Atomic Structure


Atomic Structure

Atomic Structure

Question 1

State the meaning of the term –

(a) atom

(b) molecule

(c) radical – with a suitable example.


(a) Atom — An atom is the smallest particle of an element that exhibits all the properties of that element. It may or may not exist independently but takes part in every chemical reactions.

Example : O — Oxygen atom, H — Hydrogen atom

(b) Molecule — A molecule is the smallest particle of an element or compound, made up of two or more atoms of an element or compound which has independent existence exhibiting all of their properties.

Example : O2 — Oxygen molecule, H2O — Water molecule

(c) Radical — A radical is an atom of an element or a group of atoms of different elements that behaves as a single unit with a positive or negative charge on it.

Example : NH4+ — Ammonium radical

Question 2

Draw the basic structure of an atom representing its –

(a) Subatomic particles

(b) Nucleus

(c) Orbits or shells.


Below labelled diagram shows the basic structure of an atom:

Draw a neat labeled diagram representing an atom. Atomic Structure, Simplified Chemistry Dalal Solutions ICSE Class 7.

Question 3

In the Modern Periodic Table – atoms of all elements are arranged according to the their increasing order of – atomic numbers. An atom of nitrogen has seven protons and seven electrons. State what would be its atomic number.


Atomic number [z] = no. of protons [p] = no. of electrons [e] = 7

Therefore, Atomic number of nitrogen is 7.

Question 4

State the main points of contradiction of Dalton’s atomic theory by the Modern Atomic Theory.


Contradiction of Dalton’s atomic theory by the Modern Atomic Theory:

Dalton's atomic theoryModern atomic theory
Atoms are indestructibleAtoms are destructible
Atoms are indivisible & smallest particle of an element.Atoms are divisible & consist of - protons, electrons & neutrons
Atoms of the same element are alike in all respect.Atoms of the same element may not be alike as per the modern theory.

Question 5

Atoms of the same element or different elements combine to form a molecule. Give two examples each of –

(a) atoms of the same element

(b) atoms of different elements combining to form a molecule.


(a) O2 — Oxygen molecule and N2 — Nitrogen molecule

(b) H2O — Water molecule and NaCl — Sodium chloride molecule

Question 6

Explain the term – 'atomicity'. Give a reason why –

(a) Helium is considered monoatomic, but hydrogen a diatomic molecule.

(b) Ozone is considered triatomic, but phosphorus a tetratomic molecule.


Atomicity — It is the number of atoms present in a molecule of an element.

(a) Helium (He) is considered monoatomic because it contains only one atom of helium while hydrogen contains two atom of hydrogen (H2) therefore it is considered a diatomic molecule.

(b) Ozone is considered triatomic because it is composed of three atoms of Oxygen (O3) while phosphorous is composed of four atoms (P4), therefore, it is considered a tetratomic molecule.

Question 7

State the atomicity of the following:

(a) Neon

(b) Oxygen

(c) Chlorine

(d) Argon

(e) Sulphur


(a) Monoatomic

(b) Diatomic

(c) Diatomic

(d) Monoatomic

(e) Octatomic or Polyatomic

Question 8

'A radical takes part — unsplit in a chemical reaction and retains its identity in reactions'. With reference to the radical:

(a) ammonium

(b) bisulphate

(c) carbonate — state the group of atoms present in each radical.


(a) Ammonium [NH4]: 1 nitrogen atom and 4 hydrogen atoms

(b) Bisulphate [HSO4]: 1 hydrogen atom, 1 sulphur atom and four oxygen atoms

(c) Carbonate [CO3] : 1 carbon atom and 3 oxygen atoms

Question 9

Differentiate between the following with suitable examples — A basic radical and a acid radical.


Basic radicalAcid radical
It is a radical which behaves like hydrogen or a metal in a chemical reaction.It is a radical which behaves like a non-metal in a chemical reaction.
The positive part of a compound is called the basic radical.The negative part of a compound is called the acid radical.
In Sodium nitrate, Na+ is the basic radical.
In Sodium nitrate, NO3- is the acid radical.

Question 10

Name the cation and the anion in the salt – calcium sulphate.


In calcium sulphate [CaSO4], the cation is [Ca2+] and anion is [SO42-]

Question 11

Explain the term – 'valency'. State giving reasons the valency of –

(a) chlorine in hydrogen chloride

(b) sulphate in sulphuric acid

(c) nitrogen in ammonia

(d) magnesium in magnesium oxide


Valency of an element or radical is the number of hydrogen atoms which can combine with or displace one atom of the element or radical forming a compound.

