India — Flora and Fauna


India — Flora and Fauna

Get Set

Question 1

Identify these medicinal shrubs and trees that grow in India. Choose the answers from the box.

aloe vera, basil, neem, peepal, amla

  1. I am a low-growing herb. My leaves, when boiled in tea or water, are used to treat cold, cough and fever.
  2. My leaves, bark and flowers are used to prepare medicines for diabetes and skin infections.
  3. I am used extensively by the cosmetic industry and also by doctors to treat skin disorders.
  4. I am a herb with small greenish-yellow fruits. My fruits are the richest natural source of Vitamin C.
  5. I am a tree with heart-shaped leaves. My fruits are used to make laxatives, and roots are used to treat gout.


  1. Basil
  2. Neem
  3. Aloe vera
  4. Amla
  5. Peepal

Quick Quiz 1

Question 1

Flora refers to plants. True or false?



Question 2

Name the major forests types found in India.


The major forests types found in India are:

  1. Tropical rainforests
  2. Tropical deciduous forests
  3. Desert vegetation
  4. Tidal forests
  5. Alpine vegetation

Question 3

The other name given to tropical deciduous forests is ............... forests.


Monsoon forests

Question 4

Name three states where desert vegetation is found.


Three states where desert vegetation is found are:

  1. Punjab
  2. Haryana
  3. Rajasthan

Question 5

(Mangrove/Deciduous) forests are found in Sundarbans.



Tick the correct answers

Question 1

Which of these trees is not found in the tropical rainforests?

  1. rosewood
  2. ebony
  3. teak
  4. mahogany



Question 2

Which of these trees grows widely in the coniferous forests?

  1. shisham
  2. spruce
  3. mahogany
  4. acacia



Question 3

Mangrove forests can thrive in ............... water.

  1. salt
  2. fresh
  3. polluted
  4. salt and fresh


salt and fresh

Question 4

Which of these is a bird sanctuary?

  1. Dhudhwa
  2. Sultanpur
  3. Dachigam
  4. Guindy



Question 5

Kanha National Park is in

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Himachal Pradesh


Madhya Pradesh

Write True or False

Question 1

Forests grow in areas of scanty rainfall.



Reason — Forests grow well in areas where there is enough rainfall.

Question 2

Thick barks and long thorns help the desert plants to reduce water loss.



Question 3

The wood of the Sundari tree is widely used to make paper.



Reason — The wood of the Sundari tree is widely used for construction work and to make boats.

Question 4

The one-horned rhinoceros is protected in the Manas National park.



Question 5

The Keibul Lamjao National Park is in Arunachal Pradesh.



Reason — The Keibul Lamjao National Park is in Manipur.

Give reasons for the following

Question 1

Desert plants have deep roots


Desert plants have deep roots because it enables the plants to absorb water from great depths. It is an adaptation of xerophytic plants to survive in desert area.

Question 2

The number of animal species has reduced in recent times.


The number of animal species has reduced in recent times because:

  1. The fast reducing forest cover has adversely affected the wildlife due to loss of habitat.
  2. Humans recklessly kill animals for personal enjoyment and gain.

Answer these questions

Question 1(a)

Define natural vegetation.


Natural vegetation can be defined as the plant cover in its original form without much changes done by humans.

Question 1(b)

In which areas are tropical rainforests found?


The tropical rainforests are found in hot and humid climate with a short dry season. They are found along the rainy slopes of the Western Ghats, the hills of eastern India, the Andaman and Nicobar islands and in some parts of West Bengal and Odisha.

Question 1(c)

Mention two characteristics of these forests.


Two characteristics of these forests are:

  1. Trees are either evergreen or semi-evergreen.
  2. Average rainfall is around 200 centimetres.

Question 2(a)

When do the trees in tropical deciduous forests shed their leaves?


The trees in tropical deciduous forests shed their leaves during the long dry season.

Question 2(b)

Name four trees which grow in the monsoon forests.


Four trees Which grow in the monsoon forests are:

  1. Mahua
  2. Sandalwood
  3. Khair
  4. Semul

Question 3(a)

Name three trees found in dry areas of Rajasthan.


Three trees found in dry areas of Rajasthan are:

  1. Acacia
  2. Babul
  3. Kikar

Question 3(b)

How did Sundarbans get its name?


Sundarbans got its name from the Sundari trees which are found here in large number.

Question 3(c)

Which type of vegetation is found at an altitude of above 3500 metres?


Shrubs and grasses of alpine variety are found at an altitude of above 3500 metres.

Question 4(a)

What is the percentage of forest cover in India?


The forest cover of India is one-fifth or 20%.

Question 4(b)

Name three products obtained from forests.


Three products obtained from forests are:

  1. Timber-wood and fire-wood
  2. Resin
  3. Lac

Question 4(c)

Mention three functions of forests.


Three functions of forests are:

  1. They maintain the water cycle and regulate the flow of water in streams.
  2. They meet nearly 40 percent of the total energy requirements of our country.
  3. They provide about 25 percent of the fodder required for the livestock in India.

Question 5(a)

In which national park are Indian lions found?


Indian lions are found in Gir forests.

Question 5(b)

Distinguish between a national park and a wildlife sanctuary.


National ParkWildlife Sanctuary
1.A National Park is a reserved area meant for preserving not only wildlife, but also the natural vegetation and the natural beauty of a region.A Wildlife Sanctuary is a reserved area meant for the preservation and development of endangered species.
2.Examples: Dudhwa National Park and Kanha National ParkExamples: Gulmarg and Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary