India — Human Resources


India — Human Resources

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Question 1

Name the states of north-east India which are moderately populated.


Assam and Tripura

Question 2

The states which are part of the northern plains are densely populated. True or false?



Question 3

Name two states which have the maximum rural population.


Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

Question 4

Name the state that have maximum urban population.



Question 5

Name the states that have sex ratio up to 900 females per 1000 males.


Haryana and Punjab

Quick Quiz 1

Question 1

The education and skills of human beings enable them to convert raw materials into useful articles. True or False?



Question 2

Define human skills.


The capacity and capability of human beings to produce useful goods is known as human skills.

Question 3

The fertile plains of India have ............... density of population.



Question 4

About (70/30) per cent of the population in India live in towns and cities.


30 per cent

Question 5

Name the state with the lowest sex ratio.


Haryana, with a sex ratio of 879/1000 is the state with the lowest sex ratio.

Fill in the blanks with words from the brackets

Question 1

Nowadays, more emphasis is given to human ............... (skills/resources) than their numbers.


Nowadays, more emphasis is given to human skills than their numbers.

Question 2

In 2011, the density of population of India was ............... (382/250) persons per square kilometre.


In 2011, the density of population of India was 382 persons per square kilometre.

Question 3

The sex ratio of India ............... (increased/decreased) between 1901 and 2011.


The sex ratio of India decreased between 1901 and 2011.

Question 4

People who have education, training and sufficient work experience are called ............... (skilled/unskilled) human resources.


People who have education, training and sufficient work experience are called skilled human resources.

Read the clues and write the answers

Question 1

An area that has sparse population


Hilly Area

Question 2

The number of females per 1000 males


Sex ratio

Question 3

The life expectancy at birth in 2011



Question 4

A labourer is an example of this


Unskilled Human Resources

Give reasons for the following

Question 1

Human beings are the most important resource on the earth.


Human beings have the capability to discover, exploit, develop and convert natural resources into useful articles. Thus, they add value to the natural resources and hence are the most important resource on the earth.

Question 2

The death rate has gone down while the life expectancy at birth has increased.


The death rate has gone down while the life expectancy at birth has increased because of better public health, prevention of infectious diseases and availability of modern medical techniques in diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Answer these questions

Question 1(a)

Define Human Resources.


The people living in a country or region are called the human resources.

Question 1(b)

Mention two factors on which human skills depend.


Two factors on which human skills depend are:

  1. The people must be literate. They should posses technical, vocational and professional skills.
  2. The people should be provided with proper environment and machines to work effectively.

Question 2(a)

Name the states where about half of the total population of India live.


The states where about half of the total population of India live are:

  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Maharashtra
  • Bihar
  • West Bengal
  • Andhra Pradesh

Question 2(b)

What are the factors responsible for moderate density of population in an area?


The factors responsible for moderate density of population in an area are:

  1. Moderate Rainfall
  2. Comparatively less fertile soil

Question 3(a)

Mention two factors responsible for low and declining sex ratio in India.


Two factors responsible for low and declining sex ratio in India are:

  1. Males get preferential treatment, while females are neglected. This results in higher female mortality.
  2. Female infanticide is practised

Question 3(b)

Name the state with the highest sex ratio.



Question 4(a)

Name two components that help in the growth and development of human resources.


Two components that help in the growth and development of human resources are:

  1. Health
  2. Education

Question 4(b)

How does education help in the development of human resources?


Education is a very important and essential component of human development. The capability of human beings improves, when they are properly and suitably educated. The investment in educating the people can make or convert them into rich human resources. The educated persons can suitably contribute to the growth and development of family, society and country. Education can help people to make better use of natural resources and convert the raw materials into wealth.

Question 5(a)

Why have the central and state governments started to lay emphasis on skill development?


The central and state governments started to lay emphasis on skill development of the youths so as to help them secure a better livelihood. Only skilled work force can effectively use the natural resources in a systematic and proper manner.

Question 5(b)

Mention three impacts of skilled human resources on socio-economic development in India.


Three impacts of skilled human resources on socio-economic development in India are:

  1. They have the capability and capacity to use the natural resources in the best possible way.
  2. They can develop techniques for the sustainable use of various natural resources.
  3. The skilled people can establish industries, which not only helps in economic growth, but also create employment opportunities for others.