 30 GHz limit carrier frequencies.

Question 11

What are types of twisted pair cables ?


The types of twisted pair cables are as follows :

  1. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable
  2. Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cable

Question 12

What are types of coaxial cables ?


The types of coaxial cables are as follows :

  1. Thicknet coaxial cable
  2. Thinnet coaxial cable

Question 13

What are the types of fiber optic cables ?


The types of fiber optic cables are as follows :

  1. Single mode fiber cable
  2. Multimode fiber cable

Question 14

What is bandwidth ? How is it measured ?


Bandwidth refers to the width of allocated band of frequencies to a channel. It is the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies of a transmission channel. Bandwidth is directly proportional to the amount of data transmitted or received per unit time.

In digital systems, bandwidth is data speed in bits per second (bps), bytes per second (Bps), mega bytes per second (MBps).

In analog systems, bandwidth is measured in cycles per second — kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (mHz), gigahertz (GHz) and terahertz (THz).

Question 15

What do you understand by data transfer rates ?


The data transfer rate represents the amount of data transferred per second by communications channel or a computing or storage device.

Data rate is measured in units of bits per second (bps), bytes per second (Bps), or baud.

Question 16

In initial years, a modem providing a data rates of 56 kbps for downloading and 14.4 kbps for uploading was considered a good modem. How many bits per second could it download and upload ?


For downloading: 56 kbps = 56,000 bits per second (1 kilo bit = 1000 bits)

For uploading: 14.4 kbps = 14,400 bits per second

So, the modem could download data at a rate of 56,000 bits per second and upload data at a rate of 14,400 bits per second.

Question 17

Discuss and compare various types of networks.


Based on geographical spread, networks can be of four types:

  1. LAN (Local Area Network) — Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area such as a building or­ factory, are known as Local Area Networks (LANs). LANs have geographical spread of upto 1 km.
  2. WAN (Wide Area Network) — The networks spread across countries or on a very big geographical area are known as WANs. The WANs link computers to facilitate fast and efficient exchange of information at lesser costs and higher speeds. The largest WAN in existence is the Internet.
  3. PAN (Personal Area Network) — It is the interconnection of information technology devices within the­ range of an individual person, typically within a range of 10 meters. PAN could also be interconnected without wires to the Internet or other networks.
  4. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) — MAN refers to a network that is spread over an area as big as a city.

Based on component roles, network can be of two types:

  1. Peer-to-Peer networks — Computers in peer-to-peer network can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the resources. A peer-to-peer network has upto ten computers.
  2. Client/Server Networks — Server-based networks provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers to provide security and network administration. A client computer requests and utilizes network resources and a server is dedicated to processing client requests. Bigger networks prefer to have this type of network with centralized control.

Question 18

Identify the network type from the following characteristics :

  1. used in personal space of a person
  2. covers range of 10-15 metres
  3. uses bluetooth/infrared or wifi etc. for connections.


The network type that matches the given characteristics is the Personal Area Network (PAN).

Question 19

Identify the network type from the following characteristics :

  1. no outside connection
  2. interconnected devices within a factory or a building
  3. very high speeds
  4. secure network


The network type that matches the given characteristics is the Local Area Network (LAN).

Question 20

Identify the network type :

  1. Mostly used in homes
  2. All computers are connected with each other
  3. Data exchange without any dedicated servers
  4. Limited number of computers


The network type that matches the given characteristics is the Peer-to-Peer Network (P2P).

Question 21

Identify the network type :

  1. Big area geographically (countries/continents)
  2. Result of interconnected networks


The network type that matches the given characteristics is the Wide Area Network (WAN).

Question 22

Explain various mostly used topologies.


