Elements, Compounds and Mixtures


Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Elements, Compounds & Mixtures

Question 1

Differentiate between the terms elements, compounds & mixtures with suitable examples.


Elements, compounds and mixtures can be differentiated as below:

Pure substance made up of one kind of atoms only.

E.g., Iron [Fe], Sulphur [S]
Pure substance made up of two or more elements.

E.g., Iron Sulphide [FeS]
Impure substance made up of two or more elements or compounds.

E.g., Iron Sulphur mixture
Elements i.e., atoms of one kind are present on their own.

E.g., Iron & sulphur exist on their own as elements – iron & sulphur
Components in a compound are present in a definite proportion.

E.g., Iron and Sulphur are chemically combined in a fixed ratio in iron sulphide
Components in a mixture present in any proportion.

E.g., Iron and sulphur are mixed in any ratio in the mixture of iron and sulphur.
Elements have a definite set of properties.

Elements are classified into metals & non-metals each with its own properties
Compounds have a definite set of properties.

Elements of a compound do not retain their original properties.
Mixtures do not have a definite set of properties.

Components of a mixture do retain their original properties.
Elements occur on their own or as compounds & can be separated by -chemical & physical methods.Elements in a compound are chemically combined and can be separated by chemical methods only.Components in a mixture can be separated by physical methods only.
Metal : Iron, copper, silver, gold
Non-metal: sulphur, chlorine
Iron sulphide, copper oxide
Iron + sulphur, Sodium chloride + water

Question 2

State which element exists in the highest percentage in -

(a) earth's crust

(b) atmosphere

(c) human body


(a) Oxygen [O] - 46.1% exists in the highest percentage in earth's crust.

(b) Nitrogen [N] - 78% exists in the highest percentage in atmosphere.

(c) Oxygen [O] - 65% exists in the highest percentage in human body.

Question 3

Elements are mainly classified into metals & non-metals. State six properties of metals which differ from non-metals.


Six properties of metals which differ from non-metals are as below:

1.State of matterMetals are generally solids at room temperature.Non-metals are gases, liquids, and soft solids at room temperature.
2.LustrousMetals have lustre i.e., shineNon-metals do not have lustre i.e., do not shine.
3.MalleabilityMetals are malleable i.e., can be beaten into sheets.Non-metals are non-malleable i.e., cannot be beaten into sheets.
4.DuctilityMetals are ductile i.e., can be drawn into wires.Non-metals are non-ductile i.e., cannot be drawn into wires.
5.ConductivityMetals are good conductors of heat and electricity.Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
6.Melting and boiling pointsMetals have high melting and boiling points.Non-metals have low melting and boiling points.

Question 4

Give the symbols of the following elements - & state in each case whether they are metals, non-metals, metalloids or noble gases.

(a) potassium

(b) carbon

(c) oxygen

(d) mercury

(e) fluorine

(f) neon

(g) sulphur

(h) zinc

(i) boron

(j) copper

(k) calcium

(l) xenon

(m) arsenic

(n) mercury

(o) chlorine

(p) silicon

(q) neon

(r) lead

(s) antimony

(t) sodium

(u) iodine

(v) platinum

(w) radon

(x) phosphorus

(y) bromine

(z) aluminium


(a) potassium [K] — Metal

(b) carbon [C] — Non-metal

(c) oxygen [O] — Non-metal

(d) mercury [Hg] — Metal

(e) fluorine [Fl] — Non-Metal

(f) neon [Ne] — Noble Gas

(g) sulphur [S] — Non-Metal

(h) zinc [Zn] — Metal

(i) boron [B] — Metalloid

(j) copper [Cu] — Metal

(k) calcium [Ca] — Metal

(l) xenon [Xe] — Noble gas

(m) arsenic [As] — Metalloid

(n) mercury [Hg] — Metal

(o) chlorine [Cl] — Non-metal

(p) silicon [Si] — Metalloid

(q) neon [Ne] — Noble gas

(r) lead [Pb] — Metal

(s) antimony [Sb] — Metalloid

(t) sodium [Na] — Metal

(u) iodine [I] — Non-metal

(v) platinum [Pt] — Metal

(w) radon [Rn] — Noble Gas

(x) phosphorus [P] — Non-Metal

(y) bromine [Br] — Non-Metal

(z) aluminum [Al] — Metal

Question 5

State what is meant by the term 'activity series of metals'. State the most reactive & the least reactive metal from the following - Zn, Ag, Na, Fe, Cu, Pb.


