Basics of Operating System


Basics of Operating System

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

An ............... is a system software. It manages the resources of a computer system and makes a computer easy to use.


An operating system is a system software. It manages the resources of a computer system and makes a computer easy to use.

Question 2

Which of the following is NOT a function of the operating system ?

  1. deals with the transfer of programs in and out of memory
  2. controls the transfer of data to peripherals such as printers
  3. adjusts the bass level on a music file


adjusts the bass level on a music file

Reason — The operating system deals with the transfer of programs in and out of memory and controls the transfer of data to peripherals such as printers but it doesn't adjust the bass level on a music file.

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT an operating system ?

  1. Bendix
  2. Windows XP
  3. Linux



Reason — Windows XP and Linux are operating system. Bendix is a manufacturing company.

Question 4

When the computer has to react within a guaranteed time to an input, which type of operating system is the best ?

  1. multi-tasking
  2. real-time processing
  3. batch processing


real-time processing

Reason — In real time OS, the jobs have fixed deadlines and the jobs have to be completed within their deadlines. For example, RT Linux.

Question 5

Which type of operating system allows multiple tasks to run at the same time, each taking turns using the resources of the computer ?

  1. real-time processing
  2. batch processing
  3. multi-tasking



Reason — A multitasking operating system has the ability to perform more than one task or operation at the same time. It allows multiple tasks to run at the same time, each taking turns using the resources of the computer.

Question 6

Which type of operating system will allow a number of users to use the same system at the same time ?

  1. multi-tasking
  2. multi-processing
  3. multi-user



Reason — A multi-user operating system is a computer system designed to be used simultaneously by more than one user.

Question 7

Which type of operating system would be the best choice to control the braking system on a car ?

  1. real-time processing
  2. multi-processing
  3. batch processing


real-time processing

Reason — Real-time processing operating systems would be the best choice for controlling the braking system on a car to ensure rapid and reliable response times ensuring passenger safety as real-time processing operating systems are designed to provide timely and predictable responses to events.

Question 8

Which type of operating system would be needed to allow the students in a class to read a file that the teacher also had open ?

  1. batch processing
  2. multi-user
  3. multi-tasking



Reason — A Multi-user operating system is designed to be used simultaneously by more than one user so it is the most appropriate choice for enabling students in a class to read a file that the teacher also has open.

Question 9

Which is the layer of a computer system between the hardware and the user program?

  1. Operating environment
  2. Operating system
  3. System environment
  4. None


Operating system

Reason — The operating system (OS) acts as an intermediary between the hardware components of a computer and the user programs that run on it.

Question 10

Which of the following is NOT a function of an operating system ?

  1. Managing the computer's resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers.
  2. Formatting a word document.
  3. Establishing a user interface.
  4. Executing and providing services for applications software.


Formatting a word document

Reason — Operating system is not responsible for formatting word documents or performing specific tasks related to user applications like word processing.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

An operating system manages

  1. Memory
  2. Processes
  3. Disks and I/O Devices
  4. All the above


All the above

Reason — An operating system manages a system's memory, processes and all the disks and I/O devices attached to the computer.

Question 2

Which is not the function of an operating system ?

  1. Memory management
  2. Disk management
  3. Application program management
  4. Virus protection


Virus protection

Reason — The functions of an operating system include memory management, disk management and application program management. Virus protection is the function of an antivirus software.

Question 3

In which of the following OS types, the response type is very crucial ?

  1. Unix operating system
  2. Real Time OS
  3. Time sharing OS
  4. Single user OS


Real Time OS

Reason — Real-time operating systems are designed to provide immediate and deterministic responses to specific events or tasks.

Question 4

The component program of an OS, which is responsible for interacting with user is called

  1. Interactive component
  2. User environment
  3. Operating environment


User environment

Reason — The User environment/interface is responsible for interacting with user.

Question 5

Explain what is meant by the term operating system.


An Operating System is a program which acts as an interface between a user and the hardware. It is an integrated set of programs that manages various resources and the overall operations of a computer system. It is designed to support the various activities of the computer system in a systematic way.

For example — Microsoft Windows, Linux, etc.

Question 6

Give five functions of an operating system.


The five functions of an operating system are:

  1. Processor Management — An operating system allocates the CPU to various running programs or applications.
  2. Memory Management — An operating system allocates memory to the running processes and de-allocates memory from the process, when it gets completed.
  3. File Management — An operating system governs the permanent storage and retrieval of data from/to an external storage device.
  4. Device Management — An operating system is responsible for proper handling of input and output devices.
  5. User Interface — An operating system establishes a standard means of communication between users and their computer systems.