The most used topologies are as follows:

  1. Bus or Linear topology — In this topology, all devices on network are connected to a single continuous cable called a bus. Transmission from any station travels the length of the bus in both directions and can be received by all other stations. The destination device, on identifying the address on data packet copies the data onto its disk. When the data packet reaches at either end the terminator on that end absorbs the signal, removing it from the bus. This topology can be used for smaller networks.
  2. Ring Topology — In this topology, each node is connected to two and only two neighbouring nodes. Data is accepted from one of the neighbouring nodes and is transmitted onwards to another. Thus data travels in one direction only, from node to node around the ring. After passing through each node, it returns to the sending node, which removes it.
  3. Star Topology — In this topology each workstation is directly linked to a central node. Devices can be easily plugged or unplugged to the central node, as need dictates. Any communication between the stations must pass through the central node.
  4. Tree Topology — In this topology the network is shaped as an inverted tree with the central root branching and sub-branching to the extremities of the network. Transmission in this topology takes place in the same way as in bus topology.
  5. Mesh topology — In this topology, each node is connected to more than one node to provide an alternative route in the case the host is either down or too busy.
  6. Fully Connected topology — When in a network each host is connected to other directly i.e., there is a direct link between each host, then the network is said to be fully connected. This characteristic is termed as full connectivity.

Question 23

Discuss the factors that govern the selection of a topology for a network.


The factors that govern the selection of a topology for a network are as follows:

  1. Cruciality of Work — How crucial the continuity of work is a very important factor. For instance, military networks must not fail at any cost thus fully connected topology is preferred for military networks.
  2. Cost — Keeping in mind the budget, the topology should be decided based on cost. A linear bus topology network may be the least expensive way to install a network. Fully connected is the most expensive way of creating a network.
  3. Length of cable needed — Sometimes, length of cable must be saved. The linear bus topology network uses shorter lengths of cable.
  4. Future growth — If a network has to grow in future, then the topology must support expansion. With a star topology, expanding a network is easily done by adding another concentrator.
  5. Communication Media — Sometimes, difficult terrains like hilly areas do not allow use of regular cables. For such conditions, linear bus topologies are not possible. The most common cable in schools is unshielded twisted pair, which is most often used with star topologies.

Question 24(i)

Compare and contrast Star and Bus topologies.


Star topologyBus topology
All the devices in the network are connected by a central hub in the star topology.All the devices in this network are connected to a single cable - which acts as the backbone.
The entire network would fail in case the central hub fails in the network.The entire network would fail in case the network cable fails.
It requires more cables.It requires less cables.
It is linear in nature.It is non-linear in nature.It is comparatively much easier to detect faults in the system.
Various devices can be added using this configuration.The network only allows the addition of a limited number of devices.
Data transmission is comparatively slower.Data transmission is comparatively faster.

Question 24(ii)

Compare and contrast Star and Tree topologies.


Star topologyTree topology
All the devices in the network are connected by a central hub in the star topology.It is in the shape of an inverted tree with the central root branching and sub-branching to the extremities of the network.
It is less complex.It is more complex.
It is cheaper.It is expensive.
Failure of one node doesn't affect entire network communication.Failure of higher node can affect next level node performance.
It is easy to install and maintain.It is difficult to install and maintain.
Data transmission rate is high.Data transmission rate is comparatively low.

Question 24(iii)

Compare and contrast Bus and Ring topologies.


Bus topologyRing topology
All the devices in this network are connected to a single cable - which acts as the backbone.All the nodes are connected in the form of a ring or loop.
A new node can be easily added using a connector.The addition of a new node disrupts the whole network.
The chances of data collisions are very high.The chances of data collisions are low.
Failure of one node does not affect the entire network.Node failure breaks the ring and communication stops.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1

Internet is a network of networks. How did it come into existence ? How does it function ?


The seeds of today's Internet were planted in 1969, when U.S. Department of Defense sponsored a project named ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork). The goal of this project was to connect computers at different universities and U.S. defense. Soon the engineers, scientists, students and researchers, who were part of this system, began exchanging data and messages on it. The use­rs of this system were also able to play long distance games and socialize with people who shared their interests. ARPANET started with a handful of computers but it expanded rapidly.

