Writer — I

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Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Formatting of text is an example of text processing.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — General arrangement of text is known as formatting. Thus, formatting of text is an example of text processing.

Question 2

Insertion point shows where the typed text will appear.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — Insertion point determines where the next character typed by the user will be entered into a document.

Question 3

A word processor automatically wraps any text extending beyond the right margin, to the next line.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — In writer, when a word does not fit on a line, it automatically flows to the beginning of the next line. This process is called word wrap.

Question 4

END key marks the end of a paragraph.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — The enter key marks the end of a paragraph.

Question 5

Ctrl + S shortcut is used to select text in OOo Writer.

  1. True
  2. False



Reason — Ctrl + S shortcut is used to save a document.

Question 6

Cut operation places the selected text into an area in the memory called ............... .

  1. Clipboard
  2. Primary area
  3. Disk
  4. None of these



Reason — Cut operation places the selected text into an area in the memory called Clipboard.

Question 7

Cut operation can also be accomplished by using the shortcut key ............... .

  1. Ctrl + A
  2. Ctrl + X
  3. Ctrl + C
  4. Ctrl + V


Ctrl + X

Reason — Cut operation can also be accomplished by using the shortcut key Ctrl + X.

Question 8

The ............... alignment makes sure that none of the edges of text appear ragged.

  1. Left
  2. Right
  3. Centre
  4. Justified



Reason — The Justified alignment makes sure that none of the edges of text appear ragged.

Question 9

Total height of a line of text including extra spacing is known as ............... .

  1. Line height
  2. Line weight
  3. Line spacing
  4. Line area


Line spacing

Reason — Total height of a line of text including extra spacing is known as Line spacing.

Question 10

The shortcut key used for copying selected text into clipboard is ............... .

  1. Ctrl + X
  2. Ctrl + V
  3. Ctrl + C
  4. Ctrl + D


Ctrl + C

Reason — The shortcut key used for copying selected text into clipboard is Ctrl + C.

Question 11

The shortcut key used for pasting text from clipboard is ............... .

  1. Ctrl + X
  2. Ctrl + V
  3. Ctrl + C
  4. Ctrl + D


Ctrl + V

Reason — The shortcut key used for pasting text from clipboard is Ctrl + V.

Question 12

To open a new file in Writer, the shortcut key is ................ .

  1. Ctrl + X
  2. Ctrl + N
  3. Ctrl + Y
  4. Ctrl + V


Ctrl + N

Reason — To open a new file in Writer, the shortcut key is Ctrl + N.

Question 13

Which extension is given to Writer document by default ?

  1. .odt
  2. .COM
  3. .DOC
  4. None



Reason — uses OpenDocument format (ODF). In ODF, extension of a text document is .odt.

Question 14

Which of the following gives the status of your document like page numbers, number of pages ?

  1. Status bar
  2. Standard toolbar
  3. Formatting toolbar
  4. None of these


Status bar

Reason — Status bar displays the information which includes page numbers, number of pages, the column and line number on which the cursor is present at any given point of time.

Question 15

Alignment buttons are available on ............... toolbar.

  1. Status bar
  2. Standard toolbar
  3. Formatting toolbar
  4. None of these.


Formatting toolbar

Reason — Alignment buttons are available on Formatting toolbar.

Question 16

Header is ............... .

  1. Any text printed at the top of every page.
  2. Any graphics printed at the top of every page.
  3. Any text or graphics printed at the top of a particular page.
  4. Any text or graphics printed at the top of every page.


Any text or graphics printed at the top of every page

Reason — Header is any text or graphics printed at the top of every page.

Question 17

............... case converts every character, every word of selected sentence to capital.

  1. Sentence
  2. Upper
  3. Toggle
  4. Title



Reason — Title case converts every character, every word of selected sentence to capital.

Question 18

Which of the following is not an option of edit menu?