It is a series of metals arranged according to their reactivity in which the most reactive metal i.e., potassium is at the top of the series and the least reactive metal i.e, gold is at the bottom.

Amongst the mentioned metals: Zn, Ag, Na, Fe, Cu, & Pb, Sodium (Na) is the most reactive metal and Silver (Ag) is the least reactive metal.

Question 6

Give three reasons why - carbon dioxide is considered a compound, while carbon - an element.


Carbon is an element, whereas carbon dioxide is considered a compound because:

  1. Carbon is made up of only one kind of atom, Carbon dioxide is made up of two kinds of atoms i.e., Carbon and Oxygen [CO2].

  2. Carbon cannot be broken down into two or more simpler substances by physical or chemical means. Carbon dioxide can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means only.

  3. Carbon has its own set of properties. Properties of Carbon dioxide differ from the properties of carbon and oxygen.

Question 7

State what information is provided by the formula of calcium hydroxide - Ca(OH)2.


The important information provided by the formula of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] is:

  1. The compound calcium hydroxide comprises of the elements calcium, oxygen, and hydrogen.
  2. It has one atom of calcium, two atoms of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen.

Question 8

Four atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of carbon to give methane [CH4]. State the valency of carbon.


Valency of carbon is 4 because four atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of carbon to form CH4.

Question 9

Write the symbols of the following elements & radicals along with their valencies.

(a) sodium

(b) magnesium

(c) chlorine [chloride]

(d) nitrate

(e) sulphite

(f) aluminium

(g) oxygen [oxide]

(h) bromine [bromide]

(i) zinc

(j) sulphur [sulphide]

(k) sulphate

(l) hydroxide

(m) calcium

(n) carbonate

(o) potassium

(p) phosphate

(q) iodine [iodide]

Valency list:

(i) 1+

(ii) 2+

(iii) 3+

(iv) 1-

(v) 2-

(vi) 3-


Symbols along with valencies of mentioned elements and radicals is as follows :

(a) Sodium — Na1+

(b) Magnesium — Mg2+

(c) chlorine [chloride] — Cl1-

(d) Nitrate — NO31-

(e) sulphite — SO32-

(f) aluminium — Al3+

(g) oxygen [oxide] — O2-

(h) bromine [bromide] —Br1-

(i) zinc — Zn2+

(j) sulphur [sulphide] — S2-

(k) sulphate —SO42-

(l) hydroxide — OH1-

(m) calcium — Ca2+

(n) carbonate — CO32-

(o) potassium — K1+

(p) phosphate — PO43-

(q) iodine [iodide] — I1-

Question 10

Write the chemical formula of the following -

(a) magnesium oxide

(b) sodium bromide

(c) calcium sulphide

(d) magnesium sulphate

(e) aluminium chloride

(f) zinc oxide

(g) calcium carbonate.


Please find below the chemical formulas of mentioned compounds:

(a) Magnesium oxide:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

Mg2+O2\text{Mg}^{2+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{O}^{2-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

Mg22  O2Mg12  O2\overset{\phantom{2}{2}}{\text{Mg}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{O}} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{Mg}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{2}{\text{O}} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number, ignore equal numbers & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Magnesium oxide : MgO\bold{MgO}

(b) sodium bromide:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

Na1+Br1\text{Na}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{Br}^{1-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

Na21  Br1Na11  Br1\overset{\phantom{2}{1}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{Br}} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{Br}} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Sodium bromide : NaBr\bold{NaBr}

(c) calcium sulphide:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

Ca2+S2\text{Ca}^{2+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{S}^{2-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

Ca22  S2Ca12  S2\overset{\phantom{2}{2}}{\text{Ca}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{S}} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{Ca}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{2}{\text{S}} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number, ignore equal numbers & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Calcium sulphide : CaS\bold{CaS}

(d) magnesium sulphate:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

Mg2+SO42\text{Mg}^{2+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{SO}_4^{2-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

Mg22  SO42Mg12  SO42\overset{\phantom{2}{2}}{\text{Mg}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{SO}_4} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{Mg}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{2}{\text{SO}_4} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number, ignore equal numbers & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Magnesium sulphate : MgSO4\bold{MgSO_4}

(e) aluminium chloride:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

Al3+Cl1\text{Al}^{3+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{Cl}^{1-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