(a) One atom of hydrogen combines with one atom of chlorine to form HCl, hence the valency of chlorine in hydrogen chloride is 1-.

(b) Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one radical of sulphate to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4), hence the valency of sulphate in sulphuric acid is 2-.

(c) Three atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of nitrogen to form ammonia (NH3) hence the valency of nitrogen in ammonia is 3-.

(d) We know that valency of oxygen is 2-. Hence, in magnesium oxide [MgO], valency of magnesium is 2+.

Question 12

Give the symbol and valency of the following elements and radicals.

(a) Potassium

(b) Sodium

(c) Hydrogen

(d) Calcium

(e) Aluminum

(f) Magnesium

(g) Zinc

(h) Chlorine [chloride]

(i) Sulphur [sulphide]

(j) Nitrogen [nitride]

(k) Oxygen [oxide]

(l) Ammonium

(m) Bicarbonate

(n) Nitrate

(o) Bisulphate

(p) Bisulphite

(q) Hydroxide

(r) Carbonate

(s) Sulphate

(t) Sulphite


(c)HydrogenH++1 or -1
(h)Chlorine [chloride]Cl--1
(i)Sulphur [sulphide]S2--2
(j)Nitrogen [nitride]N3--3
(k)Oxygen [oxide]O2--2

Question 13

Give an example of three elements exhibiting variable valency.


Three elements exhibiting variable valency are:

  1. Iron (Fe) can show a valency of 2 and 3.
  2. Copper (Cu) can show a valency of 1 and 2.
  3. Lead (Pb) can show a valency of 2 and 4.

Question 14

State what is meant by the term – chemical formula. Give the chemical formula of –

(a) sodium hydroxide

(b) sodium nitrate

(c) sodium bicarbonate

(d) sodium sulphite

(e) magnesium nitrate

(f) ammonium sulphate

(g) carbonic acid

(h) calcium phosphate


Chemical formula is the representation of a substance by means of symbols. It denotes in a compound, the number of atoms of each element present.

(a) Sodium hydroxide

Na1+OH1Na11  OH1Na1  OH1\text{Na}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{OH}^{1-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{OH}} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{}1{}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{OH}} \\[0.5em]

So, we get the formula as NaOH\bold{Na}\bold{OH}

(b) Sodium nitrate

Na1+NO31Na11  NO31Na1  NO31\text{Na}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{NO}_3^{1-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{NO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{}1{}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{NO}_3} \\[0.5em]

So, we get the formula as NaNO3\bold{Na}\bold{NO}_3

(c) Sodium bicarbonate

Na1+HCO31Na11  HCO31Na1  HCO31\text{Na}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{HCO}_3^{1-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{HCO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{}1{}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{HCO}_3} \\[0.5em]

So, we get the formula as NaHCO3\bold{Na}\bold{HCO}_3

(d) Sodium sulphite

Na1+SO32Na11  SO32Na2  SO31\text{Na}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{SO}_3^{2-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{SO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{}2{}}{\text{Na}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{SO}_3} \\[0.5em]

So, we get the formula as Na2SO3\bold{Na}_2\bold{SO}_3

(e) Magnesium nitrate

Mg2+NO31Mg12  NO31Mg21  NO32\text{Mg}^{2+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{NO}_3^{1-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{Mg}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{1}{\text{NO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{2}{1}}{\text{Mg}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{2}{\text{NO}_3} \\[0.5em]

So, we get the formula as Mg(NO3)2\bold{Mg}\bold{(NO}_3)_2

(f) Ammonium sulphate

NH41+SO42NH411  SO42NH422  SO41\text{NH}_4^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{SO}_4^{2-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{NH}_4} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{SO}_4} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{2}{2}}{\text{NH}_4} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{SO}_4} \\[0.5em]

So, we get the formula as (NH4)2SO4\bold{(NH}_4)_2\bold{SO}_4

(g) Carbonic acid

H1+CO32H11  CO32H22  CO31\text{H}^{1+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{CO}_3^{2-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{1}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{2}{\text{CO}_3} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{2}{2}}{\text{H}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{1}{\text{CO}_3} \\[0.5em] So, we get the formula as H2CO3\bold{H}_2\bold{CO}_3

(h) Calcium phosphate

Ca2+PO43Ca12  PO43Ca23  PO42\text{Ca}^{2+} \phantom{\nearrow} \text{PO}_4^{3-} \\[0.5em] \overset{\phantom{1}{2}}{\text{Ca}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \overset{3}{\text{PO}_4} \Rightarrow \underset{\phantom{2}{3}}{\text{Ca}} \space {\searrow}\mathllap{\swarrow} \space \underset{2}{\text{PO}_4} \\[0.5em]

So, we get the formula as Ca3(PO4)2\bold{Ca}_\bold{3}\bold{(PO_4)_2}

Question 15

'Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sodium hydroxide'. Give a word equation and a molecular equation of the same. Is the equation written, a balanced equation. Give reasons.