  1. Cut
  2. Copy
  3. Paste
  4. Page Setup


Page Setup

Reason — Page Setup is found in Page option of Format drop down menu.

Question 19

Which of the following will you opt for saving a file?

  1. Save button on Standard toolbar
  2. Save option from File menu
  3. Pressing Ctrl + S
  4. Any of the above


Any of the above

Reason — Any of the above options can be used to save a file in Writer.

Question 20

Match the following

(a) Margin1. Placement of text going past the right margin to the next line.
(b) Indent2. The distance between text boundaries and page margins.
(c) Text Alignment3. Preset column position of text.
(d) Word Wrap4. Total height of line including space above or below it.
(e) Tab stop5. The distance between the text and the paper edge.
(f) Clipboard6. The general arrangement of text in the document.
(g) Line spacing7. A temporary storage area, used generally for cut/copied text or graphics.
(h) Formatting8. The text layout within a paragraph with respect to document margins


(a) Margin5. The distance between the text and the paper edge.
(b) Indent2. The distance between text boundaries and page margins.
(c) Text Alignment8. The text layout within a paragraph with respect to document margins.
(d) Word Wrap1. Placement of text going past the right margin to the next line.
(e) Tab stop3. Preset column position of text.
(f) Clipboard7. A temporary storage area, used generally for cut/copied text or graphics.
(g) Line spacing4. Total height of line including space above or below it.
(h) Formatting6. The general arrangement of text in the document.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

What are the advantages of a word processor over typewriters ?


The advantages of a word processor over typewriters are as follows:

  1. Fast — Typing text in a word processor becomes speedy as there is no mechanical carriage movement associated.
  2. Editing features — Any type of correction can be made easily as and when required.
  3. Permanent Storage — With word processors, documents can be saved and retrieved whenever desired.
  4. Formatting Features — The typed text can be made to appear in any form or style.
  5. Graphics — Most modern word processors provide the facility of incorporating drawings in the documents.
  6. OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) — Most modern word processors provide facilities to link or embed objects in a document.
  7. Spell Check — Word processors can provide spell check and grammar check functions. Some word processors can suggest alternatives or improvements also.
  8. Mail Merge — The mail merge facility enables us to print a large number of letters/documents with more or less similar text.

Question 2

What is text area ? What do you understand by a workspace ?


The area where we write/type the text is the text area. The pointer becomes an I-beam, when it is within the text area. When we move it outside the text area, it becomes an arrow.

The Workarea is the area in the document window wherein we enter the text of our document.

Question 3

Expand the term WYSIWYG. Why is Writer called a WYSIWYG program ?


WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get.

The Writer is called a WYSIWYG program as the screen shows us exactly how our document will look when we print it out.

Question 4

What are non-printing characters ? What are the different marks that Writer uses for displaying non printing characters ?


Non-printing characters are those special characters which do not appear on paper when we print the document. They are often useful to see when we are working with heavily formatted documents and need to keep track of our tabs, spaces, blank lines and so on.

The Writer uses the following marks for the corresponding non-printing characters:

  1. Enter key — ( ¶ )
  2. Spacebar key — ( . )
  3. Tab key — ( → )

Question 5

Which command is used to save a file in Writer ? Which command will let you Exit from Writer ?


Save or Save As command from the File drop down menu is used to save a file in Writer.

Exit command from File drop down menu lets us exit from Writer.

Question 6

Which of the following shortcuts is used to open a file in Writer ?

  1. CTRL + S
  2. ALT + N
  3. CTRL + N
  4. CTRL + V


CTRL + N shortcut is used to open a new file in Writer.

Question 7

Where does a text or graphic go when you cut it or copy it ?


When we cut or copy a text or a graphic, they are stored in a temporary storage area called Clipboard.

Question 8

Define word wrap.


Placement of text going past the right margin to the next line is called Word Wrap.

Question 9

Define margins. How can you set these margins in OOo Writer ?


The distance from the text to the paper's edge is called Margin.

