Types of Software


Types of Software

Objective Type Questions

Question 1

The programs designed to govern the computer hardware system are called the ............... .


The programs designed to govern the computer hardware system are called the System software.

Question 2

Software designed for a specific application such as pay calculations, processing of examination result etc. are known as ............... .


Software designed for a specific application such as pay calculations, processing of examination result etc. are known as Application software.

Question 3

In computer terminology, a compiler means

  1. a person who computes source programs
  2. the same thing as a programmer
  3. a key puncher operator
  4. a program which translates high level language program to machine language


a program which translates high level language program to machine language

Reason — In computer terminology, a compiler means a program which translates high level language program to machine language

Question 4

The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to

  1. command resources
  2. be user friendly
  3. provide utilities
  4. all the above


all the above

Reason — The primary goal of an operating system is to make the computer system convenient to use and secondary goal is to use computer hardware in an efficient manner.

Question 5

The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and

  1. hardware
  2. peripheral
  3. memory
  4. screen



Reason — The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and hardware.

Question 6

The term "operating system" refers to

  1. a set of programs which controls computer working
  2. the way a computer operator works
  3. conversion of high level language into machine code
  4. the way a floppy disk drive operates


a set of programs which controls computer working

Reason — An operating system is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources, provide services to software applications, and act as an intermediary between hardware and software, ensuring proper execution and functioning of the computer.

Question 7

Operating System is

  1. a collection of hardware components
  2. a collection of input-output devices
  3. a collection of software routines
  4. all of the above


a collection of software routines

Reason — An operating system is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources, provide services to software applications, and act as an intermediary between hardware and software, ensuring proper execution and functioning of the computer.

Question 8

Operating System

  1. links a program with the subroutines it references
  2. provides a layered, user-friendly interface
  3. enables the programmer to draw a flowchart
  4. all the above


provides a layered, user-friendly interface

Reason — An Operating System is a program, which acts as an intermediary between a user and the hardware by providing a layered, user-friendly interface.

Question 9

Which of the following is an example of computer software?

  1. Impact printer
  2. Console
  3. Payroll package
  4. OCR


Payroll package

Reason — Payroll package is an example of computer software.

Question 10

Which type of software is designed to perform specific personal, business, or scientific processing tasks ?

  1. System
  2. Applications
  3. GUI
  4. Compiler



Reason — Application Software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application.

Question 11

Which software takes control of computer system on startup ?

  1. Compiler
  2. Operating system
  3. Application software
  4. All of these


Operating system

Reason — Operating system takes control of computer system on startup.

Theoretical Questions

Question 1

Differentiate between hardware and software.


It is required to store and run a software.It refers to the programs that enable a computer to perform specific tasks.
Hardware starts functioning once a software is loaded.Software is installed on the hardware to deliver its set of instructions.
Hardware is physical in nature.Software is logical in nature.
There are more chances of failure in hardware devices.Software does not have a failure rate and hence, is more reliable.
Hardware components can be seen and touched.Software can be viewed at the time of execution/loading.

Question 2

How can computer software be classified ?


A computer software can be classified broadly into two categories:

  1. System Software — System software refers to the programs that control internal computer operations and make best use of the hardware. For example, operating system, language translators etc.
  2. Application Software — Application Software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application. For example, word processing software, spreadsheet software etc.

Question 3

What are two categories of system software ?


The two categories of system software are :

  1. Operating System — An operating system is a program which acts as an interface between a user and the hardware. For example, Windows 11, Linux etc.
  2. Language processor — This program is responsible for converting an HLL code (High Level Language Code) into machine understandable code. For example, compiler, interpreter.

Question 4

What is an operating system ? What is its role ?


An operating system is a program which acts as an interface between a user and the hardware. For example, Windows 11, Linux etc.

An operating system performs mainly following tasks :

  1. Provides user Interface
  2. Controls hardware
  3. Assigns Memory
  4. Handles applications
  5. Handles/Manages devices.

Question 5

Give examples of

(i) OS

(ii) language processors


(i) OS — Windows 11, Linux, Mac, etc.

(ii) Language processors — assembler, interpreter, compiler

Question 6

What is application software? What are the three categories of applications software ?


Application Software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application.

The three categories of applications software are:

  1. General Purpose Application Software.
  2. Specific Purpose Application Software.
  3. Customised Software / Bespoke Software.

Question 7

What is system software ? What role does it play in the functioning of the computer ?


System software refers to the programs that control internal computer operations and make best use of the hardware. For example, operating system, language translators etc.

A system software is responsible for reading data from input devices, transmitting processed information to the output devices, checking system components, converting data/instructions to computer understandable form etc. Thus, it is responsible for the smooth functioning of the computer system and efficient utilisation of computer resources.