In mid 80's, another federal agency, the National Science Foundation, created a new, high-capacity network called NSFnet, which was more capable than ARPANET. NSFnet allowed only the academic research on its network and not any kind of private business­ on it. So many private companies built their own networks, which were later interconnected along with ARPANET and NSFnet to form Internet.

It was the Inter networking i.e., the linking of these two and some other networks that was named Internet. The original ARPANET was shut down in 1990, and the government funding for NSF discontinued in 1995. But the commercial Internet services came into picture, which are running the Internet.

The Internet is a world-wide network of computer networks. In Internet, most computers are not connected directly to the Internet. Rather they are connected to smaller networks, which in turn are connected through gateways to the Internet backbone.

The Internet functions in the following way:

  1. At the source computer, the message or the file/document to be sent to another computer is firstly divided into very small parts called packets. A packet generally contains some information.
  2. Each packet is given a number serialwise e.g., 1, 2, 3.
  3. All these packets are then sent to the address of destination computer.
  4. The destination computer receives the packets in random manner. If a packet is garbled or lost, it is demanded again.
  5. The packets are reassembled in the order of their number and the original message/file/document is obtained.

Question 2

Discuss various types of networks. Can you imagine the relationship of a LAN with a WAN ? What is it ? Discuss.


Based on geographical spread, networks can be of four types:

  1. LAN (Local Area Network) — Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area such as a building or­ factory, are known as Local Area Networks (LANs). LANs have geographical spread of upto 1 km.
  2. WAN (Wide Area Network) — The networks spread across countries or on a very big geographical area are known as WANs. The WANs link computers to facilitate fast and efficient exchange of information at lesser costs and higher speeds. The largest WAN in existence is the Internet.
  3. PAN (Personal Area Network) — It is the interconnection of information technology devices within the­ range of an individual person, typically within a range of 10 meters. PAN could also be interconnected without wires to the Internet or other networks.
  4. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) — MAN refers to a network that is spread over an area as big as a city.

Based on component roles, network can be of two types:

  1. Peer-to-Peer networks — Computers in peer-to-peer network can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the resources. A peer-to-peer network has upto ten computers.
  2. Client/Server Networks — Server-based networks provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers to provide security and network administration. A client computer requests and utilizes network resources and a server is dedicated to processing client requests. Bigger networks prefer to have this type of network with centralized control.

LAN or Local Area Network refers to small computer networks that are confined to a localised area of upto 1 km. WAN or Wide Area Network refers to networks spread across countries or on a very big geographical area.

A Wide Area Network (WAN) can be a group of LANs that are spread across several locations and connected together to look like one big LAN. The WANs link computers to facilitate fast and efficient exchange of information at lesser costs and higher speeds.

Question 3

What is switching ? Discuss various switching technologies.


The technique by which nodes of a network transmit data to other nodes, is known as switching technique.

The three switching techniques are as follows:

  1. Circuit switching — A complete physical connection is established between the sender and the receiver and then data are transmitted from the source computer to the destination computer. A local telephone network is an example of a circuit-switched network.
  2. Message switching — In this technique, the source computer sends message to the switching office first, which stores the data in its buffer. It then looks for a free link to another switching office and then sends the data to this office. This process is continued until the data are delivered to the destination computers. This working principle is known as store and forward i.e., store first, forward later, one jump at a time. Here full messages travel across different intermediate hops.
  3. Packet switching — A fixed size of packet which can be transmitted across the network is specified. The message is divided into packets and packets travel across hops.

Question 4

What is communication media ? Discuss different types of communication media used in networks.


Communication media refer to the ways, means or channels of transmitting message from sender to the receiver.

