Cyber Safety


Cyber Safety

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

What name is given to a malicious program that comes in disguise of a useful program ?

  1. Trojan Horse
  2. Invisible Man
  3. Stowaway
  4. Uninvited guest


Trojan Horse

Reason — A trojan horse is a program that appears harmless, such as a text editor or a utility program, but actually performs malicious functions such as deleting or damaging files.

Question 2

Which of these is classed as personal information ?

  1. Date of birth
  2. Online nickname
  3. Gender
  4. Largest peak in your continent


Date of birth, Online nickname, Gender

Reason — 'Date of birth', 'Online nickname' and 'Gender' is personal information. 'Largest peak in your continent' is a public information.

Question 3

What software can you use to avoid getting viruses ?

  1. Disk Cleanup software
  2. Firewall
  3. Anti-virus software
  4. Safety software


Anti-virus software

Reason — Anti-virus software protects the computer from viruses.

Question 4

What is a computer virus ?

  1. a program written to cause harm to a computer
  2. a hardware fault which causes data to be damaged
  3. a fault with the CPU which means that data is lost or damaged
  4. Weather affecting the performance of your computer


a program written to cause harm to a computer

Reason — Computer viruses are malicious codes/programs that cause damage to data and files on a system.

Question 5

What is the most common way people's computers get infected by a virus ?

  1. receive a fax
  2. install new hardware
  3. download email attachments
  4. Run/open an infected disk


Run/open an infected disk

Reason — The most common way computers get infected by a virus is by running or opening an infected disk or file.

Question 6

What purpose does anti-virus software serve ?

  1. it deletes every file it suspects is infected
  2. it stops people gaining unauthorised access to your computer via the internet
  3. it inspects computer files and email attachments for viruses and removes or quarantines any that it finds
  4. it changes the code of malicious software.


it inspects computer files and email attachments for viruses and removes or quarantines any that it finds

Reason — An anti-virus software inspects computer files and email attachments for viruses and removes or quarantines any that it finds.

Question 7

Which of the following is NOT an example of Cybercrime ?

  1. Stealing computer hardware
  2. Cyber Bullying
  3. Cyber Stalking
  4. Stealing someone's online identity


Stealing computer hardware

Reason — Stealing computer hardware does not involve the use of electronic communication or information systems. Thus, it is not a cyber crime.

Question 8

What does a firewall do ?

  1. prevents unauthorised access to your computer via the Internet
  2. stops you installing software that may harm your computer
  3. records everything you do on your computer
  4. runs checks every time to prevent virus attacks


prevents unauthorised access to your computer via the Internet

Reason — Firewall is a program that monitors all communications and traps all illicit packets. Thus, it prevents unauthorised access to your computer via the Internet.

Assignment Questions

Question 1

What makes a secure password ?

  1. A secure password should be one that you will easily remember
  2. A secure password should be one that you will easily remember and be a mixture of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers and characters
  3. A secure password should be something familiar like a birthday or a pet's name


A secure password should be one that you will easily remember and be a mixture of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers and characters

Reason — A password that is a mixture of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers and characters becomes difficult to guess or crack.

Question 2

What is the purpose of anti-virus software?

  1. To prevent a virus from attacking the network
  2. To prevent hackers from accessing the network
  3. To block unauthorised connections to the network


To prevent a virus from attacking the network

Reason — Anti-virus software protects the computer from viruses.

Question 3

Which of the following are types of malicious software?

  1. Viruses, worms, adware, trojans and spyware
  2. Word processing packages
  3. Anti-virus software


Viruses, worms, adware, trojans and spyware

Reason — Malware is a general term used to refer to viruses, worms, spyware, adware etc. Malware infects our computer, making it behave in a way, which we do not approve of.

Question 4

How do you know if a website is secure?

  1. When you visit the site, a message appears telling you it is secure
  2. The prefix of the website is https
  3. Websites cannot be made secure


The prefix of the website is https

Reason — A safe site's URL starts with https:// and it means that the website is secure.

Question 5

When accessing a website, which icon can be seen in the address bar to indicate that the website is secure ?

  1. Arrow
  2. padlock
  3. shield
  4. house



Reason — A padlock icon can be seen in the address bar to indicate that the website is secure.

Question 6

What is the purpose of a firewall ?

  1. To detect viruses on a system and prevent them from attacking it and spreading
  2. To prevent unauthorised connections coming in to and out of a network
  3. To prevent a hacker from logging on to the network


To prevent unauthorised connections coming in to and out of a network

Reason — Firewall is a program that monitors all communications and traps all illicit packets. It helps to prevent unauthorised connections coming in to and out of a network.

Question 7

What is cyber safety ? Why is it important ?


Cyber Safety refers to the safe and responsible use of Internet so as to ensure safety and security of personal information and not posing threat to anyone else's information.

Although Internet has made things easier but at the same time it has posed many security risks too, if not used in a proper way. Thus, it is important to know about possible threats, challenges and risks of working on Internet to ensure personal safety and information security. Hence, cyber safety becomes very important to know and prevent possible threats to personal safety online.

Question 8

What should you do to protect your identity on Internet ?


We can protect our identity on the Internet by using the following solutions:

  1. Anonymous Browsing — Anonymous browsers allow users to view websites without revealing any personal information of the user like their IP address, machine type, location etc.
  2. Private browsing — We can use the following to safely browse internet:
    1. Incognito browsing — It opens up a version of the browser that will not track our activity.
    2. Proxy — It works by acting as a middleman between our computer and the website we want to access.
    3. Virtual Private Network — It is a method used to protect our system from hackers trying to access our sensitive information.

Question 9

How do websites track you online ?