Al23  Cl1Al11  Cl3\overset{\phantom{2}{3}}{\text{Al}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{Cl}} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{Al}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{3}{\text{Cl}} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Aluminium chloride : AlCl3\bold{AlCl_3}

(f) zinc oxide:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

Zn2+O2\text{Zn}^{2+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{O}^{2-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

Zn22  O2Zn12  O2\overset{\phantom{2}{2}}{\text{Zn}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{O}} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{Zn}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{2}{\text{O}} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number, ignore equal numbers & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Zinc oxide : ZnO\bold{ZnO}

(g) calcium carbonate:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

Ca2+CO32\text{Ca}^{2+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{CO}_3^{2-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

Ca22  CO32Ca12  CO32\overset{\phantom{2}{2}}{\text{Ca}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{CO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{Ca}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{2}{\text{CO}_3} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number, ignore equal numbers & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Calcium carbonate : CaCO3\bold{CaCO_3}

Question 11

Give the formulas of the following acids:

(a) hydrochloric

(b) nitric

(c) sulphuric

(d) carbonic - acid.


Please find below the chemical formulas of mentioned acids:

(a) Hydrochloric acid:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

H1+Cl1\text{H}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{Cl}^{1-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

H21  Cl1H11  Cl1\overset{\phantom{2}{1}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{Cl}} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{Cl}} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of hydrochloric acid: HCl\bold{HCl}

(b) Nitric acid:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

H1+NO31\text{H}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{NO}_3^{1-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

H21  NO31H11  NO31\overset{\phantom{2}{1}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{NO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{NO}_3} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of nitric acid: HNO3\bold{HNO}_3

(c) Sulphuric acid:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

H1+SO42\text{H}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{SO}_4^{2-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

H21  SO42H12  SO41\overset{\phantom{2}{1}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{SO}_4} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{SO}_4} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Sulphuric acid : H2SO4\bold{H}_2\bold{SO}_4

(d) Carbonic acid:

Step 1 — Write each symbol with its valency

H1+CO32\text{H}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{CO}_3^{2-}

Step 2 — Interchange the valencies

H21  CO32H12  CO31\overset{\phantom{2}{1}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{CO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{CO}_3} \\[0.5em]

Step 3 — Write the interchanged number & hence the formula

Therefore, we get

Formula of Carbonic acid : H2CO3\bold{H}_2\bold{CO}_3

Question 12

Give the formulas of the following gases:

(a) hydrogen chloride

(b) ammonia

(c) carbon monoxide

(d) nitric oxide

(e) nitrous oxide

(f) nitrogen dioxide

(g) nitrogen

(h) sulphur dioxide.


(a) hydrogen chloride — HCl

(b) ammonia — NH3

(c) carbon monoxide — CO

(d) nitric oxide — NO

(e) nitrous oxide — N2O

(f) nitrogen dioxide — NO2

(g) nitrogen — N2

(g) sulphur dioxide — SO2

Question 13

Explain the term mixture. Differentiate between a homogeneous & heterogeneous mixture with one example of each in the

(a) solid-solid

(b) solid-liquid

(c) liquid-liquid state of the mixture.


A mixture is an impure substance containing more than one element or compound, mechanically mixed together in any proportion. The mixture retains the properties of its constituents (elements or compounds) and it can be separated into its components by simple mechanical or physical means.

Homogeneous mixturesHeterogeneous mixture
They have the same composition and properties throughout the mixture and components of the mixture are uniformly mixed throughout.These are mixtures which have different composition and properties throughout the mixture and components of the mixture are not uniformly mixed throughout.
(a) Solid-solid mixture: Alloys e.g., Brass [Cu,Zn]
(b) Solid-liquid mixture: Iodine and alcohol [tincture of Iodine-antiseptic]
(c) Liquid-liquid mixture: Petrol & Kerosene,
(a) Solid-solid mixture: Soil
(b) Solid- liquid mixture: Chalk and water
(c) liquid-liquid mixture: Kerosene and water.

Question 14

State four differences between - elements, compounds & mixtures with suitable examples.


1.TermPure substance made up of one kind of atoms only.

E.g., Iron [Fe], Sulphur [S]
Pure substance made up of two or more elements.

E.g., Iron Sulphide [FeS]
Impure substance made up of two or more elements or compounds.

E.g., Iron Sulphur mixture
2.ExistenceElements i.e., atoms of one kind are present on their own.

E.g., Iron & sulphur exist on their own as elements – iron & sulphur
Components in a compound are present in a definite proportion.