Question 8

Write short notes on the following :

(i) word processor

(ii) electronic spreadsheet

(iii) DBMS

(iv) presentation software


(i) Word Processor — A word processor is an application program that allows entering, editing, formatting and printing text. We can use a word processor to create almost any kind of document be it a term paper, business letter, thesis work, memos, legal document, newsletter, reports and even a book. For example, Microsoft Word, Wordperfect, etc.

(ii) Electronic Spreadsheet — An Electronic Spread-sheet is a program that accepts data in a tabular form and allows users to manipulate / calculate / analyze data in the desired manner. Spreadsheets also allow visualisation of data through graphs and charts. For example, Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc etc.

(iii) DBMS — A Database Management System or DBMS is a software application that enables users to efficiently store, organize, manage, and retrieve data in a structured manner. It is like a big digital filing cabinet where data is kept in neat tables and rows. A DBMS provides the necessary tools to create and manipulate data in the database. For example, Microsoft Access, Oracle, etc.

(iv) Presentation Software — The software that can create professional looking visual aids is called Presentation Graphic Software. Presentation graphics software provides predefined backgrounds and sample page layouts to assist in the creation of computer-driven slide shows. For example, Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote etc.

Question 9

Discuss the role of utility software in the context of computer performance.


Utilities are those application programs that assist the computer by performing housekeeping functions like backing up disk or scanning / cleaning viruses or arranging information etc.

Utilities bridge the gaps by helping to solve the problems and maximize our computer's potential. Some important utilities are as follows:

  1. Text Editor — This utility program is used for creating, editing text files.
  2. Backup Utility — This utility program facilitates the backing-up of disk so that in case of any damage or data-loss, this backed up data may be used.
  3. Compression Utility — This utility program facilitates compression of files. Large files can be compressed so that they take less storage area.
  4. Disk Defragmentor — This program speeds up disk access by rearranging the files and free space on our computer, so that files are stored in contiguous units and free space is consolidated in one contiguous block.
  5. Antivirus Software — This utility program ensures virus-free work environment. It scans our disk for viruses and removes them, if any virus is found. Moreover, some antivirus software remains present in memory all the time so that they can detect the viruses and counterattack them.

Question 10

What is a computer virus ? How can it affect your computer ?


A computer virus is a computer program that can infect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a copy of itself.

Viruses can alter, corrupt and delete files, freeze the computer, flash unknown or unasked messages or display unwanted graphics on the computer screen, play unwanted music and interfere with the computer operation.

Question 11

Why are antivirus software considered important?


An antivirus software is considered important because it scans our disk for viruses and removes them, if any virus is found. Moreover, some antivirus software remains present in memory all the time so that they can detect the viruses and counterattack them.

Question 12

What is the importance of application software?


An application software pertains to one specific application. It allows users to perform specific tasks in an easy and efficient way. System software cannot carry out the routine jobs performed by a user which the application software can easily do.

Question 13

How is utility software important ?


Utilities are important because of the following reasons:

  1. Utility software ensure the smooth functioning of the computer.
  2. They bridge the gaps by helping to solve the problems and maximize our computer's potential.
  3. Utility softwares backup data, remove outdated files, recover accidentally deleted files, find and arrange the needed information, do housekeeping functions, protect against viruses, etc.

Question 14

What is encryption and decryption ?


The conversion of readable data into an unreadable form that cannot be understood by anyone except authorized parties is termed as encryption.
The conversion of encrypted data into its readable original form using the correct key is termed as decryption.

Question 15

Define ciphertext.


Ciphertext is a term used to refer to altered data (using an algorithm) so as to make the data unintelligible to unauthorized users.

Question 16

What is the role of a virus scanner ?


A virus scanner scans our disk for viruses and removes them, if any virus is found. Moreover, some antivirus software remains present in memory all the time so that they can detect the viruses and counterattack them.

Question 17

How is a file management software useful ?


File Management Software is a program to organize and keep track of files. It lets us create a new file, edit an existing file, and save a file. It even lets us manage files with the ability to group them into folders. It maintains a hierarchical file system that uses directories/folders to organize files into a tree structure.

Question 18

What is Bespoke Software ? What are its advantages and disadvantages ?


Bespoke software is a tailor-made software according to a user's requirements. This type of software is developed to meet all the requirements specified by the user. Such a software is customized according to the users' needs.

The advantages of bespoke software are:

  1. The company will get the exact software/system that they need.
  2. The software will work exactly how they want it to work.
  3. The software will only have the features that they specifically need in their business.

The disadvantages of bespoke software are:

  1. It takes a long time to develop such a system, between a few months to years.
  2. It costs a great deal of money to develop such a system.
  3. The company may need to employ a team of people such as business analysts, programmers, testers etc.
  4. There will be little in the way of user support and online help.
  5. These cannot be directly installed at other user's workplace as the requirements may wary.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1

Describe four tasks that are carried out by an operating system.