Question 7

Explain the following terms :

(i) GUI

(ii) WIMP


(i) GUI — GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. GUI's are visual interfaces in which instead of typing in commands, the user can use a mouse to point and click objects on the screen. The main features of a GUI are Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers, which make these operating systems interactive in nature. Windows, MAC operating systems are GUI systems.

(ii) WIMP — The main features of a GUI are Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers often abbreviated as WIMP. WIMP has a graphical interface and allows access to user via mouse or track-pad / track-ball. WIMP operating systems require much more RAM compared to command line systems.

Question 8

Explain the difference between 'multi-programming' and 'multi-tasking'.


Multiprogramming switches between multiple programs to utilize the CPU effectively.Multitasking divides CPU time into slices and rapidly switches between tasks to give the illusion of concurrent execution.
In a multiprogramming system, when one program is waiting for I/O, the CPU can quickly switch to another program that is ready for execution.Multitasking divides the CPU time into small time slices or "time slots," and each task is given a share of CPU time during these slices.

Question 9

Explain briefly what a multi-user system is and how it works.


A multi-user system is a computer system or operating environment that allows multiple users to access and use the system simultaneously. In such systems, more than one user programs are loaded and active in the main store at the same time. These active programs are executed using some techniques one by one.

Question 10

Explain briefly what a multi-tasking system is and how it works.


A multitasking system is a computer system or operating environment that allows multiple tasks or processes to run concurrently on a single CPU. It works by swiftly switching the execution of programs or tasks in an interleaved manner, giving the illusion that they are running simultaneously.

Question 11

How are Multiprogramming OSs different from Multiprocessing OSs?


Multiprogramming OSMultiprocessing OS
Multiprogramming OS is designed to maximize CPU utilization on a single processor or CPU core.Multiprocessing OS is designed to take advantage of multiple processors or CPU cores present in a computer system.
Multiple programs are loaded into memory simultaneously, and the CPU switches between these programs to execute their instructions.Multiple programs or tasks can execute truly simultaneously on different CPUs or cores.
Overlapping of I/O and CPU operations enhances CPU utilization.Each CPU/core works independently.
At any given moment, only one program is actively executing on the CPU.True parallelism is achieved by executing multiple programs concurrently on separate CPUs.

Question 12

What is a Real Time Operating System? How is it different from other OSs in terms of processing ?


In real time operating system, the jobs have fixed deadlines and the jobs have to be completed within their deadlines. The system performance is measured by its ability to complete its jobs within the specified deadlines. Some examples are LynxOS, OSE, RT Linux etc.

A real-time operating system as to get the job done within a fixed time limit, which is not the case with the other operating systems.

Question 13

What does the term WIMP interface mean ?


A user interface that provides Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers is abbreviated as WIMP. It is a graphical interface and allows access to user via mouse or track-pad / track-ball.

Question 14

What is a mobile application ?


A mobile application is a type of application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer.

Question 15

What is a file system ? How is it useful ?


A file system is a part of operating system that is responsible for organizing and retrieving files from a storage device.

A file system is useful as it performs the following functions :

  1. Creating a structure on storage device to store files.
  2. Specifying file naming conventions, such as the maximum number of characters in a file name, which characters can be used and, in some systems, how long the file name suffix can be.
  3. Specifying format for specifying the path to a file through the structure of directories.
  4. Providing a way to access/retrieve stored files.

So, the user application when trying to access a file, interact with the File system component of operating system, which then interact with actual hardware i.e., the storage device and retrieves the asked file.

Question 16

Why do you need to install device driver every time you attach a new hardware device with your computer ?


Each hardware device installed on a computer requires a different type of device driver or hardware driver. The device driver provides specific instructions to the operating system in order for the hardware device to perform properly.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

Describe four tasks that are carried out by an operating system.


The four tasks that are carried out by an operating system are:

  1. Processor Management — The Processor management function of an OS allocates an important computer resource CPU to various running programs or applications. This function of an OS prepares, schedules, controls, and monitors jobs or processes submitted for execution to ensure the most efficient processing.
  2. Memory Management — The memory management function allocates memory to the running processes and de-allocates memory from the process, when it gets completed.
  3. Device Managementt — This function of an operating system is responsible for proper handling of input and output devices. This function ensures smooth reading of data from the input devices and sending the data to correct output devices.
  4. User Interface — The OS establishes a standard means of communication between users and their computer systems. It does this by providing a user interface and a standard set of commands that control the hardware.