E.g., Iron and Sulphur are chemically combined in a fixed ratio in iron sulphide
Components in a mixture present in any proportion.

E.g., Iron and sulphur are mixed in any ratio in the mixture of iron and sulphur.
3.PropertiesElements have a definite set of properties.

Elements classified into metals & non-metal each with its own properties
Compounds have a different set of properties.

Elements of a compound do not retain their original properties.
Mixtures do not have a definite set of properties.

Components of a mixture do retain their original properties.
4.SeparationElements occur on their own or as compounds & can be separated by -chemical & physical methods.Elements in a compound are chemically combined and can be separated by chemical methods only.Components in a mixture can be separated by physical methods only.

Question 15

State the correct technique for separation of the following mixtures.

(a) a sublimable solid & a non-sublimable solid.

(b) a liquid component from soluble impurities in the liquid component.

(c) a lighter liquid from a heavier liquid.

(e) a low boiling point liquid from a high boiling point liquid.

(f) solid constituents in a liquid constituent by adsorption.


(a) a sublimable solid & a non-sublimable solid — sublimation

(b) a liquid component from soluble impurities in the liquid component — distillation

(c) a lighter liquid from a heavier liquid — separating funnel

(d) a low boiling point liquid from a high boiling point liquid — fractional distillation

(e) solid constituents in a liquid constituent by adsorption — chromatography

Question 16

Give —

(a) the principle involved in separation of the mixture

(b) the technique of separation for each of the following mixtures.

(i) naphthalene & sodium chloride

(ii) common salt from a solution of common salt in water

(iii) pure water from impure water

(iv) kerosene & water

(v) methyl alcohol & water

(vi) dyes of an ink


(i) Naphthalene & sodium chloride:

(a) Principle involved: Based on the difference in sublimable and non-sublimable nature of solids.

(b) Technique of separation: The mixture of the sublimable solid and non-sublimable solid is heated in an evaporating dish covered with funnel plugged at one end with cotton.

Sublimable solids on heating sublimes and the vapours condense and collect in the pure form on the inner side of the funnel, from where the sublimable solid is scrapped off.

(ii) Common salt from a solution of common salt in water :

(a) Principle involved: Based on evaporation of the liquid component in a soluble solid-liquid mixture.

(b) Technique of separation: The soluble solid can be separated from its liquid component by allowing the liquid component to evaporate either on its own or by heating. On heating, water is lost to the atmosphere and common salt remains behind in the evaporating dish.

(iii) Pure water from impure water:

(a) Principle involved: Based on the distillation of the liquid component in a soluble solid-liquid mixture.

(b) Technique of separation: The soluble impurity can be separated from its liquid component or pure water from impure water by placing the mixture, i.e., impure water in the distillation flask. On heating the distillation flask, the solid or solid impurities in water remains behind in the distillation flask. The liquid or water vaporizes, condenses in the Leibig’s condenser and is collected in the receiver.

(iv) Kerosene & water:

(a) Principle involved: Based on the separation of two immiscible liquids (one heavy, one light) through separating funnel.

(b) Technique of separation: The kerosene & water mixture is added to the separating funnel and the funnel is kept aside for some time.

The heavier immiscible liquid i.e., water settles down in the separating funnel and is then removed from below on opening the tap and collected out separately.

The lighter immiscible liquid i.e., kerosene remains above the heavier liquid.

(v) Methyl alcohol & water:

(a) Principle involved: Based on the separation of mixture of two miscible liquids with different boiling points.

(b) Technique of separation: The mixture of two miscible liquids e.g., methyl alcohol and water having different boiling points is taken in the distillation flask and heated slowly till it boils. The component with the higher boiling point i.e., water remains behind in the distillation flask after condensation. The component with the lower boiling point i.e., methyl alcohol collects in the receiver after condensation in the Leibig's condenser.

(vi) Dyes of an ink:

(a) Principle involved: Chromatography is a method by which the various components of a mixture e.g., dyes in an ink, are separated due to their difference in the rate of flow over an adsorbent medium.

(b) Technique of separation:

  • Stationary phase in chromatography, the adsorbent medium is known as the stationary phase e.g., filter paper made of cellulose.

  • Mobile phase the solvent or the solution that moves due to capillary action is known as the mobile phase.

Separation of dyes in ink by paper chromatography. Ink prepared by dissolving different dyes e.g. A, B, C, D in a suitable solvent, is taken.

