Map Reading


Map Reading

Tick the right option

Question 1

The space between two points is called

  1. proportion
  2. ratio
  3. distance
  4. area



Question 2

The four cardinal directions are

  1. NSEW
  2. NSSW
  3. WSNW
  4. NNEW



Question 3

Linear scale is also known as

  1. primary scale
  2. secondary scale
  3. unit scale
  4. graphic scale


graphic scale

Question 4

A magnetic compass is also called

  1. Bearing
  2. Mariner's compass
  3. Scale
  4. Verbal scale


Mariner's compass

Question 5

Conventional signs and symbols are

  1. only accepted in India
  2. universally accepted
  3. only used as map language in America
  4. only used in England


universally accepted

Question 6

Anticlines and synclines are found in

  1. fold mountains
  2. block mountains
  3. volcanic mountains
  4. none of these


fold mountains

Question 7

Distributaries are found in

  1. lower course of a river
  2. middle course of a river
  3. upper course of a river
  4. all of these


lower course of a river

Question 8

Block mountains are formed by

  1. folding
  2. volcanic eruption
  3. faulting



Question 9

Blue colour in a topo map is used to show

  1. dry stream
  2. permanent hut
  3. wooded area
  4. perennial lined well


perennial lined well

Question 10

A map that shows a small area and gives details on properties and buildings.

  1. cadastral map
  2. guide map
  3. atlas map
  4. topographical map


cadastral map

Question 11

An S-shaped feature formed in the middle course of a river

  1. delta
  2. tributary
  3. anticlines
  4. meander



Question 12

Broken double line in red in topographical map indicates

  1. pack track
  2. cart track
  3. metalled road
  4. unmetalled road


unmetalled road

Question 13

It is very popular as it is the most accurate method of measuring distance

  1. verbal scale
  2. R.F.
  3. linear scale
  4. graphical scale


linear scale

Question 14

Type of maps that depict information on a particular topic

  1. Political map
  2. Physical map
  3. Thematic map
  4. Cadastral map


Thematic map

Question 15

A steep-sided mountain formed due to faulting

  1. block mountain
  2. anticline
  3. graben
  4. syncline


block mountain

Question 16

The star that is always visible in the sky pointing towards North

  1. Ursa Major
  2. Pole Star
  3. Saptarshi
  4. Castor


Pole Star

Question 17

The study and practice of making maps

  1. Cartography
  2. Orography
  3. Seismography
  4. Geography



Fill in the blanks

Question 1

The north direction on the map is shown with the help of an ............... .


The north direction on the map is shown with the help of an arrow.

Question 2

R.F. stands for ............... .


R.F. stands for Representative Fraction.

Question 3

We follow ............... system to measure distances in India.


We follow S.I. system to measure distances in India.

Question 4

The conventional signs and symbols are also known as a ............... .


The conventional signs and symbols are also known as a legend.

Question 5

Magnetic compass is used to find ............... .


Magnetic compass is used to find direction.

Question 6

Narrow 'V' shaped valleys are found in the ............... course of a river.


Narrow 'V' shaped valleys are found in the upper course of a river.

Question 7

Anticlines and synclines are formed due to ............... force.


Anticlines and synclines are formed due to compression force.

Question 8

Deltas are found in the ............... course of a river.


Deltas are found in the lower course of a river.

Question 9

Vosges is an example of ............... mountain.


Vosges is an example of block mountain.

Explain the following terms

Question 1



Map — A map is a representation of the Earth, or a portion of the earth drawn to scale on a flat surface.

Question 2

Cardinal points


Cardinal points — There are four directions, North, South, West and East; and they are called as the cardinal points.

Question 3



Scale — Scale can be defined as a ratio between a distance measured on a map and a corresponding distance on land, connecting the two points represented by the same unit.

Question 4



Legend — A list of conventional signs and symbols used in every map is called a legend.

Question 5

Magnetic compass


Magnetic compass — A Magnetic compass is a device that shows the cardinal directions used for navigation and geographic orientation. It is also called Mariner's compass as it is mostly used by sailors.

Question 6



Globe — A model of the earth, representing the three-dimensional spherical shape of the earth in miniature form. It is not drawn to scale.

Give reasons

Question 1

A map is more accurate than a globe.


A map is more accurate than a globe because it is drawn to the scale on a flat surface and thus provides more precise information as compared to the globe.

Question 2

A verbal scale is not as popular as a linear scale.


A verbal scale is expressed in words, e.g. 1 cm on map represents 50 km on the ground. It is not popular as it does not provide accurate measurement. A linear scale represents the relationship between a particular distance on the map and the actual distance on the Earth. It is drawn according to the statement in such a way that the distance can be calculated most accurately on the map.