In Writer, we can set margins in two ways:

  1. For setting Margins through Ruler Bars, we move the mouse over the ruler and click and drag the margin indicator to the desired location and release the mouse when the margin is set.
  2. For setting Margins through Page Style dialog box, we choose Page from Format menu to invoke Page Style dialog box and select Page tab. We set the required margins through this tab.

Question 10

What is meant by Indentation ? What are the different types of indents available ?


The distance between text boundaries and page margins is called indent and the process of providing it is called indentation.

There are broadly three types of indents :

  1. Positive Indent
  2. Negative Indent
  3. Hanging Indent

Question 11

What is the difference between paragraph indenting and page margin ?


Paragraph indenting affects the spacing within paragraphs, helping to organize and structure the text. It can be used to offset selected paragraphs from other text in the document.
Page margins affect the layout of the entire page by determining the space between the text and the edge of the page.

Question 12

What is text alignment ? How many ways can you align your text in ?


Text alignment refers to the text layout within a paragraph with respect to document margin.

We can align our text in two ways:

  1. Horizontal alignment — We can align our text horizontally in four ways :
    1. Left alignment
    2. Right alignment
    3. Centered alignment
    4. Justified alignment
  2. Vertical alignment — We can align our text vertically in four ways :
    1. Top
    2. Bottom
    3. Middle
    4. Justified

Question 13

What are headers and footers in Writer ? Where do they appear in a document ?


Header is the text or graphics printed in the top margin area and the footer is the text or graphics printed in the bottom margin area of a document.

A header appears in the top margin while a footer appears in the bottom margin of a document.

Question 14

What is a clipboard ? How is it useful ?


A clipboard is a temporary storage area, which is used for keeping the cut/copied text or graphics.

When we cut or copy a text or a graphic, they are stored in a clipboard from where they can be copied or pasted at the desired destination.

Question 15

What are the advantages of find or replace feature of word processor ?


The advantages of find or replace feature of word processor are:

  1. Efficiency — Quickly locates specific words or phrases, saving time.
  2. Consistency — Ensures uniform language and terminology throughout.
  3. Error Correction — Swiftly identifies and rectifies misspellings and errors.
  4. Bulk Editing — Speeds up modifications for lists or repeated items.
  5. Document Analysis — Aids in extracting relevant information for research or summaries.

Question 16

Write short notes on features of paragraph formatting in Writer.


The paragraph formatting involves controlling the appearance of text in a paragraph. Some aspects that contribute in paragraph formatting are :

  1. Text alignment — The OOo Writer offers four types of text alignments : left flush, right flush, centered and justified. It enhances visual consistency and readability.
  2. Paragraph indentation — Indentation provides control over first-line and hanging indents, improving organization and visual appeal.
  3. Line spacing — Line spacing determines the vertical space between two lines of text in a paragraph. It enhances document's appearance and readability. The desired line spacing can be set from the Line Spacing option in the Paragraph dialog box.
  4. Spacing between paragraphs — It enables setting spacing before and after paragraphs, preventing clutter and ensuring optimal layout.
  5. Borders & Shading — This option allows adding borders to paragraphs for emphasis, while shading enhances visual distinction and readability.

Question 17

Explain the difference between Left, Centre, Right and Justified alignments. When you do think left justification is preferable over justified alignment ?


The difference between Left, Centre, Right and Justified alignments is as follows:

Left alignment — This alignment aligns selected text, flushed left with the left margin or left paragraph indent and leaves a ragged right edge. This is the default alignment.

Right alignment — This alignment aligns selected text, flushed right with the right margin and leaves a ragged left edge. It is commonly used in languages read from right to left, like Arabic or Hebrew.

Centered alignment — This alignment centers selected text between the left and right margins or paragraphs indents. It is useful for titles, headings, or invitations, where symmetry is desired.

Justified alignment — In this alignment, the text is flushed both left and right, thus none of the left and the right edges of the text appear ragged. It is suitable for formal documents with a polished look.

