Computer Networking, Multimedia Basics


Computer Networking, Multimedia Basics

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

Transmission of computerised data from one location to another is called

  1. data transfer
  2. data flow
  3. data communication
  4. data management


data communication

Reason — Transmission of computerised data from one location to another is called data communication.

Question 2

When a group of computers is connected together in a small area without the help of some cables, it is called

  1. Remote Communication Network (RCN)
  2. Local Area Network (LAN)
  3. Wide Area Network (WAN)
  4. Value Added Network (VAN)


Local Area Network (LAN)

Reason — When a group of computers is connected together in a small area without the help of some cables, it is called Local Area Network (LAN).

Question 3

Full form of LAN is

  1. Legal All Network
  2. Legal Area Network
  3. Local Area Network
  4. Lost Area Network


Local Area Network

Reason — Full form of LAN is Local Area Network.

Question 4

Interactive combination of text, graphics, images, audio, video etc. is known as :

  1. Data
  2. Information
  3. Multimedia
  4. Internet



Reason — Interactive combination of text, graphics, images, audio, video etc. is known as multimedia.

Question 5

Internet may be termed as an example of

  1. LAN
  2. MAN
  3. WAN
  4. All the above



Reason — Internet may be termed as an example of Wide Area Network (WAN).

Question 6

A Local Area Network (LAN) is a :

  1. network within a building or site
  2. network across a city, country or even the world
  3. network that contains servers across the world
  4. a network with 2000 or more computers.


network within a building or site

Reason — A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network within a building or site.

Question 7

A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a :

  1. network within a building or site
  2. network across a city, country or even the world
  3. network that contains no server
  4. network with fewer than two computers.


network across a city, country or even the world

Reason — A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network across a city, country or even the world.

Question 8

Networks are useful because :

  1. no-one can copy your files
  2. you only need one printer per network
  3. the computers use less electricity
  4. each user of the network can access files more easily.


you only need one printer per network

Reason — Networks are useful because resources such as a printer, can be shared within a network.

Question 9

Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet is generally known as

  1. Modern computing
  2. Internet computing
  3. Wireless computing
  4. Cloud computing


Cloud computing

Reason — Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet is generally known as Cloud computing.

Question 10

The communication media used for wireless network is collectively called

  1. Cables media
  2. Satellite media
  3. Guided media
  4. Unguided media


Unguided media

Reason — The communication media used for wireless network is collectively called unguided media.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

What do you understand by communication ?


Communication is the transfer of information from one person or device to another.

Question 2

What is networking ?


Networking is the process of joining computers together to form a network.

Question 3

What is a communication channel ?


A communication channel refers to a physical or virtual pathway that allows data and information to be transmitted between sender and receiver, facilitating communication in various forms.

Question 4

Name the different types of computer networks.


The different types of computer networks are:

  1. Local Area Networks (LANs)
  2. Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)
  3. Wide Area Networks (WANs)

Question 5

What is Internet ? What are its uses ?


Internet is a computer-based world wide information network. It is composed of a large number of smaller interconnected networks.

Some of the uses of Internet are:

  1. Businesses use the Internet to provide access to complex databases, such as financial databases.
  2. Companies carry out electronic commerce (commerce on internet) including advertising, selling, buying, distributing products, and providing after sales services.
  3. Businesses and institutions use the Internet for voice and video conferencing and other forms of communication that enable people to telecommute, or work from a distance.
  4. The use of electronic mail (e-mail) over the Internet has greatly speeded communication between companies among coworkers, and between other individuals.
  5. Individuals use the Internet for communication, entertainment, finding information and to buy and sell goods and services.

Question 6

A communication network which is used by large organisations over regional, national or global area is called

  1. LAN
  2. WAN
  3. MAN
  4. VAN



Reason — WAN (Wide Area Network) spans a larger geographical area and connects multiple LANs or other networks together. It can cover regional, national, or even global distances.

Question 7

Discuss the following types of networks in brief :

(i) LAN

(ii) MAN

(iii) WAN


(i) LAN — LANs (Local Area Network) are small computer networks confined to a localised area like an office, a building or a factory. They facilitate resource sharing among users, including data, programs, printers, hard-disks, modems etc.

(ii) MAN — MANs (Metropolitan Area Network) are the networks spread over a city. For example, cable TV networks that are spread over a city. The purpose of a MAN is also the sharing of hardware and software resources among its users.

(iii) WAN — WANs (Wide Area Network) connect computers across countries, spanning large distances. They can link LANs from different locations, acting as a unified network for efficient, cost-effective and high speed information exchange.

Question 8

How is LAN different from WAN ?


Local Area Network (LAN)Wide Area Network (WAN)
LAN stands for Local Area Network.WAN stands for Wide Area Network
LAN is spread over a small area of upto 1 km.WAN is spread over a very large area.
LAN usually costs less to set up.WAN costs higher to setup.
LAN is usually a single network.WAN is usually a network of many networks.

Question 9

Differentiate : Data, Information & Multimedia


Data — Data is raw, unprocessed facts and figures. For example, consider the digits — 4, 8, 12. These are data.

Information — Information refers to processed data which is conveying some meaning as per context. For example, 4 + 8 = 12 is information as it conveys a clear meaning.

Multimedia — Multimedia refers to usage of many types of media like text, photographs, graphics, video and audio at the same time.

Question 10

What do you understand by the terms WiFi and Bluetooth ?


WIFI — Wi-Fi refers to Wireless Fidelity, which lets us connect to the Internet without a direct line from our PC to the ISP.

