


Tick the right option

Question 1

One of the following is an old fold mountain

  1. Aravallis
  2. Alps
  3. Mt. Kilimanjaro
  4. Himalayas



Question 2

Tibetan plateau is a

  1. Peidmont plateau
  2. Intermontane plateau
  3. Volcanic plateau
  4. None of these


Intermontane plateau

Question 3

Block mountains are formed due to

  1. folding
  2. faulting
  3. volcanic eruption
  4. all of these



Question 4

Gangetic plains are formed by

  1. erosion
  2. deposition
  3. upliftment
  4. subsidence



Question 5

These are surrounded by mountain ranges on one side and plain or ocean on the opposite side

  1. intermontane plateau
  2. dissected plateau
  3. border plateau
  4. volcanic plateau


border plateau

Question 6

Compressional forces may lead to the formation of

  1. faults
  2. fold mountains
  3. volcano
  4. perennial lined well


fold mountains

Question 7

Anticline is the upraised part of a ............... .

  1. fault plane
  2. Syncline
  3. fold
  4. fault



Question 8

Fold mountains are mostly constituted of ............... rocks.

  1. sedimentary
  2. metamorphic
  3. igneous



Question 9

Horst is the result of

  1. faulting
  2. deposition
  3. erosion
  4. folding



Question 10

It releases gas, ash, solid rocks and lava

  1. Rift valley
  2. Plateau
  3. volcano
  4. plains



Question 11

Volcanic eruption and earthquakes are part of which force

  1. exogenic force
  2. diastrophic movement
  3. endogenic forces


endogenic forces

Question 12

Which is not a volcanic mountain?

  1. Mt. Kilimanjaro
  2. Mt. Fujiyama
  3. Mt. Everest


Mt. Everest

Question 13

Plains formed as a result of emergence of sea bottom are

  1. erosional plains
  2. structural plains
  3. depositional plains


structural plains

Question 14

Which is not an example of old fold mountain?

  1. Appalachians
  2. Urals
  3. Aravalis
  4. Himalayas



Fill in the blanks

Question 1

Young fold mountains have ............... peaks.


Young fold mountains have pointed peaks.

Question 2

Most of the plateaus are storehouse of ............... .


Most of the plateaus are storehouse of minerals.

Question 3

Rift valley is located between two ............... .


Rift valley is located between two parallel faults.

Question 4

Appalachians are example of ............... fold mountains.


Appalachians are example of old fold mountains.

Differentiate between

Question 1

Old fold and young fold mountains


Old fold mountainsYoung fold mountains
1.They are lower in height.They are very high mountains.
2.They have rounded peaks and gentle slopes.They have pointed peaks and steep slopes.
3.Examples: The Appalachians in North America, the Urals in EuropeExamples: The Himalayas in India, the Rockies in North America.

Question 2

Rift Valley and block mountains


Rift ValleyBlock Mountains
1.Rift Valley is a lowland region that forms where earth's tectonic plates move apart or rift.Block Mountains are formed as a result of faulting.
2.Rift Valley is bordered by faults zones and separated by land masses.Block Mountains have steep sides, flat top and are enclosed by faults.
3.Examples: Vosges in France, Vindhyas in IndiaExamples: Rhine Valley of River Rhine, Rift Valley of river Narmada.

Question 3

Erosional plains and depositional plains

Erosional PlainsDepositional Plains
1.Erosional Plains are formed as a result of erosion by running water, wind and rivers.Depositional Plains are formed as a result of deposition of sediments brought by rivers.
2.Example: Plains around Aravalli regionExample: Indo-Gangetic plains in India.

Question 4

Intermontane and piedmont plateaus


Intermontane PlateausPiedmont Plateaus
1.Intermontane Plateau is situated between two or more mountain ranges.Piedmont Plateau is surrounded by mountain ranges on one side and bounded by a plain or an ocean on the opposite side.
2.Example: Tibetan PlateauExample: Patagonian Plateau

Answer in brief

Question 1

How are fold mountains formed? Give two examples of fold mountains?


The fold mountains are formed when earth's movement throws massive folds or ridges which form the mountains. These movements of earth are primarily horizontal movement and cause 'wrinkles' or 'folds'. The upraised parts of the folds are called anticlines and downward folds are called synclines. Two example of fold mountains are:

  1. The Himalayas in India
  2. Rockies in North America

Question 2

State two characteristics of block mountains.


Two characteristics of block mountains are:

  1. Block mountains are steep sided and flat topped.
  2. Block mountains are characterised by massiveness, steep slopes and comparatively smooth topography.

Question 3

How are rift valleys formed? Give one example of rift valley.


A Rift Valley is formed when earth's tectonic plates move apart or rift. It is a linear depression or trough created by the sinking of the intermediate crustal rocks between two or more parallel faults. Rhine Valley is one of the examples of Rift Valley.

Question 4

Compare life in the mountains and in the plains.


Life in the mountainsLife in the plains
1.People face the problem of conveyance as these regions are not well connected by roadways, railways and airways.Conveyance is easy for people as levelled land makes it easy to construct roads and railway lines.
2.People have to face environmental and economical difficulties. There is sparse populationThe fertile land promotes agriculture and irrigation is also cheap. It supports dense population.
3.They are centres of mining as they are rich in deposits of minerals.Agriculture is the most important occupation.

Question 5

What type of mountain is Mt. Kilimanjaro?


Mt. Kilimanjaro is a Volcanic mountain.

Question 6

Define structural plains.


The plains that are formed as a result of emergence of sea bottom near coast are known as structural plains.

Give reasons

Question 1

Young fold mountains have high peaks


Young fold mountains have high and pointed peaks because they are younger and have not been much eroded by wind or water. On the contrary, old fold mountains have been subjected to the forces of denudation (such as weather, rivers, glaciers) for a longer geological period. Due to this prolonged erosion, they are lower in height and have round peaks.

Question 2

Tibetan plateau is surrounded by mountains.


Tibetan plateau is an example of Intermontane plateau as it is surrounded by the Himalayas and the Kunlun mountains.

Question 3

Rift valley have steep sides


Rift valley have steep sides because they are formed as a linear depression or trough by the sinking of the intermediate crustal rocks between two or more parallel faults. Sudden rifting of tectonic plates leads to steep sides of Rift valley.

Picture study

Identify the following pictures and state one characteristic of each.

Identify the following pictures and state one characteristic of each. Landforms, Geography Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Solutions ICSE Class 6.
Identify the following pictures and state one characteristic of each. Landforms, Geography Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Solutions ICSE Class 6.


  1. Rift Valley: They have steep sides.

  2. Plains: They have very fertile soil.