Communication media can be grouped in two categories:

  1. Guided media — These media include cables. There are three basic types of cables :
    1. Twisted-Pair Cables — These cables consist of two identical wires wrapped together in a double helix. These are also used for short and medium range telephone communication. The two types of twisted pair cables are Unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP) and Shielded twisted pair cable (STP).
    2. Coaxial Cables — This type of cable consists of a solid wire core surrounded by one or more foil or wire shields, each separated by some kind of plastic insulator. The inner core carries the signal, and the shield provides the ground. It is suitable for high speed communication. It is widely used for television signals. The two types of coaxial cables are thicknet and thinnet coaxial cable.
    3. Fiber-optic Cables — Optical fibres consist of thin strands of glass or glass like material which are so constructed that they carry light from a source at one end of the fiber to a detector at the other end. The fiber consists of core, cladding, protective coating. The bandwidth of the medium is very high. The two types of optical fibres are single mode and multimode fiber cables.
  2. Unguided media — These media include waves through air, water or vacuum.
    Unguided communication media are as follows:
    1. Microwaves — The microwaves are similar to radio and television signals and are used for long distance communication. Microwave transmission consists of a transmitter, receiver and the atmosphere. The microwave transmission is line-of-sight transmission.
    2. Radiowaves — The transmission making use of radio frequencies is termed as radio-wave transmission. This transmission includes transmitter, receiver and antenna.
    3. Satellites — Satellite communication use the synchronous satellite to relay the radio signal transmitted from ground station. This transmission includes transponders.

Question 5

Discuss various Guided media.


Guided media include cables. There are three basic types of cables :

  1. Twisted-Pair Cables — These cables consist of two identical wires wrapped together in a double helix. These are also used for short and medium range telephone communication. The two types of twisted pair cables are Unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP) and Shielded twisted pair cable (STP).
  2. Coaxial Cables — This type of cable consists of a solid wire core surrounded by one or more foil or wire shields, each separated by some kind of plastic insulator. The inner core carries the signal, and the shield provides the ground. It is suitable for high speed communication. It is widely used for television signals. The two types of coaxial cables are thicknet and thinnet coaxial cable.
  3. Fiber-optic Cables — Optical fibres consist of thin strands of glass or glass like material which are so constructed that they carry light from a source at one end of the fiber to a detector at the other end. The fiber consists of core, cladding, protective coating. The bandwidth of the medium is very high. The two types of optical fibres are single mode and multimode fiber cables.

Question 6

Discuss various Unguided media.


Unguided media include waves through air, water or vacuum. Unguided communication media are as follows:

  1. Microwaves — The microwaves are similar to radio and television signals and are used for long distance communication. Microwave transmission consists of a transmitter, receiver and the atmosphere. The microwave transmission is line-of-sight transmission.
  2. Radiowaves — The transmission making use of radio frequencies is termed as radio-wave transmission. This transmission includes transmitter, receiver and antenna.
  3. Satellites — Satellite communication use the synchronous satellite to relay the radio signal transmitted from ground station. This transmission includes transponders.

Question 7

What are different types of networks based on roles of computers ?


The different types of networks based on roles of computers are as follows :

  1. Peer-to-Peer networks — Computers in peer-to-peer network can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the resources. A peer-to-peer network has upto ten computers.
  2. Client/Server Networks — Server-based networks provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers to provide security and network administration. A client computer requests and utilizes network resources and a server is dedicated to processing client requests. Bigger networks prefer to have this type of network with centralized control.

Question 8

What are different types of networks based on geographical spread ?


The different types of networks based on geographical spread are as follows :

  1. LAN (Local Area Network) — Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area such as a building or­ factory, are known as Local Area Networks (LANs). LANs have geographical spread of upto 1 km.
  2. WAN (Wide Area Network) — The networks spread across countries or on a very big geographical area are known as WANs. The WANs link computers to facilitate fast and efficient exchange of information at lesser costs and higher speeds. The largest WAN in existence is the Internet.
  3. PAN (Personal Area Network) — It is the interconnection of information technology devices within the­ range of an individual person, typically within a range of 10 meters. PAN could also be interconnected without wires to the Internet or other networks.
  4. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) — MAN refers to a network that is spread over an area as big as a city.