Bluetooth — Bluetooth is a telecommunications industry specification that describes how mobile phones, computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs) can be easily interconnected using a short-range wireless connection.

Question 11

What are guided and unguided media ?


Guided media — The communication media used for wired connection are called guided media. For example, twisted pair cables, coaxial cables etc.

Unguided media — The communication media used for wireless connection are called unguided media. For example, radio waves, microwaves, satellites etc.

Question 12

What is cloud computing ?


Cloud computing refers to storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of the computer's hard drive.

Question 13

How are private clouds different from public clouds ?


Private cloudsPublic clouds
A private cloud consists of computing resources used and exclusively owned by one business or organization.Public cloud refers to a common cloud service made available to multiple subscribers.
Private cloud resides on company's intranet or hosted data center where all the data is protected behind a firewall.In public cloud, the same hardware, storage, and network devices are shared among the cloud tenants.
Private clouds are often used by government agencies, financial institutions, any other mid to large-size organizations with business-critical operations seeking enhanced control over their environment.Public cloud deployments are frequently used to provide web-based email, online office applications, storage, and testing and development environments.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

A company has brought laptop computers for training purposes and for information retrieval. These computers will use the internet and have multimedia capabilities.

(a) State two advantages and one disadvantage of using the internet to search for information when compared to using CD-ROMs or paper-based systems.

(b) The laptops are linked to the network using wireless connections. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using wireless connections.


(a) The advantages of using the internet for information retrieval compared to CD-ROMs or paper-based systems are:

  1. Vast Information — The internet offers a vast and constantly updated pool of information, providing a wider range of resources than limited CD-ROMs or static paper-based systems.
  2. Convenience and Speed — Internet access allows quick and convenient access to information from anywhere, eliminating the need to carry physical media like CD-ROMs or search through printed materials.

Disadvantage — Internet searching lacks the reliability and authenticity of CD-ROMs or printed sources due to mixed accuracy, making verification harder.

(b) An advantage of using wireless connections is mobility. Wireless connections enable laptops to connect from different locations within coverage area without cables.
A disadvantage of using wireless connections is that wireless connections can suffer from interference and obstacles, causing potential connectivity problems and lower reliability than wired connections.

Question 2

Booking seats on an aeroplane can be done by the Internet.

(a) Give two advantages of using the Internet rather than making a telephone call for this task.

(b) What type of file access would be needed to make a booking ? Give a reason for your choice.


(a) Two advantages of using the Internet rather than making a telephone call for this task are:

  1. 24/7 Availability — Internet booking is available round the clock, allowing users to make reservations at any time, whereas telephone calls are limited by business hours and potential wait times.
  2. Self-Service and Control — Internet booking empowers users to independently browse available seats, choose preferences, and make reservations without relying on a customer service representative, providing greater control and customization.

(b) For making a booking through the Internet, the type of file access needed is "Read-Only File Access." This allows users to view available flight options, seat layouts, and other booking-related information without altering the underlying data. Users can read and interact with the data to make informed decisions about their seat selections and travel plans.

Question 3

Computer technology has now allowed employees to work from home.

(a) Give three advantages to employers of allowing employees to work from home.

(b) Describe two advances in computer technology which have allowed working from home to become possible.


(a) Three advantages to employers of allowing employees to work from home are:

  1. Increased Productivity — Employees often experience fewer distractions and a more comfortable work environment at home, leading to potential boosts in productivity and task completion.
  2. Cost Savings — Allowing remote work can lead to reduced overhead costs, including office space, utilities, and amenities, contributing to cost savings for employers.
  3. Wider Talent Pool — Employers can tap into a broader talent pool by hiring remote workers, without being restricted by geographic location, potentially leading to the recruitment of specialized or diverse skill sets.

(b) Two advances in computer technology enabling working from home are:

  1. High-Speed Internet — The widespread availability of high-speed internet connections allows seamless communication, data sharing, video conferencing, and access to cloud-based resources, enabling remote employees to collaborate effectively.
  2. Cloud Computing and Collaboration Tools — Cloud computing centralizes data and applications, eradicating the need for local servers. This lets remote workers access files and tools online, aided by collaborative platforms like video conferencing, project management, and document sharing, enabling teamwork and productivity despite physical separation.

Question 4

Mr. Singh has offices in three cities. He wants to connect his computers at various offices. He is unable to decide whether he should go for three LANs for different offices or should also create a WAN connecting these three LANs. Help him decide by suggesting what should he go for. Support your answer with proper justification.


Considering Mr. Singh's situation, where he has offices in three cities, the need for centralized resources, and the potential benefits of inter-office collaboration, it is advisable for him to create a WAN connecting the three LANs. Creating a WAN will give him the following benefits:

  1. Centralized Resources — A single WAN would allow centralized resources, such as servers and databases, to be shared among all offices. This can improve efficiency and data consistency.
  2. Efficient Communication — A WAN facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between offices, making it easier for employees to work together regardless of their physical location.
  3. Cost Efficiency — Sharing resources over a WAN can reduce the need for redundant equipment, leading to potential cost savings.

Question 5

Mr. Shah wants to have an online storage that his company and employees can use and it should not be shared by anyone else outside company. His business has offices in all major continents.

(a) What type of computing is such type of online storage and usage known as ?

(b) What type of communication media would be required by Mr. Shah's offices to communicate among themselves ?


(a) Private Cloud Computing.

(b) To communicate among his offices located in different continents, Mr. Shah's company would require a communication medium that offers global connectivity and reliability. Wide Area Network would be most appropriate for his company as WANs can be implemented using dedicated lines and secured by virtual private networks (VPNs) to ensure data privacy and security.