Question 3

Pole star is useful in finding directions.


Pole star is useful in finding directions because it always points towards North and is always visible in the sky.

Differentiate between

Question 1

A map, sketch and plan


1.Map shows a comparatively larger area.Sketch gives an idea of a location with the help of rough drawing.Plan shows a building or a small area.
2.Maps can be drawn on a large scale as well as small scale.Sketch is not drawn to scale.Plan shows very small area on large scale. e.g., 1 cm = 1 m.
3.Maps serve the purpose of finding location of a country, distance, direction and distribution of crops, etc.Sketch may not show all details.Plan serves only a limited purpose regarding the plan of a colony, or township or a house.

Question 2

large scale and small scale maps


Large scale mapsSmall scale maps
1.Large scale maps show a small area in great details.Small scale maps show a larger area in less detail and space.
2.Large scale map is of two types: cadastral maps and topographical maps.Small scale map is of two types: Wall maps and Atlas maps.

Question 3

Tributaries and distributaries


1.A tributary is a stream or river that flows into a larger stream.A distributary is the stream that branches off from the main stream and flows away.
2.Found in the middle course of a river.Found in the lower course of a river in river deltas.

Question 4

Meander and delta


1.S-shaped loops or curves formed by the river in the plains are called Meanders.Triangular area that blocks the path of the river towards its end is called delta.
2.Meander is formed by the irregular land that forces the river to swing from side to side.It is formed by the deposition of the alluvium brought by the river.
3.Formed in the middle course of the river.Formed in the lower course of the river.

Question 5

Anticline and syncline


1.The arched or upraised parts of the folds are known as anticlines.A downward fold or an inverted anticline is called syncline.
2.Anticline is an arch like fold.Syncline is a trough of stratified rock.

Answer in brief

Question 1

Why is map more useful than a globe? Give two reasons.


Map is more useful than a globe because:

  1. A map is more accurate than a globe and provides more precise information as maps are drawn to scale whereas a globe is not drawn to scale.
  2. A globe represents the relative shapes and sizes of the continents, countries and oceans of the entire earth in 3D whereas maps can be of different types like Large Scale maps, Small scale maps, Physical Maps, Political Maps, Thematic maps, etc. helping us to accurately find location of a country, distance, direction and distribution of crops, etc.

Question 2

Why is a verbal scale not accurate?


Verbal scale is not accurate as it becomes invalid if the size of the map is increased or decreased. It cannot be converted into different units.

Question 3

What is meant by R.F. : 1:50,000?


The meaning of R.F. : 1:50,000, is that 1 cm on the map represents 50,000 cm on the ground.

Question 4

What are the advantages of drawing a map to scale?


Following are the advantages of drawing a map to scale:

  1. We can easily find out the exact distance between two places.
  2. Area of a place can be calculated with accuracy.

Question 5

Identify and draw the given figure and label it.

Identify and draw the given figure and label it. Map Reading, Geography Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Solutions ICSE Class 6.


The given figure shows meander of a river. The labelled diagram of meander is provided below:

Identify and draw the given figure and label it. Map Reading, Geography Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Solutions ICSE Class 6.

Question 6

What is the significance of colours in map reading?


The colours in the map help us to identify the features of that place easily. As these colours are universally accepted, hence they do not cause any confusion to the map reader. For example, blue colour is used to show water bodies, red colour is used to denote settlements and so on.

Question 7

Name the intermediate directions.


The intermediate directions are:

  1. North-West (NW)
  2. North-East (NE)
  3. South-West (SW)
  4. South-East (SE)

Question 8

State any two ways to measure distances.


Two ways to measure distance are:

  1. Verbal scale or a statement
  2. Representative Fraction or R.F.

Question 9

What is the significance of symbols in maps?


Symbols are conventional and universally accepted. They are used to depict large number of features on a small map. They make it easy for the reader to read the map. Symbols are used for natural as well as man-made features and cultural features.

Question 10

What do you mean by origin of a river?


The source of the river is called origin of the river.

Question 11

State two features of the middle course of a river.


Two features of the middle course of a river are:

  1. Forms meander and ox-bow lakes.
  2. Many tributaries meet main river.

Question 12

What is alluvium?


The fine silt brought down by the river from the mountains and by eroding its path is called alluvium.

Question 13

Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a block mountain.


Labelled diagram of a block mountain is shown below:

Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a block mountain. Map Reading, Geography Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Solutions ICSE Class 6.

Question 14

Show anticline and syncline with the help of a diagram.


Below diagram shows anticline and syncline:

Show anticline and syncline with the help of a diagram. Map Reading, Geography Veena Bhargava Goyal Brothers Solutions ICSE Class 6.