Question 9

What are topologies ? Why are they important ? Discuss different topologies and advantages/disadvantages they offer.


The patterns of interconnection of nodes in a network are called Topologies. Topology is important as it affects the choice of media and the access method used.

The types of topologies are as follows:

  1. Star Topology — This topology consists of a central node to which all other nodes are connected by a single path.
    Advantages are :

    1. It provide easy access for service.
    2. Access protocols are very simple in star topology.
    3. There is a centralized control/problem diagnosis.
    4. Failure of single connection involves disconnecting only that node without affecting network.

    Disadvantages are :

    1. It requires long cable length.
    2. It is difficult to expand.
    3. There is a central node dependency.
  2. Bus or Linear topology — This topology consists of a single length of the transmission medium onto which the various nodes are attached. Transmission from any station travels the length of the bus in both directions and can be received by all other stations. The destination device, on identifying the address on data packet copies the data onto its disk. When the data packet reaches at either end the terminator on that end absorbs the signal, removing it from the bus.
    Advantages :

    1. It requires short cable length and simple wiring layout.
    2. It provides resilient architecture.
    3. This topology can be expanded easily.

    Disadvantages :

    1. Fault diagnosis is difficult in this topology.
    2. Fault isolation is difficult in bus topology.
    3. Repeater configuration is necessary.
    4. Nodes must be intelligent in bus topology.
  3. Tree Topology — This topology is combination of bus and star topologies. The shape of the network is that of an inverted tree with the central root branching and sub-branching to the extremities of the network. Transmission in this topology takes place in the same way as in bus topology.
    Advantages :

    1. It uses point-to-point wiring for individual segments.
    2. It is supported by several hardware and software vendors.
    3. It is flexible and scalable.

    Disadvantages :

    1. Overall length of each segment is limited by the type of cabling used.
    2. If the backbone line breaks, the entire segment goes down.
    3. It is more difficult to configure and wire than other topologies.
  4. Ring or Circular Topology — In this topology, each node is connected to two and only two neighbouring nodes. Thus data travels in one direction only, from node to node around the ring. After passing through each node, it returns to the sending node, which removes it.
    Advantages :

    1. The chances of data collisions are low due to unidirectional flow of data.
    2. They are simple to design and implement.

    Disadvantages :

    1. Node failure breaks the ring and communication stops.
    2. Difficulty in troubleshooting.
  5. Mesh topology — In this topology, each node is connected to more than one node to provide an alternative route in the case the host is either down or too busy.
    Advantages :

    1. It provides extensive back-up and rerouting capabilities.
    2. Each node is connected to more than one node to provide an alternative route in the case the host is either down or too busy.

    Disadvantages :

    1. Mesh networks can be complex to design, implement, and manage, especially as the number of nodes increases.
    2. Maintenance and troubleshooting in mesh networks can be challenging due to their decentralized nature.
  6. Fully Connected topology — When in a network, there is a direct link between each host, then the network is said to be fully connected. This characteristic is termed as full connectivity.
    Advantages :

    1. Data travels quickly because devices are directly connected to each other.
    2. If one connection fails, there are other paths for communication to continue, making the network robust.

    Disadvantages :

    1. Managing all the connections can be complicated.
    2. Setting up and maintaining a fully connected network can be expensive.

Question 10

Write a note on the functioning of the Internet.


In Internet, most computers are not connected directly to the Internet. Rather they are connected to smaller networks, which in turn are connected through gateways to the Internet backbone.

Internet functions in the following manner:

  1. At the source computer, the message or the file/document to be sent to another computer is firstly divided into very small parts called packets.
  2. Each packet is given a number serial wise e.g., 1, 2, 3.
  3. All these packets are then sent to the address of destination computer.
  4. The destination computer receives the packets in random manner. If a packet is garbled or lost, it is demanded again.
  5. The packets are reassembled in the order of their number and the original message/file/document is obtained.

Every computer connected to the Internet uses communication protocols — Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).