Word equation:

Sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid ⟶ sodium chloride + water

Molecular equation:

NaOH + HCl ⟶ NaCl + H2O

In the above equation,

1 atom of sodium [Na]1 atom of sodium [Na]
1 atom of oxygen [O]1 atom of oxygen [O]
1 atom of chlorine [Cl]1 atom of chlorine [Cl]
2 atoms of hydrogen [H]2 atoms of hydrogen [H]

As, the number of atoms of each element of reactants = the number of atoms of each element of products. Hence, the equation is balanced.

Question 16

State what the group number in the Modern Periodic Table signifies. Give a reason why elements in the same group, have similar valency and similar chemical properties.


Group number signifies the number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom of the element.

As the number of electrons in the outer shell of all elements in a group is the same. Hence all elements in the same group of the periodic table have same valency and similar chemical properties.

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

  1. A molecule of an element is ............... [water/chlorine/ammonia].

  2. A radical with one atom of sulphur and three atoms of oxygen is ............... [bisulphite/sulphate/sulphite].

  3. An element with variable valency is ............... [sodium/copper/calcium]

  4. The formula of aluminum sulphate is ............... [AlSO4 / Al2(SO4)3 / Al3(SO4)2]

  5. The element lithium in the Modern Periodic Table with valency 1+ belongs to the group ............... [2/1]


  1. A molecule of an element is chlorine.

  2. A radical with one atom of sulphur and three atoms of oxygen is sulphite.

  3. An element with variable valency is copper.

  4. The formula of aluminum sulphate is Al2(SO4)3.

  5. The element lithium in the Modern Periodic Table with valency 1+ belongs to the group 1.

Question 2

Select the correct answer from A, B, C, D and E for each statement given below-

A: Molecule B: Orbits C: Atom D: Valency E: Radical

  1. The basic unit of matter not capable of independent existence.

  2. The smallest particle of a substance – capable of independent existence and which retains the characteristics of the substance.

  3. An elementary particle of matter – of a group of atoms of different elements behaving as a single unit with charge on the group.

  4. Imaginary path around the nucleus of an atom in which electrons revolve.

  5. The term for the combining capacity of an element or the number of hydrogen atoms with which it combines or replaces.


  1. C: Atom

  2. A: Molecule

  3. E: Radical

  4. B: Orbits

  5. D: Valency

Question 3

Match the radicals in List I with their correct names from List II.

List IList II
1. NO31-A: Bisulphite
2. HSO41-B: Phosphate
3. SO42-C: Carbonate
4. PO43-D: Nitrite
5. HCO31-E: Bicarbonate
  F: Sulphate
  G: Nitrate
  H: Phosphite
  I: Sulphite
  J: Bisulphate


List IList II
1. NO31-G: Nitrate
2. HSO41-J: Bisulphate
3. SO42-F: Sulphate
4. PO43-B: Phosphate
5. HCO31-E: Bicarbonate

Question 4

State the correct formula of the following from the list given:

  1. Calcium Hydroxide - Ca2OH/ Ca(OH)2 /CaOH

  2. Sodium Bisulphite - NaHSO4/Na2HSO3/ NaHSO3

  3. Ammonium Sulphate - (NH4)2SO4/NH4SO3/ (NH4)2SO3

  4. Aluminium Phosphate - Al2(PO4)3 / AlPO4/ Al2(PO4)2

  5. Copper [II] nitrate - Cu(NO3)2/Cu2NO3/CuNO3


  1. Ca(OH)2

  2. NaHSO3

  3. (NH4)2SO4

  4. AlPO4

  5. Cu(NO3)2

Question 5

Name the following

  1. A molecule of a compound containing two oxygen atoms and one nitrogen atom.

  2. The radical containing one nitrogen and four hydrogen atoms.

  3. The compound formed when iron [Fe2+] combines with oxygen [O2-].

  4. The group of the Modern Periodic Table to which calcium [Ca2+] belongs.

  5. A non-metal which forms a polyatomic molecule with more than three atoms.


  1. Nitrogen dioxide [NO2]

  2. Ammonium [NH4]

  3. Iron (II) oxide [FeO]

  4. Group 2

  5. Phosphorous (P4)