The four tasks that are carried out by an operating system are:

  1. Processor Management — The management of CPU by the operating system is known as processor management.
  2. Memory Management — The operating system allocates memory to a program for execution and de-allocates it when the program finishes executing.
  3. File System Management — The Operating System organizes and manages data on storage devices, creating, reading, writing, and deleting files, and handling directories and permissions.
  4. Device Management — The operating system keeps track of all the devices, enables and controls the input-output (I/O) devices attached to a computer system.

Question 2

Complete the sentences using words from this list:

  • the applications software
  • a dialogue box
  • an icon
  • the keyboard
  • the operating system

(i) When a computer is turned on, the first program to run is ............... .

(ii) Software that designs the pamphlets, brochures etc is an example of ............... .


(i) When a computer is turned on, the first program to run is the operating system.

(ii) Software that designs the pamphlets, brochures etc. is an example of the applications software.

Question 3

John's new computer has a Linux operating system.

(a) List one task carried out by the operating system.

(b) John wants to protect his computer from viruses. Which type of software can serve his purpose ?


(a) Memory Management — The operating system allocates memory to a program for execution and de-allocates it when the program finishes executing.

(b) Antivirus software.

Question 4

The operating system of a computer is :

  1. Hardware which helps to manage the computer system
  2. Software which helps to manage the computer system
  3. Hardware which creates programs for use by the computer system
  4. Software which creates programs for use by the computer system


Software which helps to manage the computer system

Reason — An operating system is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources, provide services to software applications, and act as an intermediary between hardware and software, ensuring proper execution and functioning of the computer.

Question 5

Name the Software that performs system tasks other than that of operating system.


Utility software.

Question 6

A company provides on-line training courses.

(a) Give one use for each of the following to help the company run these courses :

(i) Spreadsheet package

(ii) Database package

(iii) Accounting package

(iv) Word processing package

(b) A leaflet designed using word processing software to advertise a course is currently too big to fit on a single printed page. What features of the word processing software could be used to alter the design so that it does fit on one page ?


(a) Use of software packages for online training courses:

(i) Spreadsheet package — The company can use a spreadsheet package to manage and analyze data related to course registrations, student progress, and assessment scores. It can create grade books, attendance records, and financial projections for the courses.

(ii) Database package — With a database package, the company can organize and store information about students, instructors, course content, and other relevant data. It can efficiently retrieve and update records, track student progress, and generate reports.

(iii) Accounting package — An accounting package can help the company manage its financial transactions, track revenue and expenses from the courses, handle invoicing, and create financial reports for budgeting and analysis.

(iv) Word processing package — The company can use a word processing package to create and edit course materials, such as lesson plans, training manuals, and promotional materials like brochures and flyers.

(b) The following features of Word processing software can be used to adjust the design and fit the leaflet on a single printed page:

  1. Page Margins — Adjusting the margins can create more space on the page, allowing more content to fit within the available area.
  2. Font Size and Formatting — Reducing the font size or adjusting the text formatting (e.g., line spacing, character spacing) can make the text more compact, freeing up space.
  3. Paragraph and Text Alignment — Changing the alignment of paragraphs and text can improve space utilization and overall layout.
  4. Image Size and Placement — Resizing images and adjusting their placement can help optimize the use of space on the leaflet.

Question 7

(a) Give the name of the operating system that you use at school or at home.

(b) Write down two tasks that your operating system performs.

(c) Where in the computer is the operating system normally stored when the power to the computer is off ?


(a) Microsoft Windows.

(b) Two tasks performed by the operating system are:

  1. Memory Management — The operating system allocates memory to a program for execution and de-allocates it when the program finishes executing.
  2. Device Management — The operating system keeps track of all the devices, enables and controls the input-output (I/O) devices attached to a computer system.

(c) The operating system is normally stored on a secondary storage device such as a hard disk drive (HDD) when the power to the computer is off.

Question 8

Below is a list of various types of software :

Database, File Management, Spread sheet, Word Processing, Encryption, Antivirus

Which would be most suitable for :

(i) Rotation of Shapes

(ii) Typing text for a report

(iii) Replication of cells

(iv) Carrying out complex calculations on two or more criteria

(v) Storing employees' details

(vi) Organizing files for faster search

(vii) Scanning and cleaning a computer for harmful files


(i) Rotation of Shapes — Word Processing

(ii) Typing text for a report — Word Processing

(iii) Replication of cells — Spread sheet

(iv) Carrying out complex calculations on two or more criteria — Spread sheet

(v) Storing employees' details — Database

(vi) Organizing files for faster search — File Management

(vii) Scanning and cleaning a computer for harmful files — Antivirus