Various types of information used by websites to track us online are as follows:

  1. IP Address — From our IP address, a website can determine our rough geographical location.
  2. Cookies and Tracking Scripts — They can identify and track our browsing activity across a website.
  3. HTTP Referrer — When a link to an outside website on a webpage is clicked, then the linked website will get opened and internally our information will be provided to the linked website.
  4. Super Cookies — Super Cookies are persistent cookies that come back even after we delete them.
  5. User Agent — It tells websites our browser and operating system, providing another piece of data that can be stored and used to target ads.

Question 10

What are cookies ? How are they used by websites to track you ?


Cookies are small text files on our computer storing small pieces of information related to our online habits.

Cookies are of two types:

  1. First party cookies — These store our own login id, passwords, auto fill information etc. for some websites that we frequently visit. They can identify us and track our browsing activity across a website.
  2. Third party cookies — The websites store these cookies to know about our search history and web browsing history so as to place advertisements as per our interests. Third party cookies may result in many unwanted advertisements on our webpages.

Question 11

What is Private browsing ? Why is it considered a better way of browsing the Internet?


A type of browsing wherein browser opens in incognito mode or through proxy or VPN, and does not store cookies about our online activity, is called Private browsing.

It is considered a better way of browsing the Internet as it allows the user to use the Internet without revealing his/her search history and sharing data.

Question 12

Why are passwords considered an important safety tool?


Passwords are considered an important safety tool as a password helps to :

  1. Keep our personal information safe.
  2. Protect our emails, files, and other content.
  3. Prevent someone from breaking into our account.

Question 13

What should you keep in mind while choosing an effective password?


We should keep the following things in mind while choosing an effective password:

  1. Use different passwords on different systems and accounts.
  2. Don't use passwords that are based on personal information that can be easily accessed or guessed.
  3. Use a combination of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  4. Don't use words that can be found in any dictionary of any language.
  5. Develop mnemonics such as passphrases for remembering complex passwords.

Question 14

What is confidentiality of information ? How do you ensure it ?


Confidentiality of information ensures that only authorized users get access to sensitive and protected data.

To ensure confidentiality of information, we must follow the following best practices:

  1. Use firewall wherever possible to ensure only authentic users connect to the computer.
  2. Control Browser settings to block tracking.
  3. Browse privately whenever possible to avoid tracking by websites by not storing cookies.
  4. Be careful while posting on Internet and avoid sharing personal information like address, mobile number, bank details, etc on public Internet sites.
  5. Ensure safe sites while entering crucial information by checking for https and padlock sign.
  6. Carefully handle emails by not opening attachments from unknown senders and avoid clicking on links contained in the email.
  7. Do not give sensitive information on wireless networks.
  8. Avoid using public computers while dealing with crucial data.

Question 15

What is a computer virus ? How can it affect your computer ?


A computer virus is a computer program that can infect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a copy of itself.

Viruses can alter, corrupt and delete files, freeze the computer, flash unknown or unasked messages or display unwanted graphics on the computer screen, play unwanted music and interfere with the computer operation.

Question 16

Why are antivirus software considered important ?


An antivirus software is considered important because it scans our disk for viruses and removes them, if any virus is found. Moreover, some antivirus software remains present in memory all the time so that they can detect the viruses and counterattack them.

Question 17

What type of damages can be caused by viruses to your computer?


A virus can damage our computer in the following ways:

  1. Some viruses may delete or damage random documents or specific files that are crucial to the operating system.
  2. Viruses can run in the background, without being seen, and may cause the computer to run extremely slow.
  3. Some forms of viruses may infect the email program and spread themselves to the contacts in the address book.

Question 18

What are Malware ? What type of damages can they cause to your computer ?


Malware is a general term used to refer to viruses, worms, spyware, adware etc. It is unwanted software that someone else wants to run on our computer. Malware infects our computer, making it behave in a way, which we do not approve of.

Malware can damage our computer in the following ways:

  1. Some viruses may delete or damage random documents or specific files that are crucial to the operating system.
  2. Viruses can run in the background, without being seen, and may cause our computer to run extremely slow.
  3. Some forms of viruses may infect the email program and spread themselves to the contacts in the address book.
  4. Spyware can monitor information about our computing habits which in the end can lead to identity theft.
  5. Some forms of spyware can also alter computer settings like our web browser home page setting or the placement of our desktop icons.
  6. Spyware can rob our PC or system speed and Internet access efficiency.
  7. Adware tracks information about our data and computing habits to produce targeted advertising, such as pop-up ads, on your computer screen.
  8. When infected with adware, we will likely see frequent pop-up ads appear out of nowhere.

Question 19

What is the significance of a firewall in a computer's security scheme ?


A firewall secures the computer such that only authentic users can connect to it. The significance of firewall lies in its ability to monitor, filter, and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules. This helps prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and malicious attacks, such as viruses, malware, and hacking attempts, from reaching the protected computer system.

Question 20

What is cyber crime ? How can you report it ?


Any criminal offence that is facilitated by, or involves the use of, electronic communications or information systems, including any electronic device, computer, or the Internet is referred to as Cyber crime.

A cyber crime can be reported in the following ways:

  1. The local police stations can be approached for filing complaints with the cyber crime cells specially designated with the jurisdiction to register complaint.
  2. Provisions have now been made for filing of 'E-FIR' in most of the states.
  3. The Ministry of Home Affairs is also launching a website for registering crimes against women and children online including cyber crimes.

Question 21

What is cyber bullying and cyber stalking ?


Harassing, demeaning, embarrassing, defaming or intimidating someone using modern technologies like Internet, cell phones, instant messengers, social networks etc., is called Cyber Bullying.

Cyber stalking refers to online stalking where someone uses Internet, chat rooms, social networking sites, emails etc. to stalk his/her victim. Cyber stalker follows the victim online everywhere and keeps posting/sending something which are unsolicited.