Question 2

(a) The operating system of modern computers has progressed from a command-driven system to a graphical user interface (GUI). Describe three advantages to the user of using a graphical user interface rather than a command-driven system.

(b) 'The operating system is the software heart to the machine.' Give a detailed explanation of what the operating system of a modern PC does.

(c) Define the term 'operating environment'.

(d) Define the term 'user interface', giving examples.


(a) Three advantages of using a graphical user interface rather than a command-driven system are:

  1. GUIs are very easy to learn and use making them extremely user friendly.
  2. User does not need prior computer skills or knowledge to perform operations through GUI.
  3. GUIs are visually appealing and provide immediate feedback, helping users understand the impact of their interactions.

(b) The operating system (OS) of a modern PC is a fundamental software component that acts as the bridge between the hardware and the user. It plays a crucial role in managing and coordinating all the resources and functionalities of the computer system. It manages hardware resources, runs and coordinates software applications, provides user interfaces, ensures system security, and enables networking capabilities. The main functions of the operating system of a modern PC are:

  1. Processor Management — The Processor management function of an OS allocates an important computer resource CPU to various running programs or applications. This function of an OS prepares, schedules, controls, and monitors jobs or processes submitted for execution to ensure the most efficient processing.
  2. Memory Management — The memory management function allocates memory to the running processes and de-allocates memory from the process, when it gets completed.
  3. Device Management — This function of an operating system is responsible for proper handling of input and output devices. This function ensures smooth reading of data from the input devices and sending the data to correct output devices.
  4. File Management — An operating system governs the permanent storage and retrieval of data from/to an external storage device.
  5. User Interface — The OS establishes a standard means of communication between users and their computer systems. It does this by providing a user interface and a standard set of commands that control the hardware.

(c) Operating environment refers to the specific conditions and factors in which a computer system operates. It includes things like the type of computer, operating system, network setup, and user interactions that can affect how the software functions. Understanding the operating environment helps ensure that the software works well and meets its requirements in that particular context.

(d) A user interface (UI) is a means through which a user interacts with a computer system. It serves as a bridge between the user and the underlying technology, allowing users to communicate their intentions and receive feedback from the system in a human-readable and intuitive way.
Some examples of user interfaces are:

  1. Command-Line Interface (CLI) — Unix, DOS.
  2. Graphical User Interface (GUI) — Windows, MAC OS
  3. Touchscreen Interface — Android, iOS.

Question 3

An operating system is a type of computer software.

(a) Give four tasks that are carried out by all operating systems.

(b) Describe one additional task that a multi-tasking operating system would be able to carry out

(c) Describe one additional task that a multi-user operating system would be able to carry out.


(a) The four tasks that are carried out by an operating system are:

  1. Processor Management — The Processor management function of an OS allocates an important computer resource CPU to various running programs or applications. This function of an OS prepares, schedules, controls, and monitors jobs or processes submitted for execution to ensure the most efficient processing.
  2. Memory Management — The memory management function allocates memory to the running processes and de-allocates memory from the process, when it gets completed.
  3. Device Management — This function of an operating system is responsible for proper handling of input and output devices. This function ensures smooth reading of data from the input devices and sending the data to correct output devices.
  4. User Interface — The OS establishes a standard means of communication between users and their computer systems. It does this by providing a user interface and a standard set of commands that control the hardware.

(b) Multi-tasking operating systems can handle the execution of multiple processes concurrently, often on a single CPU core. Task scheduling is a crucial function that decides which process gets CPU time and for how long. The OS uses scheduling algorithms to switch between processes rapidly, giving an illusion of simultaneous execution to the user.

(c) Multi-user operating systems support multiple user accounts, and one of their essential tasks is to authenticate users during login. After successful authentication, the OS enforces access control, determining which resources each user is allowed to access and what level of permissions they have. This ensures data security and privacy, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information and system settings.

Question 4

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are found on many computers' operating systems.

(a) Why do computers need a user interface ?

(b) Give one input device, other than a keyboard, that can be used with a graphical user interface.

(c) Give four features of a graphical user interface.


(a) A user interface provides a way in which an operating system interacts with its users. A user interface makes computers accessible, user-friendly, and efficient. They enable users to interact with computers in a more natural and intuitive way, facilitating a wide range of tasks and applications for various types of users.

(b) Mouse is used with a graphical user interface to point, click, drag, and interact with graphical elements on the screen, making it a fundamental input device for GUI-based systems.

(c) The four features of a graphical user interface are as follows: —

  1. Windows — one can move around the screen
  2. Icons — one can click on to load programs and files
  3. Menus — offer options to choose from
  4. Pointers — one can move around the screen.