  • A line is drawn with a pencil over a long strip of a filter paper.
  • Place the ink spot containing the different dyes on the filter paper.
  • The filter paper is then hung with its lower end dipped in a suitable solvent.
  • The paper strip with the spot of ink at its end is dipped into the solvent in a way that the spot itself remains above the liquid surface.
  • The solvent flows over the ink spot & the various components of the mixture, of dyes in the ink are separated.

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Select the correct answer from A, B, C, D & E for each statement given below:

A: Chalk B: Oxygen C: Silicon D: Bromine E: Nitrous Oxide

  1. An element present in the earth's crust, atmosphere & human body.

  2. The chemical name for dinitrogen oxide [N2O].

  3. A compound containing carbon, oxygen & calcium.

  4. A metalloid.

  5. A non-metal which exists in the liquid state.


  1. Oxygen.

  2. Nitrous Oxide.

  3. Chalk.

  4. Silicon.

  5. Bromine.

Question 2

Select the correct answer from the choice in bracket.

  1. The least reactive metal. [magnesium/silver/copper].

  2. The positively charged particle of an atom. [electron/proton/neutron].

  3. The formula of caustic soda. [KOH/Ca(OH)2/NaOH].

  4. The ideal method to separate iodine & KCl. [sublimation/evaporation/distillation].

  5. A homogeneous mixture. [brass / dust in air / chalk & water].


  1. The least reactive metal — silver.

  2. The positively charged particle of an atom — proton.

  3. The formula of caustic soda — NaOH.

  4. The ideal method to separate iodine & KCl — sublimation.

  5. A homogeneous mixture — brass.

Question 3

Match the ideal method of separation of components in a mixture in List I with the appropriate process in List II.

List IList II
1. Sand from a mixture of sand & waterA. Separating Funnel
2. Kerosene from a mixture of kerosene & waterB. Sublimation
3. Alcohol from a mixture of methyl alcohol & waterC. Filtration
4. Naphthalene from a mixture of naphthalene & lead chlorideD. Distillation
5. Pure water from impure waterE. Fractional distillation


List IList II
1. Sand from a mixture of sand & waterC. Filtration.
2. Kerosene from a mixture of kerosene & waterA. Separating Funnel.
3. Alcohol from a mixture of methyl alcohol & waterE. Fractional distillation.
4. Naphthalene from a mixture of naphthalene & lead chlorideB. Sublimation.
5. Pure water from impure waterD. Distillation.

Question 4

Give reasons for the following statements:

  1. If fractional distillation is carried out using a liquid-liquid mixture, one liquid will remain in the flask & the other will be collected in the receiver.

  2. Evaporation of a common salt solution or sea water, leaves behind common salt inside the evaporating dish after heating.

  3. Components in a mixture are present in varying proportions and not in a fixed proportion.

  4. Gunpowder is an example of a heterogeneous mixture.

  5. In chromatography the absorbent medium e.g. Whatman filter paper is known as the - stationary phase.


  1. Fractional distillation separates two miscible liquids with different boiling points. The fractionating column traps and condenses the higher boiling point component, allowing only the lower boiling point component to enter the condenser and be collected.

  2. During evaporation of common salt solution or sea water, common salt is left behind inside the evaporating dish on heating because water, i.e., the liquid component is lost to the atmosphere as it gets converted into water vapour.

  3. Mixture is an impure substance formed by mixing two or more elements or compounds in any proportion. Mixtures do not have a definite set of properties. If the components are mixed in a fixed proportion then it will form a compound and not a mixture.

  4. Gunpowder is considered as a heterogeneous mixture because its components charcoal, sulphur, and potassium nitrate are not uniformly mixed throughout, and it has different properties and composition throughout the mixture.

  5. In chromatography the absorbent medium e.g., Whatman filter paper is known as the stationary phase because the filter paper made up of cellulose binds the water tightly to the paper whereas in mobile phase, the solvent or the solution moves due to capillary action.

Question 5

Name the following:

  1. The non-sublimable solid from a mixture of iodine & potassium nitrate.

  2. The heavier liquid component from - mercury & water.

  3. The lower boiling point component from methyl alcohol & water.

  4. The compound containing one atom of sulphur & two atoms of oxygen.

  5. An acid whose formula is 'H2CO3'.


  1. Potassium nitrate.

  2. Mercury.

  3. Methyl alcohol.

  4. Sulphur dioxide [SO2].

  5. Carbonic acid.