Left alignment is preferable when readability is the top priority. It ensures consistent starting points for each line, facilitating quicker scanning. Justified alignment can create uneven spaces between words, potentially hindering readability, making left alignment a better choice for long bodies of text like articles or novels.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

A student has to decide whether to use a word processing package to produce a piece of science coursework or whether to handwrite it.

(a) Give five features of the software that make it suitable for producing science coursework.

(b) Give two reasons why the student may still use handwriting for part or all of their coursework.


(a) The five features of the software that make it suitable for producing science coursework.

  1. Editing features — Any type of correction can be made easily as and when required.
  2. Formatting Features — The typed text can be made to appear in any form or style.
  3. Graphics — Most modern word processors provide the facility of incorporating drawings in the documents, which are very important for Science subjects.
  4. OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) — Most modern word processors provide facilities to link or embed objects such as charts, equations, video clips, audio clips, pictures, etc. Such objects can be used to explain certain phenomena of Science subjects.
  5. Spell Check — Word processors can provide spell check and grammar check functions. Some word processors can suggest alternatives or improvements also.

(b) Two reasons the student may still use handwriting for part or all of their coursework are:

  1. Diagram Complexity — Complex scientific diagrams, equations, or drawings that are challenging to create digitally might be more easily produced by hand.
  2. Learning Style and Retention — The physical process of writing can help students to better understand and remember the material they are writing.

Question 2

A graphic designer has been asked to produce a range of stationery for the TXC company. The graphic designer produces a draft in the word processor of what a letter from the company could look like.

A graphic designer has been asked to produce a range of stationery for the TXC company. The graphic designer produces a draft in the word processor of what a letter from the company could look like. OpenOffice Org Writer, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.

Complete the sentences using words from this list:

  • centred
  • left justified
  • right justified
  • indented

(i) The logo at A is ............... .

(ii) The text at B is ............... .


(i) The logo at A is centered.

(ii) The text at B is left justified.

Question 3

Considering the previous question, determine how the name below line "Yours sincerely" is printed. Tick the appropriate answer.

Tick one box only
Hand writing
Handwriting font
Script font
Art work


Tick one box only
Hand writing
Handwriting font
Script font
Art work

Question 4

Identify the formatting features from the word-processed paragraphs given below :

Identify formatting features from word-processed paragraphs. OpenOffice Org Writer, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.


The formatting features from the word-processed paragraphs are as follows:

  1. Title — Centered, Bold and Underlined
  2. First Paragraph — Positive First line Indentation, Left aligned
  3. Second Paragraph — Hanging Indentation, Justified Alignment

Question 5

Staff at Expert Motoring use a word processing program to create letters and other documents.

(a) Tick four boxes to indicate which of the following features would help with page setup.

Start up
Page orientation
Paper size

(b) Tick two boxes to indicate which of the following features would be found in tabulation (tab) settings.




Start up
Page orientation
Paper size



Question 6

Four types of justifications are shown below. Label each illustration to show the type of justification.

Label the type of justification. OpenOffice Org Writer, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.
Label the type of justification. OpenOffice Org Writer, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.
Label the type of justification. OpenOffice Org Writer, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.
Label the type of justification. OpenOffice Org Writer, Computer Applications Code 165 Sumita Arora Solutions CBSE Class 9.


A — Justified

B — Left justified

C — Centered justified

D — Right justified

Question 7

A school office uses computerised word processing. Explain three ways word processing could be used to help with the school administration.


Three ways word processing could be used to help with the school administration are:

  1. Efficient Document Creation — Word processing helps school administration create, edit, and organize letters, memos, and reports easily, with formatting tools for a professional look.
  2. Automated Templates — Templates for forms and documents streamline tasks like permission slips, enrollment forms, and meeting agendas by allowing quick customization.
  3. Mail merge — The mail merge facility will help the school administration to send out personalised communication through emails and letters to parents and teachers.